Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - "Currency" - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (2025)


Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - "Currency" - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (1)[...]COMMONWEALTH BANK OF AUSTRALIA
A Dust-Up In Old Records[...]nch Procedures Committee
STEEL INDUSTRY[...]ED URES" is a term which at the various Branches, and when account was
BOOKS F[...]out the Bank, and many of the staff wil l be[...]Sub- organisation.
A FAMOUS BANKER[...]st to know and systems. Two Sub-Committees were formed[...]had caused the Bank considerable concern, and[...]in its various activi ties and to recommend ways with Mr[...]ns of coping wi th the upward spiral. were appointed to this Sub-Committee, and the
INDUSTRIAL SCHOLARSHIPS[...]Commonwealth Bank Officers' Association, at the[...]output between branches of simi lar size and in th[...]16 conducting a similar type of business, due to that work should c[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - "Currency" - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (2)[...]ime was carefully utilised. By culations were based on the output of an
the Sub-Committee.[...]utting down
investigations throughout the Service were public. That is to say, eight fixed[...]In achieving these results the staff were not mendations on staff requirements were made .
through the Branch was made, and the wor[...]sation were applied, and as a result a st aff[...]Branches. In addition the weekly hours of th e

A new development that[...]staff were reduced below those previously[...]he new machine, which dispenses currency will deliver currency just about as fast as ments to the previous principles of Branch
in neat, rolled packages, is one of several experi- customers can line up at the window."[...]ion unit in the system is a packaging followed.
invented by the bank's president, Hiland B.[...]machine that will roll a stack of bills and wrap
Noyes, and his el[...]them in a marked wrapper, all in one-tenth of a[...]thus an important factor in the success of the[...]The manc,factured models of the machine were Branch, and six selected Branches were th en
is also equipped with protective and warn[...]ent, The methods and procedures were discusse~
The machine operates in conjunction with an[...]is created, o::,eration in banks and many businesses . We When this trial is successfully conc[...]amou11t of currency is dispensed are tremendously interested in the possibilities blocks of Branches will be selected to revie~
automatically.[...]lion in staff may affect the classification siatus[...]· of a Branch, but in discussions with the Ma~·[...]agers of the various Branches referred 10 .'~[...]assurance that such will not be the case. Class•·[...]hat deliters notes rolled business of Branches and therefore it will not be
and banded in any amount up to 300 d[...]record,·r. ( From "'lJurro11 1 • C P ,ring /louse" J re-organisation.[...]

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - "Currency" - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (3)[...]Branch closed down at noon on the Wednesday.[...]he staff At times all hands in the office were neces-
of th e Showground Branch to i[...]make a good teller!
Alf Stephens and his boys were hard pressed In One Easy Lesson[...]- keeping supplies up was a task in itself.
fusion of settling in- assisting the two tellers,[...]It was rumoured at one busy stage that a
Jack Hann[...]facturer's Hall . They were heard discussing in
with pipe-cleane[...]promptly proceeds to make a withdrawal from[...]J 1" glimpses of Alf Ste- he ate were the same thing. "Fried rice and enqu[...]phens - the " Human prawns" and "sweet and sour" were all the She coyly asks for two[...]appeared in the office one same to busy bank-clerks. silver[...]Having been three times to his cash drawer
ished in the direction of the Manufacturer's Hall welcome addition to the cash-handling crew as and stamped and initialled various things for a
at a fast gallop . Slicka denies the story that he Friday, Saturday and Monday were busy days net result of nil , teller pres[...]se-say "Where's and the tellers' boxes were pi led high with transactions has now[...]in . Mrs. N. 0. Hoper next pushes out of the
Slicka displayed great interest[...]ion of a coin- book the 5/ - silver she has just received, and
e rator, but was disappointed to learn that a sorting machine for the benefit of busy side-show with the 10/ - note and 5/- silve[...]she is back where she started
He kept an anxious eye on the tellers and
only relaxed after the cas[...]Inspector and other members of the Barik were Now comes the anti-climax .
Suspense A/ c. or Surplus Cash A/ c. welcome. Ex-pupils of IC;ini;(s Cross w11re seen[...]nefit of future pupils the instructors
Accountant were kept busy with invitations[...]practices
issued and received . Mr. Nance's previous ex- such as the deposit 9f a sugar bag fu[...]she is in. But taking a firm grip on himself,
Business was slack at first and Slicka was able[...]to nominate the amount of the
theatrette to see "Willy the Wombat", but came[...]"Sixpence" l
Cassidyl" -Mr. Bill (Welfare) Land please note.[...]" Ah well, every mickle makes a muck-up; and it
varied his ledge rkeeping with[...]makes good figures for the S.B. Stat. Register.[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - "Currency" - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (4)[...]Th is incre ase s productivity and
Part I. - - Industrial 4pplications operation and using mechanical aids where decrea se[...]s been completed
BOUT the time of the Industria l Revolu-[...]reducing producti o n cost and thus achieving the study is undertaken, to measure[...]peration. It pro-
for his guns instead of making custom-built[...]roducts. This data,
of mass-production methods as we know them[...]tion of waste movements is well illustrated by
today.[...]emes .
years later, when the era of scientific industrial[...]g away from machine improve- every man used a different method to achieve
the same result . By using the best features of all the same extent as[...]industrial concerns.[...]rained a bricklaying
tion as it is known today, were taken a bout[...]cognised today as th e fa the r o f by industrial is ts, th e y se t up a research that the output of work by office personnel may
scie ntifi c industria l manage ment. laboratory in w[...]ice to clients
Taylor was promoted foreman because of principles w ide ly used today, or the public at less cost to the business or
his ability to produce more than his fellow There were many other persons in the field establi[...]this by applying method of scientific industrial management towards the The following illustration will demonstrate the
to his work so that the greatest[...]luding Thompson , application of the various principles to a factory
be attained with the leas[...]um of time. Rowell and Halsey in England. These people[...]ant of effort, unless this is done subconsciously.
Two other pioneers in this field were Frank layout, stores control, etc. Its ob[...]o rker o f
B. Gilbreth and his wife Lilian . They were increase efficiency by the application[...]ecreased. Work simplification thus becomes the respon-
Motion economy is the a[...]From the foregoing, it will be realised that sibi lity of management,[...]ost sure to
ope ration as a standard lo be followe d in duction layout have an importa[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - "Currency" - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (5)[...]The continuity of work must also be con-[...].
To achieve reduction in fatigue, attention must
be paid, first of all, to the relationship in t[...]sidered, because the gain in efficiency may not[...]warrant the cost of a meticulous study. T ASMANIA now has a mob[...]Thus the greatest scope for the application Thi[...]the work to another; therefore, each industries engaged in the manufacture of stan- windows, the bank is mounted on a powerful
section should be placed as advantageously as dardised products. Routine and rep[...]that the final assembly stage can be used, but written instructions are better, of v[...]is advisable to record the old method It owes its inception to the enterprise of The
the pa[...]ntrast the advant- English, Scottish, and Australian Bank Ltd.
ment.[...]of the new.
The same principle should be followed in the The supervisor should be fully[...]neer will be able to draw on the operator's[...]The cheque is in the usual form, but attached[...]s. End flaps tuck
adopt the sitting position, because it is less maton to perform movements[...]in to make a complete envelope in which an
fatiguing in most[...]with the cheque.
temperature, dust and noise are also important Recentl[...]s to be considered in planning to achieve useful in the field of motion study. It is[...]oductivity . The introduction pa·rticularly useful where individual movements pletely det[...]positing and filing with
of chairs that may be adjusted to requ ired are too fast for comp[...]ordinary type.
heights to give ease of posture is usually worth A film can be taken at normal w[...]reduced speed, thus enabl ing close study to be "Th e Son[...]obvious. ==[...]operative having been
determined, attention is focused on the vario·Js
motions necess.ary to perform[...]forming
necessary motions with the least fatigue must be
discovered. Consideration must be paid to the
location of tools, accessibility[...]se to the
next stage of production.
Attention must also be given to using the
fingers, hands, arms, feet, etc., in the l[...]Careful study may reveal that the employee
should use both hands at the same time. The
use of the feet can also eliminate unnece ssary
actions by the hands, or may be advantageous
in conj unction with hand movements.
The ex[...]by the type of work performed. In a heavy
industry where the operational cycle is of
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - "Currency" - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (6)[...]it their duty to make exhibitions of themselves
Old Records[...]to amuse a not very interested citizenry with a[...]brained" than usual .
destruction .
A re cord of the case numbe[...]More ex tensive use of the cramping press is[...]round the busy hour of 11 o'clock and run for[...]paper around your weekend meat may well have[...]no mad rush for the doors , or wild display of[...]Department of Sydney Office will gather from[...]with both of them in the custody of a constable

![...]Assistant Manager Husband had the task of

When is a Che(1ue not[...]ad one

T HERE are, of course , a number of answers
to the above question ; but one not ofte[...]The facts of the case were that the holder[...]or some innocent bystander might well have
thought of was given in a recent case, Col[...]quently refused payment and the third party[...]sued the drawer on the che que .[...]were still failing to convince the arresting con-
ex[...]stable they were not public nuisances.[...]the drawer failed.[...]

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - "Currency" - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (7)[...]electric shovel into
carriers of 10,000 tons deadweight is in hand. 28-tor, c111,acity m[...]o. in 1940 and is the largest and
most modern in Australia . To date , 21 vessels in commi[...]ich are the biggest yet year.
built in Australia . Here again, expansion is still[...]ite, driving
proceeding. A new marine gear annexe will of piles , and placing of found[...]aring to be cut at the strip mill is well advanced . Erection of the
yard, and it is ulti[...]ering plant, capable of of the warehouse has been completed.
building all the necessary p[...]chinery Completion of this project will make Port
for Whyalla-built ships.[...]Other extensions having the industry's atten-
Kembla Works of Australian Iron & Steel Ltd., a tion are t[...]stle
Ltd. This is the focal point of the steel industry's
development at the moment.[...]and the establishment of a wire mill at Geelong Steel Plant for Western[...]onstruction programme is Australia
• Port Kembla in line with the industry's policy which has
The scheme provides for[...]agreement with the Government of Western
rolling one million Ions of flat rolled pro[...]Australia on the establishment of a steel -milling
y[...]The plant will mill steel shipped from the
major steel product not as yet made in A new Swedish invention , a dial -board auto- company's Newcastle works and will also pro-
Australia.[...]duce pig-iron using Western Australian ore. The[...]matic telephone providing a two-way wireless
The Port Kembla Works' present annual ste[...]em, has annual output of th e steel plant will be 50,000
ingot capacity is 750,000 tons, and t[...]is now tons and new je tti es and wharves will be built
the additional steel required to feed the hot in use in motor-cars in Stockholm. The new at Cockburn Sound for the industry. Furnace
and cold strip mi ll, it is first ne[...]is claimed to be th e first all -automati c gas will be obtained from the Anglo-Iranian Oil
this cap[...]proposed refinery at Kwinana .
This, in turn, will increase the Australian steel
industry's annual capacity to two and one quarter
mill[...]AUSTRALIAN BANKING - central[...]xchange and international trade.
Despite manpower and mate rials difficu lties,[...], price 21 / ·. Our cop y The Commonwealth Bills of Exchange Act is
substantial progress[...]- -o- -
pletion , and this unit will go into operation in HE young bank offi[...]cope of
and the fir st open hearth stee l furnace will be his immediate duties could scarcely find a book By R. Keith Yorston, B.Com.,F.C.A. (Aust.) ,[...]and S. R. Brown, L.L.B., F.C.A. (Aust.) .-
S.S. Iron l).,rb}, one of four l ,:»00-1011 comprehensive survey of Australian banking. The Law[...]HIS little book can be very well recom-
in A11stralin. first things first in a logical pattern that makes mended to junior bank officer[...]n panion work to Gifford and Wood's "Australian[...]methods, and economics of Australian banking . phrased and easil[...]their various d e partments. It includes chapters l[...]accountant, the security should be useful , there fore , to new junior[...]reader to kee p a small se t of books and make[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - "Currency" - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (8)[...]r account.
for what are now free services to its customers to B. & S. Dept.[...]siderab le number of man-hours but also causes
rather severe wear and tear on forms B. & S. 115,
lost Passbook[...]an account is closed and the Balance wo rks well in smaller branches, appears to be W.D[...]London?
Customer. When Balance is[...]ANSWER :-Yes. When Ex·
less than £10-no charge.[...]involved were comparatively
charge of 20/- per cent. (c)[...]is over £200 (varying according The obvious answer seems to be to have forms funds, they woul[...]Under Exchange Control, the private banks
ANSWER : -lost Passboo ks.-While as a matter other suggestion I have to make is the adoption[...]transact their overseas business as agents of the
of policy the Savings Bank[...]Commonwealth Bank and, as far as transactions
charges (see Question 2) consideration has been that in use by the Dept. of Social Services for[...]its position with the Commonwealth Bank at the
for replacement of a lost passboo[...]ost cases to the depositor's lack of care. ANSWER :-Bonds and Stock C/ 1. 1/ 108 pro- par[...]filing of forms B. & S. 115 in Savings its customers and sold £Elm. to its customers,
the matter will again be considered. Bank A/ c.[...]ndicates that it emanates from a large Commonwealth Bank. On the other hand , if a
(2) Dece as[...]by buying sterling from the Commonwealth
Without a full knowledge of the position we
difficult to justify a charge in connection there-[...]cannot attempt to give a general answer for
with. The finalising of an account under suc[...]chases and sales with us during the month,[...]ferable if the matter were made the subject of
Bank accepts when the accou[...]ed there should be a charge for closing an Use of stencils, other than at the larger
account in[...]. Such a practice capitals, would not be justified on account of
would undoubtedly antagonise[...]inoperative which are imported and involve use of sterling
accounts being left with the Bank.[...]Bank ser-
vices which are costly and could quite justifiably[...]orporated body holding W. I.P .:-A customer at 10 a.m. requests a
the issue of a Bank Ch[...]Commonwealth Government Inscribed Stock goes stat[...]nt and Certificate of Balance
withdrawal- this, however, at times suits the[...]quidation- to close of business the previous day. On
Bank. Other items are transfers of accoun[...]it necessary to have Form 18-Request for perusal of the statement he notices that a cheque[...]has been posted under the previous day's date
and agencies, acceptance of dividends[...]Circular 552, para. 9, are we obliged to delete[...]of the Inscribed Stock Act 1911-46?
business renders it advisable to eliminate special[...]t be opened? ANSWER :-The cheque should be dishonoured[...]ANSWER: - 9 o[...]to Circular No. 552. In such
O.D.D.:-Please let us have your name and[...]circumstances the cheque should be marked[...]"Cancelled in error" and answered "Payment
address for personal reply to[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - "Currency" - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (9)[...]ly by the party opening the account, £50 sustenance to Italy, need Bran ches of the ANSWER :-Savings Bank men are included in
do you consider that the signature of this person Commonwealth Bank forward a copy of Form Al the K[...]ANSWER :-Exchange Control Form A 1 should
ANSWER :-There is no objection to the pass-[...]m for Banks No. 179 (Exchange WEEKLY STATISTICS[...]l force to our own branches as to the Trad - "Weekly Statistics" on Weekly Statement C.B .43?
EXCHANGE[...]generally to "Banks" in Exchange ANSWER: -The Bank, und e r the Common -
South Wales, Sy[...]trol Memoranda for Banks, and in the Hand- wealth Bank Act 1945, is required to submit
exchange[...]ithin the State book, are directed to Commonwealth Bank a weekly statement of debits to Customers' A/ cs .
of N.S.W." is negotiated at a Commonwealth branches as well as the other banks appointed as to the Commonwealth Statistician. The figures
Bank branch outside the metropolitan area, in Agents of the Commonwealth Bank for Exchange are a measure of business activity .
which centre there is no Bank of[...]PRINTER:-Hours of duty at the Note Printing
ANSWER :-As the Bank of New South Wales N.[...]uncrossed Branch are governed by an Industrial Agreement
is not represented at the point of[...]cheque payable to a company, for exampl e between the Printing Industry Employees' Union
exchange should be charged. "The Western Building Co.", presented by- of Australia, the Federated Publi c Service Assist-[...]company; ants' Association of Australia , and the Bank.
- -o- -[...]s where officers are unfortunate
lodged by the drawer at[...]ANSWER:-lf an officer's[...]h a nature
proceeds are subsequently
credited to Suspense Ac-[...]prepared to consider an ap•
has already been used In[...]ANSWER:-A paying bank's primary duty in medic[...]all cases is to obey the mandate of its customer. - -o- -
slip C.B .9 i[...]cheque in the presenter, the answer to both
questions would be in the negative .
ANSWER:-ln such a transaction the collect- If[...]C.:-Remittances received from overseas
for the drawer and would be entitled to obtain pay to the person presenting the cheque and marked "Advise and pay on identification and
a discharg[...]suspicion connected with the presentation which[...]52 where
be an effective discharge to the Bank. However, such special circumstances of suspicion are pre- Favouree d ecid es to open a n[...]ece ipt under the Stamp Duties Act of all However, with cheques for substantial amounts ANSWER :-Yes. The charge is payable in all
States except We stern Australia . The liability to where the presenter is[...]ment would, in ance and demeanor raise a suspicion that he is the favouree seeking direc[...]rcumstances, be not likely to have been entrusted with a docu- of the funds. However, if the transaction were
greate r than that upon a cheque, for in[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - "Currency" - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (10)[...]AD-SC-2

thus aroused, he organised the skippers of his[...].
At the same time he joined his brother William
in founding a society to improve the mo[...]OST of us in the course of our more[...]or less lawfu l vocations use words that
establishing Sunday Schools thro[...]school society, and we would not use in general company,
An idea list, he be[...]promoting the South Australian Banking and all of us, it seems safe to say, use words
be united to religion to spread the t[...]also helped meanings and origins we are completely un -
enlist general support f[...]ion through the Austra lia .
med ium of Commercial, Scientific a[...]agership of South Australia and look after the Germa n[...]rives from the fact that when
the family business had been handed over[...]d "Moneta", meaning "The
conceived by a cousin, Thoma s Joplin .[...]l his interests in the Money thus means literally "warning"-whi ch
National Pr[...]land boom in South Austra lia burst in 1847 he The[...]rat ion he sent out his e ldest son, we gained mint as the modern word for the
it wa[...]Sou th Aust ralia wh ile he endeavoured to realise Latin word, "c11neus", meaning a wedge, as
Angas's suppo rt of the pro ject i[...]in earlier times the die used fo r stamping
tive years never wavered, an[...]re he was able to money was wedge-shaped.
involvment in the hazardous bus iness of estab- se ll[...]e situation in the As to the various denominations of coin,
lishing a co lony in South Austra lia absorbed most colo[...]pound stems from the Latin "pondo", weight,
of his time and fortune, he contributed as a pay back what they owed him, and young J ohn through t[...]Angas began to see a return fo r the stre nuous pound weight (12 oz.) of pure silver 240 silver
power.[...]and catt le industries in[...]1111111m1111111111i weig ht of silver were first struck.
in the plan pro•[...]divide. In its
ony of free men in South Australia . Wakefield was e[...]le still in jail in Australian venture had undermined his[...]orthing",
a scheme fo r colonising South Australia this wa[...]In ancient times there used to be a coin worth
The idea appealed to[...]d a mite-hence the modern
attaining re li gious libe rty for German Lu thera ns[...]mite".
and o the rs not en joy ing rel ig ious freedom; and la ide and wa[...]co in, t he "penig", of West German origin.
that deve loped to ge t off[...]and promo ted many me asu res to the pub lic weal.
scheme.[...]ment from poli tics, he cont ributed gene rously the designation sterling identify[...]both in time and money to many religious, One has it that the wor[...]oloquial name of "Easterlings" given to the
Austra lian Company to establish the settlement[...]bene factions amou nt ing to ma ny thousands of Ha nseatic merchants of Germany, who we re noted
as a comme rcial venture.[...]upon which
Land was pu rchased, emigrants were recruited[...]The other, and more plausible, explana-
February, 1836, three of his c[...]orling" (star), a silver penny bearing
,n August. This stirred offic ia ldom to action and[...]Normans
Wakefield's co lonists came out some weeks late r.[...]rab le ta le nt. 240 went to the English pound, which was
played[...]The career of George Fife Angas marked o riginally referred to as "a pound (weight) of
new colony, lecturing and writing[...]er German banking may justly be proud to claim him[...]

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - "Currency" - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (11)[...]accompanying photograph, they are well content[...]small leased shop that previously constituted the[...]because of the shortage of essential building[...]acoustic ceiling and linoleum tiles on the walls[...]Eng-
land, Mr. C. F. Cobbold, visited Aus-
tralia last year, he and Dr. Coombs discussed[...]they' re just as important in the[...]mittee had a difficult task
England and the Commonwealth Bank for short - game of life, t[...]candidates for the Bank's Industrial Travelling
We are pleased to be able to report the in-[...]member of the Council of the Victorian Chamber
will arrive to spend a similar period with us here[...]by of Manufacturers.
in Australia .
Mr. Stuckey will be an active participant in[...]ge of R. G. Fry, Chief Industrial Advocate Metal
day-to-day work at the Bank o[...]rvice and Secretary of the Australian Metal Industries
benefit from his visit, and will study particularly[...]Association.
the operation of the London Money Market. nder[...]and Federal Vice President, of the Australian
February, 1933. He was transferred from I[...]aring , morality, Union of Australia . Mr. Winter was one of t he
Major. He saw active service in the Western honesty and loyalty, combined[...]A.C.T.U. at the basic wage enqui ry by the
seriously wounded, losing a leg.[...]d manners, that Commonwealth Court of Conciliation and Arbi·
Prior t[...]teams at Adelaide and rep- of men and make of him a Plans are well advanced for the early depar·
resented South Australia in the Sir Robert Personal[...]e a Banker, not a blob; get will include the study and investigation of
"Cur[...]industrial problems in the United Kingdom,[...]The scholarships aroused very wide intere st •
We look forward very much to having Mr. and Address," were Slicka's and the calibre of the men chosen justifies
Allen with us later in the year, and assure him words[...]success of this effort
and his family of a warm welcome in Aus- as he drove off into the[...]by the Bank to improve not only Australian
tralia. We extend every good wish to them room and vanished out of sight. industrial management techniques but also em·
for a happy sojourn with us.[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - "Currency" - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (12)[...]- -0 - -

At British Industries Fair[...]Tel ling will be assisted in their training[...]a Te ll er", tha t the Traini ng Section because the story must be made to flt the[...]diffe rences between good and bad telli ng. developmen[...]Ltd. was engaged to make the film , and the minutes' screenin[...]Tra ining Sect ion of the Staff Department went to The script finished , the next pro[...]ocedure that
\'las sl /of THE BANK WE SERVE
,a b[...]lot of time, worry, work, frustration- and, would be almost imposs[...]Bank staff who could do the job and were
es1 9[...]wi lling to appear. The search occupied weeks.
r' i BOOKS F[...]esponsible Even tua ll y all the cast we re arranged fo r, except
ile[...]of us from Artransa Films. Now it is ve ry hard to make any film without
PERS[...]It took many hou rs of discuss ion and work to the leading charac[...]

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - "Currency" - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (13)[...]THE POWER OF SAVING[...]Withdrawals were not permitted without notice,[...]Christ 19 centu ries ago in a trust fund carrying £20.[...]o mo re than a ll the gold as was allowed was £100, and all money deposited[...]we ll as silver in the wor ld today.[...]under a fictitious name was liable to be for·[...]the Dutch fo r some 20 thaler in trustees. A fine of 5/ - was levied as fee for[...]of al l the island's towe ring skyscrapers running[...]The enormous powe r of compound interest to[...]Fo r renewing Heaven and adjusting[...]we re being se lected for d isp lay a t the Bank's
conditions we re idea l for the purpose-e nough[...]£45/7 /7." The re were no subsequent operations[...]but by 23rd August, 1940, when it was closed,[...]interes t had multiplied the ba la nce by just o n Goliath
powerful but very hot. Neither did the bank•
ing act[...]500
Makeup is bad enough, but it isn't so irritat-[...]bank in those fa r off times was open fo r bus iness dian Ange l
ing as the sweat which keeps oozing through t he[...]----
makeup and has to be constantly dabbed and[...]purpose of calculating the inte rest on the de-
·ust wha t ang le and distance each shot is to be[...]ts ten seconds on the screen may
take an hou r to make.
But as Swi n burne says "Even the wea ries t
river winds somew he re safe to sea"-and,[...]d at the Cinesound Stud io w here Staff
Inspector Wilcock had to su ffe r makeu p and
the nervous horrors of facing camera and micro-[...]eless, The
Story of a Teller" runs its short but, we hope
ou will agree, helpful 10-minutes' course
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - "Currency" - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (14)[...]scopic lenses to enable telle r and customer[...]between them . This type occup ies a min i-[...]ce and is invulnerable
to make a comfortab le progression from the[...]The accompanying illustrations from the maga-
involved in the tiresome business of using its[...]zin e "Burrough's Clearing House" indicate the
Inell, act the ir banking business without getting out of[...]e 1(/J
Var ious ingen ious devices have been adopted

, by enterp rising banking houses to extend this[...]MIRROR interests us is that one of its two banks is almost
do[...]ghty per cent.
A new industry has developed in the design-[...]the lone male occupies , but we suspect he is the
1,1 experts h[...]roustabout- the hewer of wood for the he ating[...]p lant and drawe r of water for the office bubbler.
est[...]of the new service ; for a qu eue of customers
srl armed with high-powered honking horns[...]i Hammock.
can make their presence felt when the
handling of their business is not as swift as[...]fatheads with money and figures as one we
trade" during the morning[...]banking business .[...]inter-
Besides saving customers' time and enabling[...]mediaries between the te ller and the motorist to[...]make it unnecessary for the motorist to leave his[...]Customers at the Bank of Knoxville, Tennessee,[...]who a re caught in a sudden showe r can borrow[...]th is sys tem . These a re usually bu llet-proofed
transaction of business there.[...]Yours to use, yours to borrow,[...]

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - "Currency" - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (15)[...]Teller's time for contact with customer,
formation and tediously maintaining[...]were timed several times over- the more[...]As a simple illustration, the following phases[...]account customer's cheque cashed . Times shown[...]-
its various services and activities; it would be in
a better[...]Results showed that a very large prop ortionf a
that it would b[...]d
(b) Determine the profitability of the various[...].
classes of business, e.g. advance work in[...]an d miscellaneo us enquiries (terme d "generafl
each departmen[...]l of which could not be allocate
of agency business conducted, e.g . Bonds LICKA watched Willie Never-[...]customers, time between ' iobs, and Ios t t1rri h[...]e
department s were directly or indirectly from the d[...]dequate compensatio n, Willie stamped and initialled it,[...]returned the book,
bution of expenditure between depart-[...]"passive time" were spread over a II I·1e.msuslY[...]quent close inter- the branch tonight. Willie won't[...]enditure
properly chargeable to each of the va rious de- him of it."[...]transactions . Salaries were the first cons ider•· p.ll[...]lion and were spread on the basis of tirne. d
A sound distribution of time was the first inkwell, he dashed off these[...]was ·ty
selected points in the various States, time factors
were assessed for most of the transactions[...]services rendered by the Bank. will not be left in the deposit[...]the several depar_tment~ 0 f t bYe
In all, times were obtained for over 330 different[...]its profits amongst States. Many wee ks were
into its various phases.[...]1111111111111~ spent in dividing expenditure between depa[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - "Currency" - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (16)[...]Display at the British Industries Fair[...]the British Industries Fair at Olympia in May, and[...]dend Department, I went along.[...]were exhibiting , there were, all the same, sixty-[...]We found the exhibits very impressive, not
Bri[...]deposit funds , and yields on each of the various
-=- l,ondon.[...]ing from this information were the minimum[...]alances required to be maintained in
ments and between branches and capital offices[...]n order
preparatory to the much wider division between[...]nserts them into
necessary to completely readjust our expendi-[...]ability of the division of expenditure between a "Reproducer Mark Sensing Punch" in acti[...]d e partments. It can be mentioned here, however, This machine takes cards upon which certai[...]them to correspond with the marks for all sorts
will be found useful by many departments for a[...]l Marks" is the slogan.
not been co ll ated previously by the Bank. For[...]record of the remarks you have just addressed
able as to the times required to perfo[...]made on thin plastic material which can be
various services will be found useful in many[...]year, the costing figures were extremely helpful to your dictation -machine, and record the bril -
also for the various phases of a large number[...]and "automatic letter-writers" were shown by
necessary to appropriately allocate in[...]structure of the Bank's business from time to[...]time is readily ascertainable. We are thus in[...]an electronic stencil machine which makes direct[...]the value of any prospective business of an
Committee was in a position to draw it[...]nvolved nature, and to re vise charges and com-
clusions and submit its findings to the Adminis-[...]which enormous saving in filing space can be
The first of the[...]y and photo-
the submissions generally. Then followed several of bank cost accounting. It is used overseas graphed at up to 400 a minu,te[...]type of se rvice to customers but also in the special processor at[...]100 feet in 10
Department and certain government business.[...]banks. It seems fitting that the Commonwealth As for adding-machines and their like, the
re ports, the Administration reviewed existing[...]in Au stralia to introduce this modern As well as the "simple" adding-ma chine, you
mental adjustments where necessary or ap-[...]btracting machines, receipting-
proached the various authorities with a view to[...]validating machines, numerous calculators and
bringing re imbursements into lin[...]capable of subtraction as well as addition . An-
b usi ne ss in the General Banking Division and[...]other similar wizard can be used for more than[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - "Currency" - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (17)[...]-2

The Lighter Side
TWO C.S.B. WITS "MAKE "towns". In other[...]The main product of the western areas is[...]a well known 1 '[...]bait), and a large steel organisation (there were[...]The manufacture of weigh-bridges is carried ago than I care to remember.
NOVEL, curious, and certainly enter-
out on a large scale, but customers are in for . camels were his pride
taining hobby shared by two[...]a big weight, as production is unbalanced .
of C[...]summer he customarily took them across countrY
and Mr. R. E. Shea, of the Safe Custody Bonds The best known ports, it is[...]outhport, Tran s port, and Plonk. makers by selling them camel rides along I e
picture b[...]cial occasions. said to be housed in Public Houses, of which But the day came when the Glene Ig C0 uncil
Merry prose, willy verse, and laughable there is one at[...]b anned Abdul's camels . They were an °ffence hto
illustrations ludicrously captioned, make them a Many Boards direct the country. Tr[...]my camels stink," he stormed. "My camels no
Australia, prepared for the guidance especially[...]"Well they must have smelt something , 0 d
" Boarding House".[...]not the camels ."
mittee of the Australian Council of the Settle-Up- is taught in g[...]l said.
available in several languages, including Welsh making at conservatoriums.[...]of this explanation as he went off muttering:
From the se few references you will readily
and nutty- also frui ty).[...]just about draine d the barrel dry in their
re vea[...]arch has gone self-imposed task of putting Australia on N . F. l-Ii[...]". . . If Not Sooner
that Australia is indeed a remarkable land .[...]- - o- -

We were interested to read that:- "[...]innocent, deep in the arms of Morpheus, as[...]rude ly ro used from slumbe r by a violent an '[...]grabbed his "musket", and val iantly tip-lO[...]He was peering somewhat nervously in when[...],f'1/ farewell." (From one[...]He had com e in answer to the appeal 0[...]

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - "Currency" - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (18)[...]-'em-down-and-throw 'em-out
city. Well, here's a little incident that refutes[...]T O anybody accustomed to the instant[...]goes off to sell the news elsewhere, leaving Western countries the carefully studied leisure[...]the pile of attached to the transaction that makes it not
coppe r and silver grows[...]iled to tally, The first precept for the customer to remember[...]the newsboy sa id: "Aw, don't be Uncle Willie. is to allow plenty of time for cashing[...]in bars and wire netting. It contains from two
The[...]ushered in through swing doors by a uniformed[...]UR young check-sheet clerk was willing, He takes a small brass tally out of[...]iers. These worthies sit
One busy morning I overheard her speaking hands[...]ed bench
He apparently was not accustomed to the "ticket"[...]then takes the money out of his drawer, counts
branches, and approached[...]are case-ha rdened will be pa tient ly reading their also counts it twice, seals it, and then detaches
Our sweet young thing, brightly beaming on[...]Meanwhi le, your cheque will have started passed to another young m[...]"Oh, no you won't Sir", she rep lied. "We
,nes~[...]Number"s l p
,,, ..i,Jnl'' It Puzzles Us, Too
,,[...]then places it in a If your tally is marked 387, your vigil is
The thing t[...]cient cheques to justify the exertion) and ca rries the amount you[...]Keeper of Ledgers. This gentleman will take cheque, and the amount in the ba[...]xchange bows again,
To the room marked "Ladies Only".[...]After checking his calculations on an abacus, wish him good morning, and are then free t[...]ef. to meet the cheque, he will impress his little Owing to this long delay, business men rarely
The day's produ[...]the passers-by, and mounting
To make production boom,[...]sums are handled outside is in marked contrast[...]Strangely enough, it is very unusual for any-
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - "Currency" - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (19)[...]l/i Staff
Training College conti,wed from last issue. )

Part I[...]volume of business transacted. There is usually[...]two or three officers perform various duties.[...]However, no branch is too small for some form

I N the last issue of "Currency" we out-
lined the application of motion an[...]effective use of space.
applied to office procedures, and , so[...]To determine the efficiency of any layout,
various departments and branches of the Bank.[...]Precise determination of the authority a~d
use, in positions requiring a minimum of need-[...]important. lndividual functions must be clearly
offices such as banks and insurance o[...]ject to divided control; otherwise confusion a nd
of the public.[...]personnel. viz. that work should be allowed to flow[...]e of providing a private room crossing, must be kept in mind.[...]use of rule books, and the issue of circulars
officers in partly partitioned offices using sion of the Bank, the office could[...]lass. This is conducive to out that customers' ledgers are placed in
better supervision[...]of standardisation lies in th e
waste time, and makes it easier to detect that reference[...]fact that it permits the greatest possible use
bottlenecks in the passage of business and easily and vouchers may[...]anisation. expeditiously for posting.[...]are:-
every business whose work is such that it can ment[...]for repetitious decisions on routine work.[...]by those who must give them further attention.
cient office layout[...]4. Organisation is improved because pro·
to each officer. An area of 70 sq. ft. is sufficient customers' ledgers, especially in a very large[...]between departments.
cabinets and other equipment, and[...]ks, etc., and for advising or seeking
of the various departments or sections of the[...]should be distributed in a manner which will[...]

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - "Currency" - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (20)[...]iophone Call
is to be effective, and bottlenecks must be
eliminated.[...]andling of vouchers ,
standardisation of the various tasks lies p rima rily[...]It must be borne in mind always that the ing to a person thousands of miles away by
those duties are fundamental[...]advantages of mechanisation must be r[...]weighed against the cost of installing and as though he were phoning you from across the
but these are of a[...]work must be such that the saving s to be[...]made will offset the cost involved .[...]calling. Just a moment please."
amendments or alterations can[...]as they be.c ome necessa ry. factory. However, work has to move, and for[...]much time and output will be lost. The same[...]another. Thus the adoption of a planned office seek permission to use in the U.S.A. some of the
waste movement and eff[...]l . Mr. Dilley is presi-
economies of motion that will benefit the officer,[...]American financial advertising
the Bank and its customers by reducing fatigue
and speeding up the par[...]effected if books and records used during the[...]ciency that we asked our friends at the G.P.O.
study e ntai le[...]it was done.
small be nefit to be d e rived . However, each
ph ase of the work can be evaluated by[...]time (4.40 p.m. the previous day in Indianapolis),[...]Telephone and Telegraph Company, to the wire-
position to do this . Much depends on the size[...]receiving station at la Perouse, and thence by
these executives are in the best[...]California, linking the Australian telephon:
employees to which motion economy can be In conclusion, in-so-far as the Bank is con-[...]the telephone systems of every country
applied. However, it is beyond the scope of cerned[...]"Would you like to talk to Oakland now?" we
and tasks.[...]ced costs. were asked on our visit to the G.P .O.
A most imp[...]"We sure would", we replied, thinking: 11 This[...]will be something to tell the Little Woman about[...]over the teacups tonight".
volume of business wa rrants the expense (c)[...]Through catacombs of wires and switchboards
involved, a large number of routine and arduous[...]we were led to a panel marked "Oakland",
tasks are being performed by machines[...]On the instant a voice answered : "Hello
degree of accuracy in the work. However, a full understanding of the principles[...]the Bank will improve individual efficiency and[...]too, our advertising, seemingly, has its powers
record details of tellers' transactions which will
most important of all, of the Bank's customers. o[...].
eliminate compilation of tellers' appendices, thus[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - "Currency" - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (21)[...]Section 2 nam e s of beneficiaries under the will proved are
sid erabl e portion o f corr es ponde[...]rom Sydn e y, for attainm e nt of twenty-on e years. essary, as the[...]anch and perhaps seve ral othe r a tremendous amount of work and postage costs, Why is it nece ssary to flle a copy of the will
city branch e s, to b e combin ed .[...]with dece ase d estate lodgments in terms of
ANSWER :-ln ord e r to[...]ANSWER:-Legally , of
which you write, the Com-
mittee s[...]the terms of the will, in
the establishment of a[...]granted him . However,
Capital Office building.[...]were left undisturbed , the minor to be suitably died and appointment of fresh trustees or substi ·
SAVING CERTIFICATES[...]estate; requests, where amount is
B.C. :-Confusion exists at branches regarding[...]not large, for dispensation of usual legal require-
to Savings Certificate Trustee Lodgments in C/1 's At this Branch at the present time we have ments, court orders, etc., to avoid[...]the estate) and knowledge of terms of the will
Many offi cers consider that "Maturity" means[...]is now being encountered in
extended and as they will still accrue in value locating the gua[...]es to mind is that Certificates have ANSWER:- lt is considered that on the cessa-[...]rdian's control when the child
If this ruling were given it would mean, in reaches the age of 21 years, we should imme- K.M.-Could the position b[...]n order to regard to the extra time allowed for dishonours
reached maturity .[...]point would be of ass ist- If this course were not followed, it could Circulars mention an extension of "24 hours;"
ance to all officers dealing with Trustee Lodg- occasion delay and inconvenien[...]o withdraw, whilst by "Clearing Houses- " in June, 1949, amended[...]eir rules to allow "for an extended tim e of
ANSWER:- For general purposes, Certificates[...]this suggests that a
which interest ceases. However, reference to[...]able, whenever possible, to have a holiday must be returned that day, but it
should be read a s[...]nd on some occasions "Manager's dis~ ANSWER:- lt is the intention that Sundays or
date is e[...]ount ledgers, should
R.M.:- Recently branches were supplied with[...]the usual way is required should the stop be Ac[...]ANSWER:- The General Bank examiner and
betical loose-le[...]ANSWER:-The intention of Instruction 599 is
to accommod[...]e pending its clearance.
ing lost or mutilated as well as provide a con-[...]Where the signature is separately flied, it will
cise and straightforward means of filing them.[...]be given by the custodians of the keys of the
ANSWER:- Arrangements have already been[...]examiner from satisfying himself that ledger
to house statem e nt forms C.B. 224 . Branches[...]leaves released from subsidiary stocks are put to
will be advised as soon as they become available .[...]le gitimate use.[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - "Currency" - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (22)[...]CSB l 7 7c 14 daily, the item is usually included in "Cheques[...]frivolous claims.[...]ANSWER: -
tificate of Registration of Officials" quoted in As the procedure to be followed is not[...]11

"Certificate of Trustees?" (c) If they are not a structions at[...]BOOKS WRITTEN FOR REGISTER: The
"Certificate of Trustees", is such a certificate still correct proce[...]taking a fresh authority in New ANSWER :-We understand that banks adopt[...]different methods in relation to dishonour adjust-
ANSWERS :-(1 ).- If the transaction occurred ments but we prefer that cheques dishonoured[...]subsequent to the day of presentation be
638 will be followed; if at an agency, details included in[...]SAVINGS BANK
of all cheques lodged will be checked in accord- the day of dishono[...]calculation considered satisfactory when it is
Trustees" (when the officials or trustees are[...]obvious that funds are genuinely avai lab le?
changed). I[...]ANSWER :-lt is not necessary to record any
States other[...]ANSWER :-(]) The signature should not be[...]given to balances under l 0 /-. answered as promptly as you[...]mp letion . reference to busy senior execu-[...]draft, or will it serve its purpose adhering to
tion list.[...]ANSWER :-Section 14(1) of the Queensland
ANSWER :-Thank you for the suggestion,
which has b[...]o by another A .B. (N .S.W.):-We refer to C/ 1 13 / 6 and shall[...]suggested method of be pleased if you will kindly advise what the[...]written before being stamped is to be so
will be extended to other Branches.[...]ANSWER :-The Bank would be afforded[...]no of the instrument, and cannot be used for or
This scheme would be suitable only at[...]applied to any other instrument written upon
using ledger machines which will accumulate a[...]

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - "Currency" - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (23)[...]By W. H. Wilcock, Staff Inspector

I T was announced in the[...]shown that there are various kinds of special[...]discussing with senior officers and the women
her appoin[...]ining has been related to the It would, however, be impossible for her to
invo lved in Bank wo[...]w of them and sections throughout the Commonwealth. 11
to know the kind of activities which will ulti· regard the Bank as a life-long care[...]The result has been that the progress of men
who will be directly affected by her work, some[...]that of the women. Thus, the standards of jobs. A form is being[...]for this purpose, and will be forwarded to the m[...]and avenues for promotion are well defined and
experience in industrial psychology, personnel[...]followed systematically throughout the Service.
work and[...]advice about the many practices and Because many of the women spend only a[...]cy cover· given her in this matter.
techniques used by the Bank in the administra-
tion of its larg[...]t has not The information supp li ed her will give an
officers, the design and use of staff report forms,[...]h to the rol e of women in their Only then will it be possible for her to begin
appointed were a woman, she could at the same
time pay particu[...]uires study is that of th ~
number of reasons why we believed that this responsibility and a[...]women in the Bank constitute a career
would be a useful move, and I would like to[...]service for women and whether or not th is
discuss these briefly.[...]to examine carefully the whole
this period women were required lo carry out[...]ank's service, and to
many duties which had previously been done[...]cedures and the like were thought necessary . priority for study will, of course, have to be
Since the War, the num[...]d concerning the employment of women ments will have to be integrated with general
in the Bank,[...]assification of both male and Officers will appreciate that much preliminary a brief outli[...]ken place in this period . research work will have to be done by Mrs. by Mrs. Bucklew[...]Bucklew before she will be in a position to will now be someone in Staff Department whose
As m[...]elopments or changes. One main concern will be to advise on the moSI
meet urgent demands of current conditions, it of her first tasks will be to collect as much satisfactory and useful developments concerning
was felt that it had[...]the and practices relating to women . She will a lso will be able to bring up for consideration th e
girls in the Bank's service were being most suit• have to build up a very[...]uggestions, and special problems of th e
ably and usefully employed.[...]

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - "Currency" - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (24)[...]AD-SC-2

The Bank We Serve-[...]general banking business for any person[...]that business would have the effect of

T[...]taking away the business from another
HE preceding instalm[...]ry of the of N.S.W. was taken over by the Commonwealth Section 22 of the Act provides th[...]central bank- On 31st October, 1931, the Western Australian wealth Bank under the Special Account procedure
ing[...]be kept in the General Banking Division. This
Australia's central bank.[...]the ensures that such funds cannot be used in the
It is now appropriate to consider th[...]s conducting general bank Division's business.
tions of the Bank's trading departments- Le. the business was increased from 87 at the end of General Powers and Functions: The
.General Banking Division ,[...]hes its own balance sheet and profit and loss
Industrial Finance Department- before going on[...]- account. It is vested with the necessary powers
to describe the work of the Administration .[...]vities, as in the 1914-18 War,
The first Commonwealth Bank Act was passed[...]were in the central banking field, and its achieve-[...]Central Bank in pursuance of its powers under
ments were in great measure the result of its
ing business at the beginning of 1913. Savings[...]having its own well established banking mach-
bank business had commenced six months earlier.[...]n and trained staff.
The accounts of the Commonwealth Govern-[...]Head Office in Sydney, and, subject to the
ment were transferred to the Bank on 20th Janu-[...]Banking) is its administrative head. Authority is
Western Australian Governments followed in of World War II, the Bank did no[...]e Officers in other
funds to handle such lending business as came business. It was always prepared to accept[...]States, as well as to Managers of suburban and
its way up to th[...]it had paid a lower interest rate on fixed deposits
World War I:[...]than did the private banks. However, it always
to play a very active and important[...]maintained a policy of charging a lower lending
monetary field during World War I, but i[...]of interest than that charged by the private
ties were mainly of a central bank nature-[...]of the Commonwealth and its island territories.[...]Rural Bank of N.S.W. and the Rural and Industries[...]of W.A., and performs certain services for
Commonwealth, both in Australia and in London. advance business, the then Governor, the late[...]smania .
activities was made, and the government business indicated that the Bank was not a serious com-
of South Australia also came to the Bank. On petito[...]"As a general rule current account busi- General Banking Division was set at £4m[...]and the ness and new advance business (where an- 1945 Act, but to this figure may now be added,
business of the Queensland Government was other bank customer was not already at the discre[...]over the next five years by transfers
bank business at 43 branches in Australia, one unless facilities that mig[...]profits--{subject to the approval of the
bank business at nine additional branches in provided. The business of municipalities and Treasurer this amount may be increased
Australia.[...]The Commonwealth Bank Act 1945 formally vari[...]ished the Bank as the nation's central bank
Commonwealth Bank Act passed in 1924 were
and provided that its general banking business (ii) sums transferred from General[...]lt that growth in this field was not
particularly marked . Nevertheless some further[...]of the Division's profits are passed to the
good business accounts came to the Bank in the
years up to[...]Bank's and expand its general banking business, Staff: The services of approxim[...]staff of the Bank are
savings bank, the deposit business of the Rural Division , shall not refuse to conduct employed in the Gene[...]

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - "Currency" - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (25)[...]Bright, J . R., Crockwe ll , to Camden. Hannah , J . R.,[...]pton .
Crockford , E. P. , Mgr., Parkes, to Mgr., Willoughby. Bruce, R. W., Goulburn St., Sydney, to[...]Adel. , to Woomera .
Cope, A. T., Accountant, Haymarket, to Mgr., Callander, F. J ., Wangar[...]Ka in, M. F., C.S.B., Adel ., to Port Au g usta .
Canterbury.[...]rner, to Katoomba .
Rose, S. A. , Kogarah , to Haymarket. Caspaney, L. J ., Townsvill[...]ilda.
Pullinger, D. W., Mgr., Wallsend , to Mgr., West Caspan ey, R. E., Cairns, to Rockhampt[...]ilton , Lambe, G. T., Perth, to Metropolitan Markets.
Smith , James, Mgr., Kingaroy, to Mgr., Red Hi[...]ownsville. Lane, R. S., Metropolitan Markets, to Midla nd
Hathorn , K. H. , Bexley, to Tare[...]da . Le Cussan, M. R. W., Kurri Kurri, to New Lambton .
Griml[...]Lyons, Miss C. A. , Sydney, to Liverpool .
Rowe, M. C., Bathurst , to Narrabri.[...]in . Div iny, P. J ., Camberwell , to Rlvg . Staff, Vic. Perth .
Thomp[...]Niere, J. H., C.S.B., Melb. , to Elsternwick.
Wilson , R. A. , North Sydney, to Sydney.[...]N., Granville, to Perth. Onus, Miss Rosalie, lnverell , to Toowoomba.
Armour, R. C., Mt. Gambier, to Pt. Pirie. Fe rguson , L. C. , Rlvg . Staff, Vic. , to Moonee Osborne, A. K., Walgett, to Liverpool .
Austin, D. K., Condobolin , to Bathurst.[...]V., Ashfield, to Sydney .
Ayre s, Neil , Port Augusta , to C.S.B., Adel. Firkins, S. K., l[...], to Barrack
Bateman, John , St. Kilda , to Camberwell. Melb.[...]Rattle, B. J ., Woolloongabba, to Mackay.
Bower, G .J., Cottesloe, to Perth .[...]Redman , J . R., Rabaul, to Concord We st.[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - "Currency" - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (26)[...]ILLUSTRATED
will be interested to learn that the Staff[...]J. Langmead, Senior Super·
Inspector, Mr, W. H. Wilcock, will be leaving intendent of the Industrial Finance Department,
on the 8th July for abro[...]shortly leaving for abroad to continue the
Mr. Wilcock will visit England and the Conti- investigation into industrial finance organisations
nent returning via U.S[...]ip is to survey staff ad- involved in industrial financing at the present
ministration in[...]time, the knowledge gained from the manner
and , well knowing Mr. Wilcock's receptiveness in which similar difficulties are tackled in other
to new ideas, we can expect tangible results countries is of the utmost value to us here in
for the staff on his return. Australia .
Mr. Langmead will be visiting the United King-
Mr. Wilcock will probably be in demand as a[...]to be absent from Australia for approximately
the Bank's Training Schem[...]W
During his absence, Mr. Wilcock will be
relieved by Mr. A. M. Husband, who was AY back[...]famous Alec Bannerman.[...]Sydney; Adcock, R. S., Crow's Nest; Long·
As we mentioned in our February issue, Mr.[...]health and present him
he will replace Mr. F. R. Wood as Assistant[...]For example, let us assume the same amount[...]with a token of esteem ,
Manager. Mr. Wood will be returning to Aus-[...]remember to add .001 for pence betwe en 3d.
His wide knowledge of Australian conditions AT KIRRIBILLI[...]rg; Whately, S. G., Melbourne;
His many friends will wish Mr. and Mrs.[...]1/ 5/ 52, I feel is easier to use .
castle; Williams, G. B., Port Adelaide; Boyd, C.
country.[...]M., Perth; Loftus, D. S. , Stone's Corner; Wood,[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - "Currency" - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (27)[...]AD-SC-2


Our Report To[...]1,435 were returned completed, or[...]Of those replying, 828 were located in cities the staff, and not ind[...]OUT
were females.[...]The greatest number, 50 per cent, were in the
20-29 years age group; 15 per cent were 19-or- However, even though the number of replies
EXAM. QUERIES ANSWERED received was perhaps fewer than might reason -
under; 15 per cent were in the 30-39 years

Some Points of Law[...]e magazine regularly, and only 3 per
THE BANK WE SERVE cent said they did not read it at all; 41 per The suggestions were so varied that it was[...]them any broad,
U.S. BANK'S LINKED BY WIRE said they read selected[...]Committee with a number of useful inferences[...]agreement were that the magazine should:-[...]It is obvious, for instance, that too much space ** re[...]read the magazine is encouraging, but we do not be less technical (18);[...]contain more humorous articles (18) more[...]In fact, we are at a loss to decide whether S~ver[...]pages might be used to better advantage, others[...]they are completely uninterested, or just too that this feature should be extend[...]15
busy, forgetful , or something, to reply, or merely inclusion of marriages.

* BOOKS FOR BANKERS[...]magazine as "a waste of money", and there were

SCHOOL[...]Amendments to the Rules, "Bank Notes", Welfare

•[...]of people having, we would suppose, a greater welcomed the journal and saw it as a valuable[...]than is usual in commercial public opinion polls, lati[...]reasonably have been relations between the various divis ions of the

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - "Currency" - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (28)[...]Extracts from an Address to the Commonwealth Bank[...]terested to learn some- decentralising the business. After surve ying the[...]tration Headquarters, West Kensington, London. appears very strange to an Austra Iian. I saw[...]Alex Simpson and I went to the Headquarters customers lodging credits to t I,eir current b ti[...]king far too long in transferring accounts customer obtained was a "Thank you Mr. Brown[...]to Australia. We saw the accounts-23 million from the te[...]At our larges t office-C.S.B., Sydney -we have . I h[...]23 million accounts in one office is just about[...]usual cagelike part itions separating eac h te er.r[...]matter of delays in transfer; we felt it was a[...]marvellous feat to ever find a particular account teller and therefore we made our tellers 0[...]machinists were coloured men from the wilds of[...]I then remarked upon the fact that cu . ts
staff, and for[...]Africa who, at night, were studying at the . .m mone[...]were paying
standard of service to the community ren[...]of banks in Australia in putting portion der °.[...]what I should imagine a Manager's speed would
and we will adopt others as space allows.[...]He asked why we did that, and I told I for
Meanwhile, we sincere ly thank the co-opera- shown in passbooks, and you wil l realise that[...]was to enable us to identify the actual buH hi
tive " Twelvepercenters" for their constructive and[...]each deposit s lip. I said a customer rn1gAs
helpful comments and suggestions, and[...]is not possible to make the normal comparison[...]falsify a receipt of £10 to make it £1 l0 .. g
the "Missinglinkers" of the si len[...]of balances as we do when pos ti ng transactions[...]we could identify the bull and the s I.1P by f,tt1nid
let us know at any time if, and in what direc- in Australia.[...]toget her the two halves of the stamp, we cou b 11
tions, we ca n make the magazine more helpful[...]confront the customer with the fact t h a t the[...]showed me around. His reply was a gem.[...]were two schools of thought regarding the[...]me by remarking : "Oh, we don't have custorner
~111111[...]or strict as we lay down in Australia w~at ~;ts[...]aud itor might feel that the
100 copies run off were distri-[...]o f trust and mutual confidence between Inanagr IIY[...]that if the auditor wished to do that, wel l then 0
branc[...]Let me say, however, in case you might mis-[...]press. The winners will be announced in I e[...]labouring under great difficulties because of this[...]less no one is anxious to commence the task[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - "Currency" - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (29)[...]AD-SC-2

Forbes Staff were
on their toes''

lll Flood Wash-ou t[...]Branch (N.S.W.) in the deluge that
causust and silt. Bowmake r. This time the water reached three
Th e floodwaters swept into the town on Wed- feet deep inside his house, from which, how-
nesday the 18th, and work in t[...]lso washed out; the water rose
buckets and brooms were got out, and by late to 4ft. 3in. above[...]left behind after
away. The branch was open for business next moving his furniture out.
morn[...]to Administration, Mr. Cobb said
it) "conditions were somewhat uncomfortable". that co lossal[...]rs would cost a
lay behind this swift return to "business as tremendous sum. The Bank, he felt sure, would
usual" . Messrs. Bowmaker, Joyce, Brain, Jones depa rt from Advance Poli[...]een reported to the Governor conside ration wil l be given to all appeals to the
by Mr. Cobb, as[...]remit plus a small issuing fee of a few cents,[...]

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - "Currency" - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (30)[...]oday probably presents
no more serious problem than how to make
a Dodge sedan perform like a submar[...]s right-a few inches is
merely a shower ~here the Wet Season can be
expected to yield som[...]the Launch
"Daintree", which made a weekly trip from
Cairns, was the only means of transport; and it
was a hazardous adventure even as recently as
1935[...]ad was a narrow trail about ten or
twelve feet wide cut around the sides of the[...]subsoil. The near side was often
a twenty-feet-high wall of clay with plenty of[...]depositor, who had HE was in her early twenties, and good
use the .303 rifle he kept in a rack behind his no cheque account anyhow, will get a looking. The Enquiry Clerk hu[...]ng left to take care of itself, and good We have no doubt that the remittance was in[...]nt the day after his War Gratuity credit pause she blushed, and added hurriedly; "I've
mansh[...]s position on the near arrived in 1951, we can hardly blame him for had the baby. I just want to know if there
side of the vehicle when it skidded around to some confusion as to the state of his financial is a form[...]the off side of the "formed" road-as it usually affairs.[...]the Post Office, and for some weeks he was[...]customers.
The enthusiastic welcome by practically the
ordl[...]Ambitious How ever, that did[...]"My daughter was married last week. Can I
I~ I
ol percentage of quadro[...]together in any ing things about the Commonwealth Bank please: turns sixteen?"
,c Australian township. The "uniform attire",[...]regardless of sex or age, was "Jackie Howe" "What wage do you get when[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - "Currency" - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (31)[...],111111111111J1t

The Bank We Serve-[...]For the twelve months to March 31, 1952 ' 3 d[...]loans were app roved for £1,038 ,400 comp:r• g[...]The need from a national view point, as well with 34 1 for £1 047 579 in the correspo[...]previous period. Net balance of loans outs[...]The Department makes Ioans on IY uponI proI[...]perties used primarily for farming, ag. Th•[...]loans must be used •1n connection• ·1h the 0[...]rower's farming and grazing operations k[...]security property, and the borrower m.ust wor[...]ment of the Commonwea lth Bank in September,
efficient way in accordan[...]The security must be a fast mortgage, dy
and pieces it is i[...]erty it may make a f ur d ort·
beforehand what his annual com-[...]I made on
mitments will be in respect to[...]ment is not ernpoW·
otherwise under the loan, he will[...]unt from the bY way o f overdraft. A borrower, however,f
The person desiring to establish himself[...]er and requiring financial assist• and empowered to appropriate one-quarter of[...]ment of the principal sum will be e ffected by a[...]usually placed to the c redit of the Common-
demande[...]wealth Bank Reserve Fund and half from the[...]profits of the Note Issue Department.
And the usual form of real estate mortgage,[...]ars, was of The Department is further empowered to longer duration 4l per cent.
the end of the term. The borrower had no borrower may deposit additional amounts of not
assurance that it would be renewed, or that if At the same time it retain[...]ments Account upon which interest is allowed at
creased. And if it fell due during a bad seas[...]98; 1950/ 51, not be withdrawn but may be used to meet
to discharge it, he could be dis[...]

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - "Currency" - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (32)[...]AD-SC-2

The Bank is empowered to impose special (iii) Wh e[...]it adequate for convenience of the borrower as regards payment
require the borrower to carry out renovations,[...]ion, etc., on the security be used?
property, or to fix a higher rate than[...]the anti• fixed a mount and are not used to cover any later
partly improve d hol[...]on-
that provide d he meets the m the loan will not[...]onsider the
be called up and his liability will eve ntually be of Coven an t (except in Western Australia).[...]•
fin ancial budge ting by himself. Borrowers requir-[...]bor rowe r's advan tage th at p ortion of the loan be[...]allowed for, and are they reasonable?
The Dep[...]to com p lete. The borrowe r's loan account is[...](c) Does the margin between income and
sections in each State, except South Australia[...]gress?
officers to make continuous researches into land[...]w ithhe ld fu nds a re not used within a reasonable
1,1[...]rect use? Appr[...]of Sinking Fund % p.a.
Valuations are usually carried out by the[...].F. Term S.F.
however, may call upon their valuation section[...]a. Y ears % p.a.
to make inspections and valuations when they[...]Great care must be exercised in compili ng[...]The surplus figure is not always a true
lf the property[...]tion. Very often an applicant swells the
and under 30 miles, £3; over 30 and[...]These items must be carefully examined. Term[...]be creditworthy, we can take a chance 23[...]to the com- should there be some weakness in any 24 2[...]e may If the man is doubtful, we must be care-
se rve as a gu ide: -[...]ttleme nt is involve d- business which may turn out to be[...]37 1.17
(a) Will there be sufficient funds to com-[...]1.06
(b) What surplus is available? Will it Bank.[...]The foll owing example illustrates their appli-
may be nece[...]d to sinking fund repay me nt. Th is plus Sinking Fund 4. 93%, total 8. 93%. The[...]

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - "Currency" - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (33)[...]to San Francisco, Seattle
to New Orleans, and between other points thou-[...]A( MtlA

for the virtually instantaneous transmission[...]~:,:,•,~~7- ;.
between the banks linked to it of advices such[...]00 dollars is being handled
• Exchange and market quotations; was completed in 20 minutes over the Wire!" by the telep[...]sing proportion it ususly to any
number of banks linked to the system, as[...]ch the message is by the Western Union Telegraph Com-
addressed by typing the[...]ks concerned one of England's "Big Five", will shortly be able
by switching attendants of the Western Union to transmit cables to each ot[...]time now normally taken to convey a cable
being thus assure~. from t[...]cable form in the usual way. Then the form is marked "Incoming" .
Exampling the ways in which "the Bank Wire" wrapped round a rotating cylinder.
has a[...]onth are sends electric impulses over the wire to the when dec[...]ch telegraphic greetings
installation of the Bank Wire our customer was A similar machine at the cable office trans- were exchanged by land line with the Lord
drawing ch[...]ing sion House, transmission and reception were
"One of our branch officers called recently[...]instantaneous. Afterwards, a long cable was
at 11 a.m. asking what we could do for a The reverse process[...]despatched to the Bank's New York office, and
customer who had to have 200 dollars deposited[...]

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - "Currency" - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (34)[...]ithout humor-
of the Bank's auditors . We do not vides adequate verification of[...]ous incident in spite of its onerous nature.[...]instance, two audit men recently had the unusual
the interna l audi t staff, who go around busily of internal audit the Bank Administra[...]exper ience of being showered with gold . In the
sp litting straws and loadi[...]ings, heavy bags of sovereigns were being lifte d
ta ll ying tha t to point out wit[...]luging th e m with a "hail storm" of sovereign s.
wea lt_h . Auditor-General (Mr. J. Brophy), whose[...]istol was accidentally discharged on a floor
J ust now, officers of Chief Acco~ntant's De-[...]ice where one group was at work.
pa rtmen t are "sweating the big drop" compiling Continuo us A false alarm of "[...]the A-G's staff. We like the way they go about
come t he Audito r-Gen[...]arly and the Auditor- their iob; and we like it that they like us.
Te rr ito ry, and in London, so that when the fi[...]f is ab le
to sign the certifica te fam ili ar to us in the Annual till the end of the yea r to carr[...]maintains a continuous audit of the Bank's affai rs[...]in Tasmania; and Mr. G. L. Beebe in the Aus-
res pect ively."[...]Their responsibilities are tremendous, for the
"( l ) The affairs of the Bank and of the audit of a ll Commonwea lth Government depart-
Savi ngs Bank shall be[...]phases of commerce and industry.
"Affai rs"[...]rk.
th e Aud ito r-General virtually un limited powe rs The audit teams are composed of quali[...]"A
powe rs him to requ ire t he production not on ly[...]tact. TICK in time will often save
expenditu re claimed to have been mad[...]rance
By contrast, the aud itor of a private business ticularly likeable bunch of chaps, fri[...]at the item was received . You
has no statutory powers to challe nge the manage- every ready t[...]Don't trust to luck; stick to system .
The Audito r-General however would require of Bank control , t[...]public administration is often of use to the[...]1111111II
practice , a programme of audit is followed that[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - "Currency" - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (35)[...]nt of Savings Bank "S" cheque books that use a new form of Overseas Draft Requisition
of confusion which arises at present when it is on[...]ANSWER:-The number of "Bearer" society[...]s not large factory during the time it was used by Overseas
(a) Debited direct to Expenditur[...]the nota- distributed to branches for general use and 10[...]ANSWER :-For the con·
ANSWER:-The present[...].
ment Expenses is usual for[...]migrant sustenance remit·
expenditure of this nature,[...]tances a special composite
and we would prefer to[...]for use only in connection
may help to clarify the[...]with sustenance remittances
doubts to which you refer:-[...]making up notes in are completed simultaneously by carbon copY·
(bl Expenses incurred are d[...]revised procedure for sustenance remittances to[...]printed in Italian and English, branches were[...]he close of each financial year, any ANSWER:-The first requirement in relation to sary,[...]dled ind '·
in order that Expenditure A/c. will reflect followed throughout the service.[...]cates t h at t h e use of the composite requ isitiond
the actual[...]wa rd e
This entry is reversed on the next business It will be appreciated that it is virtually im- to the[...]possible to provide for a system of make up of[...]should replace the usual requisition forms for[...]genera I use.
the Bank. It is considered, however, that for
reverse of weekly statement C.B. 43, during[...]the needs of most types of business the present
the year, whilst the total[...]o-- busy Savings Bank counters a departure from[...]statement form C.B. 151 ' was used turnble[...]the list of abbreviations.
must be cleared the same day, could Transfer
Account[...]ANSWER :-This suggestion has been su b mi·tied[...].
all the relative entries direct to Suspense A/c[...]C/1 8G/6C states that overseas notes previously, and it was decided not to adopt ,t
Branches in[...]and coin in the hands of the teller must be veri- for the following reasons:-[...]) An analysis has shown that the percentage
ANSWER:-Transfer Account is part of De-[...]ions; of statements issued requiring the use of
positors' Balances and items which cannot be[...]e limit imposed on the holding of ANSWER:-Overseas notes and coin in the[...]ved if it becomes
reasonable time for clearance. Suspense Account verification, including minor[...]ou, nevertheless, for advancing the
should be used as set out in Instru ctions 691 /7. t[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - "Currency" - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (36)[...]the passbook. Circular No. 350 in various ways; i.e . cash , cheque in favour of
quently ba[...]and is thi s
Dishonours subsequently located cause altera-[...]cheque
other than the private ledger containing "Sus-[...]when
pense Account Dishonour Adjustmen ts", creating ANSWER :-Cash should not be paid
would thus be necessary for the ledgerkeeper to
a lucrative[...]s the practice
desired, in each ledger entitled "Suspense at Branches for the teller to cash these cheques
Account Dishonour Adjustments". without reference[...]of the letter of the le dger would who make the Bank as bad as the Post Office on
ident ify e[...]. pension days. However, with a change of teller[...]ets, G .B. teller's sheets and C.S.B. check
ANSWER :-Chief Accountant's Department re[...]pt only until 30th June following
states: "Whilst we appreciate the disability in the responsibili[...]used after this time and the information they
soluti[...]it is our considered opinion that ANSWER :-lnstruction 593 covers the question. t[...]ANSWER:-(a) For reference purposes in case
justment Accounts for each section of current and[...]nts . Moreover, the opera-
tion of more than one Suspense Account would account, the passbo[...]apart from the day's vouchers and make out a (b) As other supporting recor[...]ets, Agency Sheets, etc.) are destroyed, it is
"We will, however, keep the matter under[...]e hope of finding a complete ly satis- ANSWER :-No. pe rmanent record of Branch figures. As the G.B.
factory answer to the problem."[...]discussion;
to carefully examine, for irregularity of en[...]- Expenditure A/ c vouchers?
wealth Bank of Australia and if there be any est le[...]your personal work ANSWER :-Yes. These vouchers should be
returned without[...]oned out left out as they will assist in the compilation of
th ey were drawn . Provision is made in C/ 1 5 iv and publicised anonymousl y the return which is req[...]similar problems-
wealth Bank it may be possible to arrange for[...]by Administrati on, the Editor will
be glad to pass on advice to that
ANSWER :-Whilst arrangements on the lines eff[...]rs covering Savings Bank interest
ment cheques , we do not favour any wider tributor's[...]to the public?
read cheques for irregularity because of the who direct Suggestions and
v[...]to these columns_ ANSWER :-No. It is intended to allev iate the
arrangement would seriously delay clearance of II rush period which occurs at due date .
che q[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - "Currency" - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (37)[...]ITTANCES
N the May issue of "Currency" we dealt This means that we will arrange with our agent
briefly with[...]to make the payment to the favouree, and the
Now let us turn to other outward[...]client will be saved the trouble and expense of
overseas tra[...]t, firstly, of clean remittances However, in this case the client says he has I>,, /mr t 1111•11 t.
effected on behalf of customers and others by to write to the[...]ed by the
overseas currency to the applicant, and we pro- purchaser, who pays to the teller the Australian[...]h currency amount of ·in d'1cates t h at we have two agents ·in Philade P 1
a favouree in a[...]drafts may be ,ssue . nal
Obviously before we can sell foreign currency The Agen[...]Bros., Harriman & Co., and Philadelphia Nat,o
we must first buy it, e.g. from exporters and C.B. 22 is the draft form to be used, and that Bank.
others who acquire it by[...]on form C.B. 60, Sydney Office prepare the
we maintain with agents in the countries[...]ft on the Philadelphia National Ban · d he
To make a profit we must sell better than are domiciled wi[...]. 78 is completed in duplicate an 1
we buy, and our profit margin is allowed for in failure to do this can cause quite a lot of original despatched direct by air mail to t ae
the spread between the buying and selling rate s troubl[...]delivery to t e
A question often asked is why we quote both the client, who is advise[...]hia National Bank", recording bo th th e
If it were not for to-day's fast and efficient[...]advice is despatched d ollar amount and the Austra I•,an curren~[...]t
air services we could, perhaps, quote the[...]uivalent. The dollar entries in t h 15 accoun. d
customer buying a draft or mail transfer a better[...]in our name by the Philadelphia National Ban_
because, if mails to a certain country depended cate, marked "copy for London Office", is w h ich sends us a monthly statement w hich.,, ,s
entirely on sea transit, we might have the use attached to the remitting warrant f[...]led with the account in Sy d ney ori1ce h
of a customer's funds long enough to be able[...]by Secretary's Depar -
interest allowance in the customer's favour could[...]for the Australian currency amount concerned, are repl[...]n,it·
At present, however, there is so little differ-[...]h
At this point brush up your knowledge of the[...]the favouree presents it for ca~
ments Book, and we will follow through a few[...]e in any branch. Office books and the Australian currency amounts[...]for London Office" of the draft advice is 1hus finalised. h
befor[...]advice only to the branch of 1he agent
Now let us suppose a client of Orange Branch[...]cy amount of the draft. as well, or, perhaps, to the principal office on\
and a[...]f the Canadian Bank of com-
ments Book shows that we have an agent at and South Amer[...]draft. Settlement is finally effected between its Again, the advice may have to be for[...]on Bogota. whole transaction is thus completed. payable in Bergen, Nor[...]n Ber·
It is first suggested to the client, however, Now let us suppose the same client had gen[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - "Currency" - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (38)[...]l Bank for Reconstruc· story of a wealthy Tu rkish family who lost home
tion and Devel[...]and political freedom in Turkey between the two[...]SHETLAND BUS- Howarth :-Saga of heroism
Mr. Beyen's purpose is to explain, not justify; and adventure by Norwegian se amen and sai lors
and he lightens his stor[...]the invasion
sidelights on the personal ities who were to of Norway in 1940.
be met[...]BANKING TERMS ILLUSTRATED[...]l.I., and R. G. Furness, In using the Agency Arrangements Book the
A.I.C.A., A.F[...]ol lowing are points that shou ld be borne in
Australasia Pty. Ltd.) 1951. Price £2.[...]graphic transfers as well as to drafts:-
Profits Insurance is of compa[...]1. If it is found that we are unable to issue
origin and is still in the p[...]nearby where we have an . agent, making Current Trai[...]Do not always choose the first age nt listed
conclusions as to what is considered the best[...]than one, as we wish to distribute our
The work deals adequate[...]business amongst all our agents to ensure
Profits Insurance, with detailed reference to Aus
a share of their reciprocal business.[...]3. Always make use of an agent in preference
t herefore be invaluab[...]to issuing on London , unless a customer
businessmen , accountants and insurance officials[...]a minimum of delay, and reciprocal busi-[...]he 4. Where it is found we have no agency[...]ms, R. J., A d min.; . Dye, w • A ., Sydney, well,
fighting fo rce, their intensive training and[...]gan; Mercer, A. I. , Adelaide; Bromwell,
AUSTRALIAN SETTING- Farwell :-An interesting Office[...]g h; CKin9, e
and vivid collection of facts of Australian history, In a concluding arti[...]bourne, h' r
geography, natu ral resources and industrial "Currency" the issue of Overseas Mail and Tele- G. H. , Admin.; Ll ewellyn , Evan , Kogarah; Bos ,e '
deve lopment.[...]graphic Transfers wil l be dealt with. J. R., Homebush.[...]d signature be stopped (C.S.B. 1052).
2. (c) Businessmen ,s f ra t ernt't'1es.[...]nt)--from £550 to £1040.
intercourse among businessmen .[...]d building is an ov.-ner
3 Partly, perhaps, beca use o f t h e h ones t Y o f those with whom th e[...]M
· Bank deal s, and also because it is buried under the foun~ ati~n[...]policy (C/ M 6252). If
use at the time the Bank was found e d .[...]8 . Th e word "all" is supe rfluous; the word "unanimous" by jtse
4. (b) Lost passbook s. It is the form to be used m advising other[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - "Currency" - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (39)[...]dd
copies printed.

The demand for copies, however, totalled
8 390 which we are inclined to look upon as
i~dic:ting an enco[...]re of interest in
the magazine, particularly as we realise that we[...]TORY
have not yet been able to cater as much as we
would like to do for the special interests of o[...]tions on pa rticula r
f'Coblems, is invited that we may repair this
Meanwhile, we hope to earn your encourage-
ment, by steadily i[...]gazine to you as a centre for free and frank
discussion, through which you may ventilate
your own pa rticular problems connected with
the job and have them answered, and state[...]s of Woomera in South Australia , site of the experimental Rocket Rang e, i[...]following article, for which we are indebted to Fellow Officers Ron Bachmann and[...]there in the " Hush-Hush Country", where the crow's even , a re made to f[...]oking on the Range".
S an earnest of this, we draw your atten-
tion to a new[...]"Free Speech" , a section it is hoped you wi ll
make use of to bring up for general discussion OOMERA, for those[...]. in
the things, big and little, that you find cause to not know, is si t uat[...]nity it serves, Pimba on the East-West Ra ilway. You wil l have wives are a necessary luxury .
and / or the peop le who se rve it (that is, Us). to look closely at yo ur map to f[...]s in is on ly 4 o r 5 years old . However, t rust ing that[...]etri- you have been able to find us on the map, we[...]for wintry, or at least cooler, weather. I believe
mental to the public interest, or in which we, will p roceed to give you an idea of what life[...]here, because of the cold penetrating winds.
from taking side[...]was fo rme rl y To be in Woornera during a dust storm, to~,
But by and large the "Free Speec[...]ed only that what you have to say we ll as about 300 homes, the re are se rvice[...]rs for sing le pe rsonne l, and the population We are well equipped to meet this, though, wi th
or malice[...]ager and rubber knee-boots, which a re just the thing to
or where you come from, but merely use a pen Second Officer of the B[...]About two mil es west of the townsh ip is a
We may say that the Governor has expressed[...]Department of Wo rks and Hous ing constructi on
surprise that more controversi[...]camp known as Woome ra Wes t. This area was
discussed through the columns of the journal. the first to be used, and the Bank's b ranch i; As transfer to Woomera means far ewe ll to[...]next to the Woome ra West Post Office.
rency" develop as the centre of "[...]ha rd labou r) on a ll officers serving
Bank discussion up and down the line, fo rgi ng[...]d to about a re frequen t, and rel ief usually arrive~, before
amongst all section of the staff, from t he rawest 800 men. The majority live in huts, bu t the office an officer reaches the "dangerous stage •
junior at the remotest branch to the h[...]s from Ade laide advising hirn
pages, it can do just that- if it has your co- live i[...]Mea ls are provided in the Works and Hous- A. F. Knight, Manager; Ro n Emes, Tel[...]un, ing staff mess, but we have to att end to ou r Bachmann[...]

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - "Currency" - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (40)[...]slightly unbalanced officers usually go Australian-[...]Airways run a regular service three times a week;
at the Security Office, where his p[...]Friday; and the Budd
look that some of us have on our faces on that
the saltbush plains with chops and "what have[...]Pirie three times a week.
a good laugh we only have to g lance at the[...]Because of these regular services, most Ade-[...]. The fairer sex forms only
ho lder as well as the photo. Every person ove r[...]tage of Woomera's popu-
the age of 16 must have one, and it has to be[...]of Bank life only, but we may mention that[...]lation, and that's one thing that Staff Welfare
ca rried at all times and shown w[...]apart from the Bank, post office and canteen, we
can't help us with .
holder leaves or enters the p r[...]d, although our "the pitchers"; but once the weather turns cold[...]The last-mentioned, when com-
working week has now been reduced from six our de[...]pleted, promises to make the Myer Emporium
days and a few night[...]few nights, the hours of opening and however, where films are shown from Monday[...]The Woomera West theatre is a galvanised[...]d, and
On a no rm al morning we are on deck at 9 a.m. iron enclosure with sa[...]high
and the doors are open at Woomera West for and a short supply of very hard[...]and the day's work is folding deck-chairs we take serve a double pur-[...]fall.
h' balanced prior to 3.30 p.m. when we open[...]Stunted saltbush constitutes the only natural
,. agai[...]ocks are changed at 3.30 p.m., as all
bus iness conducted during the afternoon is under[...]Job
b,,i•' date of the fo ll owing day. Thus Saturday for us[...]==!===I coming here, we hope we haven't made you
We see customers looking at our date blocks[...]change your minds.
and wondering just who has been here too long .[...]Although in the "Land of Hush-Hush" in 1he
It usually takes new members of the staff a[...]so-called (and mis-called) Dead Heart of Australia,
couple of weeks to become accustomed to this[...]the dust flies, money flies and blowflies.[...]Koolymilka
Apart from the usual branch business at
Woomera West, we conduct an agency at Woo-[...]A S was foreshadowed in the press state-[...]If you weren't needed,[...]1rad-
The Department of Works and Housing your chin in the a[...]e lack of scenery en route is Think well of your bank,[...]Division Banks
well replaced by a sing-song from 1he over-[...]val of the Bank at Kooly- pose; they are useful, when folded, for carrying[...]) leads to our tressle table in the camp Welfare Club, which also has a very good library[...]at Woomera West. A well stocked canteen pro-[...]box containing a supply of stationery, vides us with the opportunity of purchasing[...]has been converted (to a satisfied Woomera Welfare Club. Membership entitles one Division, have been used. This was necessary
customer), we resume our sing-song on the return to a weekly ration of tobacco and cigarettes and because, as previously announced, a number of
journey with Ye Old Tin Trunk usually a few a thrice-weekly ration of beer, of which there is[...]he assets structure of the General
thousand pounds heavier. n[...]Banking Division were not fully reflected in 1he
We are very fortunate in having a refrigerator[...]On occasions when time, heat and dust permit,
at the Bank and during the hot weather it cer- comparison at similar dates will be practicab le.
sporting activities[...]tainly proves its usefulness. We have to thank[...]Welfare for this, and also for a radiogram, and[...]for records sent to us.[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - "Currency" - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (41)[...]t HE Bankers' Institute of Australasia has such a clause). Furthermore, the banker would
reads as follows[...]be returned for some reason or other.
ment for a customer of a cheque crossed accompanying answers to examination[...]volved, the manager should have in mind that
customer has no title or a defective title[...]owner of the cheque by The answers should not be taken as[...]lthough Mr. Graham may be the sole signa·
Discuss the meaning of the term "negligence"[...]or the Bank. They are written, however, - company-it[...]cheque were misappropriated.
A suggested answer:-

T[...]Banks have at various times been guilty of
HE term "negligence"[...]to his com-
source of much litigation . The most usual case[...]and Martins Bank 1924; Stewart v. Westminster
collects a cheque to which his customer has no[...]Bank of Australia Ltd. 1931.)
he is liable in damages for su[...]ence from a new customer. (Ladbroke v. Todd
88. In order to qualify f[...]1914; Guardians of St. Johns Hampstead v.
onus is on the banker to show that he acted[...](5) Collecting crossed cheques marked "A/c
Negligence is necessarily a question o[...]ayee.
and it is impossible to lay down rules that will[...](Morison v. London County and Westminster Bank
determine what is negligence and wh[...]Dundee Ltd. v. Westminster Bank Ltd . 1926, a
Each case must be determined on its own cir-[...](6) Placing to a customer's private account
cumstances.[...]Bank of Australia Ltd. 1932.)
negligence is whether the trans[...]that the endorsements were unauthorised inas·
in any given cheque coupled[...]much as they were effected with a view to
and present circumstanc[...]eeds of the drafts from their
ordinary course of business that it ought to have DIRECTO[...]ghtful home, in the company's account, to th e
aroused doubts in the banker's mind and caused[...]CHEQUE
him to make inquiry". Similar words were also[...],sed signature is nugatory as a forgery an
used in the case Permewan Wright & Co. v.[...]case could
State Savings Bank 1914. In Walbank v. West- pany Ltd., called at B. Bank Ltd_ wh[...]not claim to be a holder in due course, and thus
minster Bank Ltd. 1924, negligence was defined[...]cussion it might be held that Graham's endorse·
do s[...]banker has lost cash under his signing power on the Com-[...]the bank.
are numerous. The care with which the banker[...]Discuss both the practical and the technical
must act is shown by the following cases which[...]question 1951.) A suggested answer:-[...]practical considerations that would influ-
South Western Bank 1900.)[...]MAN who knows the world, will not
(2) Collection for a customer's private account knowledge of the direct[...]only make the most of everything he
of cheques drawn by his[...]know; and will gain more credit by his
London , County Westminst&r and Parrs Bank or com[...]

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - "Currency" - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (42)[...]lassification. And so I ask the

I 'M a Crusader, that's what I am; and
I'm lookin[...]to what real use they are being put. Above all,[...]nst the infidel, any worse off if the record were done away There ~re, particularly[...]conscrentrous officers with long service who are
Accountants, h[...]our official records and rency" and make the assertion that in his allotted tasks[...]ngle angle in the way they attend to our customers
inspired to set up more of their own making[...]itizens in the world outside the
Who'll join my cause to wipe out the children Your part, Crusaders, is to help yourselves by Bank. These enj[...]tles of Senior Clerk
of their imagination, and so make life easier carrying the battle to the en[...]ove complete No-hopers.
and pleasanter for all of us?
In every branch, in every Capital Office, and yourselves against this insidious enemy by Some are excellent tellers-[...]s source. Get out the registers other jobs because of their proficiency on the
me, anyway) there are literally thousands of yourselves and dump them on the bos[...]t them. who look on them not as busy bees but as[...]; registers and more registers! rest of us know. i~ man~ cases, that they will never get an;
Just take a glance around your own office. Close up the ranks, be courageous and hrgher rn the Bank, and their pre[...]margin of salary does little to keep alive their
Just look at them! Foolscap registers, passbooks[...]battle commence! enthusiasm. "Stuck".
large a[...]--o--
service for some improvised record. Just look
at the space they take up-in the strongroom[...]STIGMA
in the filing cabinets, in the drawers, under the
counter, they're everywhere. We spend hours[...]allowed to persist?
looking for them , pulling them out,[...]I suggest that the Governor, or Deputy We know that bank clerks in the Old Country
back.[...]al wore top hats and tails, but there was no justi-
And who keeps all these wretched books[...]Bank sponsor some educational feature Australia.
entering; who compiles the thousands of figures periodically.[...]nal than ads. as the cream of the Commonwealth Bank and
You and I do, of course.[...]are regarded as "relegated" when
And what real use are most of them anyway? regarded by ma[...]than glorified
of them could give a worthwhile answer to the worked soap and marmite variety.[...]b artite". while Savings Bank provides genuine useful
check on work that is already being adequatel[...]service for over four million Australians who
checked in terms of current instructi[...]"Striped Partts".
because "we've always had a record of these In "Currency", 2nd August, 1952, there was --o--[...]g article "World's Largest Sav-
opened", or because "Mr, Hayseed kept a ings Ban k".[...]Branch and The final paragraph tells us that the internal Your opening remarks with[...]ct as ours, what with teller's to be funny, were in very bad taste.
good enough for me"?[...]t to be destructively critical but
quickly; so, Crusaders, this is where we throw The author said he believes ther[...]eavours
down th e gauntlet. In the name of all of us I of trust and mutual confidence between manage- are constantly applied towards th[...]department, to collect all the un- Could we for a testing period scrap the and exper[...]ly and critically examine why spirit of trust and mutual confidence and other[...]and sentiments, and count myself well and truly
and records are to himself or[...]

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - "Currency" - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (43)[...]8
The Bank We Serv e-[...]Peanuts, on the other hand lose weight in[...]yet the Bank has to value its secu rity and make
serv ices of first-rank national importance, and[...]Various crops carry particular special ha•a rd s[...]advance by the Bank, such
Part VIII of the Commonwealth Bank Act, it was mum term of 12 months[...]orderly marketing of commodities, and to dis-[...]fluctuations in market value .
A borrower te mpted to use the Department's
duction might not be hindered b[...]e of commodities to
sale and payment of the previous year's that[...]prices improperly, is obviously hindered in so
level of production desired in t[...]iustified in lending. d[...]ing to loans of short duration .
In the marketing of most of our primary pro-[...]ant, or other expenditure
vests his cro p and the marketing authority to[...]of a "capital" nature which usually involves a
which he consigns it sells and is[...]vestment of funds.
Meanwhile, he is obliged to make ready for for drawings made by the borrower, and for a[...]the processing and / or marketing of certain com-
prov ide the millions of poun[...]ipation of sales. the Department's borrowers. Commonwealth and[...]ing maintained
The Depa rtment's function is thus to help State marketing boards, for the most part, com-[...]through weekly returns (C.B.R.2) supported by
maintain uninterrupted production and orderly pose the rest.
marketing of the nation's primary produce.[...]companies; and many that do not cal l themse lves
marketing bo ards, and similar approved bodies[...]are.
acting for groups of producers, which, are thus[...]Australia.
payments in anticipation of realisations,[...]service for the rural industries, through the allo·
It is not empowe red to lend to individual co-operative or[...]to various research organisations to[...]nce its inception the Departm ent
under the Commonwealth Bank Act to have the Where the D[...]request the Commonwealth Treasurer to have the
its advances are made, a Commonwealth or State[...]organisation proclaimed as an elig ible borrower.[...]acticable, the Department assumes
ciated with the marketing of primary produce. actual "physical"[...]news·
known and forseeable factors affecting the market- stored under its iurisdiction. But for the most paper on 8th August:-
ing of primary produce are taken into account,[...]s is impracticable and it has to be con- "We hear a lot these days about inefficienc_y
to e li[...]to base "I wrote to the manager, Commonwealth Bank,
ernment guarantee the risk element is slight. In advances is a highly technical business . Each Randwick, and posted my letter at 10.20 a.m. ,
other cases, however, this is not always so, and raw commodity or processed product has its August 5, in the pilla r-box, corner Cleveland a nd
close control must be executed throughout the idiocyncrasie[...]n into account. Cast lereagh Streets, Redfern.
marketing period.[...]ration costs are low hydrated form, and gain weight when processed St., Coogee), that eve[...]with those invc:.!ved in general bank- because of absorption of moisture. Then again, me[...]is of a short-term nature, and funds they are marketed in l lb and 7 lb. tins, and on examiner, Commonwealth Bank, Randwick.
are provided by the Central B[...]the staff of the post office a nd
of inte rest. Thus the Dept. is enabled to charge per ton in the smaller packages than in the Commonwealth Bank for service.- Bob Keating ,
a low[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - "Currency" - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (44)[...]engaged with a customer, and for a fe w minutes[...]how many custome rs came into the Bank and[...]how quickly they were attended to; but ' what[...]wo rds the telle r had to say to each customer,

I[...]and the cheery manne r each customer rep lied[...]ed in sight ,
DREAMT that eve ry branch we had[...]empted I fe lt to embark
With the elect of customers[...]p lussed, as he d id not think his te llers had tim e[...]upon a le nding sp ree.
we ca ll deposito rs.[...]to have a conversation with each customer. Later[...]customer" we re: " N ame and amount please. How[...]would you like it?" And the customers' "che ery[...]rep li es" fol lowed the lines of: "Mary Jones. Five[...]With knowing wink quoth he to me,
Thus confident I planned a state[...]o- -

I pictu red a portfo lio
of we llsp read bonds and bi ll s[...]A FUNEREAL NOTE
Discoun tab le, and thus as good
as money in ou r t il ls .[...]O LD Joe Cowbails was making his will. In[...]a conc luding clause , he wanted to leave
Inves tments of th i[...]by lending to make friends,[...]d
No applicant I need refuse Un[...]You r fu ture thus depends a lot[...]ng them, power to bi te, cut, suck and otherwise to eat[...]I did not even pause,[...]wyer comes a long and
could advance, as well as funds[...]

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - "Currency" - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (45)[...]fall back Training Within Industry, a system of staff
by good luck. Men have been[...]banking by the Bank
learned, of course. But it is usually an expensive It is not necessarily the fault of the supervisor[...]if good intentions and conscientious effort prove[...]training, a
Although written in relation to industry-the[...]born or otherwise acquired, but to most
ing the onus of training, for better or for worse,[...]vice between 1940[...]an innate or acquired knowledge
on by himself. He makes mistakes, is corrected[...]in. They want some
depending mainly on his own industry and[...]something must be done about training the[...]of instructing would obviously be impracticable. Industry", and became commonly known as T.W.I.
Some v[...]in peacetime industry. The system spread to[...]industry to meet war[...]industries.[...]tion of the war In Australia, the Industrial Training Division of[...]fundamental.< of we are concerned with number three on the list,[...]Industry". program, Job In stru[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (46)[...]ormula to over to the pleasant business of eating when the initial transfer is[...]room becomes the din of a Tower of Babel as
simpl icity.[...]hundreds of New Australians pour out of the
The time required to[...]lifts to send part of thei r week's earnings home
hours. Supervisors are trained[...]plet2d simultaneously. It has achieved a further[...]considerable saving of officers' time; and cus-
or ten during five two-hourly periods spread over Office Overseas Department that has been set
a week. At the end of this time they are, in[...]The volume of Saturday business in this section
Groups of supervisors fr[...]already well known to branches.[...]cooked up to slicka the business through that had the services of t[...]layout is on the factory production line. ously been pleasantly startled when greeted
and branc[...]lculates exchange, another This migrant business is welcomed not only
the Bank had to train its "trainer[...]e remitter's signature to the requisi'.ion, because of the indirect benefit it brings to the
who con[...]llows an untrained Bank but also because the indigent migrant of
The Department of La[...]essed into service with the mini- today may well become the prospe ro us local
sows the seed of T.W. I. It provides those[...]esigned by members of the row, and thus future current accounts a re born.
and starts the[...]ed the work. customers who attend our "dining-room migrant
such a[...]Card Sustenance Remittances, is a record of an[...]amounts of sustenance remittances effected by a opened i[...]asis.
This has been done, and 16 supervisors a
week are now receiving instruction from the
Bank's o[...]s
over the stile.
T.W.1. should provide the answer to most of
our on-the-job training problems . (t[...]It puts the ball at our feet and also teaches
us how to play it. _ _ 0 _ _

l'ttooF oF[...]

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (47)[...]would more than outweigh the advantage to be inspected by sub-[...]2416 and the The date of the posting is usually the first After perusal by Chief Accountant's Depart·
amount collected[...]ed would ture from this principle would cause confusion ferably destroyed as there would then b[...]£120. The commission on this amount, to customers. Additional problems would also further use for them. Any G/Ls, etc., authorising
which cove[...]copies being retained with
As it is, we had to take[...]suggest obviates the tedious necessity of filing,
boxes?[...]e. the various years.
AN SWE R:-Commission is paid to the Post- Ch[...]by you was given a satisfactory trial ANSWER :-The suggestion is not favoured for
handled, i.[...]following reasons:-
Instruction 221 (d) and (g) will be reconsidered The method of handling char[...]is at present under review and branches will be Office would invo lve the Bank in[...]be better clarified by discussion with the
D.S.:-1 wish to make the following sugges-[...]nk statements would be shown on the ANSWER:-lt is the duty of the Examiner to
were designed for different circumstances[...]porate an amount in words, among these
will go through the ledger and post the[...]Banks Local Cheques
after which the charges will be machined. parts of branch inspection reports be published, He ld.
The Examiner will then go through the with a view to eli[...]ult in a considerable saving of
officer, who will tick them on the machine others.[...]The ANSWER :-Similar suggestions have been con- maki[...]l duty it is to check them .
Examiner will also check the list of
accounts not liable[...]years at Head Office have indicated ANSWER :-Dispensing with the amount in
will verify and sign the list af accounts not[...]e slip wi ll then recur frequently enough to justify publication. sideration on previous occasions and was fully
be attached to a bul[...]and Accountants can, by occasiona l discussed at the last Conference of Capital Office[...]esentatives. It was decided, in view of the
AN SWER:-Ledger Leaves: Whilst the position-[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (48)[...]Transfers Our London Office is thus enabled to arrange[...]able and we are not responsible for subsequent[...]lly T/ T's to other overseas centres are
USTOMERS should always be encour•[...]movements in the exchange rate between London[...]Capital Offices only, and other
aged to make use of our facility for[...]l trans·
to the beneficiary is effected expeditiously, and Transfers[...]fers in overseas currencies.
the customer is saved the trouble and expense[...]Instead of the usual advice forwarded to
of posting a draft and the[...]ing into the wrong is almost invariably used where large amounts[...]dealing these cases the facility is often used because of Off[...]uisition form to countries where we are not represented b_Y
branches not authorised to issue make the usual C.B. 86.[...]agents, and the same exchange clause 15
arrangements with their Capital Office . Care[...]mation is often of assistance to the paying Australasian Telegraphic Code is used for trans•[...]lly in such countries as Italy, Sicily and by use of the Check Signals 1Jrovided for use might suit the applicant's requirements, th is
Cyprus where indentical names often recur in with Australasian agents. Cover for the remit-[...]cable to London .
Requisition form C.B. 57 is used for mail trans·
fers to countries other than t[...]During the war, interest rates were lowered
credit note.
was announced a few weeks ago took[...]many of us by surprise. After about seven[...]as possible. After the war, rates were still kepi
(C.B. 3c.). It is not generally realised how useful[...]courage development .
payment overseas. It can be used for all manner[...]During the last twelve months however, the re
of payments anywhere in the United Kin[...]until the recent rise was the lowest ever reached[...]in Australia. It was the nearest we had ever[...]ttitude towards interest rates as an in 5t rv ·
customers, brief messages may also be included[...]gratis (and borrowing it gratis too). If we look stances.
This form is also used when we are asked[...]In Australia , interest rate s have re cently been
to ef[...]by mail to a favouree in a back to 1930 we see the Commonwealth Bank[...]o pressure from a reduction in th e
country where we have no agen cy arrangements.[...]volume of money available to the "market", a
In such cases London Office can usually arrange deposits, compared with l per[...]turn in banks' liquidity; and Australia has now
bank represented by a branch or an agent in The maximum rate allowed by the Common -[...]followed the world-wide movement.
the country concerned. When payment is wealth Savings Bank fell from 4 per cent in 1930[...]- -o- -
arranged in this manner the followi~g cl,use to 2 per cent in 1945, and the new rate[...]copy of C.B. 3c per cent. Whereas the Commonwealth Bank now
and signed by the applicant:-[...]ECOMING exasperated with the confusion
"!! is understood that payment of this r[...]f keys required to maintain security over
tance will be effected in the currency of the Until the recent war, interest rates were an its thousands of filing cabinets, the U.S. Atomi c
relative country, at either the rate of exchange important weapon of monetary management in[...]t there, most countries. In the l 920's they were kept[...]fter its arrival there, at the option of they were reduced as part of anti-depression[...]equire 30 hours of work by th e mo st
the Commonwealth Bank of Australia." policy.[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (49)[...]:
By LESLIE C. WILLIAMS = Ea st written by Mr. Leslie Will iams for[...]- and the author, have graciously granted
HE clerica l staff, as the ir[...]eas nowadays there is no bar to down to business
an outstanding clerk rising to Probationary[...]in August, 1950- twelve months after the Tri- employee co[...]in that it encou rages
enterprise, but it a lso causes an abundance of bunal was convened- their findings were pub- annum .[...](A) The banks were divided into three cate- work to be[...]gories according to their financial status. year is indeed infinitesimal- quite apart[...]ent itled to free furnished (C) The re were thus nine basic sa lary scales. discovered that[...]n a not attended the lengthy sittings because he was
tainment allowance. At the la rger branch[...]Award of the Tribunal
the officers are reasonably well off whi le the
(E) Hours of work were fixed at 6½ hours per was illegal.
m[...]rdays) and beyond Consternation followed. Some banks promptly
business of their branches.[...]e-Award salary scales and
The normal annual bonus is a month's sala ry[...]service; hurried meetings were
plus an added bonus if the profits exceed those[...]on both sides and strike action was
of the previous best year.[...]The accounting system necessa ry to adjust Tribunal; some of the staff of a North
has its advantages and disadvantages. Weighing[...]we re nine bas ic sca les; dearness al lowance on a that its members were each shareholders in one
in his bas ic pay, but[...]the dispute.
in the minimum pay for his post, he will not
benefit. which th is al lowance was based were announced This revelation resulted i[...]rdered on the mendations may best be illustrated by the Leave 1948 and it is virt[...]resulted Rules. In a "C"-class bank, the lowest of the with the services of a worthless employee without
until the so-called disputes between employers three grades, an empl[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (50)[...]Le-Cussan, M. R. W., New La mbton , to We st0 n•

TRANS[...]Ma xw e ll , R. J ., William St. , Perth , to Perth.[...]Bexley, to San s Souci.
Chambe rs, J. A. , Mgr., Wellington, to Mgr.,[...]Murphy, T. J., West Ryde, to Epping .[...]ruya, to Wollongong.
Anderson, A. l. , Mgr., Crockwell, to Mgr., Pad-[...]town .
Everingham , T. W., Mgr. , Scone, to Mgr., Wel-[...]Curryer, A. J., Five Dock, to Weston.
lington .[...]Cutcliffe, C. G. , Homebush , to Merrylands.
Morrish, J. F., Parramatta , to[...]Dowling, Miss U. D., Admin ., to Murwillumbah .
Wallace, J . 0 ., Mgr. , Home Hill, to Mg[...]Nebauer, C. B., Jun ee, to Crockwe ll.
bridge.[...]Rhodes, Campbe ll, Rose Bay, to Earlwood.
Willoughby North. Dredg[...]., Bourke St. , Melb., to Shepparton. Russell, D. J ., Admin ., to Haymarket .
Prior, C. J., Bexley, to Camperdown , N.S.W.[...]Fulton , W. J. , Rlvg . Staff, N.S.W., to Willoughby Sandaver, Rodn ey, Fortitude Vall e y, to Nunda h,
Ferguson, H. R. , Punchbowl, to Marrickville.[...]Symonds, D. H., Rlvg . Staff, N.S.W., to Willoughby
Batten, Miss L. 0 . P., Moss Vale, to Admi[...]. Humphrys, I. G., Ca stlemaine, to Morwe ll. Turnbull , J . W., Rl[...]

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (51)[...]T
Weeks, J. T., Haymarket, to Alexandria.
White, Miss M. E., Melb. , to C.[...]ead far
White, Miss S. E., Perth , to Fremantl e.
Williams, R. J. , Mt. Lawley , to Perth .
Wilson, J. P., Annerley, to Bris .[...]ous future to : -[...]Staff Department, Admin., will
Young, Miss J . E., Bris. , to Graceville.[...]firearms officer on 11th August,[...], B. C., Bris. grievous perhaps that devoted
Wensor, G. T., Elizabe th St. South, Sydney. O'Brien, Peter, C.S.B., Melb.
West, R. D., Stores Depa rtment.[...]Oswell , F. B. , Bris .

BIRTHS[...]Relieving Managers and Accountants: Limpus,[...]Schwenke, A. C., Mareeba.
Bailley, F. I., Melb., son.[...]less, N. M., Wel lington; Ne ilson , F. A., C.S.B.,[...]We lch , Miss G. C., Bris .
Chenowe th, M. R., Adel., daughte r.[...]Wilson, C. V., Admin. Melb.
Crombi e, Jam es, Neu tra[...]Be willing to have it so. Acceptance
Peacock, J. H., Adm[...]William James.[...]

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (52)[...]at new developments in accounting and industrial
of Uppsala, Sweden, recently arrived in[...]financing abroad, is back on the job, suffering
Australia at the invitation of the Bank for a stay[...]When he gets time to wipe the sweat from
p rofessor in the University of Uppsala an[...]accumulated during his absence, he will try to
is well known in academic circles.[...]*
bank in Sweden, and recently he was a member
of a United Nati[...]Mr. King O'Mulley, "Grandfather of } 1:
Just before his departure for Australia, he Commonwealth Bank", celebrating his 9 '. 1
a ttended a mee[...]EST Argus", Melb.)
Professor Lindahl is to spend his time in Aus-
tralia as economic consultant to the Bank. There
are a numbe r of sim ilarities between economic[...]d States' biggest catt le ranch and
p roblems in Sweden and in Australia, and possibly the world's richest-the King Ranch in
Swedish econom ic thought and techniques have Texas-is at present in Australia. Mr. Kleberg
developed upon lines which hav[...]interesting to be tested for suitability in Australia's tropical ace is red ov[...]Quiz? Answer to question 5(a) shou
Austra lia, and the Professor's visit is expected to[...]cattle areas in Western Queensland, Northern 88% reads and e[...]Territory and Western Australia. to cover. This one was pretty well satisfied wit

Books for The party wil l include one or two of Aus-
tra lia's leading industrialists and cattlemen, as[...]well as Mr. Kleberg's two nephews who are also[...]Answers in this month's issue is a worthwhi[...]economic situation in Australia, and overseas[...]affecting Australia.[...]]. Hewett (Geelo11g, J/ic.)- d
su mme r north of the Arct[...][Ours is; bµt your plea sant letter has lowe~e
Uni ted States (Ca lifornia Branch). He will leave
couple lived off t he " la nd" in No rth A[...]our blood pressure quite a b it. We'll try to 9 1118[...]Berkeley, California. August issue of "Currency" which asks:-[...]for keeping whose account the Ban k makes)
cences of the care fr ee days o f a young woman[...]1946 attended the University of Western Aus-
WHITE RABBIT- Marshall:-Wing Commander[...]The answer quoted on page 16 is (a) Yes. Is[...]0, and to Economic
by the Ge rmans his adventures were many and[...]He is we ll-known for his association with the[...]rrency" joins with his many friends in wish- We, unh appily, w ere holding C/ M 5152 upside•
te[...]rs and diaries. ing him well in his overseas studies. down at[...]Wl1olly sci up and prin1ed in Australia t.,y[...]

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (53)[...]Bafflegab
Unu• Saft Custody Job 2

fo<1tbtll 'f•all[...]T HIS month we bring you another new fea-[...]which it is hoped you will find interesting and us good-humouredly to task for the following
* The[...]relative licences will be enfaced prominently
* A Daring Ei<,arltnent one page) of news from the various departments[...]words, 'The licences will be stamped'."
work of Capital Offices and Branches, and thus To that, however, we would say: "Not at
*[...]ay be. There are occasions, I think we must admit,
Extm. Probleins Answered 6
* 8anld119[...]when we are guilty of sur-

In The ,ar[...]in what we intend to con-

Mechaniaing Newcastle Bran[...]But on this occasion , we

*[...]feel, we happily have the[...]ertt J5 Knowledge is power; and[...]power into efficient action.[...]licences will be stamped", he does not make it

Wheel of Fortune 2[...]This is one case, then, where we feel confi-
Ro•• and ltaspbatrie• 24 Howells (Sub-Inspector "C" I.F.D.); R. G. Samp-[...]st's De- a go" at phrasing the sentence in fewer words[...]to us that the jargon of our trade can sound[...]they form a body of wide and rather ludicrous when we mix it with pomposity.[...]se of the Bank's The English language is famous for its[...]are facility , and only on rare occasions can justifica-
as keen as mustard to make the feature of tion be found for deba[...]

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (54)[...]AD-SC-2

HEN the Federated Retail Jewellers' As-
sociation of the Commonwealth decided
to stage, for the first t[...]ly the best was good enough when it came
to safe custody of the exhibits befo re and
after the show; for they were estimated to be
wor t h £1 ,000,000. The Bank was privileged to
be chosen fo r the job of custodian , which rep-
resen ted one of the most responsib le and unusual
tasks of safe custody ever undertaken by Sydney
The exhi[...]ed hundreds t>f the finest Retail Jewellers' Associa tion of the Common •[...]left) 1111d Jf e. senger Jf,
examples of the watchmaker' s art specially wea lth , Mr. W. E. Dea l!, asked us to convey on[...]ul guaT d
shipped from England and Switzerland as we11 his behalf, and on behalf of[...]e Federated Retml
as from all States of the Commonwealth, ancient
clocks and watches of great historic[...]]eu·ellers' Aswciation of Australasia unload
fabulous array of jewels and jewe llery, and a splendidly". His own[...]exhibits for the Jewellers' Exhibition at th e
valuable assortment of pottery and gold and were due to Mr. Carl Edwards, Acting Chief Clerk[...]Rugby Team
Tiny watches concealed under je wels in finger
rings; "bumped-up" working mod e ls a[...]ities all over N Bank Holiday weekend , a Rugby Union of the team that they will be welcomed back
the world; another incorporating a sli[...]lender, visited Yeoval and Wellington (N.S.W.)[...]moon; a clock the match against Well ington by 13 points to 5,[...]other (made for Queen Vic- but were defeated by Yeoval , 27 points to 3.[...]Acting Staff Inspector Husband was so de·[...]pub-
perfo rming involved astronomical functions, were[...]ed that "Currency" should
some examples of many unusual items in the Well here's why . After they returned home,
array of[...]publish it as a tribute to the team . We do so[...]with pleasure . These are the men who did us
Much of the finest work was the product of[...]proud: -
Aus tra lian craftsmen . Wellington Rugby Union Club : -[...]Nor thcott (Haymarket Branch); Vice-Captain, D-
Sydney Office was[...]the more valuable items Commonwealth Bank Head Office.[...]in .); F. Li tchfield (Maroubra); K-
from 15th August, to deliver them to the Town[...]Hega rty (Haymarket); C. Grooms (Rlvg. Staff>; R,
Hall in an armou r[...]Leal (Haymarket); L. Wa rr (King's Cross); v.
exhibition, and to[...]nces); Jd
exhibition ended and hold them in safe custody Bank Holiday weekend just recen t ly. They[...]r played matches at Yeova l and Wellington .[...]sporting spirit. Off the field they were gentle -[...]I
were stored.[...]N mid-August the 6,000t h home financed by
all concerned by the installation of a massive Be well assured Sir, that in encouraging[...]of the me mbers of your staff which must f[...]refle ct itself in publi c goodwill and confidence .[...]ey metropolitan area under the super·
In graciousl y according us perm,ss ,on to We have happy recoll ections of the vis it[...]

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (55)[...]previous year) and provision of credit on this Net[...]ctedly sudden and
great reversals in Australia's external busi}1ess.[...]tinued 10 make available 1o the banks, in instal- There were no variations of note in the posi-
unwarranted[...]it from their Speci.l Accounts, and is adjusting the Applications approved for long-term[...]pared with £1,063,000 during the previous year.
lending.[...]Its capital and reserves were kept fully em-[...]the Central Bank
That the fears and criticisms were unjustified[...]powered to borrow from it to increase its
now publishe[...]the Central Bank Net profits, at £49,375 were £2, 11 0 more than
sudden calls upon them for[...]lance sheet, to £583 million. for the previous year.
but that the banking system owes much for the Heavier purchases of government securities, to
way it has been enabled to "weather the storm"[...]support the bond market and help further to
to the Bank's much abused parsimony in previ-[...]meet the demand for cash, contributed partly to
ous years in withholding the funds in Special[...]ment of a second advance to wheatgrower s in[...]the item Commonweal th Government Securities[...]t withdrew from circulation (i ncluding Commonweal th Treasury Bills) on the[...]Net profits from central banking business, at Net profits, at £96,724 , show[...]those shown for the previous year.
available, and so to abate the effects of[...]Grants totalling £45,000 were made during
serious crisis which followed the slump in our[...]sue Department Fund to various organisations engaged in the
10 pay for the unexp[...]leted (by search associated with rural industries.
The slump in wool prices cut some £300[...]ecurities has also been increased Industrial Finance Department
the previous year's, and the rise in imports[...]e close this department. Lack of funds caused it to
ing, creating a trading deficit in the vi[...]st importance,
£575 million compared with a surplus of £94[...]purchase field being given
million for the previous year. As a result[...]the previous year.[...]No significant changes appear in the balance
Australian importers, taken by surprise by the Net profits of the Note Issue Department were[...]which is £2,573 ahead of the previous year's.
assumed would be delivered only in dribs and
drabs over a long period, were confronted at General Banking Division Housing Finance
the same time with a halt in public spending Accusations that the General Banking Division Th[...]made it impossible for them to clear the used borrowings from the Central Bank to extend housing during the year. Credit-foncier housing
newly-arrived stocks. Urgent appeals for finan[...]ed the trading banks are refuted by the lion were approved, compared with 3,400 for £4.8
the end of the year heavy withdrawals were balance sheet of the General Banking Division. million in the previous year, bringing the total
made from deposits lodge[...]Instead of having borrowed from the Central loans approved to 20,330[...]nts, been required to lodge in Special Account were lion was extended to co-operative buildin[...]rs.
its purchases of government securities on the
market, and this also served to support the term housing loans were transferred to the Sav- In addition, £5.2 million for housing purposes
liquid reserves of the banks. At the[...]tion to advances for retails in its assets, however, a high proportion
working capital. of housing loans compared with other trading[...]banks in Australia. The num[...]accounts increased by
The major private banks were enabled to[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (56)[...]ILLUSTRATED
mentioned that many ta les are told of him.[...]Crud1•
Mr. Morris never really got used to long dis·[...][11 terP.~l
tance telephoning, and unconsciously his voice
rose in relation to the distance between the[...]peaking to Bris·
~ane," the questione r asked : "Wel l, why doesn't
he use the telephone?"[...]chword in Vic•
banking chamber at a given time. We prepared to ria, Austra li a's most civilized State.[...]"Melbournite.''
were issued to the staff, and Mr. Inspect or Morris[...]lands
eventuated, but after several false alarms, we "Why, just stick a broom up me belt at the
were told on e morning that a demonstration was back, and I'll sweep the bloomin' floor for you Another da[...]d out of his hand and Instead of the usual people,[...]Paying in, drawing out- nothing new.
Well, Mr. Morris got fearfully enthusiastic,
~nd posted his men at strategic point[...]For the telter, on opening cash drawer,
and down awaiting the onslaught.
As the[...]ation Finds two new trust accounts in the making,[...]Man on phone te ll s switch he wants to make
more morose, until finally, when the Bank was[...]rs. Rat, not content, as most mothers,
closed, he went back to his room, and, with an Swi[...]To deposit some cash for the brats,
air of disgust, tossed his gun into the safe,[...]des ires to make app lication fo r accommodation .[...]She jumped out and went dashing for cover.
Story told by Motion and[...]Interview ing Offi ce r suggests he make his She took off with a jump from his[...]old Sandy !
a nut as the partly-assembled chassis went by to the manager of our bra nch neares[...]nk that day, was made history.
"Don't you ever use your left hand?" the[...]Here are facts that will stand all defiance:
M. and T. S. chap enquired.[...]We took rats as initial deposits,
And the next thing[...]setti ng out the man's requirements thus: - And sooled dogs on our poor la[...]age facili- ·our l,fe is what our thoughts make it; so
pa inting bellows with his feet at[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (57)[...]else hold t hy peace.


ERE'S to "Bohemund" ("Currency",
Sept.). You have many fellow crusaders[...]my son. The time wasted at so many
branches on useless, archaic, old-Spanish-custom OBARTITE'S suggestion (September "Cur- use soap and eat food , I consider they were
books of record is staggering, and believe me[...]rency") that the Governor broadcast lo the well above the par Hobartite mentions .
it's hard t[...]they would be; but how
of paper, etc., fulfil no useful purpose. "It's parently Hobartite has no[...]onalise and standardise all books of record Australia (over 100), or choosing one network in[...]every one of them were fired with the zea d
Which now gives me a[...]guarantee a huge number of listeners; customers, to tell the world what the Bank . 15
neve[...]would be free to and to go out after business· and let peep e
"dwelling place, home". Therefore I assume to tu[...]know what services we have to offer- then th e
, domicile office vouche[...]Bank would be regarded far more highly th an
dwelling place of the voucher-which is the f[...]getting a hearing would be remote. he will know that we have officers fired wit
shown, is the name of t[...]Davey, the zeal I have mentioned. He will also knoW
voucher can be said to be "domiciled[...]in the field of bank- t hat unfortunately we have far too many w~h
If this be correct, wh[...]ce be labori- he would be playing to an empty house. to stand up for the Bank or to resign and take
ously stamped with the branch line stamp, There are numerous other objections. What their "talents" elsewhere.
using hours and hours of time over the year,[...]e vouchers are again "domiciled" times (between 6 p.m. and 9 p.m.) are booked least took time off to think and make a sugges·[...]the G.B. teller's numbering stamp, S. B. anxious to secure those times for daily or week ly gospel himself and encouraging pthers[...]or "It that I would wage r all Hobart to a wet cigarette many men who have tried to adve[...]hat it couldn't be arranged in ten years. busi nesses with grand opera instead of soaP
before being put into use. B/1 is silent on the On occas ions adve[...]other pet hate: the very bad habit of monwealth loan or e lection broadcasts; but for less than 15% of Australian radio audiences.
instilling terror into the hearts of inoffensive, the Commonwealth Bank, NO![...]e suggested broadcast to the
the sub-inspectors will "pull you up on that" nation would be terrific, because ii would not --0--[...]Governor's broadcast come into acrimonious.
Keep this "Free Speech" column going.[...]the Bank's films, and apart conscientious officers with long ~ervi~ct who are
df st[...]

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (58)[...]Committee's
in the way they attend to our customers and More News Wanted[...]We suggest this wand be put on the annual
who[...]could start putting their houses in order while
by many officers of Saving[...]There is, however, one issue which I would[...]think constitutes a real weakness. This is the
least.[...]Staff Welfare[...]T
Stewart Ferguson (C.S.B., Sydney). failure to publish a[...]welcome some information concerning the new Staff Welfare I think that at the present time[...]staff-reporting system. We all realise that the when the Bank is so r[...]reports made about us by our senior officers are
calls himsel[...]to the mushroom growth of the Bank's welfare[...]and we would like to be reassured by a frank
rency[...]s I am sure that most officers would welcome the Bank for many years. It is extre[...]al. ful whether the present high pressure welfare
matters at all to any save "Stuck". St[...]Interested Reader. set-up makes for more efficient or contented
possible--[...]Scarcely a day passes but we are urged by a
seriously-that curiosity concerning "Stuck's"[...]-hoper-and a complete No-
hoper-has been aroused. Should this be so, it
is clear that the[...]a.m. or a football match at 4 p.m. on our weekly[...]tually wave over a branch to
Any other conclusion could call for expression dance. If these were compiled, typed, roneod[...]xpense I think it high
only in terms which must be far less pleasant.[...]time we considered welfare in its proper per-[...]that there is not sufficient margin between (Another good one from[...]ny efficient
officers doing good conscientious work as Secur-
ity Clerks, Senior Assistant[...]nd
mediocre sections of the Staff have been well
catered for.
Now how abou[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (59)[...]out for yourself. Perhaps you will see those[...]of used blotting paper and untidy heap of books
staff were working, and seen what the customers[...]sact decorating the back of a chair; that dust on those Actuary's Depart•[...]~=
their banking business? Have you ever stood[...]light bowls; that adding-machine cover just tossed
on the customers' side and considered the im-[...]_ tant at Homebush[...].JIL.J;.;...--
The first impression made on a customer is
observant and critical customer standing on his
when he stands in the street[...]!._
sign to tell him that here is the Commonwealth[...]accountant at
Bank of Australia . The Bank's signs with their Help[...]rchitecture discarded articles whose period of usefulness is
give the impression of a modern and ef[...]which
bank. Keeping sills and mouldings free of dust are surplus to day-to-day requirements; hang up . .
will assist in maintaining a clean appearance and that coat in the locker room; make a place for[...]business to the greatest comfort and convenienc[...]of the customers? See if you can arrange matters1•
use is kept in its proper place, ready for when
look up at that occasionally, and brush off any so that the withdrawal customer slips h'15 boo• h[...]uired . Every officer should play his part
loose dust or cobwebs which spoil the[...]desirable to get the withdrawal customers r,gh
Cleanliness Has the teller a miscellaneous collection of[...]Remember, the customer sees the backs of those
standard maintained when the customer enters clear for other customers to come and go.[...]Rushe
of lighting leaves no shadows to hide ink spots[...]lorn unclaimed glove still hanging If a rush is on and you do not have a
on the walls or dust on counter fittings . Inspect[...]- if Mrs . Brown values it she will ask if you of your staff into the public[...]the customers when the extra teller goes on, ~r
Having in[...]hen a teller is closing down for lunch. It is
she will usually speak up to the staff should Are yo[...]they move briskly about their business or do sion for a teller to slip the "Next Teller Plea~
Perhaps the morning rush of business has been they lounge around talking and[...]t their work? waiting customers to other queues, where t ~y
wreck of a square that broke. But the customers will wait all over again behind others w 0
in the aft[...]the blotting pads, put the and look the customers and your fellow officers[...]all of these
pens on the trays, and restore the unused forms squarely in the eye. If the customer has received[...]ood impressions since he first saw
left by early customers to their proper places
on the writing slopes. Make sure those pens our sign from across the[...]information given clearly If so, when business is heavy, stand out some·
are fit to write[...]will make a good impression for the Bank on the[...]e your counter boxes for slips and forms customer, and also for yourself on your fellow[...]and impress on the customers that things do not
be found quickly when it[...]just work of themselves but that there is some~[...]How do you treat the customer whilst he is one in the office whose[...]se an
those boxes occasionally; it is surprising just[...]that they may receive the best possible
how much dust and other rubbish they collect in
spite of being[...]on for service .

the boxes only the forms used every day, and his use set back out of the flow of traffic? Do
put away other formi used less frequently in the not be sparing with[...]only to watch a laden shopper cu stomers will take home from your branch. TrY[...]atefully onto a waiting seat with her to make sure they are good imp ressions and to
How much[...]n be seen from heavy basket to realise just how much the brief help your imagination , go to their side of the
the publlc space? Join the customers and find rest is appreciated.[...]

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (60)[...]of
bookkeepin g machines in our Newcastle Branch
we are confident of effectively handling any
other instrument of upheaval and confusion.
Some time ago it was decided to proceed wi[...]pressure was on!
It was reported that our typists were the first[...]on (standing) superin•
ever, that their fingers were not dripping blood,[...]Perry, I,. Pilgrim, and
When it was seen that we were overcoming[...]l, then Mr.
the transcription difficulties, the powers that[...], was always on hand
launched a further attack on us by commencing
to help. We would like to say here how much highest praise must be given to one and all
to pull the building dow[...]we appreciated the capable assistance of all the[...]for the hard work and fine team spirit displayed,
us- with none of this pansy evacuation business[...]which enabled the first of our sections to be
allowed either. Surrounded by rubble, we[...]on Frida y the 29th August. The smoothness with Before 8 p.m. the work was so well in hand
No Ea y Job which the work proceeded showed that the plan- that the staff were called together and our[...]became apparent that although we had warned very fi[...]r the night,
arrival of the huge ledg er-cabinets weighing tons[...]y the and broke the welcome news that work on
and measuring approximat e[...]following week it was very likely that it would
and 5ft. high . They were hoisted into the bank-[...]Saturday morning saw us as busy as Old Nick tion cam[...]y night to see how things
into position convinced us that, by comparison , were going. He supported Mr. Treloar in his[...]mented particularly on the excellent co-opera-
We fiddled around for days with scale models[...]the difficulties, and by noon the decks were tion of everyone.[...]So the new system is in . We have our teeth-[...]cleared to complete the transcription task.
that we had to get the cabinets into their correct[...]Beautiful sunshine outside must have turned
position first go, because they are not the sort[...]your next infernal weapon. We're confident of[...]1111111 111111111111111 111111111111111

system . We were much impressed on his return
by the wide and de[...]with bobs and zacks . Shake it up and send us
conference at the Tivoli Theatre , called the[...]he chance the Bank will be "on the air" one of these days
Mr. Cornwall's return gave impe tus to the
preparation s, as we were now able to see clea rl y of listening-in to[...]rand-new radio station, call sign
what was before us and make final plans. odd little dramas, whi[...]f writing, it
Four ledger machines arrived and were in- this (though we hope not):- ·[...]! Hul-lo!I Where which will be tuned to Control Station VH 2BA.
Bank came up[...]will enable drivers to instantly report anything
The weekend of 30th August was "T" (for[...]he season for It will also have advantages in saving double
had leaked out that machines were being[...]s cast. An article "This is No. 2 Truck. We ' re bushed, bogged pick-ups and[...]so, in the Newcastle Morning Herald, and bewildered out Liverpool way. The engine's[...]nists dropped out, the axles · have busted, and the ·they get[...]. b-ody's ··fell off; .and we're loaded to · the roof[...]

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (61)[...]ve t ell P often the subject of ous four years.
rumour-wild, mild, Life can be complex.
or indiff[...]is on
growth; what does the coming year hold for
Australia and our economic future; how to adjust[...]production in the
our business to changing circumstances- briefly, cu[...]nd Procedures Committees; facts .
a cautious lending policy; selective business Since March, 1952, there has bee[...]With this in mind we. 1teresti~l •[...]of the lesser-known but d~fficultieS 1
£100 a weeh. The basic-wage spiral actual production, of the previous owners. to outline s[...]perat1 1
as occurred over the past 5 years, the weekly The inference could be that prima[...]romote frank and . co-~ ran96\ ,
basic pay cheque will exceed £100 by 1967. from average-sized farms is not being seriously _ Administration on the w[...]- In it we propose to av~• on b1: (
we must watch our operating costs?[...]1IIIIIIIIH

Conference. As foreshadowed in and figures. taking t[...]Capi- scalps, Industrial Fin-[...]nistrative Department repre- ance recently went into its figures. involving support for the bond mar ke t ,
sentatives will pool their talents in a second The 6½ year old infant has assisted well over fancier finance , building-society[...]3th October in Mel- 8,000 overdraft borrowers, and in 125,000 hire- · to partner States[...]t W. P. Eskdale in purchase cases the answer has been "Yes".
the Chair. With these approvals went £85 million for
Its aim, of course, is grea[...]and easy frivolous days to those of the highest[...]'d knoW
as 200 will face the delegates. The Industrial Finance people, given the funds, Giv[...]olume of our ove rall C.S.B. loan sup- of Industrial Finance figures (in the next issue
The[...]ns _diminished . Rural Credits will be featured) .
Avstralian lawn Tennis Association would recoup In 1948 we examined 310 proposals and The August rise in gold and balances held
.Ifie outJay with[...]tral Bank (the first since June,
• AIJ w.ent well over the years 1947-50 when million. Four years later 759 cases were sub- 1951, it reflected Australia's purchase of $30
001,!r h_
oming dollars grew as tour followed tour; mitted; 395 we re g ranted and £8.4 million was mil lion[...]an enough to has also carried other onerous commitments, overseas in the fir[...]

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (62)[...]nd down-to-ea rth policies such immediate adjustment can be made to help[...]Wealthy Reviews of Mort-[...]cluded an exhaustive and protracted task for the[...]prised Messrs. C. R. Wilson , Sub-Inspector; C. L. 1950/ 51 wool boom ha[...]Mobbs, representing the Commonwealth Bank to all borrowers who handle the Golden Fleece .[...]H. L. McKinnon representing Quite a few enthusiasts borrowed heavily from[...]Acting and found that by the time the precious bales
11 e of a big family, and[...]Staff Inspector, A. M. Husband. went to auction, the price of both wool and[...]Approximately 2,200 officers were within the sheep had eased .[...]rowed down to some 350, from which the final t[...]recommendations were made . to the wool fir[...]Free Speech" it is intended
discussion between ' Branches and
f topics.[...]general su~-
,no , Y questions and answers on routine[...]last twelve months. carried out! Let us assure you Premises Depart-
~·[...]We now conduct Registries and also act as m[...]Issuing House for public loans on behalf of most[...]rising costs, building delays and "rise clause[...]uncils . conscious" contractors.
1952[...]Three to four floats p.a. (plus Commonwealth) The scene has suddenly changed . Wh[...]used to be our norm . Present pace is equivalent ders were recently called for alterations to[...]r. Bankstown premises, no less than 16 were
major life assura[...]received. The lowest tender was accepted- at a[...]However, the costs position is still such that it[...]. ,,. We know[...]...._ous•ng.[...]housing loans, credit-foncier approvals for July,
agers are often in the invidious position of having[...]at nearly £700,000, were a record. Over £25[...]million has been found in housing finance of
It ma[...]Governor·s By now you will have[...]he year to the 30th
we strongly urge that the customer approach be[...]. tomatic and equal adjustments apply Department to distribute 17,000[...]of its type published in Australia on banking[...]ans an additional and the national economy. It will help you to
economic climate does not favour mushroom . f £ 200 ,OOO per annum from £80m . of discuss these subjects with intelligence and[...]such investments . However, on the greater part understanding and with greater credit to the
surplus to requirements, and a sales paradise[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (63)[...]ities since the war has
been the enormous increase in mail
matter. The daily inflow and out[...]of the various mailing sections was frequently so[...]ditions, depend upon the pros-
adoption of various expedients has been neces- A Ce ntral M[...]sperity
handling mail has lacked cohesion at various[...]for- economy in small things as well
sacrificed to some extent to the dictates of
ur[...]office avoids the unnecessary use
lining our methods and effecting savings in[...]ling modern machinery. Investigations showed that
procedures .[...]year is just on £2 ,000.
the use of Sortergrafs was a faster method of
The Com[...]R. Crichton and R. pigeon-holes are numerous and occupy much = advances would require, we -
J. Fryer.[...]1111111u111111111111111 111 111111 ~
peak period rush could be efficiently handled t ion of the area required to house sets of[...]er items which came within the Commit-
In the rush and bustle of post-war expansion,[...]investigations into wha~
several mailing sections were established to[...]roved invaluable in facilitating the wasteful use of airmail; deferring the po 5t age
Apart from t[...]s until important mail is to
Sydney Office, there were separate mai ling sec-[...]lines for mail to be ready for despatch, a use of second-c lass mailing facilities; introducing
Bank Loans Dept., Industrial Finance Department,[...]S ter
different mailing, in the one post- an obviously postage costs have been lessened, and late[...]Arrangements were also made with the Fire[...]rs to sort mail and policies
to the best possible use being made of con- was found that the[...]into a nest of mail-
cessional postage rates allowed by the Post- envelope-opening machine s[...]the day. is hoped that the Bank will be allowed to par-[...]me nt for mai l be tween banks has been forwarded[...]investigated outside the realm of postages were[...]months' trial between Head Office and Melbourne[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (64)[...]mail in operation
The teleprinter will be a dual-channel type, ttt the Cent[...]mitting and receiving messages
simultaneously. It is hoped that this installation[...].f. ffpnsler, K.
will effect considerable saving in telephone[...].Trffer.,on make light
Many helpful suggestions were forthcoming u•ork of a henvy[...]ccess.
Economies amounting to many thousands of
pounds per annum, both in postage[...]strenuous pursuit- too strenuous, we thought,[...]of bell-ringers. (Who is, you say.
Well, we are; so bear with us a minute Bell -ringing had a sl[...]one of thy laborers be under the rod
and we'll tell you something interesting .)[...]ht to rebellion, and his work to con-
We always had the idea that bell-ringers (that[...]fusion, by conflicting commands .
is, the type that pulls the ropes that make the
So there you are. We always thought there 3. Let thy labo[...]to complain
bells ring out in churches) were husky old
must be some way of having the opposite sex of injustice . But let him against whom he
codger[...]rs, and ringing the changes! What next will they be judgment till tempers h[...]t that tasks and responsibiliti es thou
tweed, tobacco and rum that surrounded them,[...]be clear - cut and
and by their unconscious habit of spitting on[...]and rubbing them on the seat of their
But there was nothing like that a[...]alt not burden thy overseers with
ringer we discovered the other day on the staff[...]This one was a diminutive, not to say sweet of currency in circulation; it had[...]e not thine overseers by issuing com-
August to make a two-weeks' tour to give exhi- was adopted of[...]and futility by usurping the authority thou
unable to bend[...]credit be due serveth both as sweet balm[...]just mead of labor for his pay; but to seek[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (65)[...]icer of Staff Department

W HEN the Commonwealth Bank Act under
which the Bank now op[...]a normal standard of efficiency and good con·
clause : "As soon as practicable . . . the Bank[...]n~,
That was the beginning of classification as we class, and so on, with the numbers of posi[...]the basis wa s com·
d rawing of a sharp li ne between these two[...]pleted for the formation of what we now know
elements-the va lue of the job, as disti[...]and fo r that ma tter in all career industries- for[...]first to the twenty-seventh year of an officer's[...]lower-sca le salaries, and the more responsible
tion s[...]should be created .
fr om the junior duties which we a ll perform on
fi rst joining the Bank, through[...]ing and telling duties. customer. fairly obvious and can be lined up readily one[...]accurate
d uties than to those of more junior status, and,[...]in the general classification carry surplus I[...]

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (66)[...]like answered, such as "Did Queen[...]Though his studies were interrupted by the[...]ut 'em up to affable Dick (R.G.) Samp- years of wild skirmishing with machine-guns,[...], Admin., who, a .303's and other lethal weapons in the Middle
little bird told us, is an absolute wizard on East, Greece, Cr[...]answering quiz questions. So[...]If he can't answer them, it's London to a the finish in the[...]will be able to; for between them they've won B.Ec. to his name, qual[...]over £400 in prizes answering such questions aviation pilot, and study marine navigation ("just[...]had been to "the take", by correctly answering a series sented his state, Tasmania, in amateur Australian
appointed a member of the Commonwealth Bank of brain-busters on Station 2SM's "Telequiz". Rules Football and rowed in senior competitions.
Board to succeed Mr. J . W. Fletcher. The ap- We asked Dick how he came to be caught up[...]not least, he knows
pointment is for five years. We congratulate Mr. in the quiz biz. "The wife started it", he said how to make Black Orpington fowls lay eggs
Gunn upon his appo[...]like mad on the acre of land he farms at Pen-
welcome to him.[...]ning the jackpot by answering English history A Medal[...]iation of Queensland. He is also a member
of the Australian Woolgrowers' Council and the no holding her." For
Australian Wool Board.
Mr. Fletcher, whose term expired on 21st
August, had asked not to be considered for re-[...]With much pumping, we learnt that Dick had[...]Malvern (V) Branch, will probably not thank us
appointment and we convey to him our best cracked a 2GB jackpot for £286 last year, answer- for this; but we're taking the risk of broadcast-
Wishes for the future . ing Australian history questions, and had been ing[...]he N.S.W. finals of the National Quiz one Australia has awarded him its Bronze Medal,[...]quizzes", Dick told us with a grin, "is that there We haven't the details of the story as we rush[...]Incidentally, finding the answers to knotty you next issue. Come on Malvern[...]we may say, it is not his only talent by any
rn the[...]Meanwhile-Good work Tom . We have been
Bank Supervisor at "B" is something tha[...]atives Jack l>111·ey ( fp/t J
of the Commonwealth Bank Officers' Association turn[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (67)[...]duplicate. by Adm inistration , the Editor will s[...]checking Savings Ban k ·on terest
branch which must clea'r by C.B. 33 Clearing[...]should be allowed to make alterations to
Voucher. C.B. 5 draft must be held out for
inspection by Branch Inspection[...]subsequent adjustments to the moneY
clearance may be effected.[...]use to post the relative withdrawal chec
1. Comple[...].B. 25 cleared to issuing similar form .from us.[...]This form took the place of a will , and had a[...]would save the Bank: - clause protect ing the bank in 1he event of a[...]will written subsequently stating contrary to the[...]the majority of errors in additions are cause
d . Response by C.B. 33 Clearing Voucher[...]ure that figures are prop~r y
e. Letters between branches in case of[...]spaced one under the other, thus el iminating
Outstanding Items .[...]c- ceased A/ cs would be simplified by 1he use of[...]ANSWERS:--{ 1) To avoid . h
tion[...]intestate and numerous relatives had to complete[...](2) There is no objection to such adjustments
of the funds involved and prepayment of similar form for us , if our present laws do not[...]ANSWER :-There is no provision in our Act
used for this purpose, but as this would be open
to abuse of the exchange payment, and would[...](4) We rely on Examiners to correct any te nd ·[...]rly when some are revoked or altered
Drafts on Australasian Agents except Island by reason o[...]struction 347
A similar system is already being used by[...]"Please send my signature to BandywalloP
ANSWER :-A number of suggestions have Perh[...]t its return on
from one point to another within Australia , and tion to the cost in time and pos[...]ANSWER :-The aud it is conducted under agree- ANSWER :-Both departments prefer that letters
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (68)[...]lowing suggestion concerning 4. Make suitable headings and notations on[...]ANSWER :-Under the terms of C/ 114-24,
re lieves (and i[...]ment of our stamp on the cheque, we prefer it
when he relieved a signing officer, sub[...]and in such manner as will not interfere with
Upon re ce ipt of He ad O[...]may Because of the time involved in stamping
As a large p[...]the large volume of items received, we have
as sign in g officers can usua ll y expect to be ap- ANSWER :-Sort ing each bank's cheques and[...]ith the arrangement
pointe d permanently for various reasons within mach ining in bank order on the various D/ N at Capital Offices; but we prefer that branches
a year or two, the registrat[...]ward and to "readily" localise e rrors. The
ANSWER:-Thank you for your suggestion. It[...]INFANTS' ACCOUNTS
is not considered desirable, however, to include branch, and at some point[...]work.
time. It is felt that this could lead to abuse of[...]llUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIJ,;
the system . For various reasons some officers[...]ANSWER :-Section 151 of the Bank Act pro-
officer will assist in ensuring that he receives vides that infants' accounts will not be trans-
years ago have as yet been appointed permanent adequate training in various positions in the[...]1/1/ 1949
for the various De bit Note Addenda, keeping[...]SET - OFF
order as that in which they were received, it 1/ 1/ 49 3 1/[...]ANSWER :-Yes. legal opinion is that a Divi-
forward[...]dend Account is not a trust account, and pro-
total is brought forward wh[...]customer, to set-off the credit balance of suc[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (69)[...]eate greater anomalies; but ments will be made, (at present £1,070).
I suggest, could be used for the special if "T.C. I." ha[...]time {at present £1 ,265).
ANSWER :- The instruction that C.B. 35 be[...]ANSWER:-1. All banking awar d s se t salaryk
ackno[...]265 in our
lost in t ransit when being cleared between the ir. original registration , re[...]wealth
centres. In such cases C/ 1 19/ 16 may not be[...]ANSWER:- By the time an officer is appointed Bank Act 1945-51 the Governor has full power[...]then , be definite on the form his signature wil l men! (which includes overtime). In fix[...]caused by insufficient care taken in signing.[...]of fresh signatures be cause of the considerable In add ition, ma[...]pense involved in the to and discussed by Staff Conference.
T.B. {Q.):-Why do we not have Agency However, if the characte r of their writing has
Arrang[...]a trad- altered materially, officers may make application
ing bank b ranch in every town iri Australia in to register their signatures ag[...]Current Accounts- h
those points at which we are located?[...]tor is made payable to a firm o f so 'd bY
ANSWER:-The expenses involved in main-[...]tors, or mu\
bran ch, other than at poin ts where we maintain the even t of deletions being in[...]quote relative Instruct ions.
sen tadon ' is reviewed pe riodica ll y and additional made, is it nec[...]Are answers .1n " Currency " o f su ffi,c,.ent auth·
branc[...]ing officer for perusal?
branches or an existi ng agent, etc., makes it ANSWER :-Section 53 of the Trustee Act pro-
des irab le. Where a b ranch receives regular ANSWER :-Yes. vides that a trustee may, instead of acting per·
requests for remittances to a point where we --o-[...]sonally, employ an agent to transact business ~r
have no age ncy fac il ities, and conside[...]provided that the power thus given does n;[...]situa ted near on behalf of a deceased customer, the correhc
T.C.1.:-For ove rtime purpos[...]would be to pay the money to \ e
that hours a llowed fo r holidays are 7¼ per day[...]execu tor or trustee or to a bank account in t e
and half-holidays 3 hours. Fo llow ing a busy week, ANSWER:-lsland coun ters have the dis-[...]advantage that, ge neral ly speaking, bus iness can-[...]the purpose of directing customers to the correct
staff are 3 on Satu rday and[...]Department, where customers' wants can be
ANSWER :-Yes. An officer is entitled to attended to and their business finalised, is Answers in "Currency" can be accepted as an
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (70)[...]{b) 1931?
ANSWER :- No.[...]4 . During the twelve months ended June 30 last the Health Society[...](!) 9/ -; (2) 11 / -; (3) 13/ -.
Houston, Archibald, Crow's Nest; Mansom, F. W.,[...]uns- caecum ; (2) an outhouse-like structure in which he works; (3) a
wi[...]7. C/ 1 2-46 authorises the use of certain symbols in the Bank's
Account[...]ndence. What do the following stand for :-
Twem low, G. L. H., Newcastle; Smith, E. l.,[...]{a) A letter of the alphabet standing for a swear word;
J unio r Classified Branch Offi[...]here are at least 12 British Colonies having various dollars as
w orth, L. G., Su rr y Hill s; G[...]m term for which the Mortgage Bank Department may make
J. F., Penshu rst· Da le, Ke it h, Lutwych[...]What is wrong with the following phrases commonly used as
LAR GE p ropo rtion of the a[...]vera l su rgeries (1) Make assurance doubly sure;[...](2) Pride goeth before a fall;
are caused by mishand ling of t he spi ke fil e.[...]spiking of vouche rs w ith one ha nd, as il lustra ted (5) Fresh fields and pastures new?
on the left below. We suggest t hat using bot h
hands, as il lustrated on the right, will save you
getting spiked.[...]I moved 750 major muscles.[...]I'm exhausted!!
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (71)[...]Bond, Cha rl es, West Pe rth, daughter.
Neg us, Miss Hazel, Ad min., Bris., to C.S.B. , Bris.[...]Du ffel !, D. L., Bris., son.
Nixon, C. R., West Wyalong, to Cooma. Cahill , M[...]aughter.
Osborne, B. A., Newcast le, to Newcastle West. Co le, Miss M. B., Port Lincoln .[...]Melb., to Footscray. Durling, Miss J. G., William St., Perth . O'Mahony, J. E., No[...]e. Perry, N. H., Broken Hill.
Russell, I. W., Ballarat, to Hamilton , N.S.W.[...]knows H. G. (George) Collins,
Sabien, E. S., Homebush , to Bondi Junct. Quinlan , Miss M[...]Bank and Rural Credits Departments, will be
Schamburg, T. J. , Southport, to Home Hill.[...]i, Miss N. S. , Sydney. wea lth Institute of Valuers .
Shaw, R. F., Bourke S[...]s, V. F., Katanning, to Perth. Wil liams , Miss M. F., Hamilton , N.S.W.[...]M
Smeath, M. H., Strathfield, to Homebush .[...]reen , W. V. , Rlvg. Mgr., N.S.W.
Thomas, D. G., William St., Perth, to Geraldton .[...]associated with various rural surveys of national[...]importance and se rved on a Commonwealth Ad-[...]in the Northern
Watson , R. J., Kalgoorlie, to Busselton. pleasant prospects fa ce:- Territory for the Commonwealth Government.
Watts, J . C., Murwillumbah, to Tweed Heads .[...]nsiderable p ractical experience as a farmer and
Wear, R. E. A., Admin., to Fremantle.
Webber, Miss J. H., Circular Quay, to Parramatta.[...]grazier before joining the Federal Land Tax De-
Wenlock, R. H., Leederville, to Darwin .[...]He was serving as Divisional Supervising
Westgarth, W. M., Adel. , to Clare.
White, E. R., O[...]and Land Sales Control in the Taxation Depart-
Wilson , Miss Darilyn, Sydney, to Maroubra Junct.[...]N.S.W. of the Mortgage Bank Department in
Wilson, K. J., Granville, to Windsor . In For A Surprise
Wilson, P. B., Camperdown , Vic., C.S.B., Melb .[...]your pocket, McSweeney?" . ,,[...]f that dangerous stuff, may I as , Mc weeney ?" .[...],, 'Tis because of that oaf McColl. Ivery toime

0[...]European theatre between 1939-45.[...]aks all the points off me pencils . The
o us fu ture to: -[...]

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (72)[...]ose is to create a spirit of friendly rivalry
between the six trainees who comprise each
12-day cour[...]he
board, in line with the appropriate day of the
week and under his column .[...]The staff at this branch discussed your "Report
A quick glance at the board thus enables one on the Questionna ire" ("Currency" August, 1952)
to see how his score compares with his class• and were disgusted with the response received[...]able for inclusion in the Q . & S. page of "Cur·
record established by a previous class, which is and as t[...]portion intelligence , we would have thought appreciation[...]been reflected in a greater response.
in the drawer or dropped on the floor, even It appears to us that, as in many cases where I suggest that the item be illustrated by your
though it might be discovered in a[...]artist and that the illustration and description
minutes, rules out a slick[...]should stand out from the questions and answers
for any one course is 14 out of a possible 30. We feel that the circulation and costs could[...]nd to give example;
a multiplicity of miscellaneo us business equal officers in[...]estions might be considered as suitable for
ably busy branch.[...]for reference here, and we wish to compliment[...]hank you for your excellent suggestion,
its stimulus to friendly competition is proving material used.[...]which has been adopted in this issue. We feel
a definite incentive to careful and accurate[...]sure that officers with ideas will be keen to
work,[...]Answer s to Quiz[...]implies unwillingne ss to go forward (e.g., a restive horse-one[...](1) Make assurance DOUBLE sure;
B/W, Bond(s) Warran[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (73)[...]"Free Speech", may be higher.

* 8EtfER HOUSING FOR NEW[...]ing, and a marked increase in "Questions and[...]So, come on girls; don't let us down.

GUINEA 2[...]that we have been "flat to the boards" handling "Currency" Committee
C.S.B. HOUSING LOANS CON· the daily infl[...]suggestions and questions went forward to
l!EVISION Of ADVANCli[...]S research to answer.

THE LIGHTER $1DE ....[...]N TO BANKERS 6 and the various other ad-[...]hounds a thing or two about their business.

21 So, at this !")Dini, we think, a hearry vo:e
A NOTE ON COINS[...]your>, lo In sending us a number of items for publica-[...]branches should follow suit and try to give us[...]24 and to the point-which will a lso leave space
MOTIONS[...]I N this issue we announce our second com-[...]Already, we have received a number of sound[...]We feel sure that the girls will do better on usefulness of the magazine.[...]

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (74)[...]George and Market Streets, Sydney, are four
;angements had to be m[...]electric trains on high and low levels between
Southern Command, the R.A.A.F., and other[...]d and Town Hall stations.
government departments, usually distributed by
the cash escort firm of Mayne Nickless Ltd. Because of these tunnels the sinking of[...]e to straddle the tunnels sup-
and pistols, Commonwealth police officers, detec-[...]ported on 10 piers, some of which will pass
tives, constables, and the Bank's own guard[...]beams will occupy a space 8 feet in depth
modestly describe[...]beneath the lowerground floor to the crown
of 40 waiting cars and[...]hour before of the tunnel arches .
normal bus iness opened.[...]It was not until the afternoon of the pre·
vious dav that the Branch had learned of its
responsib[...]new Market Si., Sydney, builduig.
special transaction are t[...]In all about 450 tons of rock an the
monwealth Bank was open for business" in[...]will be removed in e xcavating holes for with[...]concrete piers, which will be reinforced
Col lins Street with the same calm[...]Three piers between the tunne Is, and on·[...]resting on the tunnel walls, are being cand
customarily prevails in our Headquarters in the
Queen[...]be excavated to make space available for these BETTER HOUSING FOR STAFF[...]beams, which will contain 300 tons of concrete IN PAPUA AN[...]Of the ten piers that will support the beams[...]complicated because these piers pass between Rabaul, and plans are in preparation for[...]h. Lae, with minor adjustments, the staff ,s[...]ions of the 3 feet thick tunnel walls quately housed. b anch[...]to Planning is in hand for permanent r will[...]cial precautions have to be taken to abate Wills and codici Is must Le signed by th e
dust in the shafts by using water sprays and testator, whose[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (75)[...]Noti ce of Iden tity
Housin g Loans Confere nce[...]pleasant- sounding title. Please excuse it), ing in a Deceased Account[...]We have a confession to make . Fo r years and book had been lost.
Foncier Housing Loans and Building
years, We-that is to say, Us " Ma .e Fellow
Society Advances from t[...]The circumsta nces were such that the appli-[...]y bursting to a sk
Banking Division to the Common wealth Savings[...]mustered courage enough to do so.[...]However, so many odd things have been
Manager (or Supe[...]The deceased had been a lodging-h ouse
asked through "Currenc y" lately that we have
Charge Housing Loans from each state under the[...]urden ing ourselves of some of the
den•, to discuss the best means of effecting the[...]questions that we hunger for you to answer.
transfer of the Housing Loans Departme nt at each Will you please tell us, in not more than two house which he submitted as a specimen of
capital to t[...]t ure and handwrit ing: -
In four States it will be necessary to provide equivalen t in leg[...]your answer is to any one of the questions li sted[...]NOT ICE
cussed. However , the delegates were able to[...]on W in,low.
Departme nt will form a portion of Savings Bank[...]the Housing Loans In R esid ential and B oa rd in g h ouses
activities at each capital.[...]e is a 11umber of adjoinin g occu-
Also discussed was the que ; tion of the submiss[...]piers waiting to use the con ve11 ie11 ces for
tran sfer of the st[...]t for T hen the 811t h
however, as mediately
g[...]roo m sh ould only be used for II re11so11 a!Jle
Depa[...]lf- future thought arose from these discussio ns,
Housing Loans[...]and some changes will eventuate in tile[...]fo r the ben efit of all occ11-
thc Savings Bank will undoubte dly provide The de leg[...]regnlati ons then Th ere will be 11 o ,,,1.
ings Bank staff in a wider field than was housing and t he Bank's activities were shown.[...],!easa 11t11 ess i11 th e Establishm ent.
p reviously possible.[...](Sgd) "Pe:er Persnur kus"[...]d this
The opportun ity was also taken to discuss
machine, which is new to Aus tr alia, was con-
general policy matters with th[...]t::, the
Many submissio ns, both as regard; Housing Savings Bank system.
Loans and Savings Bank matters were received[...]De legates we re unanimou s ly o f the opinion tha t
from capi[...]fice from the
ings Bank procedur e while the H::,using Loans[...]an s111 g out of th e transfer of h ousin g[...]to 10th October , to di scuss matters
loa ns in each Str, te held[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (76)[...]gone oh hyr haliduy,
N 1947, at Darwin Branch we were pestered[...]back, Noti ci ng the customer ,til l standing stead -[...]ve the book returned to you next
days he was with us he gained several not so[...]When the customer's name was called he was
The manager was h[...]owhere to be found.
100 sure whether this was because he frightened[...]uired to
some of our best custo-[...]r, a look of resignation
cause he ate some of You[...]the staff "Bill" proved "You were so pleasant before," he said, "I Ain't Got Nothin' At All
rather a welcome diver- wondered if you would let[...]a performer. We obliged, and also handed him the daily " DISCUSSING th e lifting of credi t
His favou[...]he wall he wife in a local store: "We ll they can't have w as limited.
woul[...]much work to do at the new bank. I just saw "Can anybo dy re:ne mb e r wh e n banken
and favour us with a real "toothpaste" smile the[...]ng and the impounding
of other stray animals are just two of the more
unusual. And like the "Mounties" of Can3da[...]n, dog , or in this case, goat.

The chase was well organised, and three cf
th e younger members of the staff were detailed
10 assist. The plan was to corner "Bil[...]e cons tables attempted to lassoo him
in approved western style.

Now this is an art only acquired o[...]no brain less steer,
and proved rath e r a cagey cus tomer. To make
matters more difficult we had no horse and
had 10 hunt the beast on foot.

With five on the job, however, it didn't take
more than an hour and about ten mile• of cross-
country running before we were able to get
line aboard "Bill", and drag him into a wail·
ing conveyance.

Northern Territory justice then came to the
fore, and although "Bill" re[...]hink it was too severe. He is now the
so le lnwnmowe r for one of the local police[...]heard of was per·
forming his new dut ies with gusto. "After th[...]

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (77)[...]Payment must be in good faith and in the
ordinary course of business. In terms of Section[...]o be done in good faith,
this article will be disappointed if he[...]done honestly whether it is done negligently or
used in American films or comic strips. Nor is[...]'ordinary course of business"
cash escorts and armoured cars. We are here[...]on afforded to banks in the course of their business if it is done in accordance with the had paid the "true owner" of the cheque, th us
business either as a paying or a collecting[...]recognised and customary course of business of
banker.[...]for conversion , and also by the drawer for[...]bankers. Thus encashment of a cheque outside
were no dishonest people in the world, the[...]If the banker pays in accordance with th e
business of banking would be simplicity itself.[...]sidered in the ordinary course of business.
However, since the Golden Age has not arrived,[...]Note that the endorsement must purport t:, be tion and is not concerned[...]that of the payee. Thus where the endorsement
mantle to enable the business of banking to be[...]dinary course
a common code of law for the Commonwealth[...]of business to pay such a cheque.
of Australia and repealed the various State Acts[...]crossed as well as uncrossed cheques. By virtue
article it is[...]mpletion of an of cheques deposited by customers for their[...]onfronting the bank 15
in the ordinary course of business, it is not endorsed when presented (as is usually the that some of the cheques ma[...]pecially, pays expect to ba called upon to make good t,e
authority.[...]umstances the paying banker is from the customer who deposited the cheque ,
in good faith and[...]. ce theIf
is defective (Section 64 (l )). Thus the banker in the same position as if payment of the customer may not be worth suing, or be himse
in .he c[...]ome alleviation of the position of the co·
It will be noted that no protection is afforded Sect[...]ory protection is afforded in the handl,n9
Let us look more closely at the conditions cheque for any loss he may sustain owing to the of uncrossed cheq[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (78)[...]Brown , who has no title to th e che que becaus[...]true owner of the cheque recover from either
CUS[...]If the cheque were also marked "not negot-
special ly to himself , and the custom er has bank?[...]Howev er, if the cheque were marked "accou
It should be noted that the protect[...]fo r
cheque s collecte d for a custom e r. 88 i[...]t the Section refers its custom er in good fai th and wi thout neg[...]he banker - hence Thus Jones could not succeed against either[...]e
To make a person a custom er for the purpos[...]of
of the Section there must be some sort[...]cheque s or lodging bills for collecti on . Howev
tion in respect of[...]one transac
sufficient to render a person a custom er.
The cheque may either be crossed[...]ng
or special ly to the custom er, but the collecti
bank must have acted in good faith and withou
ne_glige[...]week may be very excitin g and stimula ting,[...]t of neglige nce abuse of statistic s as to say that "given the same their branch es withou t its use .
whethe r the transac tion of paying in[...]the week ly basic pay cheque will exceed £100[...]in lished underli nes what we have known[...]con-
th at it ought to have arouse d doubts in the[...]r "Curre ncy".
banker 's mind and caused him to make enquiry[...]a I imagin e you will get several letters on this
and must be determ ined separat ely with regard[...]will
10 _ each cheque . As the questio n of compli ance the basic wage must doub le itself, that is,[...]a be becaus e the would -be writers are saying
with th[...]use? How will we ever tell[...]dilemm a of risking offendi ng his custom er[...],
by making enquiri es into unusua l circum stances Octobe[...]The mere fact that a bank makes enquiri es[...]nt;
of its custom er will not necessa rily be sufficie[...]but in ord inary circum stances the bank will[...]basic wage wou Id be less than £30 a week[...]it
release d from liability if it makes reasona[...]editor in "The Sun" of 8th August and saw[...]said to have taken Howev er, apart altoget her from the comput[...]tion in the a rgumen t, one must agree with the headin g "Quick Work", I was amused and
action was a proper one. conc lusion that strong efforts must be made[...]Bank
It will be noted that the protect ion app[...]being Augusused , althoug h still intrigu ed , to f'ind[...]editoria l licence has change d August 4th[...]the Many of us would like to send a telegra August 5th as the date of the inciden t .
Thus bank cheque s would appear to b[...]service . Unfortu nate ly we quite often do

•[...]in [We checke d w ith Mr . Kea ting be fore re[...]"
Let us suppos e Smith draws a crossed "order[...]So, person ally, we are incl ined to say "Phooe[...](You r wish is our comma nd . We have adopte to you, too[...]We
a hotel-k eeper who pays it into his own b[...]1t up and you 'll cat ch us nappin g y e t.-Ed.][...]wle dge of hope to make it better yet.-Ed .J
t of
facts , the drawer 's bank pays the amoun[...]

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (79)[...]if male rates were paid to women. There would[...]ers mu:;t of national economy and welfare the advantages[...]ter- and by counter I are obvious. Let man do a man's job in 1h e
PUBLI[...]mean all customer contacts-because they arc basic and essential industries and the wide open
T may be said that in no other industry is the Bank as seen from outside.[...]spaces. Lei the sister do her brother's job wil h
Goodwill as important as in Banking, for Wha[...]"Pro Fenii,we".
and they differ very little as to terms and con- aspect of our Bank? Are we following the right,[...]- -o- -
ditions. Goodwill is the quality that gets the or wrong, pol[...]P.S.-We at Gladstone look forward each[...]L
The officer attending directly to the ne[...]conscious. A Costing Committee and a
him our whole insti[...]to get r,rofitable business . b[...]I hope that we shall not be carried away Y
sidered poor or medio[...]man? this new-found enthusiasm for profits. We are
Obtaining and retaining business is what If it can be and you were replaced by the people's[...]it is the service given cne of the gentler sex we might hear a lot less whose driving-force is the desire to make profit_,,
that achieves this end; and in the Bank[...]costs of banking service:; and we serve a higher ideal. This is recognised 1~
servi[...]seeking profit as an end in itself we at the sarne
and no others should make the public contacts, you men, to this. time were fully discharging the duties laid upon
and subsequently the reputation of our institu- How many husky he-men ledgerkeepers and[...]is not to deny the d~:
tion and its attendant goodwill would be greatly tellers have we whose work could be done just sirability of being an effici[...]ncy and profit are two distinct concepts an I
However, at '1resent as soon as a young man banking is routine, often tedious and m::m::>1· there is no quest[...]romise. he i~ whisked away behind onous. Girls excel at this sort of work and banking we should discharge each transaction
locked doors wi[...]are as fully competent as men; wartime shc,wed as efficiently as possible.
pu[...]how to control women ances make one wonder whether the two con·
and soends a lot of his time from then on staff and he will tell you the average girl with c[...]been given Whilst it is wise to use costing criteria in an
clerk "B" or "A" could do[...]ey invariably have that years, but his work will seldom surpass the national viewpoint to turn aside business cla~ 51 ·
necessary personality, knowledge and ability woman's and she will always be ahead where 11ed[...]ey are, or should be, the cream conscientiousness and loyalty are concerned.[...]needs of the people.
window. To be allowed to eventually attend to must be many males who will remain in the The reor[...]and increased efficiencv resulting will no dou d
How often have we heard: "Oh, he's not Some will never have the opportunity and many lead to greater orofits. However, provide
much of a c!erk-put him on the counter". will never make the grade of a classified posi- reserve:; for conting~ncies are adequate we have
It should be just the reverse: "Oh, he's nc,t tion. Nevertheless these men will continue to no need of high p[...]e:; until middle are an indication that we can reduce charges
public".[...]fitable" services
A mistake in dealing with a customer can be done equally well by women, the majority to[...]of whom, in the ordinary course of events, will From the national viewpoint we should be
tact; but any number of mistakes behind the leave the service in their early twenties. judged primarily on our record of service a nd
scenes are adjusted and no harm is done. It is n[...]y duties, not on the
Of course the man behind must have know- suited to ma!e[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (80)[...]he above periods are general through out

Unj ust Cri tici sm[...]my part is brought about

FROM time to time we read in the press,
destruct ive and inc[...]mainly because I hate to see virile con:icien tious[...]r those
who understa nd these matte,;, the public will Ncte Issue De part,r.en[...]"HAPPY ".
for the Bank to answer these attacks, as counter Disgr[...]med on the~e marters, but to my
mind it 1s serious and unneces sary f.Jr member s
of cur staff to b[...]the previous month) "the Board has examine d[...]and reviewed the policies operatin g in all phases[...]of discussio ns with the Treasure r and with the[...]wish to be well informed on the Bank's business
Practical ly all criticism of the Bank[...]arties who apparen tly do
June, 1952. Could not we have the benefit of[...]" Tradi ng Activ it ie:-.
th rough spurious argumen ts publishe d elsewhe re[...]ion acts primarily
on Banking Policy, most would we!come ex- Board shoulq be[...]Report. "United we stand-d ivided we fall"[...]adequat ely provided by
fY our !.: uggestio n is we~co med, and your co ncern The Reoo[...]with business and the market and to give its[...]Common wealth Savings Bank, the Central Bank

. for his "Staff Changes Card" as illustrate d[...]themsel ves-
Bank will consider issuing the cards to all[...]lar manner to the Australia n private banks
Adminis tration would[...]private banks. Its ca!)acity to make advance s[...]is related to deposits received from its cus-
many manager s and accounta nts. It is far, fa[...]should deal with tomers plus its capital and internal funds
easier to ~it ba[...]and it does not, and has not, borrowe d frorr:
th e job do it and far less worrying .[...]in this matter. Surely "Staff rustle up ideas . £5 / 5 / - for free, to[...]

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (81)[...](2) officers who, as Stewart Ferguson observes,[...]are conscientious, have had long se rvice, a nd
and is not indebte[...]R
whom it has borrowing powers limited to[...]d reasons of misfortune
£1 million by the Commonwealth Bank Act. ALLY to Bohemund, the Crusader! are unclassified"; and (3) complete "No-hopers",
Industrial Finance De~artment[...]ey Deal ing with these three divisions, we can
The Department does not accept deposits and join your Crusade. The Cause needs many disregard the first as outside the scope of the
except credit funds of its advance customers. stout-hearted supporters to overcome[...]his category, none of whom are hapPY
reserves plus funds lent to it by the Common- records whi[...]to be classed the same as "No-hopers" and paid
wealth Saving Bank in accordance with the[...]ried to you, fellow toilers, Which brings us to (3). "No-hope rs". What
Commonwealth Bank Act. It is not indebted
to join us and "scrub" unnecessary registers . are "No-hopers" or, as I put it in my previous
to the Central Bank with whom its borrowing[...]l letter, "complete ' No-hopers' "?
powers, like those of the Mortgage Bank De-[...]e· These are officers who ca nnot be trusted to
partment, are lim ited to £1 million."[...]as possible; who are far from conscientious;[...]any 'unofficial' record k.?pt by you. The answers of poor output, throw additional burdens on[...]PITY MY SIMPLICITY (a) "We lost a voucher in 1935 and the boss[...]handy, you know; we never have troubl e Street's" branch. I[...]ig blue about a return" margin in salary between Senior Clerk "B" a nd
thrust was not only parried by the introduction[...]years ago will not occur again, as Mr. I'll go fu[...]at stuff now . The boys mediate grade between the general classification
This magnificent[...]make a comparison with the quarterly return. give the conscientious, loyal worker a greater
Obviously on ly the greatest of Chr istian[...]argin over the "comp lete 'No-hoper'".
cha rity caused a cessation of the onslaught. How[...]d should be Head Office boys could help us too with Gov. - -o -[...]a, in ru led foolscap books, etc. are only 'makeshifts'
order that it wou ld be ever in mind and thu s and cause lots of toil. When the first lag in[...]alance advice from the Admin . boys would help us to in the service who have not been requi[...]fficien t at general clerical work
Head Office, a weekly return should be sent in the hand s[...]again be consol idated in a quarterly Just a word to the "statistic" characters- I[...]to such
the Chief State Officer and also to the Welfare figures, etc. on tap should that Head[...]specia ll y the more senior ones?
Officer for inclusion in the Welfare News. come; but there is a lot of[...]here would appear to be no limit to the week and year to get them. Further, that ca ll a branch who wi ll probably never be classified,
glorious lengths to which requirements might may[...]as the only classified positions are held by
justifiably extend.[...]g to the fact that girls a re not trans·
Let us anticipate the reply of "Bohemund"- records about us the likelihood of checking the
obviously a simple soul. He would probably[...]- -o- -
action in the few we ll-chosen words which come
so readily to any man[...]cash escort because wrappers are broken within
the Exchange Account; that if Head Office must y LETTER on Margins seems to have un[...]h of the wittingly given Stewart Ferguson and rewrap £60 out of a bag contain[...]cerned. pressure, because, apparently, they read into it a nothe r br[...]the general would be appreciated.
judicious expansion, could not give more info,. class[...]r section "Free Speech", I shou ld like
mation, however worthless, and add still more officer[...]y grind. it is obvious to everyone that that Is not so. of what others think, of the various topics
So fie upon you, my re-registered "Bohe[...]divided into three divisions-(1) officers who will[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (82)[...]Appeals- We feel there is considerabl e mis- chang[...]ubject and there is a For example, we feel that in retrospect, some
the Staff (and t[...]gene ra lly we feel that nothing but good could This illustration and others which involve
dustr ial we ll-being which we suggest is a basic[...]consequenti al changes in procedure would , we
essentia l for inc lusion in the journal.[...]aff could be General-Ge nerally, we think that methods associated with[...]and va rious aspects of the bank's general pict[...]er factors involved in the Staff's Conclusion :- lt is again stresse d that the fore -
of these subjects could well be provocative industrial well-being is of sufficient importance going is only a brief illustrative outline of the
but pe rhaps a deliberately[...]rre ncy"
such matters would p romote a spirit of "we-are·[...]CHANGES OF PROCEDURE
al l-in -it" which we think is the main object of[...]In our experience, frequently the introduction
We rea lise fu ll y that there are limits beyond[...]it might be unwise to proceed . It is
th ought, however, that an approach along the proce[...]caused unnecessary irri tation and unfavou rab le[...]kok, as Australia's representati ve at a mee ting[...]rse , peculiar to our own Staff, but we feel that of experts by the United[...]mission for Asia and the Far East, to d iscuss the
it_ is though t will provide a basis for preliminary to dispel[...]ising of domestic funds to finance d eve lop-
discussion .[...]inancial and bearer of three papers on Australian experie nce
tions, the Staff reacts to ann[...]d . It is felt , in this field which were prepared within
appoin tmen ts to major executi[...]as to the reasons for the high rating however, that much cou ld be ach ieved if
of the posi[...]1. How is the old ge ography? Rusty? But you will sure ly kno w
Bank's higher positions whether o[...](g) Western Germany; (h) Albania ; (i) Cypru s; (j) Leba[...]2 . Is the Commonwe alth Savings Bank a department of the Common-
exp[...]wealth Bank?
Position[...]zes are given in terms of " gross", "nett", " deadweight ",
Specially Classified[...](a) corpus; (b) ex gra tia ; (c) pari passu?
ma tters as say[...]remember what C.S.B. deposi'lors' balances were at 30/ 6/ 52 :-
With special ly classified offi[...]9. What exchange concession is to be allowed on th e transfer of
relatively la rge salarie[...]a current account betwe en bra nches of this Ba nk wne re e x cha nge is[...]10. Who were :-
positions in the Bank's service as against t[...]AN WE RS ON PAGE 24
is aware of the latter restr[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (83)[...]and those of certain
IN BRIEF: counts were mo:tly to other banks situated in the[...]this task. Results have been so
their importer customers . (See pages 36 and reliable that[...]by one million only from the 85 million bushels
than Special • Accounts, mainly because the actual ly produced in those States[...]nderstanding of the tasks art·, e bi'
securities were deposited to accounts with the[...]streamlining methods. If we are to co~tinue work of the[...]branches will have to bear with us passing on
POSITIONS : taxes; the ea[...]ghtenmen! 'iarlY b 1
But we have statutory[...]ter closer relations, particu
obligations to make special payments to the
government; companies[...]_________.--/"
wealth Bank's profits went to the Commonwealth most frui tful[...]s; as an op- of the team .
went to State Authorities and the National[...]voluntarily feels that carefully fostered customer goodwill
made payments to local government bodies and staff enthusiasm have both suffered badly the loyalty, co-operation and enthusiasm of
equivalent to rates payable if the Bank were by changes in pol icy, terms and rates[...]ortage of investib le funds is not peculiar use of late.
Regulations commonly known as The Law. to our hi re-purchase. Outside houses have been The Branch Procedures peopl[...], as the Bank's unable to cope with the business offering by here and ad justing there, and at various points
solicitor, with two clerks and a typiste,[...]ave been made to This is a complex business and one simple
gentlemen at Head Office, and[...]There are also three fledg lings doing We cannot agree that customer goodwill has keep staffs balanced.
their element[...]immodest thing to say. In all fairness We are in close touch and have seen no[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (84)[...]holders often complain nowa- solemn subject; were handled last issue, that[...]maturity must sell at ruling Stock Exchange no pote[...]curities subject to market fluctuations; but ord- It 's an o ld the[...]e no maturity from the days when cheques were chiselled in[...]We will gladly accept all criticism; but if
i[...]any praise is warranted and comes, we must
of th an sahs action by a fuller[...]senior senior" d:-aws di re ct it to those anonymous contributors in
aff IO:. P'.ng_ officers fully[...]:011 the branch<1s and Administration whose enthusiastic
I tjl _w1th1n the Bank[...]effo rts we merely co-ordinate.
. ,r IUnior and not so
e ,i[...]es Egan
1Jt, eenairsb and th e Banks ' business, and New-Aussie Club
ranch[...]T O help the assimilation of New Aust ralians
into the Aus t ra lian community, a group of[...]B ECAUSE of the state of his health, Mr. James[...]So licitor, asked that little fuss be made of his
:ois, p rvice- B tt[...]the farewell held in the recrea t ion room at Head[...]Garran , former Commonwealth Solicitor-General[...]th
LONDON Commonwealth Mini;te,s meet Constitution .[...]both paid
t e preparations went further back than that[...]elped prepare papers for the Australian dele-[...]Their remarks were warmly applauded by all[...]a three-months quick survey of indust rial and[...]* * We hooe to have for you some note of their accompany Mr. Egan upon his retirement , we[...]HOME AWAY By custom, inheri tance and experien;es abroad in rhe[...]s, manager of the
Needs must , and a lthough manage rs and up·[...]and-coming aspirants may not all welcome the Australia and South Africa. Mr. Melville was first[...]prospect of lawns to cut and weeds to grub, land Savings Bank. They were making a general elected to these posi[...]Australian savings banks.
tion s make possibl1>-h~s its consolations.[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (85)[...]Bank Life at Mount Isa
By "We" of the Staff There

EFORE telling you something of what
life is like for us "Other Fellows" of the
staff detailed[...]e Bank at its
"remote" Mount Isa Branch , perhaps we should
tell you a little of the history and geogr[...]bout 1,300 feet above sea level .
It is the terminus of the Great Northern Line
of the Queensland Gove[...]which J' iew of Mt. Isa,
stretches westward 603 miles from Townsville . with mine in thP
Mount Isa is 1,000 air miles north-west of Bris- background.
bane , and, curiously enough , an equal distance
due north of Adelaid[...]er, when he was attracted by a
promin e nt silicious outcrop which marked the
western rim of the river valley. Impelled by
the inn[...]To give a true picture of Mount Isa we will No ,·eservarion s may be made, b ut on[...]a contrast between the two they cannot be by placing a[...]nour of his mainly concerned with the business of the town. a nod here and a smile the[...]It was from this claim that the It is here we find the three hotels (one recently without to[...]approximately £125,000), By boarding a bus, which runs at more or less[...]rvals, one is transplanted in a short
In the rush which followed the announcement[...]f, into what appears
of the discovery, 500 claims were pegged out[...]ves and the Bank of New South Wales. ings just left. Here we find streets laid out 10
Within a short time, however, the owners of the
claims realised that tremendous obstacles had On the "Town Side" we find examples of plan, bitumen roads,[...]evelop their holdings, and architecture usually associated with the "rush" antly. Behind hedges, glimpses of lawns a[...]to strong days of a mining field . The houses are small , gardens may be seen , and the[...]old and is one of shade and coolness . Yes! We have
Ltd., or Mount Isa Mines Ltd.[...]tal of £4,000,000 had been invested in dusty; and over all , a lack of town-planning The streets here are named after trees alpha-
the industry before the first skip of ore was is n[...]. The first profit- wonderful "set" it would make for a Hollywood the gardens and their prod[...]ar was 1937. The first dividend (10%) "Wild West" production, with the rugged hills their own anywhere . The houses are of weather·
was declared in 1947.[...]witch over to copper production town is not sewered, and the water supply is small rental[...]By taking a drive along Hill Road we can
effort; a copper lode lies in close proximit[...]e two most favoured pastimes are view the houses occupied by the General Man ·
the silver-lead[...]ager and other leading mining executives- houses
The population of Mount Isa is about 7,500,[...]ed by Mount Isa this climate, copious quantities of beer are build. It is on this side we find the barracks
Mines Ltd. The township has de[...]s almost unbelievable to see the Company. We also find cottages for sing!e[...]

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (86)[...]AD-SC-2

men, a central club-house complete with library,
billiard roo m, b ar b e[...]eir em·
P oyees.
It is with reluctance we leave this model
community and return to "our side", with its dust The Bank's
. glare · En-route we pass the sports area bran[...]ool. The latter is of
d Ym_pic dimensions, and is well equipped with •
ressi~g-rooms, showers and lockers. The sur-
'.0und1ng gardens and lawns are beautifully kept
0nd we can assure you it is a "Mecca" on ho;
summer days and nights.
. We hooe . we h ave given you an over all eyes "sported[...]er months are too hot for much
1 sh st aff of 10. We are one of the few branches[...]else but swimming, all wend their way to the
w ere the Bank has supplied qu[...]or two that we manage to obtain mother's
I.[...]asions. Neville
en extensions are completed will be more so.[...]we feel sure will be able to stay with the local
h sha[...]we handle . The "tenner" is the common cur-[...]club members on their weekly swims.
appy family living in the quarters , using the[...]We and the three football clubs in the town Will handling them with absolute nonchalance is
Wireless . , p IC ' k-up, ping-pong[...]Brisbane. He has done well there this season The most trying time for us is the summer
15 quite a domestic scene[...]and we feel that he will be an asset to the months. Many and fear[...]ered
entering "O ur Pl ace'. , There is usually some
one[...]sleep- the water cooler to try to quench our dust-dry
thi c enette an d an o d d boll le of beer n[...]ing- can usually be found there issuing a thirsts.[...]be heard from the showers, but occasionally we rarely worn in or out of the office. At nigh[...]ar our singer Ken Hawkins break forth into we dream of sandy beaches and cool surf; and
th The[...]ng . He is a member of the local amateur we all look forward to the day we shall board
'demselves an d rare Iy look for co[...]Life at Mount Isa is not all play, of course, dustry in the far out-back.
wh fa r more money workin[...]and the office is a hive of industry. All types
th ~re they receive a "lead bonus" on top of[...]r
£l?eir/ wag es; th 1s
' b onus has been as high as
If 5 /- per week . Consequently, we find that
go . fours, tennis, swimming , shooting[...]s; one Saturday it is deposits, and I illustrated left , is a frequent source of
e town.[...]next withdrawals, and the Mines' pays largely
We do not wish to create the impression that[...]cause tetanus. Besides, careless pinning often[...]govern our flow of work.
we are not good "mixers". This is far from[...]causes irritating and delaying tangles in the[...]correct
d ' as th e sta ff as a whole are well known[...]Try the dodge illustrated right, tucking the[...]Wednesdays of pay weeks . Another feature of
M Committee, and with our accountant, Mr. pay weeks is the number of overseas drafts, mail the[...]transfers, etc. we handle . As there is quite a It is no har[...]eac he d agreement who of the two of
Ge~ was the weak link). Other golfers, namely
_ra ame Will and Bob Courtney are at the be-
ginner's stage[...]ce his handicap
rom l 5. In the tennis fixtures we are strongly
represented by Brian Crawford in th[...]---'"~-
usually produce at least one[...]

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (87)[...]tration , the Ed itor amount that we spend on the postage of Draft
a coat of clear varnish or lacquer to be placed will b e glad to pass on advice Advi[...]the form of an air letter which
and at the previous branch to which I was[...]veral for each bank each day? The delay in
AN SWER :-We have ascertained that varnish-[...]others. This may be due to differ- ANSWER :-lt is not considered advantageous AN SWER:-Th e high cost of postages, includ·
ences in weight of the paper labels, or to the to ins[...]d.:>'Jtion of the methods sug·
have successfully used cellulose tape over the posting system.[...]We have been considering various forms of a[...]for use at machine-posting branches, b~t a[...]CLEARING VOUCHERS customers who do not read every word on
All entri[...]ntained in C.B. 33a be record ed on the A NSWER.:-Arrangements have already been
late ledger lea[...]s are examined, and the ledgers are ANSWER :-Several suggestions, some of which
not under t[...]ection for general form of the advice will be re co nsidered all passbooks to be written[...]The fact that these entries have not been
ANSWER :-The system in relation lo the con-[...]ations 4252 streamlining such procedure, make no writing for books could be d ispens[...]the abolition of C.B. 57 (Overseas AN SWER .:-The suggestion is under considera·[...]procedure will be advised to branches in du•[...]- -o- -
R.M.:-Would it be advantageous for all
branches to adopt the signature card system as ANSWER :-Form C.B. 57 (Slip) was inadver-[...]mitted from the Annual Stores Requisi-
natively, customer's signature could be recorded t[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (88)[...]required on the back are the AN SWE R.:-There is no ob:ection to a red ANSWER .: - Whilst paras. and 4 disclose
surname (o[...]or/ s for illde'.ible pencil being used, provided the ticks points favourable to the old system, we feel
identification of the account when posting.[...]that these advantages are outweighed by the
suggested, thereLore, that christian[...]y an in-
omitted from the reverse of the sheet, thus[...]y on this work, rather than by an examiner
ducing wear and tear on the typewriters and[...]Nho is usually working under pressure, and is,[...]it would appear that there is insufficie nt justifi-
approved. The new procedure will be advised to C/ 1 17A / 10, it is o[...]form C.B.1 0a, now obsolete, could be used for
We contend that:
underlying the use of the above accounts?[...]f checking of the decimals usually falls supplement suppl ies of Miscellaneous Return
Work, and in view of the restricted use of the Form C.B.7, and would be of use for the follow-[...]behind.
above accounts (cleared on weekly and yearly 2. As the indep[...]t genera1 1y ing returns:-Clearing Office, Suspense Account
balance days, as well as mail days), could not as well acquainted with set-offs and Branches (both departments); Various Reconcilia -
the same effect be obtained by passi[...]unts in the ledger as tions such as Commonwealth Bank Health Society;
in rhe normal way and re[...]form would also lend itself to use in compiling[...]3. As the examiners must necessarily watch
two ledger accounts and a numb[...]:>remises Revenue and Expenditure Account.

ANSWER .:-The purpose of Debit Note and[...]its during their examining of the ANSWER .:-We thank you for this suggestion
Credit Note Account[...]required regarding conservation of stationery. We have no
remittance items which are held in the of[...]s thereon. objection to branches using form C.B.1 0A to
overnight when lhere i[...]en by examiners in render returns previously submitted on Miscel-
additien, work ,,t respond[...]cking decimals during the examining laneous Return Form C.B.7. To facilitate sorting,
larly C[...]of the posting would be considerab:y however, we prefer that the buff-coloured Savings
th e fact t[...]an Bank return form C.S.B. 248 be used to render all
or credit note instead of two or[...]nt officer. miscellaneous returns relating to that department.
ternative suggestion involveJ the risk of omis- We suggest, therefore, that the manner of[...]should continue to be used to render Bank[...]C.J .E.: -Over the last few months we have
I think this wou!d save much time and als[...]had advice of the abolition of various records
provide ready reference for balancing off[...]evices
(particularly when such accounts are numerous).[...]At this particular branch we have several
view of irregularity.[...]. clients who deposit daily to accounts at
AN SWER .:-We consider that the time saved[...]this office. The balances of the various accounts
when balancing :he ledgers would be more[...]are then cleared daily to Sydney Office.
~utweighed by the time lost by ledgerkeepers[...]the comp letion of the Sundry Branches Register)
Weekly balance.[...]AN SWER .:-lt will be appreciated that
-[...]ing them in 30'.s. Makes count- to be made to suit customer's convenience. How-
TICKI[...]his observations, the matter will most certainly
ind elible pencil as suppl[...]

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (89)[...]which a brief history of the account will be en -
boxes were "decentralised" to early June {l st[...]dorsed , thus eliminating the usual history letter .
Friday). However, we note that the system[...]Branches will be advised when supplies of the
seems to take up[...]f) to obtain figures INSTRUMENTS OF TRUST by hand in the bottom[...]a lot of totals and sub- QUAERO .:-Trust Accoun ts (C/ 1 13/ 27)-Wherc,[...]in terms of the above instruction, a private trust he[...]ar to the left of the total as
things. Or perhaps we needn't balance before Class 3, "Other trust accounts governed by[...]special deed or instrument of trust", shou!d[...]such deed or instrument of trust be produced to
ANSWER .:-lt is not necessary to summate[...]If so, would not an onus be imposed upon
General Ledger account before the[...]that the funds in the account
The branch card, however, should be summated[...]were applied in terms of the trust and for the
and agreed with the Ledger.[...]the trust was set up?[...]n showing items deed or instrument of trust is in existence, ii up and check[...]regulating the office of trustee as relevant to this branch since the new forms came into use[...]and appears to have been well receive d; ii has
ANSWER .:-These particulars are required, as[...]ANSWER.:-Our immediate react ion[...]S gestion is that a clause in the form which we were careful to avoid ,n
W.P.:- Hi sto ry Cards C[...]sent dealt with . suggestion is advanced because of the number Othe r suggestion s h[...]to in relation to the new form, and they will e[...]rs for lack of agents for this very clause . Either it is left considered, together[...]out altogether or the agent signs it himself. We cerning the position of the "Letters Receiv[...]idance. ANSWE R.:-The signatures of retiring officers ov[...]Thank you for the obviously careful tho ught
ANSWER .:-This suggestion has been made are[...]you have given the matter.
previously and it was decided not to adopt it saf[...]The wording of the suggested clause is not - -o- -[...]and is the tells me that if an envelooe is marked "BANKER _
able to extract a precis of c[...]present . clause on the Authority Form would lead to the[...]ion requiring special consideration . To ANSWER :-Postal Regulations clearly require
make several alterations to the data on avoid reference of Authorities back to agents, it envelopes marked "Banker's Packet" to have th e
Form C.B[...]nable a suitable e~·
The subject was also discussed at the last Books and make reference to the matter. am[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (90)[...]the " IGNOR AMOS": - Du ring a lunch-hour rush , a
S.M .G.:-Authorities.-C/ M's 1151 and 535[...]nt a/ c. (C. B.20a) o r the "p.p." conscientious junior opened an account for a
fer to C/ 1 13, an[...]ou nt, and to the certificate "Not to be with-
v,ous ly required to be forwarded with each[...]was an infant and though not precluded from
~revious reference to the matter is contained[...]We could not fault his reasoning . So what?
ANSWER :-AII authorities received from finance ANSWER :-On transfer of an account all[...]ANSWEwever, it is
etter incorporating a form of indemni[...]ank with ferring branch it would usual ly be practicable[...]on of the
a blanket indemnity. The relative C/ 1 will be to ve rify signa tures against p reviously paid[...]cheaues should the re be any doubt. However,[...]finance com· in ~ractice it is unusua l to find outstanding
pany is given for valuab[...]- -o- -
customer .is Iega II y 1·,able to make payment to branches transfer the whale b[...]ACCOUNT FILES
phe ri odica l payments were under discussion by of customer's authority.[...]t the serving Consideration wil l be given to amendment of[...]al ready prov ided are of limited use for any type
as an equitable assignment to the f[...]Typing Tip ANSWER :-Arrangements are being made for[...]branches to be supplied in future with a type of
make the payments or observe the instructions[...]e is an idea worth trying folder which will cover the requirements of
h[...]clients conducting both personal and business
ave no recourse on the Bank shou ld the Ba[...]ns from t he first fold (see illustration), and W.I.P .:-Stamping o f Dupl[...]inch above shou ld the Saving Bank teller use to stamp[...]ANSWER .:-The Saving Bank Teller's authen-[...]ticating stamp.
CROYDON :-We had a "curly one" at this
branch a few days ago.[...]- -o- -
account in the name of a mother as trustee for
one of her children is maintained solely f[...]SAFE CUSTODY LODGMENTS
rece ipt of Child Endowment each qu[...]suggestions regarding Safe Custody Lodgments.
~nformed us she was going to England for a[...]~~ ---- Unfortunately we have not space to publish your
ol ,day, taking h[...]ll, but fu ll detai ls as you have given
quested us to establish an authority for her[...]front of the Yes; it would assist us if contributors to the
1 e Child Endowment each t[...]us with two copies of their submissions, one for[...]ew spaces neces-
l . Can she delegate her trust? us to retain and the other for sending on to[...]e . The folded paper is then
h And would your answer be different if the[...]automatically in place for the next in -
c ildren were remaining at home and being[...]turned back. The e nvelope is straight and
S ANSWERS :-(1) Yes, by registered deed in New no aligning is necessary because it does - - o -[...]K.M.B.:-An answer to a similar question to
The answer would not be different if the[...]given to "R.J."
. ·
children were remaining ·[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (91)[...]fficer
P ROMOT ION is a subject in which we
are al l vital ly interested, and_ in[...]to a vacant position, cons ideration sha ll be
monwea lt h Ba n k Act and regulat ions under[...]any case would aid . h
result in the issue of the weekly Promotion, officers avail[...]case of an office r who has being weighed .
At that time there was an Appeal Board[...]er- Whilst the Bank is anxious to encourage young
but it O!)erated in a limite[...]hat seniority of unsat,s actory mus t obv .iously compare u nfavour·[...]. d
sification, t he 19 45 Commonwea lth Bank Act officers of the Bank s[...]credit to officers in the Bank on 20th August, taking that he wil l se rve wherever required by
tio ns were to be made, and estab lished the[...]office rs to appeal to a separate Commonwea lth or State Public Service, and a lso cannot, fulfil this under taking, it must have
tribunal, whose decision is final, against[...]It will be seen from the abo ve that[...]up tha t efficiency, we can now conside r hoW[...]some fur t her discussion on the five ingred:ent:;
any office r who con[...]a vacancy is to be filled, a list is corn·
to make full enquiry into the claims of the r[...]the appellant is pro- qualifications must vary according to the job. va[...]In rnany positions previous experience is not then made of the rec[...]o ther qualit ies which outweigh this factor . is regarded as having the greates t relative
appeal is disallowed , or where there is no
appeal , the provi[...]efficiency. Due weight is given to the different
firmed .[...]facto rs itemised ea rl ier wh ich go to make uP
The method of selecting officers fo[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (92)[...]pecialiy classi- s are usually necessa ry regardin g[...]ecessa rily competi tive
consid .. ,on, e.g., h ousing,
~rat' the time[...]nveni - Wa les, recomm endatio ns are usu a lly submitt ed of natural ability with w[...]dowed; but natural ability can be increase d by
case;[...]officer has at his disposa l to increase his use-
casions, influenc e the final selectio n , part[...]are fulness.
care i; taken to see that no in'ustice is done to chosen .
any office[...]Commo nwealth Bank Act provide s, it is con-
repo rt or two. An officer with a sound, sustaine d Selectio n of officers fo r[...]ried out by a commi tt ee his efforts will receive the recogni tion they
as having stron3e[...]TEN Wf.E.1<.5 [ATER - wE.'u.. BE. l'RAN$FER'RE{)[...]ng
th e profile of Queen Elizabet h 11 will be
So•called "Spade " guineas were those made
in George I Il's reign and we re so named because[...]d
H' II into pro uct1on al the Royal Mint, Tower
Put[...]All denomi nations of British coins now in use The minting of guineas was abando n[...]h the £2 and £5 go ld pieces we re at one t ime coined acid. Coins are also[...]. 1 e crowns (5s.) and double•f1orins (4s.) were g reater than it used to
1~ common use fifty years ago. The silver 4d .[...]of obsolet e coins,
so:ereig ns (1 Os.) which were the common gold coppe r and ni[...]In England , the Gold-
w I ese values were first printed), gold gui neas sm[...]ci rculatio n up to the middle and weighs samples of
0 t e ninetee nth century .[...]was m·in t e d .in 1663 and was so named because
th[...]year and submi ts a report
e go ld used for it was importe d from Guinea 1he to Govern ment on
in West Africa.[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (93)[...]McClure, H. M., Hornsby , son.
Treadwell, J. R., from Madang, to Stanthorpe.[...]r.
Vincent, L. D., from Taylor Square, to Haymarket.[...]the loyal service of:-
Webber, Miss J. H., from Parramatta, to Epping.[...]Sexton, G. W., Footscray, son.
Wild, G. C., from Gosford, to, Waverley.[...]Simpson, Keith, Town Hall , Perth, daughter.
Williams, N. B., from Port Lincoln, to C.S.B., Adel.[...]Bushell , J. F. , Me lbourne, son.
~cey, Miss V[...]Bendi Junction, daughter. no rmal and useful life .[...]unction, daughter. laya Mountains by a Norwegian party, the first
S epherd, Miss D. J .,[...]F. J. , Administrative, daughter. SWEET WATERS : Lambert - A young man,
Wil li am s, M·1ss E. M., Sydney.[...]hter. His stories of life in the wilds make amusing and
Jobst, S. P., Charters Towers , daughter. interesting reading.[...]Johnston, c. H. , William St., Perth, son.
DEATHS[...]Jol ly, D. A., Newcastle West, son.[...]., Perth , daughter. Big Shots were little shots who liept on[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (94)[...]just as fa st in t he Ban k's service as anywhe re ,
ant's Department, Ll oyd Ha ll has been 30 years we reckon .
with the Bank, and for the past seven Ch[...]Pritch showed he had the steam when he
industry has made him a tower of strength ,[...]captaincy in the A.1.F ., and he
Pulling his weigh t come :; naturally lo[...]pt up the pressure since ; he gained
Lloyd ; he used lo row in Pre mie rship Regat-[...]e was, per-
haps, the private reac1ion of Manager Wil lis when he joined the Bank's service[...]counter when
s ide paradise of Cronul la to the dusty dunes of he leapt it to e n list.[...]still a youngster in years JOINS US FOR A YEAR[...]im experience. Hi s old C.O., Colonel
Seriously though, a fine branch, a sound Anderso[...]b le ou tstanding officer . .. Department went to join the Bank of Engla nd
town await him at Broken Hill, which we high standard of devotion to du ty .[...]for a year's working study . Now, we ar:
feel sure will provide him with many new referr ing[...]with us.[...]n spector's Department following four
or what you will, in to leaving Parramatta, "The[...]Wel l, we ra nk-a nd-filers have one friend , at[...]bank- a duality of functions that makes us
Since then he has had reason to ponder many[...]not a ve ry tactful remark; but what we meant to
the madhouse or promot ion. Wel l, he's still on the[...]trative, is well known in C. B.O.A. circles . He is
step up the[...], by coincidence, ,n
sound knowledge equip him well to fu !fil[...]he Middle other worthy characters. However, more nex·t sojourn in Australia to our visitor, and hopes
Ea st, New Gu in ea, Darwin a nd e lsewhere; so his time, if we don't get shot, or fired in t'.1a[...]to England wi th
years of actual banking service just make doub le the meantime , We'll probably see you in nice things to say of us to "The O ld LadY
figures .[...]Answer to Quiz Queries
1. (a) Karachi (b) Delhi; {[...]S. No - (vide Se ction 138(3) of t he Commonwealth Ba nk Act).
(g) Bonn·; (h) Tirana; (i) Nicos[...]m s of printing paper
cubic fe et oer ton . " Deadweight" tonnage is the total weigh·! (in long co ntain 516 s heets)[...]10. His·toric bankers (whose life-storie s are well worth reading),[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (95)[...]But privately, between you and us, we

BARLEY CROP , 3[...]bringing "the rag" through a weakly infancy
BANK STUDIES RURAL PROB-[...]to a healthy puberty that promises it a useful[...]us this month was being summoned life really be[...]At the previous one we gathered that we Thanks to you, the journal is now beg[...]6 had not shown any marked genius in the
TIFIC.O.TES[...]In fact, we were left with the rather un- to express each[...]t merely for our own benefit, but
BRAINS-BRUSHER PROBLEM . 7 comfortable feelin[...]that we, jointly, may better serve the com-[...]we may be truly proud in the building of our
THE NEW I N D u ST a rA L However, as salve to our wounds, we were

REVOLUTION[...]ENDING IN 1TALY 11 This time we weren't[...]Come up and see us
12[...]HE Editorial Committee some time. We'll make
*[...]15 market, send hearty Christmas
time for goodwill to
BOOKS FOR BANKERS 15[...]S AND SUGGESTIONS 16 But happily we were[...]The Governor told us he thought a big

ROSES AND RASPBERRIES[...]since the last interview, and that we were

**[...]WHEEL OF FORTUNE 22 justifying our existence .[...]Now that, to us, is praise indeed . Never about the competit[...]O AT KJRRIBILLI before had we been told that we were last month's Currency came out? Oh![...]half-way, or, indeed, that we had even made[...]Well, hunt up a copy and read all about
A GLANC[...]in, but we want more.[...]it but in slightly different Develop those powers of self-expression .
order has been used. You'll need the[...]Naturally, we took all the credit the Governor out of a husband later on.
was prepared to accord us, and, like Oliver[...]

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (96)[...]knowledge that new Board-
T was old Tom Tusser, farmer-poet of member Gunn, w[...]stranger to O relieve an acute staff housing problem,
Suffolk, who coined the ma[...]rdy companion to be the Bank has just erected two blocks of
an ill wind tha[...]e re . provide the best form of community housing.
VH-C BA, carrying Mr. Gunn, the new Boord-[...]epartment ; left
Canberra airport at 5.40 p.m. on Wednesday ,
22nd October for Sydney.[...]fl,,,
The weather at Canberra was bad, but it was
hoped to make Sydney before Mascot closed.[...]., tafl
6.40 p.m.; bu t after descending to its lowest[...]p.m.
Also on the stri::, at Dubbo at that time were
civil airliners carrying more than 200 passengers,
and further aircraft were still arriving-on e, the
B.C.P.A. plane from Va[...]on the first crete floors, the units were ,.pecially designed
passengers and crew of VH-CBA decided to business day of each month not lo give f[...]tee le was !>honed to le t him the first business day following . Extra-large overhangin g eaves with hood pro-
know they were there. fo[...]the shade and coolness. Fixed and adjustable louvres
take Miss Barkas for the night, an[...]20 minutes If these changes are causing undesired interior wall,, also speci[...]y points, would those concerned please dust storms, and there are other dust-proofin g
a large supply of rugs and some rati[...]measures.
The latter were doubly welcomed as no-one[...]Australia has not been increa,ing to the[...]is taking an active in terest in the Australian Wheat Board Account in their
branch en mas[...]Rural Credits Deoartment s. In Adelaide we have
made the party welcome and provided refresh- Rural Policy[...]o investigate ways and the account of the Australian Barley Board
ments. Later Mr. Steele took[...]covering the Board's activities in South Australia
run around the district whi le the Deputy G[...]ion. and Victoria.
nor and party used his office. The p res[...]cCarthy (Inspectors' sale of 16,250,000 bushels of barley were
had lifted to slightly over 1,000 feet, at 1.25[...]Chief Valuer) and Mr. C. C. Thomas (Industrial of £7,900,000 were made to growers.
minutes flying time, after leaving Canberra.[...]onside ra ti on of special problems, Mr. South Australia.
"And where does old Tom Tusser and his[...]still growing, and it appears that the proceeds
Well, old Tom doesn't, for he's been dead[...]y's Department ) have of th~ 1951-52 crop will be almost £16,000,000 .
these 370 years.[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (97)[...]By The Three Sid;

ARDLY a week goes by that one does not
read of someon[...]~trnt,>s Tww to
That's just the trouble with most firearm l,11/,l a pi.,tol to
accidents; the person handling the gun just[...]Occasionally a missfire may prove to be a
science will never let him forget! So see to it[...]vices . hang-fire , and the faulty cartridge will then
you do not join that clan of unhappy men, b[...]Different weapons of the same type each have explode in t[...]revealed by the presence of cordingly dangerous to pull the trigger again
armourer, S.A. Harvey,[...]vent your pitting and a white salt-like crust. This is a sure immediately.
getting shot - or[...]ng someone else , one of your point where it must not be used. fire again for at least a[...]this is pre·
First and foremost , treat every weapon as when three years old, as that is a[...]hould drop your gun, there is always
prepared to swear on a stack of Bibles six feet view. Always[...]a thoroughly a risk that the shock of the weapon striking the
high that it isn't.[...]lock and key . floor may cause a discharge, and sometimes such
That means nev[...]other per- Having made certain that the weapon func- a discharge is delayed; so take[...]ood against a hang-fire , by leaving the weapon lie
at you, give him the length of your tongu[...]safe place on you( own , carefully unload the
weapon, and at such an angle that if it does[...]all the cartridges into a bucket of
go off there will be no possibility of the bullet
with oil. Oil causes the powder to deteriorate, water or hole i[...]and deteriorated powder causes dangerous hang- disposal, examine the mechanism to se[...]sfires. it is not faulty or damaged, and reload the
Remember that remo[...]esh ammunition .
automatic does not guarantee the weapon to be the bore, which, when the next round is fired , In reloading, always make sure that the neW
unleaded. There can be, and often is, a cartridge causes dangerous repercussions - to the aston- cartridges are of a ty[...]o say detriment, of the firer, who particular weapon, as ammunition for automatics
that nine times out of ten causes the accident. may end up with a hook where his hand used differs from ammunition for revolvers and the
An officer receiving a weapon with which he to be, as a memento of t[...]artridges for a particular type
to unload it, and make himself thoroughly powder.[...]self-defence you will have to take a chan ce[...]you justified in avoiding the above precautions ,[...]old t1 Even if you miss the right man , you will then[...]

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (98)[...]BUSY LITTLE BEE KNOWS
TO CUSTOMERS[...](All right. All right. We know
at once .[...]it's a corny pun; but we had to

Having not the most exact[...]competition being run by the Commonweal th
senger where I could carry out the formaliti[...]eived he did not label it, is quite obviously "Enter-
to a glassed-in box where a most import[...]by C.S. B., Melbourne, from a Naustralian prise, Industry and Thrift", all three qualities
looking gentl[...]ls somewhat stronger than he quite obviously possesses to a highly com-
fro in a swivel chai[...]his command of English. He had just opened
Upon my entrance, the revolutions cease[...]Here is busy !levan's letter:
The Commonweal th
and offered a cigare tte.
Savings Bank of Australia , "Dear Sir,
My opinion of the Bank went up in Advertising Department,[...]Common-
lea ps and bounds to think that an obvious MEL BOURNE. wealth Trades Alphabet book that there is a
"Big-s[...]g how they get
th e junio r staff so conscientious ly . Recen tly I give fo r my child[...]sa ry to make somme advertisemen t for the "first
A certain amount of po lite sparring then went[...]step" to put money in the Bank- because I sec
on whether a savings bank account might no[...]visita tion the Bank will be very popular- (/ hope)
account, and , in any[...]The Years Between? house.
The form was torn up (with, I thought, a cer[...]lady well known at the Bank called with "It is a good idea to put it in the Bank
tain amount of brusqueness) and (with a trace[...]positor from another branch to iden- because when you go in visiting the shops
of petulance)[...]stated ,he had known depositor for twenty
dispose of me.[...]It is (approximatel y), 14 miles, but we go in[...][We'll bet you have, Bev. Keep it up. Saving's[...]TPAYER." the ticket. - Ed].
You? I'm disgusted ."[...]

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (99)[...]r officers there, notably Teller
Ian Newton, who suspected the certif1cates to
be forgeries, Accountan[...]ood des-
scription of him.
Oxford Street is a busy Sydney branch, and
there was the usual Monday morning's crowd
demanding attention when the f1ve phoney £50
certif1cates numbered SA 186605/9 were pre
sented for encashment at about 11.15 on
Nov[...]m111tarrt Hd1rnrd.,, £50 forged certif1cates were cashed by 1he Ox-
a nearby branch of the E.S. a[...]orged £50 certifi-
A. had referred the bearer to us. Hnmcl,,[...]Taylor Square, al the top of
made me immediately suspect they were forg-
eries", Teller Ian Newton told me when I[...]to ring up mercia l Bank of Australia Ltd. and the Australia
an over-all glance they looked genuine, and[...]and New Zea land Bank-we re not approached,[...]ice concurred
fellow who presented them gave no cause for[...]and carried out. In fact, by 2 p.m. that day all
suspicion; in fact I afterwards marvel led at how[...]followed for Teller Newlon and Examin er[...]e st,gati~n Branch , wh ere hund re ds of
were f o rge ries. Th ere wa~ a ragg e[...]y son with a genuine certif1cate, stated they were " Certificate Crook" wa s[...]spurious beyond doubt. Together they look[...]is lant Governor Bryson, who were ab le to point out several resemblances.
Reliev[...]"11 was a shock to me to f1nd 1here were so
to be forgeries. I was told to return to the box were forgeries was again conf1rmed. many forgers a1 large as were pictured on 1hese
and try and detain the fellow while Mr. Angwin Th e police were promptly informed , B. ph[...]·11,e girl s of the du!)licating room rushed Savings Bank depositors ([...]ies in 35 minute s for des• will regard with some reserve in future).
"I was e[...]asting by the police to see if a suspect a1 Leichhardt
to suspect nothing and moved back from the s:a t:on s, a nd P.M.G.'s Departme nt were also was the man. Some detecti[...]Specimens of the forged certif1ca1es were uine certif1ca1e bearing[...]or officers 1here to time previously by a man having a Savings Bank
doubtful character was. make themselves familiar wi1h them, and were accoun1 at Marrickville,[...]. refused because the presenter was not a client.[...]The same afternoon, a false alarm went ofl[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (100)[...]The pol ice MELBOURNE OFFICE SET-UP
we re informed.[...]HERE is a great deal of confusion in Room, Balancing Staff and Interna[...]irst floor.
tificates turned out to be genuine, however.
In his official report to the Governor[...]ion and set-up The second floor is also used for Bank
the matter, Relieving Manager Angw[...]l.
wo rk was displayed , " under fire " as it were, us tha t the fol low ing brief comments may prove[...]ant Chief Clerk. There is a General
With that, we feel sure, Bank men eve rywhe re reca ll that since December 1943 we have had Bank Accountant, and Chief Cle rk, and on the
will certainly agree, and ioin most hearti ly in[...]as clear as mud, we wil l bid you adieu.[...]ontest housed in so lita ry sp lendour and occupy ing

I N b[...]buildi ng fo rme rl y owned and used by one of[...]--o--

so, when we read of Bil l Madgwick (formerly[...]this period , extensive building alte rations we re[...]BRAIN-BRUSHER
of Oxford St. Branch and now at Wo llongong)[...]Smart Alec
winning it two years running , we semaphored[...]Bank business conducted in Melbourne (Co llins[...]o Christmas Eve in the
Our correspondent tells us that Bill hails from building occupied b[...]C.S. B. workhouse, and Bill Butterfingers, the
Glen Innes, N.S .W., whe re he made his mus ical[...]Capita l Office, C.S. B., Melbourne . Simultaneously
phase of brass band work, and has played[...]Thirty of t hem were lined up on the counter
the Sav ings Bank business of the Elizabet h or clutched i[...]were conce rn ed, meant mere ly that instead of
tran[...]ht as they came into the main
youth movemen ts as well as music led him to[...]its identity. It transacts General Bank business
Bill aspires to make a study of the product ion[...]of Craig's Joe J ingle and Bob Tinkle were hastily sum-
side of musical programmes. This ambition has[...]of them set to to clea r the 30 boxes.
so far make it pretty certain that sooner or later[...]sed Accounts, Safe None of them we re "Speed Demons".
it wil l be .
Cus tody and Security Departments. The Machine[...]aw!I awes a41 u, saxo9 £/ Z:·9 op p1noM 11!8[...]

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (101)[...]wea!1h Treasury, National Debt Sinking Fund[...]In conclusion I would refer to the section of mation[...]PROFIT . ? turn aside business classified as unprofitable stats they tell us where to get them from a nd[...]don't rush us better still, stop asking for stats[...]g a C/ 1, says "a record is to be main·
scious of late, but it seems to me that it is policy[...]rimarily with the intention of increasing pro- must disagree with the construction he has[...]ning proportions The present restrictions were, I understand,[...]blame? If a record is
practically every form of business undertaking[...]Australian economy. The first consideration is[...]given to essential secondary industry and prim- suitable register printed. Just think of th e
thereby maintaining output with a[...]ary industry where an increase in production uni[...]Other funds are made available And so we come to "uniformity" . Have you
I believe that the various committees which for housing. ev[...]within the at your finger tips, because you have been doi/19
p rofitab le practice ra t[...]to the public. Can 3hown th/It the accounts will develop into some- what happens? Trouble-[...]t branch are missin'.) from
It should be obvious to all of us that if pro-[...]dare you criticise the books? No, Siree, be cause
the General Bar,king Division would be operat-[...]most of them himself a nd
ing at a loss. I agree we should be judged firstly "Joining Up" therefore they must remain.[...]All unofficial records must go, and, if nece s·
statutory dutie,, but if we can continue to give AVING read the ar[...]C/ l's; and then , my fellow workers, our jobs will
without a poo r profit result, will we not be toss in my lot and join up but at a price. be easier to learn, easier to do, and we will
judged the better for it? And what if our[...]next time Head Office wants statistics I make fewer blues- for me the easy life!!
profit were to decline steep ly? Would we not demand that I be given time to "come[...]give an immediate reply that this change will have to come from the
levelled at a number of State and Federal Gov- as to how many "brown eyed" customers came top as well as from the troops.
in last week etc.[...]ght advisable to maintain umpteen ECAUSE of the remarks of "Simon" (Novem·
tioned that l[...]rans- ber "Currency", p. 10), I must rally to the
Commonwealth Bank profits and 14 / 6d. in the act[...]the cudgel s in de·
£. of Savings Bank profits went to the Common- a day every worki[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (102)[...]se s of argume nt that the
concede that branche s will benefit by not having
to spend many hours looking for the elusive[...]w Bank were to close a large number of branche[...]and found itself with many surplus manage[...]who were, of necessit y, obliged to carry out
Secondl[...]NEIV Industr ial Revolu tion lws
fall on deaf ears. Hence th[...]to step down to the status of their new jobs?[...]recent years. This industr ial revolu-
ject matter in C/M 9252 . Perhaps[...]of its
have not been observe d, or perhaps Simon will respoll sibiliii es to its employ ees. It is subject will be appreci ated.[...]llldust ry has become an institut ioll. In-[...]dustry has grown to a new level ill our[...]and the school. As cm instilll tion as well as HE persona l point of[...]adjunct to any really entertai ning discus-
11 social motiva ting force, illdustr[...]o not come into this
Lastly, I hope Sirl'on 1s well on the wey in lleeds of its worker s.[...]e register of this and the register Industr ial leaders , s1tpert'isors, foro'.'men,
us[...]d erable rise in blood pres-
overdo it, though . We still require the register lleeds thro[...]and
of custome r transact ions otherwi se the ledgers[...]s
or do we?[...]renc e to this subject.
Admini stration , I will[...]b-
"HORA TIUS". well as do1t· n-ll1e-line. Group confer·[...]Classifi cation in October Industr ial benefit s have been e11larged[...]-post and not even
"Curren cy" again tells us that the intro· to incl1tde fr ee in[...]nd job STEWART FERGUSON (C.S.B. Sydney )
the job is classifie d and n[...]of savings bank interest -decima ls versus pounds,
when they transfer to an entirely new[...]custome rs. help C.S.B. Admini stration weigh up the pros
Instance s of this apparen[...]tive officers handle is largely We still have the decimal system, and the
manage[...]against a reversio n to the £. s.
display ed marked aptitude for their jobs, and equal[...]ortu nities and special Normall y, howeve r, position s at branche s are[...]When branch officers foregath er, howeve r, the
training , have acquire d some knowl[...]weight of opinion seems to be about 75%
usually encoun tered.[...]quite strongly about it.
little usP at branche s. MorPov er, it is difficult willing and able, but few are chosen, and when[...]the he reverts to his former status.[...]really intere:;t ed.
conscie ntious and diligent branch officers who,[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (103)[...]Su~er intend ent Indust rial Financ e Depar
Deve lopm[...]of indust rial
HIS year, applic ations for gra[...]d Indust rial Financ e[...]totalli ng appro ximat ely £80,00 0 were Depar tment . He has been kind enoug h to make

receiv ed from Austra lian univer sities,[...]the
Austra lian Adviso ry Comm ittee of[...]mediu m-term bonds , which
farms of Austra lian farme rs travell ing[...]especi ally small invest ors. The amoun
Austra lian Counc il of Young Farme[...]its capita l plus reserv es.
and payme nt of[...]The I.M.I. is empow ered to make[...]loans for
Austra lian Da ir y Produ ce Board Pastur[...]foreig n curren cy, to all classe s of indust[...]favour ing those most useful
fertilis er trials and better dairyi[...]the field of electri c power , iron and[...]steel pro-
Austra lian[...]and an
Austra lian Meat Board : Bee f cattle[...]appro val
chase of equip ment for use on the boom of[...]term lendin g, and to make long-t erm the[...]prised to learn that in our own Indust[...]handle the money and allo-
Austra lian Nation al Univer sity : Contin[...]1,500 Depar tment we have grante d many[...]indust ries
tion of studies in myxom atosis[...]of our Indust rial Financ e Depar tment[...], but as will[...]metho ds of
Univer sity of Weste rn Austra lia: uni[...]

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (104)[...]shot impinges on the eardrums, followed by[...]y o f the sta ff would be very between thumb and finger, the object being to
innovatio[...]day u ltimately comes to an end, a
cou rse fo llowed in giving consideration to
We hear criticism of the multitudinous circula rs seemingly death ly silen[...]ly the neces-
li bera ted and the ;:,ros and cons weighed before[...]hing some of
Many of the suggest ions a re discussed by var- - -o[...]these potentia l note-splitters in act ion?
ious comm ittees, such as the Capital Office Pro-[...]and speed (minus the disp lay of te lle rship which[...]needed by new en t ran ts to fa rming, small busi- prec ision-made electr ic moto[...]onversant with diffi• nesses and othe r industries where sma ll-scale "QUIETUS".
cu lt ies with which branches may be confron te[...]acticab le.
as a resul t of any change, and fu ll weight is[...]many thousa nds of potent ia l fa rmers, for examp le,
guide[...]y in facto ries or Should We Break Silence?
coL• ntants in di scussions on changes affecting office-1.
the s[...]ROM time to time we have al l read inaccurate[...]Wou ld it not be a wonderful stimulus to[...]articles in the press concerning the various
Again, at the express wi,h of the Assistant[...]y re lating
Governor, representatives of the various Man- could find out wha t type of farm[...]to the fact that we ar~ not ~ubject to the same
age rs' Clubs attend meet ings of the Branch bus iness o r other ind ustry he could en te r with[...]In many cases, the Commonwealth Bank is
what his costs and income were li ke ly to be?
se nta tives a re as ked to sub[...]er roneously quoted as the administrat ive agent[...]house-tops t han to leave t hem known on ly to
In a[...]e would be a very comment, yet we seldom , if ever, see these
be ing of g reat va l[...]ambitious pro ject a nd wou ld require some years[...]rganisat ion in operation would appea r. Howeve r, a g reat dea l of the[...]damaging to the prestige of th e Commonweal th
and conclude the staff are not "out in the[...]from expe rienced bank officers, or from cus- sponse from the Bank. What[...]acticable and uneconomica l step . various members of the Aus tralian banking sys-
The time factor too, wou ld[...].Ir JJ.
to changes is sometimes unfavourab le because
of the lack o f a reason, is rather ha rd to com-
p rehend. A great dea l of thought, causing[...]Austra lia?[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (105)[...]le, should not be
Dagge r: ing who wil l stick a knife overlooked, for among other[...]ion . To put your mind be paid .
at rest, we quote hereunder extracts from a[...]951 to £A362 million in June,
main anonymous, the names of such mem - 1952, our rece[...]ould be fully con- investments in the money market and sent
fiden t their a:,onymity will be preserved and market values of gilt-edged topp ling .
this di rect ion wi ll assist the Committee to Though we have been obliged in this difficult[...]P ·at11,
assure contributors that their names will be pe riod to sell some of our securit[...]. en us , 11
extraordinarily heavy demands made on us, living up to the charter gtV h busi~e lhi ev:
We supply the cloak and dagg e r. It 's up to[...]vices w e provid e, t e rTla~et 'e~.~flle,
you to use them . su[...]A number of sma ll indus·[...]tries claiming by virtue of
FotitHlatiOUS: lndustt-y: (c} the welfa re of th e[...]their enginee ring activities
ing Societies t hat we are now le nding to build- to be essentia l undertakings experienced a mush-[...]wo room growth during the boom period and were Why then worry abou t[...]was to seek stability protected from ser ious compe t ition by the acu te adjusted profit and loss figures · 9P
of the c[...]efore A large percentage of these businesses pros-
it, the Bank had demonstra ted its i[...]the ir products we re manufactured and so ld on a
loans to t he exte[...]cost-p lus basis . However, with the turn in econ-[...]. .e~\'
However, he issued the caution that there[...]y th e whole of t~1: . 1 re11
the past, we had conserved our resources and[...]built up rom d artflle I ",~, r,
this had enabled us to lend more in recent
times. In the future, when[...]0
freely avai lable, it was important that we should
reduce our he lp to the societies, who sho[...]Thirdly, we need to O the !, ~h·[...]ting of Lon- Premises Department has been accused of running reasonable cost in inter[...]1

don Funds which form the bu lk of Australia's riot by using ice b lue, r,,a le g reen , tan, m3gen ta ,[...]Let us look then at pro t the \[...]!
moderate balances were he ld in the most liquid for ceilings[...]of efficiency. When we look 0~ '· •, l¾\·c
form avai lab le , but about four years ago, with This has caused a lot of con troversy about Branch,[...]absolute level. Let us hold fa\o r ,a , I I[...]al ly the new colour schemes have been welcomed
it shou ld not invest some of its f unds in[...]not let us make it an excuse °ll d
what less liquid form[...]r the fie ld and ha s
and unforeseen payments by Australia overseas, led the way, as[...]

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (106)[...]Sttt(lll Cliang e: the usual shortag e of acquire s its resourc es under the Commo nwealt[...]small coin must again be in branch officers Credit[...]flush,
minds. But this year, althoug h we are not[...]be This year applica tions for grants were receive[...]there is every hope that the supply will[...]the supply and smaller public deman d, we, as for was approx imately £80,00 0. Thi[...]distribu ting agent for the Commo nwealth[...]larger and the task of sifting the various applica
ury, start the rush period with holding s[...]than usual.[...]li ips: scheme which pro- were submit ted to the Admin istrativ e Commi[...]•deal than profits f and we should The Fellows nomina te the co[...]f
Profits is evidence that we are wish to follow, and in several i[...]deter mined training . The Bank has willing ly provide d[...]facilitie s, and already we have had one[...]rom Burma and two from the R. Wilson , J. G. Menzie s, H. J. Bellett and[...]tra- that the reducti on will enable the lag in inspec-[...]inspect ions will reduce the inconv enience[...]inevita bly associa ted with
busin ess and services rende red, the[...]For E b d Thanks must go to Scep-
,I and[...]and correct ing us.[...]e, an accoun t with about eight ing we altered to give the wrong sense.
11[...]Defe renc e:
/ 10 Peration will enabl e us to ensure[...]Glob e Trot ters: Austral ia is one of Austral ian owed him a[...]world. the Austral ian could pay his debt, but unders[...]Our custom ers have, over the last twelve[...]our wealth Bank of Austral ia, Martin Place, Sydney[...]o policy but as one measure the globe well over £1 million sterling in[...]Full of ho:,e, back came the answer , this time[...]Since 1928 the Bank of the Commo nwealth Bank of Austral ia, Sydney[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (107)[...]marketing scheme~ (many of which are still run·[...]ning today). Because of the disruption of normal[...]ma rkets and lack of shipping caused by the war,
HE death of Mr. William Morris Hughes[...]that t hen comprised the Austral ian banking sys-
removes from the sce[...]lbourne) Mr. Hughes was nin t h hazardous t ransfer ove rseas, as needed, of
That assoc iation makes doubly approp ria te to open an ac[...]Minister in
of the Bank, where he stood, in fai r weat he r and[...]In London, our office al Australia House[...]and our branch in the Strand were opened
g rea t assistance to the Commonwealth Gov e rn -
veterans of the First A. 1.F., who[...]upplies and in
won as Prime Minister of the Commonwea lt h[...]as well as the Bank's own .[...]p romptly savingt bank accounts were hand led there;
wa s able lo carry out many o[...]at least 1,000 counter transactions were dealt
that won him the undying rega rd of the[...]wi th dai ly; some 3,000 le tte rs and te legrams were
"Anracs" of 1914-1918.[...]fin ancia l panic that paymen ts were made mon th ly in re spect of
Fisher Government[...]telegraph ic remi tt ances from Aust ralia were re·
into being in December of tha t year, he h[...]lly and paying spot ceived each week .
prev iously been opposed to t he measure so[...]were engaged in London exclusive ly on so ldiers'[...]bu s ine,s . No cha rge was made , and there wer:
It was only afte r "The O'Mal ley" (as Mr.[...]ng funds to to a 'stone-broke' digger we re simply immea,ur·
among a sect ion of membe rs[...]few years ea rlier, and in financing the marketing
Andrew Fisher were ind uced to look more kindly[...]of the Navy, wherever Austra lian forces were,[...]ted ten interna l war and the Commonwealth Government would
Governor, Denison Samuel King Mil!er, that peace loans be tween J u ly 19 15 and J une 1921 , hav[...]/- per cent that govern- maintain Australia' s external trade, the Bank

Obversely ii :ould be said tha t the use he ment loans we re cost ing in flo tation expenses[...]Fifteen ships in various ports of the world
became wa rtime Prime Minister[...]t a round £300,000,000 to producers were secret ly acquired o n behalf of the Common·
t[...]oo l, bu tter and cheese, meat, and wea lth before shipp ing in terests became aware
est[...]othe r p rimary products, through va rious national of wha t t he Government was[...]Profits made by the Commonwea lth Line in
Has.,i,• ((,P11. llgr. ( .. //. of[...]cal assistance of various kinds, as when , for[...]

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (108)[...]we
was wingi ng his way (in one of the[...]cus-
wire contra ptions that was then counte[...]abuse agains t the Bank and its[...]a. advice showe d a Bond for £100 as[...]t all, a length
The wo rk of the Bank as well as on 15/ 9 / 52 instea d of 15/ 9 / 62.
were ackno wledg ed when Deni-[...]have us
In that year, also, he was appoin[...]om modat ion for a period of four month s. We
l[...]interv iew we re able to resist a furthe r claim[...]portfo lios in
office- to hold va rious impor tant distast eful[...]Moral : It is alway s well worth a few
again.[...]as he had the then marke t value of £92 / 12[...]ices she
previo usly been a doubt er.[...]a re sult of our adv
So, as to a friend we say: Vale " Bill
- a truly notab 1e man-[...]THE AUSTRALIAN
many vicissi tudes.[...]. (Aust.)[...]1111111111111111 Thit is a useful book of handy refere[...]1111111111 m under standi ng of accoun ting, busine[...](c) Maldiv e Island ;; (d) Musca t; (e) Oman ;[...]does not bank with us reques ts
3 . A well known busine ss man who[...]ng of one of our customers . Should CAUC ASIAN JOURNE[...]MADAME TUSSAUD : Cottre ll - Story[...]ntant were in.[...]to and re-pre sented , is notice 'lo custom er his plot and charac ters are re[...]? (c) per se; (d) inter alia ; DUST ON MY SHOES : Pinney -[...]Austra lian goes adven turing throug h[...]eing opene d ·to evade the placed just outsid e the two transv erse[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (109)[...]T is regretted that, because of the
l.A.C.-Acceptance of Credits to Other[...]not been possible to provide answers to
tion 50 it is necessary to obtain the author[...]we would like, and we crave your
for their "S" cheque accounts. Rigid a[...]We should also be grateful if con-
and it is the pra[...]ical questions for the time being . ANSWER-Thank you for your suggestion. Con·
and request[...]This will enable prompter replies to be sidera[...]dinary course C.B. 54 and which could be used for all types
It is also necessary for each[...]der and cancelled or lists, C.S.B. 65 and 66, will be advised to branches[...]f ledger leaves is E.G.R. On fairly numerous occasions the draft
dress on the deposit slip, thus bringing the far in excess of requiremen[...]ger by the issuing branch, largely because the prese~I[...]r right corner of the requisition ,
ANSWER- There is merit in the suggestion that for[...]of the same Could future prints of C.B.5 make provisi~n
restrictions upon Society Cheque Accoun[...]the "Draft issued on " section at th e
we thank you for raising the matter. signature slips could thus be dispensed with , foot of the requisition just above the signing
Change in procedure has bee[...]ANSWER-Thank you for your suggestion.
CUSTOMERS' STATEMENTS The who[...]less the issuing branch is con·
D.B.-1 wish to make the following suggestion: deposits is at pr[...]tacted.
General Bank statements could be used for will be advised of any changes in due course .
societ[...]o- - ANSWER Prints of C.B.5 dated back to l 947
amending the[...]the draft number to be inserted in
convenient to use than the present passbook[...]B.l.: Is it necessary to make out a memo Form prominent position for pos[...]whole procedure regarding local drafts is at
ANSWER- The use of statements for Savings[...]present under review, however, and your sugge_s·
Bank society cheque accoun[...]lion, for which we thank you, will be borne ,n
consideration.[...]C.S.B. CHEQUE LISTS ANSWER : Instruction 1631 is a requirement of[...]gestion is logical, and the question will be
shown on the C.S.B. 65 frequently results in[...]ion . building and housing societies under Savin ?
bare details shown in[...]ank control through the General Bank teller ,
refusal. It is suggested that instead of the lists[...]at any time during the Departments cause unnecessary work.
they could then be filed with the vouchers for week, we find that staggering the work and
the last day o[...]a number of days is, very helpful. ANSWER- The instructions regarding Building
items in C[...]nches adopt this method? and Housing Societies are at present being re·
ANSWER- The suggestion is appreciated, and ANSWER-Yes. The practice of spreading the vised. The question raised will receive con·
revised procedure to be ad[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (110)[...]l work perform ed to be
a ll restrictio ns on the use of coun ter cheques,
they are not used in the compilat ion of any check[...]instance , the Savings Bank Stati,tica l
neither custome r nor bank, and-(b) the restric· ANSWER -We thank you for the suggesti on in Register could be maintain ed with sufficient
lion to use on ly within the office could cause rega rd to the subsequ ent filing of[...]detailed checking . The point
inconven ience to custome rs. Is the re any reason held out for[...]record of General Bank Transact ions should
ANSWERS-(a) The stamp "Counte r Cheque"[...]E.E.D.-S aving s Bank Balances - We have found
(b) There appears to be no sound re[...]uitable time for a Savings Bank ANSWER -Where the necessity to check is not
restrict counte r-cheque s to use within the office. balance is at close of business on a Saturday , specifically pro[...]lf that he would have issued a ANSWER - Thank you for bringing you r experi-[...]stration would therefor e welcome a list of the[...]each, it bears some tioned a re used fo r a number of importan t
through lack of f[...]ment drew our attention to it, and we consequ ently the Bank would not favour dis-
of control) under advice to the custome r and
illustrate it here in case you can make pensing with it.
company .[...]use of it.
ANSWER It has been decided to give Man-[...]ment s where on two successiv e times a week, and has been doing it for R[...]n,
occasion s payment s have not been made because fou r years w ithout a breakdo wn[...]The inventor (to whom we are in • of returns to be schedu led after 3 years. How-
In such cases, custome rs are to be notified deb·ted for the accompa nying plans), we ever, fo r purpose of compilin g Yearly Adjusted
that as funds have not been provided to mee[...]n of Expendi -
termina te the authority and it will be necessar y drink (soft) bottles and a length of ture for the previous 5 years. Is this an anomaly ?
for the custome r to make other arrangem ents string ; but it's in the hush-hush stage as[...]ANSWER -Althou gh C.B. 21 Classification of
with the[...]the figures necessar y to complet e Adjusted
C/ 1 13/ 41 (a) will be amended at a suitable[...]33
l . Could the vouchers held out for perusal[...]re des·
year to which they relate at times causes incon-[...]) ANSWER : It is not necessar y for clearing[...]vouche r C. B. 33 to be signed when used in
filing. If later referenc e is r[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (111)[...]e ledger accounts or on authority sheets.
the confusion which usually exists when search-[...]ay also main -
This also occurs when an incoming custodian is To save confusion , I suggest the relative pages[...]the various matters requiring periodical atter.tion.
able tim[...]Duplication of diari,,ing as between the Perpetual
from the lengthy details noted on[...]ESCORT OFFICERS will be issued as soon as possible .
omitting from the label any other details con- B.P.- The illustration accompanying the article ,
cerning the lock or ledger binder to which the "Unusual Safe Cu:tody Job", in the October[...]g- cedure when a forged Australian note is
Binder Y.45--Treasury-No. 61[...]sfruction C/ 1 14/ 50 or the Commonwealth Bank
strong envelopes each containing about ten keys, ANSWER- Our compliments on your alertness, Act[...]62 . Is the note fo be con·
the envelopes being marked as to the contents, B.P. However, the dust coats worn by escort fiscated , or simply marked and returned to the
e.g. Nos. 1 to 1O; 11 to 20[...]rs are not white , but a dull grey, which customer?
By reference to the index it would be th[...]ANSWER.:-The Bank prefers to retain any for·[...]explicit power on the Bank fo confiscate forger·[...],es- but on the other hand it does make it an
ANSWER-Thank you for this suggestion.[...]forgery without lawful excuse . Our experience
method of identification of dup[...]that persons who have presented forgeries to
various systems have been devised mainly on[...]The system sug- R.B.:-C/ 1 Books - We always waste much when informe d of t[...]ite satisfactory and may be precious time coping with the small posts in the c!a[...]ANSWER .:-Arrangemenfs are already being pos[...]e necessary fo amend the present
any objection to using perpetual diary C/ 1. 32/ 10[...]method of handling transactions; but if this were
to include all diary matters?[...]possible, with the use of a common machine[...]felt that
AN SW ER-C / 1 17 / 41 has been reviewed, and R.B.-Why is the cu,4om continu[...]and operators could result.
the following wording will be substituted for two officers (one a fully responsible senior A NSWER The problem of co-ordinating General
the ex isti[...]ge is reprinted: ANSWER This matter has received considera- not[...]This subject has been closely investigated
of customers, such as making periodical transfers[...]in certain circum- new machine which has just reached Australia
ing statements, passbooks, etc., should be[...]collect registered mail. may provide the answer we have been seek ing .[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (112)[...]corded, is not used. J.C[...]saved by branches if C.B . l 22's were slotted
at several branches at which I have ser[...]ed very satisfactory: are used - I suggest that officers checking addi-[...]!'rir.ts of C.B .122 it
headings amended to suit. Use a separate sheet, out in appropriately he[...]ANSWER - Thank you for your suggestion. When
checks are[...]Form C.B.122 comes up for reprint it will receive
tained, and there is no danger of anythi[...]. Administration may consider suppl y- ANSWER: There is n:, obiection to branches[...]sheet with printed headings for those using the reverse side of form C.S.B. 177, page
with blank headings for use as required . It ii intended to[...]ng a divorcee? Would the form
sheets (CSB 24A), using a separate sheet, or RE[...]she divorced her ex-husband or was divorced
cerned. If the sheets are des[...]y return, preparation of the return is We suggest that as the !'rinted forms CB 24 and ANSWER : Assuming the initials of the payee[...]CB 70 are costly, a pink follower be used for refer to her own christian[...]ANSWER - Thank you for the suggestion "Tay-[...]If the initials were those of her ex-husband ,
are numerous it is heloful :hen balancing the[...]s entries). An openini;: balance
for each school must of course be first ascer· A[...]ANSWER--lt is intended that all forms, in-
sectional sh[...]register, or on last used butt or counterfoil as
error in the ledgers.[...]appropriate.
ANSWERS-General Bank Work Book •Many[...]\
We thank you for your additional submission.[...]"w
will be advised of any changes decided upon[...]The answer to T.W.'s and N.M.'s question on[...]ncies (In· HAT are you doing? " we asked[...]ded:
struction 578)- There is no objection to the use Slicka .[...]h less than 2,000 accounts, is not answered .
normally warranted. "We always do that on a scrap of B.G .C.P.- Please let us have your address so
If there are unusual features at your office paper or the blotter," we said. that we may send you a personal reply to your
justifying a variation of the usual practice , "Fat lot of use that is if the piece of question[...]e blotter-after KIM -Please let us have your address so that[...]ke this it looks like a doctor's we may send you a perspnal reply to your[...]make your calcula·tions on the form itself."[...]E.C.D . and J .H.P.-Please let us have your
"That's O.K. for General Bank", we put[...]vision in the present The moral is MAKE YOUR CALCULA to one raised by "A.M." and answered in the
(11 / 9 / 42) print of the Work Book sh[...]October issue of "Currency", to which we refer
full record to be maintained; but th[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (113)[...]R some time at C.S.B. Me lbourne,
various ways and means have been
tried in an e[...]articularly those who, for one
reason or another, were being reported on
Although some progress was made it was
slowed down by such difficulties as staff short-
ages a[...]equent changes of staff without proper train-
ing will soon upset an office.
The usual method of making changes is
to put a new man w[...]office . week for each member of the staff have been
Too o[...]ments was held and the scheme was discussed months. This, alone , has greatly .i[...]with them . They were asked to give it their morale and incr[...]setting out the jobs available. Enquiries were daily, and officers in charge of departmen[...]n no interference with th e,r
ignorance; o thers just cannot be bothered.
was marked with jobs each had already done. work.[...]r ly this year the Bank had some instructors were availab le for any particular job in the[...]the requirements. In a few instances this h_as
Industry) and as soon as they were ready, The following is an exam[...]6/ 52 V 5/ 9/ 52
plain how they are used in a practical way. Casey[...]1/2/ 52
For training purposes the staff were divided Thomas V[...]ual training was correct Iy f or years, b ecause t h e man On t he job
2. Male officers unde[...]an·k
Before any training was begun the staff were in the working of Savings Bank interest[...]particularly of the other fellow
the plan. They were told it was the aim to up with perman[...]ndi- of :he old habit of "duckshoving", because Jo_e
could be called on to do within his status, that tions in training tellers.[...]ation for own experience that if he does not make a b~
be put on a job without receiving training for only a short time, there has been a marked in- figure clear or follow uo an error, B[...]ing on outlook in some office, s, previously classed as for an error that should have been prevented,
another. They were asked for their support poor,[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (114)[...]AD-SC-2

the senior staff were openly sceptica l of the
Wisdom of quick change[...]Octobe r issue contain s an answer to questio n
boys, on work they will be called on to perform[...]ns ible duties. I can supply the answer lo N.C. (Novem ber "a copy should be ma[...]office, and the lay-out is explain ed in ish will enter al~ paper that is not sized. The copy of this letter? As the ledger leaf will be
detail. They are given an outline of th[...]brush Why not take a copy of all C.S.B. 92's?[...]Congra tulation s on the inclusio n of "Free
think a loo rosy picture has been p[...]but you may use them as you wish.[...]elon g) -C. J. WILLIAMSON
Of course like any scheme , to be suc[...](Busselt on, W.A.).
must have the active and enthusia stic support[...]o-oper ation of
the staff. Executi ve officers must be prepare d Referrin g lo the Q. & S.[...]een ,found by this branch und others
But they will find, I am sure, that the time that the use of liquid gum (NOT paste) instead Who is[...]/J.m.
Slaff. Absenc es and heavy leave periods cause the number s is not im;,aire d in any[...]dy been elimina ted or amende d by C/ M Must have things 11ice for him tonight[...]be NOT printed. This is the only fault to be
A will is revoked by marriag e of the testator .[...][ Thank you H.P. We have written you about A slurrin g speech unlike our Joe's.
under the will may be a witness .[...]We hear it so often we ought to know.
Mana ger's Resi[...]"/1.fy dear, just coufrh1't get away,[...]One of our best custom ers, Mr. Jay,[...]Bailed me up-on busines s 1wt11rally of[...]So we had a drink, and then anothPr,[...]Just couldn 't leave dear, can't you see?[...]To wed ct matt itt a differe11t ga me.[...]Why yes; it's just the banker 's wife!

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (115)[...]A Glanee Througl1 Promotions
ELL here we are again (or should we Bruce was unlucky enough to be shot[...]he added a worm's-eye view of the Germans
timers will recollect that it was at Warwick that fro[...]ct Barth on the Balti c, where he rusticated as a
with a famous flying egg during the course of a P.O.W. until liberated by the Russian s,, in 1945.
rather tempestuous political campaign in the Joining[...]cadetship in 1948, and the current appointment
We'll hazard a guess that Tom has enjoyed a[...]MOTH-ERS, LET US SPRAY
plenty of friends .[...]a student at Ballarat Grammar, were some of by moths and other vermin, off[...]ate with bolh the Commonwealth Institute or and sp ra yed wilh D.D.T. The experts say this
when it comes to doi[...]The Bank will bear the small charge usually
After service with the 2/ 4 Australian Armoured[...]Regiment in Australia and Bougainville, Ron[...]A
studying every aspect of that tricky business, cadetship there in 1947. After a[...]attending to customers. You may dazzle yourself
Clerk "A" in the S[...]d serves an im::,ortant district where
of the famous "Pathfinders" who blazed the the Ba[...]J erusalem ! We've done it again!! As th e
the war. After his exp[...]I knowledge" (tha t exc •se of golfers) answer to Quiz Question 1 (c) in the November
anything he may encounter in his now job is will be particularly valuable t) our manager, issue, "What is the capita l of Israel ," we gave
unlikely to rattle him .[...]rie) Smith who, before this appoint- the answer, " Te l Aviv," as is sta ted by the au th ·
S[...]However, it appears that "Whi taker's[...]country experience and wrong, and that Jerusalem is the capital. Sorry.-
Bexley, Earlwood, and[...]he served at Melbourne, Charters Towers, Wollen Did you hear about the absen[...]Answer lo Quiz Queries
1. A legendry character of n[...]he rest , (e) Sam is six feet tall .
2 . (a) West Africa ; (b) Persian Gulf; (c) Indian Ocean; (d[...]ght; (b) While an action at law
3. Generally we would not give the opinion direct without tho[...]-taken alone; (d) among other thinao; (e) in it;
customer's authority. The correct procedure would be[...]case is different from the others . (b) I wish it were 10. Yes, the certificate is[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (116)[...]COMMONWEALTH BANI OF AUSTRALIA

PUNCHED-CAR[...]Hail. us down.[...]3

BRAINS . BRUSHER PROBLEM[...]4 Truth and Justice be your gu ides through 1953.
MANAG E[...]issue was the first contribu tion we had

* N this issue we introdu ce what we hope you
THE LIGHTER SIDE[...]received from one, and we would like to see

BEGINNER' S LUCK will judge to be a further improve ment to[...]8 Compla ints received that the type we have and so on?
FREE SPEECH been using was trying on the eyes influenc ed[...]to give yoursel f away, either. Use a nom de
PUBLIC RELATIONS[...]12 For an issue or two there will still be some guerre. We won't let on who wrote it.
OVER TO YOU[...]type will be used through out.
In this issue, too, we have switche d from S PACE is runnin[...]the use of relative ly expensi ve art paper to[...]AND SUGGES- econom y that may be used to bring you addi - staff only. Peo!]le from as far afield as Sweden

**[...]21 We feel you will concur in this, that it is several kinds[...]Second :- A lot of you have proper cause

BOOKS FOR BANKERS[...]be a bit peevish that we have not yet acknow -[...]GH PRO- Fellow Officers, we mean. answers to questio ns sent in perhaps quite a
M[...]24 Notwith standin g you were, no doubt, all of while ago. Please do not scrub us for that.[...]hoppin g, the number For the nonce we have been woefull y short[...]ition that of space to publish everyth ing we would like[...]ent in by the M.F.O.'s to their compe· we increase d the size of the journal from 16[...]ar. to 24 pages. But we hope to clear the arrears
And though we haven't had time yet to pick[...]the w inner, at a quick run through we would So, we crave your indulge nce and ask you[...]say they are a l least quite as well written.[...]tributio ns . They will not be unappre ciated or[...]neglect ed, we assure you .
We just can't wait to get the judging finished ,[...]and to the Press with them . We will do it as The Editorial Co[...]9uickly as we can ,

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (117)[...]AD-SC-2

Many Maners Discussed by
Hire-Purchase Conference[...]Conference, held in Sydney during the
last week in November, under the Chair-
task of discussing 130 agenda items touch-
ing on all aspects of the Bank's hire-
purchase business.[...]omissory notes on other banks at
points where we have no local exchange
(b) An i[...]ental charts,
under which monthly instalments will
be in even pounds. A[...]pid and solid growth of
the Bank's hire-purchase business in such
a ·hort time.
The delegates from other States were:
Messrs. V. E. Walmsley and N. E. Grace
(Victor[...]using punched cards for posting[...]pianola that plays music by the use of a[...]stian (South ledgers, but came to the conclusion that punched to represent the various notes. The
Australia); S. P. Kelly and L. B. Gale problems peculiar to bank accounting ren- same principle is used in punched-card acd
(Western Australia); and R. E. Honey der the system[...]ines now available. as holes in various positions, according 1~
Sydney Office Hire-Purchase Section was However, other uses for punched cards its nature, on a card,[...]t Head Office of sa laries sheets -the pianola uses air drawn in where the[...]machines either use a series of pins which

A[...]"feel" the card or make electrical contacts
was examined by Mr. Wilcock whilst he
MEETING of the Board schedul[...]Punched cards are in use in the Note
able no doubt the question will be fully
to be held in Hobart. This is the first[...]dapted efficiently to our needs. At the
its previous meetings have been held in[...]same time, of course, we shall examine
either Sydney, Melbourne, or Canber[...]other possible uses to which the machine[...]which most of the staff will be familiar) JS
From the "Evening News," Kell[...]rs crossed, ye scribes also perfonned by the use of punched cards,[...]s case a card is punched to cover
Idaho: "If you owe $50 , you're a piker;[...]wn! each "ticket" received. We handle all
if you owe $50,000, you're a businessman;
if you owe $50m., you're a tycoon; and if Meanwhile,[...]"tickets" both from our own branches and
you owe $50,000m., you're a government. know somet[...]he punched-card from all other banks in Australia, and the

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (118)[...]illustrated. m[...]of which springs from "the spontaneous[...]the various groups. operati[...]"tickets" it is usual to set the machine to For, no matter how powerful a
99 9 9[...]as we are only interested in totals.[...]If we were adding, say, by banks, all[...]a team of willing, thinking and articu-
A p1111cl,Pd card[...]nging for the punch- BRAINS-BRUSHER
ti1111 (Snlllev); 11 1111,I 11. <:11rre111'Y ([...]"SIMPLE" ARITHMETIC
Ausused the[...]arithmetic as we know it, has no[...]holes as required. They use pebbles, or any handy counters,
Let us see just how the information is ll is c[...]For example, if a tribesman has pur-
ticular card we use for "tickets" has 80 whole alpha[...]he holes on These machines are in use in many places 3 60
the card here illustrated represent the whole for the prep[...]on a "ticket". The card being used for each officer's salary pay-
"tickets" themse[...]stitious and believe even numbers on the
The illustration is portion of one of the There are many other uses for the system left are evil, each even number on the left
cards used for the "ticket" system- portion a[...]and the corresponding one on the right
only because in this particular case only monthly statements of customers' accounts, is deleted.
one-third of the card is used for each stores control, and[...]The remaining numbers on the right
"ticket". We do not waste the remainder,[...]are added, and the total is the purchase
however, as each card is eventually used to --0--[...]candidates in the English paper were When you have solved the system let m[...]s of asked to construct a sentence using the word know why it works, because I don't know.
having another operator go through the "serene." Among the answers were the fol-[...]much notoriety
punching operation again, the various sys- lowing:[...]f telling when "The fire engine rushed down the street with[...]"Quick, bring the serene or the patient will [ Quite a few readers got 82} minutes[...]as the answer to the Brains-Bru sher prob-
added in a great va[...]"Owing to the natural causes of T.B. it is lem in last issue, instead[...]with practically no clerical effort.
The various machines which handle the necessa[...]injected inlo the given by Smart Alec. And they were right![...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (119)[...]all so, will be found to offer a time[...]saving of U!) to 20%. It may be used[...]ten bundles (0 to 9) using the UNITS only[...]Re-sort, FACE DOWN, but now using
the streets of London were not[...]i.e. the second numeral from
numbered, houses and taverns bore[...]hundreds, then the thousands until com·
premises adopted the same signs,[...]ALL bundles must be picked up after
Barclays Bank Ltd., for insta[...]Naturally the sorter will always place
Dark Horse."[...]e from a bracket read-
ing from both sides "Commonwealth Bank
of Australia", thus enabling persons walk-
ing along Old Jewry to rea[...]\ ~ers' Club. Svdney
The drawing illustrated here is by no
means intended to be final, b[...]welcoming guests.[...]he Bank's
and readily recognisable, yet typifying Aus- in the late afternoon of 15th Decembe[...]the fullest extent. A colour scheme In previous years the Managers have con- pleasant informal[...]o be the hosts. The occasion touched off the custornarY
to be determined; but the idea is to desig[...]"beat the gun" to return their within and between departments in harrnonY
in white, the map could be rust red, and hospitality. Tlie photograph sho[...]bscure locations. A sugge~tion has been
made that we hang at right angles to the
footpath a double-sided name shield in
metal porcelain enamel, featuring the flower
emblem of the State concerned and the
name of th[...]ere may be developed a distinc-
tive shield which will give prominence to
branch premises.
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (120)[...]r, I was teller at
a branch which carried an unusually large
amount of cash-munitio n factories, you know.
On one of the few days we had been able
to select for an early finish, I wa[...]o could not balance. My stocks with my
associates were rather low.

The notes were counted, then a II the coin was[...]e
the coin was returned to the safes, the doors
were slammed, dials were twisted, and soon I
was alone.
The teller'[...]He replied that his false teeth were troubling from the Georges River br[...]He went back again to the dentist, who ex- "[...].H. -W. FERGUSON. the water, leaving the old hat expose[...]Up popped the hat and its owner answered:

T HE different procedures for dealing wi[...]the humorous incidents which go to prove "the
customer is always right".[...]-C. C. CULLUM.
deceased depositors' accounts were not always An elderly gentlema[...]t than it does In response to the usual question, he answered: smaller capital offices, a satis[...]ly felt for the last of the ten-bobs a most unusual way.
incident to be related occurred at a then[...]ing sack deposited on my desk. The staff were
A very deaf old man presented another branch "It's all right mate. Me missus washed it regarding it with unmitigated curiosity; so I
passbook which showed that he had been yisterd'y[...]epare the contents for the pot. Recipe books
"Use your common sense, lad, and lay off[...]raw in." Finally, however, a kindly neighbour came to
leg in the grave?[...]With our usual efficiency, she was quickly th[...]

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (121)[...]by Throgmorton & Co.
"I WELL recall," said Throgmorton, puffing at
his[...]"That's just the point," said Throgmorton.[...]ch if my grandmother
Three members ot the staff were seated round[...]e, she evinced little or no aptitude we have to say might not apply to girls, or
Savings[...]erences as
Throgmorton ignored the sarcasm, and went[...]"Well, I suppose every infant entrant into[...]tnight's induction course very
even do reasonably well in the service. Wash
is: Could we contribute, out of our own ex- early in the piece. In any case, I think we shall
behind your ears, don't wear fancy ties, show[...]of expediency, Do you subscribe to that
too many customers and watch out for sub-[...]"I suppose we could give it a go,'' said "U[...]* * * "We now have a brand new junior arriving
"I can't[...]do we do with him - take him in to meet
impression I ha[...]the manager?"
tremendously long line of blokes until I struck[...]"All right. Well, what do we want the
ing most of his mistakes."[...]manager to say to hirn?"
"I might as well add my reminiscences,"[...]"First of all he should welcome him to the
a 12-hander at that time. The man[...]l'ltr~ • ••
few well-chosen words and passed me on to[...]an hour "To start with," said Lawson, "we have to[...]arrive at a basis for our article. Firstly, are we[...]sort of a branch are we talking about-capital
down to D/L/C's!), how it o[...]ten articles,'' said Bulgin.
Exchange Act and the wearing of multi-coloured[...]"Another point," said Lawson. "Are we going bationary period. Let him know that he will
"It appears to me," said Throgmorton, "that[...]on at the end of that period a nd
something could well be laid down about the Bulgin step[...]the that the results of his efforts will determine
reception and induction of new juniors at peace: "Couldn't we write about a boy junior, whether or not he will be placed on the per·
branches."[...]w his salary is on an annual
Lawson looked dubious. ever, I quite agree. There will be differences, of basis. Tell him he will be paid fortnightly a nd
"I don't know. Plenty of branches probably course, between the induction of girls and boys,[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (122)[...](or officer of 3 . Introduction to staff.
will be explained to him later. Give him some equivalent status). This interview to cover: 4. Tour of office, inc!uding cloakroom, luncheon
idea of the usual leave arrangements, including (a) Welcome. room, e[...]"Any more before we go?"
"Any more for the manager?"[...]to the public. " I think we can leave it at that," said Throg·
"No. I don'[...]ss and deportment. morton. "We can carry the new bloke's career a
"Right. We'll hand him over to the ac- (e)[...]eting."
"The accountant should also welcome him[...]tnuah within /hr .~hallc
the office, what time he will get away, and when OJ[...]'cd11csrlay, vtca.m11l i11lrrco11rsc
"Where do we go from there?"[...]be let loose on the public
for some time yet; but we should take the[...]D espit e all my :::cal the lrdger wa.~ not willi110
it, but don't let him ever forget it."[...]the Bank's his-
tory, its charter under the Commonwealth Bank Al las!, a[...]11gs checked, L nwanrd: "l'm licked!"
"I think we should An<l vushc!l /he lrrlgcr flown the desk . •1 groicl
guar[...]n of saragc c111"si11g /Jcucls.
first day at work will
probably find him in a[...]"lla. llwn!'' LJul 1 1cas <lum/J
"True enough. Well,[...]as a thoughtful silence.
"I suppose from there we can get him into N[...]fearf11l 1)1"C8('1tl'C. Then hr (JlWkill[J sai<l:
will need to be introduced to the staff and[...]him Grew lhunclrous /Jlar·lc. ",l damn clis_qrac(',''
his job. Who s[...]he the missing bob set out to seek.
morton. "Let uswe up to date, scribe?" We rlarcrl 1wl svcak. Into a dark ahyss
Bulgin pi[...]"These are the headings the summary of
what we have discussed so far:
1. Interview with the most senior offi[...]Whal i.~ what, please, Misl,.r flla<' l''
(a) Welcome.[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (123)[...]lost his incentive, and has become just another
Merits Doubted[...]111 lust month's "Ot'er To ) ou •
FTER considerab[...]are embracing the viewpoint that a
circular has caused me no little interest.[...]of housing will swing. But I believe that over
The Bank for s[...]ere are better opportunities for obvious anomalies which must arise. It is felt[...]ent outside its service. This is perhaps however, that these would be fewer, and at the[...]staff system based on very least more just and understandable, than[...]house he would consolidate his position and at
the per[...]the present system. the same time make most des irable provision for
officers. The chose[...]l
must inevitably cl imb over the shoulders of all[...]- -o- - I think it will be conceded generally that a
opposition.[...]house owner has greater civ ic interest, greater
For myself, I can say that twelve months ago
STAFF HOUSING home ties, a great[...]URING the past few years numerous officers part who rents a house. If anything, he should
After due consideration I refused the offer.[...]their own homes on therefore be a more useful bank officer.
Whether I did so through lack o[...]very generous O .H.A.'s.
fear of loss of security for my wife a[...]Few of us would like to lose three or four
Some of us have bought because we wanted hundred hard earned pounds, but I do not think
or just plain confidence in the Bank's service,[...]to own a home, some because, upon transfer many would mind selling al a loss if we were
I cannot say. Perhaps it was a combination of[...]from country areas to the cities, we really had permitted to buy another house at the equivalent
all three.
no option. We could not stay indefinitely in price.[...]above? There must be lots of officers who are
fication has apparently brought a far more forced our hands, and we bought- often against[...]vitally interested.
serious lowering of morale than mere envy of our be[...]n advance to succeed. It has Some of us sold at a handsome profit; but the
bred hopelessness, misunderstanding and lack heyday of housing appears to be past, and
of interest. those of us who bought at the peak of '51 have
cause to wonder what the future holds. A Hostel Suggestion
The following well-known hypothetical case is What if we are transferred-we feel we really How about the Bank erecting a ho[...]d more being put forward under actual must accept the move-will we have to sell at capital cities for offi[...]The present standard of boarding houses is very[...]let us take, for example, a house purchased Banker's Course? The Banker's[...]countancy institutes, etc., are all very well for
ent posit ions in the service or branch of[...]only £2,600 could be obtained for the house one's own personal knowledge, but how[...]e, A's position is classified Would the Bank willingly finance another School, which i[...]remains stationary. "venture" (I feel I must call it that these days) But why stop there[...]s higher than B. The Possibly the answer is Yes, as there is still the impression t[...]B had right of appeal in each case a housing shortage; but if it were not imperative Interviews with a number of officers show
means nothing, because as B is only equal to A for the officer[...]service, A's, appointment would commodation were available- what then?[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (124)[...]s better for most men to rise And enthusiasm is kept alive better by several
OUR comments under the heading "Cloak through the various ranks, even if they do so sma II promotion$ than by one big one followed
and Dagger" in the December issue first[...]stages. They by apparent stagnation.
amused, then amazed.[...]Clerks B be elevated
be taken literally and that we were all at[...]top of the cadetship's range between the other
After all, isn't Currency our Maga[...]retrospective.
should ensure us what amounts to Parliamentary N[...]is : Cadetship is supposed to groom
Why should we have to fear that someone all known as Public Relations. As we a man to fit him for executive positions. Is he
will stick a "knife" into us through our efforts rather dimly understand[...]ed? If so, does he
If any of them has that much power and is so anything does or not. You may[...]either do what people like-or make them like
member of the staff to have the courage[...]ain thing is SMILE, SMILE,
or her convictions and willingness to express[...](1) the ingratiating grin; (2) the self-conscious
--o-[...]s suggests that now may be things they get well paid for doing anyway-[...]for them to progress quickly, and leads must work at it, hard and steady, or hire it[...]articular duties
erence in standard of service between those Even public relations firms[...]t, that is the impression often gained), glamorous than other public relations firms. the demands made upon their time during the
and this causes- one may as well face facts- Of course, there is more to public relations day.
jcalousy. tha[...]is a worthwhile virtue which is easily
There thus results a general feeling that unless be news[...]f a little perseverance
a man wins a cadetship he will not climb to large.[...]vice. This may or What you are selling must be worth selling,[...]s --o--
If cadetships were restricted to those officers great not only[...]harbour and that these flats are used by trans-[...]ferred officers until they can find a house or[...]and develop into a relationship of mutual trust.
tinues to do well, further promotion will soon extent the Bank will go to look after the welfare[...]However, I have not heard of any of these[...]nt straight off and then
proved unsuccessful, he must either be demoted[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (125)[...]OUR COMMON CAUSE[...]few days of his arrival in Australia.[...]the Bank a common cause.[...]uming tha1 the Bank is aware of the in- However, the measure of service could be
Office dur in[...]improved by a more co-operative spirit between
Those early jobs such as handing out tickets[...]BEACHCOMBER". In the preceding decade, we have seen
tellers' boxes, sorting and the like, c[...]changes for better in the relationships between[...]--o--
new junior, stifling any natural enthusiasm he[...]HE articles on Cash and Telling in previous has been done to promote an atmosphere of
as[...]issues of "Currency" were very informative rivalry between officers, e.g. Classification, Ap·[...]But I feel we must emphasise more 1he fact[...]member of the staff who has worked tha1 we have a Common Cause to give good[...]on the counter realises the inconvenience of wear- service to !he public. The Bank could be flo[...]Outmoded? staff must wear a coat. Every teller knows of[...]AY I suggest that the out-moded method
of using titles of Mister and Miss in the[...]preventing easy access to the cash drawer, and[...]Some of us are inclined to imagine our[...]osting branches for that matter) is one We have a Common Cause also, to sec that
of formality between officers does not tend to[...]based on the style of !he blouse issued as part our institution progresses. Let us be instilled
we3ken discipline but has the opposite effect of[...]niform worn by the army. with a grace that will give us pleasure to see
increasing comradeship and a happ[...]oned sleeves and extended waistband new business-not just the smile and attention
mosphere.[...]ld be a great asset and would mean easier we give lo a new client, but a feeling within
Dis[...]ain com- in our Bank. This is our duty, let us do it with
names; in fact they were encouraged to do so.[...]bility. a good grace.
Customers are also impressed by an obviously[...]ormly dressed and would be called on us to economise with regard to ex·
lose confidence[...]e. As regards colour I would penditure. Let us hope that the money so
mosphere.[...]entirely to the Bank's discretion. saved will be put to purposes to better our
This plea ar[...]A. GORE (Lismore). service to the public of Australia, for it rnuS t
by recent managers and an inspector, some for[...]We at the branches have persona I contact[...]with the lifeblood of the Bank. We know the[...]LY, this branch received a complaint
from a customer that favouree of a tele-[...]seed;; of our Common Cause.
graphic transfer had not received the proceeds,
although over three weeks had elapsed since[...]to the people of Australia, and we too have
On investigation, Overseas Department[...]a part to play in that. I make a "Call" to ofl1·
that this was a common occurre[...]g in Adminstra·
that some of our overseas agents were quite[...]effort to make our service to the public a
This breach of rec[...]uni- unselfish service to a Common Cause.
transact business with another institution, ra1her form /o[...]-"WERDNA".[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (126)[...]quisitions could embody a suitab'e clause and[...]to avoid adjustments , interest could be retained[...]business, even from other banks; but if every[...]summated. In either case -E. J. WILLIAMSON (Busselton, W.A.)[...]The simplest way of doing a thing is usually WOMEN AND BANKING
branches. It[...]As no one can say wi th certainty how many
well as in the Administrat ion.[...]or how few changes of interest rates will be
The weight of opinion was not 75 % in necessary in the future, I say we should get "Pro Feminae", who, in on[...]costs, and not satisfied with this tremendous
Having in mind that most sub-inspecto rs and[...]-A. H. MILTON (Hornsby)
managers were of the age when new ways[...]the primary and basic industries.
the old, and that the younger branch office[...]However, I feel that "Pro Feminae" has now
were quite content with the new, the decision[...]up on the coalfields or way out west in 1he
With the change in interest rates last August[...]con- is it proposed to continue the phenomena
were previously opposed to the products sys·
ducting a vigorous drive to convert surplus of procreation ?
tem are now convinced a[...]ank funds to interest-bea ring fixed de- I must express my disagreeme nt with the
the choice and[...]We are meeting with considerabl e success; o[...]but frequently we encounter the depositor who
and who would want to resuscitate it?[...]in the General Classification will ever reach
-"DODO" carries a balance well in excess of £1,000, yet[...]"prices to drop" before he buys a house, car, figures showing the number and type[...]suaded to lodge any surplus on current account,[...]the interest rate has but now he will not pay £1 per year for allow- Juniors[...]1,282
made it very much alive, for it showed up the ing a bank the privilege of using his money.[...]Being of a cautious nature he is not prepared
one g reat disadvantag[...]to "fix" his surp lus for even 3, 6 or 12 months
Under the old syste[...]even though it is unlikely that he will actually "B" status
if the in terest rate changed even, say, fou r[...]manage rs have some discretionar y "A" status 312
work in calculating the year's in te rest. Calcu- powers of prepayment , but it was never in-[...]t the requi red rates, tended tha t they make open promises in ad- "A" status 1,436
and wou ld mere[...]K. G. HUTCHISON (Housing Loans Dept.)
But wi th the decimal sys[...]current fixed deposit rates but be prepay- We have inserted the figures asked for
series of decimals had been adjusted to a com-[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (127)[...]to power, water, roads and other pro-
defend itself against misleading and unjusti- ductive works, rather than to swim~ing
fied public criticism concerning its various pools, bowling greens, community hotels
activ[...]and other relatively less essential projects.
"Bewildered" in the December issue of However, we do not lightly lay down con-
Currency (p. l 0).[...]ions, and each local-government project
The answer lies in one of the Bank's is considered on its merits, &ince we well
long established practices. We do not nor- realise that in some areas amen[...]ract or retain a population
whether criticism is justified or not. There for work in important industries.
are two reasons for this.
Firstly, contr[...]ig usiness: nings in 1946, the Bank's[...]misleading hire-purchase facilities are now used to the
statements is rarely successful. It mere[...]"We have 450 branches. ess , '~[...]. bus1n ·,
In many cases, however, authentic pub-
lished data, such as the Bank'[...]* "We are not bke a ods, or ' 1~ ,[...]ormation to refute What will be the
Gazing: movements in Aus- "We are a national ins 1 0 f!icl 1.' ti \
inaccurate[...]They must be more than at, tbC b' 1~ 1[...]merely a matter of "They must understaod tbeir 1
* *[...]A reasonable answer· to the question can[...]to lllai,.
Loans: authorities in Aus- the many items which make up our balance "Our greatest problem 15e5..-to '1 tt~
tralia by custom or because of legal dis- of payments.[...]capital works from Government
sources only.
However, the present financial stringency[...]lo
has caused many to seek Joan funds else- from here, the Commonwealth Treasury and
where and, where necessary, the legislation the Commonwealth Bureau of Census and[...]It meets to consider the estimates Over the Industrial Finance Admini ra·
widened. and make policy recommendations.[...]ast meeting in November, it also
from the Bank, thus adding to the very reviewed the results of the Ticket System field.[...]· · re-
numerous loan applications already before in 1951-52, and discussed capital movements Nevertheless, the past 12 mont~s in a
us. In total it is not practicable for us to and other matters affecting the Australian trospect show the changes in policy[...]London It is many years since Aus-[...]irtually no change over the year, as fun s
Should We Care? Perhaps m any[...]ket. However, from time to time, past loans[...]The volume of sub-underwriting ::ictivitY
We don't entirely agree, and, though re- 5¼%[...]this means support for capital-raising ~as
cases must be best known to the council The con[...]tenance and expansion of essential consurn_e~
we have felt obliged to refuse permission 4½% per annum. These terms were slightly services, and to a wide variety of industna
for proceeds of loans made by the ~ank more favourable to the borrower than the undertakings.
to be used for certain contemplated proiects. recent 16th Security Loan in Australia. The decline of some 6 % to ap[...]This is done with the national viewpoint However, the market turned down before £ 15m. in hire-p[...]on that the loan opened and the underwriters were temporary, and arose partly fro[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (128)[...]velopments in the housing field. The com- Ledger Sorting: Arisin[...]reports on the building industry from all Office Representatives, a tri[...]as well as by interviews conducted in Sydney leave[...]with persons associated with the industry. This system has largely overcome previous
Since late 1951 the number of new houses difficulties in the sorting and speedy lo[...]the industry and, as a result, there is now group.[...]been absent for years, and a marked im- examined with a view to the introd[...]through building and housing societies to There is a We understand there has
Oohips, Dr. Coombs said-[...]icular tasks fit into the broad were produced by the party responsible for St[...]e great majority of branches,
between the A dministration[...]t
· some effective contact between[...].
<ecutive offi cers are not Just names on To date, 78 £IO fo[...]times during the currency of an advance-
' Weaknesses and strengths who are[...]remainder in Victoria and South Australia. from their present domicile.[...]It seems that bookmakers have been the

The slack is being r[...]Cost Conscious: nowadays of the risk
of Australia pricing herself out of vital[...]"The other banks do this-why don 't we?"
export markets. On each o[...]Maintenance of high living standards rests we embark on what amounts to a "Bank[...], in almost limit-
less supply, one of Australia's lesser known on high efficiency. Hig[...]duction techniques and employer-em- We agree that if a procedure is common
met[...]as light as aluminium, harder Four young Australians, two of them bably has particu[...]han steel, and non-corrosive. Its remark- business executives, and two Union repre- has[...]ributed to "the
able resistance to heat makes it ideal for use sentatives, are now completing travelling[...]n many cases
in jet aircraft and rocket weapons. scholarships under which they have studied one followed by "a particular branch of a
Americ[...]ess than the overseas approach to these business and particular bank", and then without[...]ar ago, paid the equivalent of about £20 industrial problems. bless[...]up to £ 70 per ton . the Industrial Finance Department, and in officers that a large number of our systems
Australia gets her dollars from such ex- this w[...]attempt to improve Australian industry for but with this we cannot agree. '
ports under[...]enefit of all. However, we are always willing to learn,[...]ee the Bank's Cost and it would assist us if, when you bring
*[...]Accountants are also applying to industry[...]you name the bank or banks that use it, so
Housing Trends: of senior administra- the studies earned out by Senior Officers in that we can find out how, when, where ::mo[...]

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (129)[...]rt in the launching of the
Teleprinter Service between Melbourne and
Sydney offices. It has been qu;te[...]•
and we have really enjoyed the weeks we
have been on it. Everyone we have met
in connection with the se rvice has been[...]etary's Dept., who has done all the
hard work for us and been so very patient.
He also arranged for all the help from the
G.P.O. without which we could never have
managed. heartily reciprocated. We shall earnest-
Firstly, we spent a day at the Chief ly endeavour to make the venture an
Telegraph Office, Sydney, where we saw unqualified success.
their telepri[...]TING changes have recently been
overwhelming, and we thought we would morning here with us to make ure that made in the system in vogue among
never manage. However, after a practice everything was running smoothly, so we Scottish banks for charging for current
on their machines we got enough of an wouldn't be too worried if anything went account services.
idea to go back and try out our own wrong; and we were very grateful to have Hitherto, t[...]support. lowed a general rule of charging the recipi-
Mr. Brown of the G.P.O. During the second week of operations ents of cheques an ad valorem collection
At last the great day was set for a week Pat Doohan went back to Cable Section fee of l /- per cent upon all cheques de-
hence, and we started to worry about how and Josephine Li[...]hed at branches other than
it would all work out. We normally have has had two and a half years[...]jcct to certain exceptions.
first day or two we were left connected to bridge, England, so is qu[...]m had long been criticised,
Melbourne all day, so we didn't have to operator. She likes working[...]ng on time. and has now become accustomed to our recipient of a cheque[...]what she ha been used to. Also, Jo likes drawer as an account-holder.
Mr. Richardson, se nt the[...]-
Australia very much, and we are glad to But suggestions that t[...]have her here working with us. should be adopted of chargi[...]In between the transmitting sessions we
Officer Vic. from Deputy Governor. re[...]ages on tape so they can b,;: Now, however, the Scottish banks
I would like to take[...]pro- minute, so you can sec it is a help if we encashment at the drawee branch, or
gress of the bank in that it will pro- can cut the me sages on tape prior to[...]greater.
communication between our two main Melbourne beats us every day on the Set-off to this[...]number of messages sent, and we would like allowed to the amount of 6d per mon th[...]sh those members of your staff reminding us we are "supposed to be" Head[...]success in this new venture. However, more and more people are
using the service every day, and so we are In special cases where particular requ!re-
Mr. Mcwatters sent the following answer hoping to catch Melbourne in the near ments make an account unremunerattve
back right away:[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (130)[...]But this is what a colleague told us of[...]tical eye of the public, is no
ing a word? Permit us to introduce you to[...]"So well docs she do it that the work
Miss Betty Baker o[...]"As well as judg111cnl, Miss Baker dis•[...]with which she plots her points, and the
curious-looking picture things called[...]Miss Baker is self-taught and obviously has
that lo the uninitiated resemble nothing[...]iew of the Himalayas
or the smokestacks of a power-house a rush job to be ready by 3 o'clock, hut L S[...]g a job, someone has an after- have caused you.
parabolas, plotting hazardous paths from
point lo point through co-ordinates, a[...]if we used a different base for these figures.[...]hs again'. NE of the Australian delegates who
now; and people competent to[...]acc0111panicd the Prime Minister, Mr.
us she is uncommon ly skilful al it.[...]But that's not often." Menzies, to the Commonweal th Economic
Besides those published in the B[...]and the Economic Commission for Asia and
told us. "The only 'headaches' I have arc takes[...]1111111111 at any rnlc, a week.[...]the North
and what were their names?[...]ave Sydney
3. How long must a depodt remain in the Savings Bank before[...](a) The City of Brotherly Love; As we went lo press with this issue just
(b) The City of Da[...]ate; (g) The City of the Seven a mysterious object, described as a "flying[...]Should a person under the age of 21 years be allowed lo the northern skies, headed in a southerly
open a Trust Account in the Savings Bank?[...]10. How many avings Bank agencies were there at 30th June Our own sur[...](Answers-Pa ge 24} homeward.[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (131)[...]there is another significance, we should be glad
this misinterpretation. We suggest it may be to hear of it as we do not seem to have used
appropriate to take the matter up at high level[...]ANSWER:-Yes. "Redemption Value" is the[...]commercial practice, however, to show amount[...]to another branch, should C.S.B. 18a be marked
be true of overseas bills (as distinct from[...]--o---
ANSWER. : (a)-C/1 17/15 sets out the position ANSWER:-!! is not necessary to mark form
clearly and le[...]be sufficient, or does the inclusion of the wo rd
suitably taken up with the branch[...]ANSWER:-Since the introduction in 1932 of
this regard,[...]"This form (C.B.3C) is also used when we are "Bank-Not Negotiable" as oppos[...]1n a country where we have no Agency arrange- tion for the use of the former crossing would[...]ments." Could this form be used for a mail appear to be that s[...]S.B. DECEASED A/Cs. we have agents but who lives in a town some[...]ruction 470 For example, at this branch we arrange a
does not state that the account should[...]her to operate") is deceased. Should in the Western Zone of Germany. Usually the[...]rom D.S. (Q.)-On whom does the onus rest when[...]the account under review until dealt with? we:-{a) Arrange mail transfers through London[...]ce on C.B. 3C; or (b) issue a draft on London;
We wggest that Instruction 470 be amended[...]for him to make the payment to the favouree
"should". Line 2 - Af[...]ANSWER: - The services of an Agent in the
ANSWER :-As indicated in !he second sentence[...]y Arrangements Book situated We have recently had several cheques returned
The[...]survivor (Instruction 468) and it is not We would expect our Agent to make the as to Disoosal" where the[...]given • on. the cheque. Does not the onus of
opened although this action is preferre[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (132)[...]195 1/ 52
concern of the paying bank, as if such were the[...](greasy). However, at a later date this figure was
our own islan[...]sure of the account be answered before[...]ex (1936/ 37 · 1938/ 39 = 100) for that
been caused in having the cheque cleared, which,[...]and placed the
incidentally, was drawn on a Commonwealth due date, viz: "accoun[...]1949/ 50, the original estimate having allowed
ANSWER- Legal opinion is that if a cheque (c) if so answered, and funds are received[...]o the credit of John Brown we be p laced?
(sgnd.) James Smith" the endorsement[...]sure of account be answered before due
collecting bank.[...]to meet note on due date, how would we[...]Group Assurance Suspense Account at Melbourne
ANSWERS- On the assumption that the promis-[...]l . Are we correct in doing this?[...]marriage, demand", the following answers are given: 2. ls there any way in which we could use Staff
C.S.B. 19, notice of correct full name C.S[...]r documents" would Contribution Suspense Account?
could the relative forms be filed w[...](b) It would not be correct to answer il Query No. 2 is asked, as. on[...]have been credited Staff Contribution Suspense
ANSWER :-Forms C.S.B. 19 and 237 arc filed[...]ANSWERS, l.Yes- this procedure is favoured.[...]Suspen~e A/ c with premiums due on a policy[...](c) Provided we acted in terms of customers'
VARIOUS[...]C/ 1 l / 49(c) . However, this procedure is not
KIM .: (1) Do charge[...]favoured by the various insurance companies
Office for clearance of "Suspense Al e- Savings 2. (a) No. But it wo[...]est that the policy be
Certificates A/ cs", and "Suspense A/ c- Com• presenter s[...]transferred .
monwealth Bond Sales for the Public", go on contact maker with a view to having[...]icy wou ld ordinarily form part of
the miscellaneous, or government, section of p[...]equirements. of
(2) Where a decimal book is in use at branches, 3. Where one of our acc[...]the local State law as to death or succession
must the credit decimals be shown in red ink,[...]chP. ques that authorities from customer authorising (i)[...]o--
are entered in the large transaction book?
l. Miscellaneous (N.S.W. Branches).[...]g credit
decimals in red should be followed, as by the maker. the BiIls'[...]the
ing them from debit decimals and thus[...]ANSWER- Although the protection of Section
tr[...]recorded therein, but it is Re port 1952 .- Wil l you please te ll me how it for certif[...]repared to accept endorse•
vouchers. However, it is the usual prac• parable chart on Page 11 of th[...]e recent report. Is the length of However, C/ 1 17 / 15 relates to cheques and
perusing the day's vouchers in terms the ba[...]large amounts have been referred ANSWER- The alteration in the apparent t re nd[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (133)[...]taxation refund cheques go astray and gel used INDEXING JOINT A/ cs.[...]by third parties get on if they were not able to
"SHORT CUTS"-Re local Exchanges[...]nfinue to address the case of joint or trust account holdings where
for Exchanges, and each d[...]ctice is becoming a reason for it. Surely just the name and address risk of a search on acc[...]ANSWER No. It is not considered necessary,
in size to C.B. 44 (outward remittances), under A NSWERS : Usually the names of all joint holders are sub·
the[...]in which case the search is to be made
COMMONWEALTH BANK OF AUSTRALIA of "Not Negotiable"[...]i:e care that proceeds are properly holding will eventually come under notice
OUTWARD EXCHANG[...]applied. The Commonwealth Bank, in through the interests of th[...]n- fore encourages its clienfs not lo make
siderable time in compiling Exchanges.[...]"Order", as !he protecfion already
ANSWER A similar suggestion was recenfly[...]record of cashe d c h eques, Pe
submitted lo us. However, we consider !he 2. The mode of address used by the Bank
suggested form would no1 be warrant[...]vings, Band
volume of cheques handled at the various and conforms to the practice in Aus- cash withdrawals; (b) All other[...]ter-heads of behalf of our own branch customers; (c} s,mp
all points, Most branches use adding-machine companies, firms,[...]ANSWER-All !hat is needed ,s s,mp Y o
in the machining[...]PUBLIC TRUSTEE ulation of income apply in the following cases,
R.W.M.: Answers to these questions may be of
general interett.[...]fo r the securi- . . branch, trustee in account[...]t Current Ale ties signed "The Public Trustee per with ....
customers not to draw "Order" cheques (leaving by one of the Public Trustee's officers signing Child Welfare Department, trustee for
aside, of course, the obvious reason of less work unde r a standing authori[...]llers and ledgerkeepers)? It seems to me Trus tee under sea l? If no t, would you p lease mission of N.S.W. Trustee dependents of.
that a person mutt have conside[...]ANSWER : These paragraphs are based upon ANSWER: No. These moneys are held in frusf
(and which is paid before the drawer arranges[...]in force in the respective under statu1ory power. The beneficiaries arc,
for payment to b[...]legisla tion, or otherwise, for the Public Trustee disability preventing them from managing th e~
If the cheque is a "bearer" cheque, there will to delegate to his officers the power thereby own affairs, bu! all are living[...]ted in terest in 1he funds wh,c
I should imagine, will have considerable trouble tion is that wher[...]g that the cheque was in fact lost by by trustees is permissable, such appointment you[...]nd that he consequently (assuming it was must be made by all the 1rustees and not merely positions and testamenta[...]ake an example, how would people whose Trustee.[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (134)[...]nk it is suggested that a prize be awarded
AN SWER : When the present Instructions were[...]tical in application and which will result in a
could be lodged without our knowledg[...]ties for registration. name of the d rawer of a cheque. Invariably, The sc[...]Bank adopting a system commonly used in[...]industry whereby the intrinsiL worth of a par-[...]the fact that lack of space has not allowed the[...]over the first year the suggestion is
UNUSUAL SUB-BRANCHES writing down of the full name of the drawer.[...]ANSWER-We agree that the form cou ld be
R.l .J. (Temora)[...]enlarged wi th advantage and we have noted
staff, particu lar ly those in the Eas[...]ted. The size of the pa pe r from ANSWER-This suggestion has received previous
cerning the sub-branches a t Bever ley and Bruce[...]ut the introduction
Rock in W.A. Cou ld you te ll us something about a factor which must be consi de red to eliminate of the sc[...]industries such as ours, it is more fitting to
arc run.[...]k to longer-range rewards through promotion
ANSWER : The Sub- Branches al Beverley and[...]r positions in the Service to officers
Bruce Rock were origina lly conducted by the drawer to be ascertained without difficulty. Two[...]and constructive effort in
State Savings Bank of Western Australia, which lines could be used to show the name if desired. putting[...]is t he emp loyee of the
Crown Law Department of Western Austra lia, Boners Department indus tries where the great majority of employees[...]ork of a repetitive and manual
to which t he Bank makes a paymen t for h is[...]industries, there is also a greater clement of
general and statistica l books however, are mai n- required to confess ,t. So use this[...]justice in "on-the-spot" rewards. It is also of
taine[...]to operatives below the status of supervisor.
An account is conducted with a[...]custome rs a nd othe rs to cove r th e ir fi re risks[...]to a £2,000 house in sured to £ 1,000 would be
ca tes lodged fo r safe custody at the Sub-Branches[...]school accounts to Victoria, South Australia and
say, Aus tra li a a nd New Zeala nd Bank Ltd. is[...]of the above Instruction.
made payab le to "Commonwealt h Ba nk of Aus- [Policies which are "sub[...]the amount be placed in Suspense Account, or
directed"; or, if these words are omit ted, is t he the Bank's interests were fully covered .[...]itled to return the cheque fo r [Houseowners' and Householders' compre•[...]for the correct appli- with these policies customers in ·their own in•
cat ion of t he funds[...]ensure that prope rties are not ANSWER-As school accounts cannot be opened
ing ba n k o[...]he proposals for such in the Commonwealth Savings Bank in the
ANSWER : The responsibi lity of ensu ring t hat[...]ed, the item should be credited
the terms of its customer's mandate are o bserved the full value of the properly and a false state- Suspe nse Account pending reference to the
lies at all times with the payi ng ba n ker. Aus- ment may affect payment under the policy.- Ed .] pare nt or the b ranch at fault.[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (135)[...]ANSWER:-The system of delivery from the to approach the various government departments,
(a) Initiating branches[...]from the consignment of the pass- ready in use with several American banks.
lengthwise on[...]ate of receipt of passbooks should be ANSWER- Apart from the Taxation Department,
be re[...]er 30 million passbooks tion in such cases. However, the design a nd
"Letters Received" stam[...]iew, and your suggestion, for
If th is practice were adopted it would have suggested above has not been experienced. which we thank you, will be borne in rni nd
a twofold advantage for all b[...]ew to simplifying the procedure when discussing the matter with the various
(1) The amount would be in a uniform posi- involved in the receipt, custody and control of[...]ing on the return journey of form passbooks will be issued to branches in serially-[...]h sheets, forms C.S.B. 24a. Branches will be[...]UNCLAIMED BALANCES
ANSWER- Many similar suggestions have been[...]Do the provisions of the Unclaimed ANSWER: We thank you for your suggestion,
submitted in relat[...]ANSWER: No. The only relevant legislation
matter.[...]--o- the Commonwealth Savings Bank is Section 151 ceased Est[...]of the Commonwealth Bank Act, 1945/ 51. Under the Bank disp[...]n postages
is incurred, as many requests are followed oy
a second request, and often an A.R. card is
d[...]considered the time and expenditure
involved are justified by the discrepancies de-

ANSWER- The method of auditing agency[...]accounts is at present under review and branches
will be advised in due course regarding any

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (136)[...]Messrs. stark facts facing me - or is it just my
chewing and bone-picking between rep- W. S. Argall and K. H. G. Gordon, dele-[...]Staff and senior gates appointed by the Commonweal th Staff of the Bank[...]held at least The Bank's representatives were Chief
annually since 1927 to boil up, rinse out[...]on out, air and Staff Inspector, A. M. Husband, in the Those who don't want t[...]e of Mr. F. 0. Walters, Chief Super-
linen, as it were, as regards conditions intendent of the C[...]orrying our leave, and Staff Inspector Wilcock, who was Staff of J.F.D. and Housing Loans 500
neighbour b[...]Mr. Mason told us that his task
Conference was to institute a unifo[...]service. We understand the recommendati ons
We are informed that this, the 49th arising[...]k-
of commonsensic al and friendly compro- usually they go through Administrative[...]Committee-a nd by the time we reach print TWO! Me and the Governor! And we're
mise on both sides that has distinguished[...]getting sick of doing all the work in this
previous Conferences, and served once again no doubt the decisions will have been con-
veyed to the Staff. (At any rate we'll all Bank; so you others had better get st[...]what it was all about. And we wanted to Amongst the territories they visited were
Bank Sur"\-{"., of[...]something about it. New Caledonia, Fiji, Western Samoa,[...]Briefly, we found, it amounted to this:
> In 1947-48, you will remember, the gov-[...]They spent many weeks amongst the

ernments of Australia, France, the Nether-
OR months we had been hunting Peter[...]esent facilities
Branch, round and about the various de- gether and see what could be done con-
partments of Administration . One time we[...]jointly to advance the welfare-socia lly, meeting their future require[...]evelopment of the South Pacific area
At another we would get the call that Out of that ag[...]as a matter of vital concern to Australia,[...]typical of the projects of front-rank
again find we had missed him by a whis-[...]--o--
Like the Elusive Pimpernel-
We sought him here; we sought him field work was recently und[...]\I I all ftrtlil ro, ,i,,n r I ( . I ) I
We sought him every-jolly-wh ere. monetar[...]/1 1

And not a darned sight of him could we able for the development of agricultural,[...]get. industrial and commercial enterprises estab- 1,Tru•,,1 fl/Ill plr,
Then, finally, we ran into him, tucked lished by native people[...][/ff[t I

his brow all wrinkled and furrowed with Mr. V. D. Stace of the Reserve Ba[...]first-hand f.111 /1 Ill (
ing his weeks of dashing hither and yon knowledge of[...]had been on an interesting as- him the Commonwealt h Bank made avail-
signment we knew; but we didn't know able the services of[...]

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (137)[...]ler, R· E., Bankstown, daughter. marked on our premises, and said she had

O[...]G. D., Admin., Perth, daughter. come to us because she thought our branch
UR good w ishes fo r[...]Cochrane, D. J., Newcastle West, daughter.[...], R. M., C.S.B. Bris., daughter. She will open a Savings Bank account
Charters, Miss Nancy[...]dward. Randwick, son. What will happen when our rebuilding
Del Fabro, Miss Valda[...]from "Slicka", 1 feel that I must express
Law, Sam, Perth.[...]is to use three stacks - two of 2/-, and one
Mil lyn, Miss[...]Top of the Bill - Bevan. Music Hall is[...]bassador at various leading centres of the[...]Reindeer are Wild Too - Newhouse. A
Brad!ey, H C., Administrative (S.A.). Williams, Arthur, Gosford, son.[...]Egan, Miss M. A., Ipswich. Wilkinson, W. B., Cronulla, son.[...]Evans, Miss M. C., Note Printing Branch. Wilson, E. F., Admin., daughter.[...]McKellar, Miss J. M., Administrative. Wilson, Kenneth, Sydney, daughter.[...]

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (138)[...]ice Cross rewarded his
unrolled the red carpet to welcome back efforts.
H. E. (Harold) Stallw[...]tant post of Assistant to the
school children to swell our School Savings[...]He joined the Bank at Port Augusta in[...]mworth, Manly,
Assistant Accountant C.S.B. Sydney were Newtown and Bondi Junction .
the stepp[...]ther four ment was Senior Typist "B" in Housing[...]office, and in 1946 became Chief Clerk
HOUGHT we might shed a little light G.B. Sydney, p[...]Maybe she'll Jllake
Economic Department. Harry is well known affairs over the years, having be[...]Training College for mitteeman for both South Australia and and dance! Here's hoping.
his capable lecturing on those abstruse sub- N.S.W., and, in the early thirties, rep[...]ese Economic chaps deal with. sented South Australia on Staff Negotia-
A Jot of hard work and[...]* * * just indicates what l've always thought[...]Staff Department-
Degree at Melbourne University just before O give a bit of "oomph" to the[...]r, and after resumption from war ser- we introduce Miss Stella Mudge, J. P.[...]esumed in
plane; after three years with the Royal Aus- 1924, and spent over three y,ea rs at[...]before joining Inspectors' Depart- staffs, and we wish him all the best al lfay.[...]ledge through the study of arithmetic, music, geometry an
4. No (C/1 11/16 [c] ),[...]) Entirely, wholly; (b) by that very fact; (c) between living
salem; (c) Washington, D.C.[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (139)[...]A number of other entries were of high
standard, and the following girls were[...]for the interest and co-operation shown by
just over half of the girls choosing to[...]irls had considerable interest in the topics
they were discussing, had thought about
Y OUR Editor and Assistant Editor were[...]ssues involved, and had developed of discussing with Mr. Dooling, Chief State
quite a Jot of[...]ompetition,
and such expressions of views cannot, we They were given a most cordial recep-
feel, be other than[...]tion, had a taste (or two) of the famous
S[...]Winners are noted for, and were most agreeably[...]ed by the committee would forthwith be discussed.
Editorial Committee, was awarded to Miss
Elsie Young of Parramatta Branch for her The visitors were also very hospitably
contribution on the subjec[...]Female Officers". they were put through a keen third degree
The E[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (140)[...]settlement in Australia, for its frequent Strolling along to the Commonwealth

• floods, and its production of cauliflowers[...]o windows and one might retaliate with a fussilade of revolver[...]swing-doors of the banking shots, and so make it a real battle.[...]r! They were disappointed, however. Ap-
oi s of the 1-[...]ure who they're supposed to shoot. (The
cated enthusiasm for the aims and objectives the local[...]anwhile, the disgruntled gent (onlr
Since then, we have been informed that Gazette takes[...]to the Commonwealth Employment AgencY,
there and throughout W.A.[...]one-man war on the Com- To a courteous enquiry by an emploY·
It is our ambition, now[...]monwealth Government caused some little ment officer as to whether[...]ual courtesy, that he had nothing agains
paign to make the mag. something rea ll y
worth while, that the[...]them, and that his quarrel was with th e
landers will also soon be in it with their usual employment, he decided on some Commonwealth Government.
sub-committees, too.[...]he could not do that there
issues since we increas«d the size collected some useful hunks of road metal , in their bailiwick[...]to handle the volume of material being
supplied, we have been obliged to further
enlarge it, to 32 pages, for this issue, to
clear arrears of answers to Questions and
Suggestions that have accumulated in recent
That it has been necessary to do so evi-
d[...]everywhere, and
throughout the Administration, to make
the journal a democratic forum for the dis-
cussion and solution of mutual problems.
Possibly,[...]ider 32
pages to be too many. With that, we
are inclined to agree, and it is hoped to
revert to 24 as the usual thing. It is realised,
however, that prompt answers to questions
are desired, and we offiir that as our apology
for burdening you with this rather too
weighty tome.[...]eft to right, ]. D. Carruthers ( Acco1mU111t); K. Wilson[...]

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (141)[...]H.O. MESSENGER IN WILD CHASE
thought, but considerably less for action.
And so, no doubt (as they say in Parlia-
ment), more will be heard of the matter
"in another place."[...]ENERAL Bank, Sydney, also had not arousing alarm in the mind of the
its spot of excitement just before suspect on the other side of the counter
*[...]* Christmas, when a suspected forger
was arrested after a wild chase across Pitt[...]ues. Clements was helping II New Australian
posed of than a daring attempt was made[...]ore was on the alert for the reappearance
Here we let Accountant Carruthers take and inches, raced after the suspect, who of the utterer.
up the story:-[...]d deal He promptly crammed the New Aus-
At about 1.45 p.m. a person presented[...]rmed, and bad him brought back to rather bewildered-and lost no time in
parently signed by a customer of the branch the Bank.[...]making his way to the counter.
requesting we deliver the cheque book to It reflected credit, also, on Teller J. R. . As he came forward, the suspect broke
Mr. K. Jones, specimen of whose signature McAndrew, who recognised the suspect and rnto a run for the door. Seeing the[...]the correct place.
Ledgerkeeper Ford, who is custodian
of cheque books, queried why the customer
should be using a small type requisition,
and why he wanted a book of 30 forms
when he always used a book of 240 forms.
The "Mr. Jones" stated that the customer •
required the smaller[...]1111d '/',,//.
ling £510 payable to cash were presented •r J. He l1[...]parh 111 11,,, arre~t
Teller Bray had his suspicions aroused
by the fact that the presenter was not one[...]1·,,lu"f,,~ ...
of the townspeople who had previously[...]/f,,,,,1
cashed cheques of large amount for the
cuswere in fact the cus- •
They were then referred to Accountant
Carruthers, who, on hearing the whole
story, refused to authorise the cheques and
immediately rang the Bank's customer, at gave Messenger Clements the signal[...]figure and bring him back.
description of him, plus any outstanding allegedly forged requisitio[...]s Pitt Street and Martin Place to-
The Bank's customer, now on the phone,[...]At the entrance to Challis House, the
office, where he was detained pending the[...]d back across Martin Place
arrival of the Bank's customer.[...]trial.
The Bank's customer arrived and denied and requisiti[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (142)[...]forget that extra
"Bankers Not Like Normal Husbands" £ I for which we asked this morning?[...]. However, being loyal wives, we'll con·[...]mile when people say "what an
In January issue we invited your wives the fire loudly compla[...]easy job-they only work from 10 to 3",
and sweethearts (may they never meet) draught[...]"no heavy washing" and "you should be
to use the columns of "Currency" to mat u[...]able to afford that".
tell us what THEY thought of banks and Ba?kers, we learn from experience, are
bankers and banking, and how YOUR job not like normal husbands. We just cannot After all those brickbats, one b[...]calculate what time they should be home we do feel that a good spirit of comrade-
Mrs. Eu[...]d when late, dare not berate them_: ship usually exists in branches, and we
up the challenge by peuning us the follow• for if we do we will promptly be told: "It's do appreciate the kind[...]the busiest time of the year, can't possibly generally take in our joys and sorrows.
ing amusing letter.-Ed.[...]with the boys, what else can we expect tween our man and his job, and the little
Dear Sir,[...]gossip with the girls, and what do we [ And thank you, Mrs. J--, for rousing
lent idea. on us so nicely. What do other wives
find-a glowering male who thought we
At last comes the opportunity for which were never coming home, "no wonder tea hate most about us Fellow Offu::ers?-Ed,]
my fingers have long itche[...]The neighbours ask his advice on every-
my first wild desires, and decided thus: thing remotely connected with money, so
either we have them in for supper and[...]eme heat in
summer, and cold in winter. In summer we
glower in a corner while he explains simple Brusher-How it Works
maths. or kiss him farewell as he dashes
wives sigh over white shirts that[...]er half of a soap ad., Saturday mornings we struggle with the has been good enough to su[...]while he works, and ing explanation:-
filthy to wear tomorrow, old girl." enviously watch our neighbours directing The method of multiplication is one used
Closer examination often reveals multi-[...]nd Asia, and
coloured ink patches where "someone just And boys, we've "had" that excuse of is believed still to be used by some Russian
brushed by, dear." Was it, we wonder as "can't do much in three-quarters of an peasants.
we scrub, that little blonde thing on hour" that you always mutter when we ask
ledgers?[...]you to get the meat at lunch-time. We have 11 x 4 and write it thus . . . . 11 4
However, winter changes the story, for heard b[...]never knows what change he the same answer) is 5½ x 8, but
pushing aside drying clothes to stand over wants. suppose we use whole numbers[...](c) Again, similarly we would write[...](b) as 2½ x 16, but using whole
By B[...]numbers only we write it . . . . 2 16[...]even) we delete the 16 in (c).

&[...](d) plus the add portions resulting fro!ll[...]product, the final answer being obtained[...]

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (143)[...]AD-SC-2

Staff Inspector Wilcock Returns from Overseas[...]the Harvard School of Business Administra- On the eve of my retirem[...]a great deal of data that should prove useful officers throughout Australia for their valu-[...]s to be attached to the Commonwealth Bank[...]One of his most striking impressions was of Australia.[...]one could meet in the service. We serve a[...]States and Canada, partly because of the promote a service to the Australian Public

S[...]e in any country of the world
TAFF Inspector Wilcock returned to accounting in those cou[...]duty on 12th January following his because of the difficulty many banks experi-
five-months[...]surrounding the employment of bank Mr. Wilcock observed that in view of what P[...]men and women-in about 50 Bank Men do well Mr. D. R. Bro[...]ics Degree and
different banking institutions, as well as
many people in other institutions interested[...]throughout his studies.
in personnel work.
Mr. Wilcock will not return to his normal[...]n a total of 11 subjects; and in
duties for a few weeks, as it will take him NCE again our officers[...]to collate the data he has collec- well to the fore in University pass last year[...]press, examination results were not com- Several of our officers who[...]plete but congratulations were due to the yet completed their studies ob[...]ps the two most noteworthy arc Mr.
overseas banks were finding it difficult to Commerce at the U[...]ir needs. l n gained a particularly meritorious pass in arc each studying Economics at the[...]h pay from the Bank. For
Scotland. By comparison, we seem to have Martin's papers in earlier[...]ar running Mr. Thomas won
been very fortunate in Australia. been outstanding; during t[...]ers quali- Distinctions
Board, were novelties to many overseas bank fied for[...]he Frank Albert
executives. Bank officers' unions were un- C. A. Vivian of Actuary's Department[...]ates and Canada, H. E. Middleton of Haymarket, and Mr. Caird Scholarship for Economi[...]t, Sydney. papers, on which these awards were granted,
the Bank's relationship with the Common- Four Queenslanders completed their were a High Distinction and two Credits.
wealth Bank Officers' Association. Ba[...]se-Mr. K. J. Another officer who did well at the past
Most banks were having difficulties with M. Ross and Mr.[...]me and Honours
Asked about staff training, Mr. Wilcock gained five Distinctions and six Credi[...]ning student
said that banks throughout the world were a total of 17 subjects passed.[...]

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (144)[...]AD-SC-2

Effect on Cattle Industr y of
Zebu-c ross Import ations
HE[...]udis breed are: Better
back of a nucleus herd of Santa adaptability to high temperatur[...]pests; ability to walk longer distances to
Australian cattlemen, and we have received water, or to drove with less l[...]E. C. Gifford.-Ed. "It is claimed that marketable weights
Mr. Gifford writes:[...]. under Australian conditions, the advantages
"In this connection, during a recent dis- for Australia could be considerable.
cussion with a prominent breeder and "[...]s, working where herds are difficult to
yean, ago we were informed that the Santa control, express[...]troduction
Gertrudis breed re-introduces certain 'wild' of zebu blood will only make their cattle C.S.B. Men Have
characteristics that[...]e stated that tensive study of the beef industry in nor• At Scout Jamboree
the manager of a large abattoir in the them Australia, considers that there is a
U.S.A. stated that they paid a much lower definite risk in the introduction of zebu
p[...]HE accompanying photograph (by
this breed into Australia and states that so animal, out of control it would be wilder courtesy of The Sun, Sydney) is of
far from solving Australia's cattle prob- and less manageable t[...]held at Greystanes, near Sydney,
lems of a serious nature, especially as bulls British breed cattle[...]untry is from 29th December to 9th January.
will be sold and used for breeding. securely fenced and t[...]from the hopeful submission of Japanese
should welcome an[...]he crack of
values from the point of view of the Aus- spread use of the breed is contemplated. dawn up till half past ten at night.
tralian cattle industry, and the investiga- "It must be remembered, however, that
tions that have been conducted to ensur[...]ng of cattle under conditions Lowest Withdrawal 2d.
that no step will be made that may have where they are poor[...]More than 7,000 deposits and with-
industry. there is no longer any real need for us drawals, for a grand total of some £30,000,
"I understand that the que5tion is likely to have wild cattle at all. were handled by the C.S.B. Greystanes
to be raised[...]g of an authoritative nature can staff, in between issuing 672 souvenir pass-
We referred Mr. Gifford's request for be said[...]es raised, books, sorting out tangles such as were
a &hort article on the subject to the Bank's[...]Economist, Mr. Ira Butler; and formation will be available until Australia chasing cows away from eating the thatch[...]he senior officers of the Bank who They were only counted-out once.
from a mixture of the E[...]of Asia and Africa. ing qf the cattle under Australian condi- of local materials by senior s[...]ydney, Branch, who
"The greater part of the Australian British cattle there to produce a[...]missioner for 23 years.
then we should certainly give them a very About 1[...]cattle are said to already be on Queensland will be contained in the next issue of

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (145)[...]An Unusual Bank
N the New Year's Honours List tho[...]Pago, must surely qualify for classi-
Mr. L. G. Melville, our Assistant Governor his honour and wishing him well for the[...]fication amongst the world's most unusual
(Central Banking).[...]k in 1931 as Economic Adviser Ingenious Machine for School system and ma[...]America, but otherwise it is
he was still in his twenties but had already
made a mark in South Australia, first as[...]have been
within the Bank and as a member of various I wondering what Instructions 949- Each morning these i~landers leave their
Commonwealth committees, in shaping the[...]grass huts much
economic policy which was to help Aus- porated in the prosent Branch In[...]method was necessary to enable school
monwealth Bank Board.[...]He has also played a prominent. part tiously with the large number of deposits bank and trading-bank business for clients,
in world economic affairs. He w[...]imination as regards class,
advisor to the Commonwealth delegates A machine was designed[...]pable of impressing the value
In 1944 he led the Australian delegation an adjoining island just as readily as the[...]he Bretton Woods Monetary Conference to the usual passbook. By not bringing these
which resulte[...]yment and Economic Stability. Then at Warrawee Public School, Sydney, in jects. One S[...]in the States gaining wider experience in
for Australia and South Africa on the however and the manufacture of further the ba[...]Warrawee has operated satisfactorily during[...]e now being manufactured for How Jong will it be before the Common-
Relieving Managers a[...]wealth Bank recruits its Island branch
Bath, P. A.,[...]. N., Wales at an early date. The system will be[...]and We tern Australia later in the year. Guinea native "boys"?
West; Harris, F. B .. Griffith; Bowen, A. L.,
1oonec Pond ; Sladen, N. W., Roma;
Walk[...]rtlcs, H. J., Coogee; Chambers, T. B.,
Drummoyne; West, J. R .. Redfern.
Cadets (Executive Training[...]Sydney; Alford, B. A., Glebe; Stratton, N.
E., Murwillumbah; Topfcr, G. H. G., New-
castle; Morg[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (146)[...]will be more thoughtfully composed by[...]if we spend time on it early in the day.
eyes a man's w[...]enlarge upon, but if be will persist in using
mind, as a branch girl, the captain at the[...]be cross if
An inspiration by his constant enthusiasm[...]or a word of explana·
towards his job and his unswerving loyalty tion.
to the establishment in which we serve.
Let him who would measure up to my[...]ease, let him have a sense of humoU? ·
encourage us to attack our own duties,[...]Let him be cheerful, let his smiling "Good
however junior, with energy and purpose.[...]approachable. Let hilll
standard of work so that we may never realise that we, his staff, being only human
slacken and never be[...]to make errors, but let him remember the
and helpful inst[...]teach us to learn by our mistakes.
experienced superior ar[...]If any of his staff have given him cause[...]t for a little intelli- concerned directly, let us not hear of ~15
Trust gence, let him confident[...]avours on those whose position he is most justly entitled, he in his dealings with us. Let him correct
flashing personalities bring them under his utilises a mid-week afternoon for a us firmly but quietly, Jet him not shout
notice, but let him recognise the accomp- game of bowls with business associates or abuse for our misdemeanours so that the
lishments of t[...]e- entire office and probably some of our
follower, the steady worker, the punctual ments attended to during office hours, Jet clients will also hear.
officer, the diligent tryer, and let[...]and promotion accordingly. that l will the more easily give misleading by strivin[...]ent if wins the respect of his staff, he will be
Let him always be appreciative of good[...]service.
praise ii he would encourage us to better Tact
ourselves. Let him know that we, his[...], his typist (1 say this most re-
staff, can be trusted, that we (and, per- spectfully) let his moral stand[...]ACROSS THE PARALLEL-Odgers:-
and myself will develop greater initiative achievements, his business acumen, his Exploits of the R.A.A[...]HAPPY ISLAND-Danielson:-One of
encourage us to learn more about our jobs;[...]-Tiki Expedition returns to the
let him instil in us the realisation that Let him know that[...]dignity. finally wrecked.
that the conscientious officer does not go Let him know the value[...]airer incidents in the early life of this well·
Let him regard me, his typist, as his[...]mate, his confidante, his most obedient sex; we are not impressed by manly expres-
servant, but n[...]feelings towards the users of blasphemous Author of "Big Show" tells of further
mem[...]to as "Miss--er-er" Let him be methodical-we know that A PILGRIMS PROGRE[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (147)[...]difficulty. However, it is not possible for
form hi[...]all to make satisfactory explanations of this One fault which arises in insisting upon
I) gen[...]time training, and to provide
hand will be of benefit in its under- at compulsory le[...]branch will, after she has gained ufficient
The qu[...]apital office or administrative section it were thought desirable, the Bank could
Bank has demonstrated its willingness to is less fortunate and may pass[...]iscovering in centres large enough to make this
basis under this plan, I would sugge[...]practicable, but under no circumstances
however, that quite a lot more could be[...]ining is required-
The first to be discussed wi11[...]system, but
matter of "orientation", because this ' i. -:_[...]factorily in most cases, especially whc:n
wealth Bank in its unique position as a[...]be met
under fire from many quarters because of[...]ibution to
this) that its staff should be well versed[...]booklet, incorporating in castle Branch were "mechanised".
in its poliicies and the[...]andable by a person
are what they are, as well as efficient in
just coming from school, the type of in-
thei[...]'s functions which Conclusion[...]ff magazines over the last The conclusion here is that in the initial
p read press[...]unctionary in the
navy skirt and white blouse who hands out Technical Trainin[...]d by adverse criticism if their trarnmg however, where the largest prob- individual, not from the system. However
person:\[ experience o( it has shown i[...]officer reaches that stage of her
courteous. a short ti[...]to many male officers at the Staff ideal must be thus related to consideration ethers. For purpose of discussion, this
Training College at Kirr[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (148)[...]t raises our annual revenue frorn
Should We Break Si len ce?[...]hing like £300,000. Higher fixed deposit
II EWILDERED" is to be commended[...]Bank Board's Report (30/ 8/ 52) dis- interest will, of course, cost us omething;
for expressing his contention[...]ld bring forth an authoritative £45,000 were made last year from the[...]adjusted profit or Joss will tend to shoW
response.[...]various organisations in the promotion of
When it is k[...]necessarily because of better banking or[...]produ:::tion. Of this amount
aforesaid lines will be taken relative to mis-[...]£31.000 was given to Australian Univer-
stal<ements which damage the prest[...], if the improvement in profit and Joss
the Commonwealth Bank it will be found dustry. this[...]tch the extra net rc;V·
that such mis-statements will be frw and far[...]enue due to changes in our rates for do-
between. ''The Bank, as a Commonwealth instru-[...]ing business, the suggestion is that increased[...]mentality, is exempt from rates, but makes
A Sydney daily paper recently printed[...]--o-
instance, while the Commonwealth Bank is ing to November "Currency,"[...]al is from time to time tak-
big a factor in any business." ing up the task of informing the staff of the TELLERS' STATUS
It is suggested that a statement along the[...]omplete picture relative to th is impor- However, on major matters it is con- HIL[...]is that he places on the public con·
"A Commonwealth Bank spokesman the National B[...]ions. tact men.
stated that the Commonwealth Bank did VINClT OMNIA[...]gine that a good deal of skill and
(b) Commonwealth Treasury £3,381,000[...]are rcquireJ to assist in these opera·
Australian nation. A Po[...]Our front window, the officer attending
make special p::iyments to the Government.[...]e of the to the needs of the public would make an
Private banks haven't, they pay taxes.[...]en sense of the Bank's high duty directions were not issuing from .. behind
"Last year 11/6 in[...]the locked doors."
monwealth Bank's profits was paid to the
Commonwealth T1easury and the National But "C[...]um for frank 1 think all branch officers will agree that
Debt Sinking Fund. (The Genera[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (149)[...]eans. A better service STAFF HOUSING
will result from a more careful selection HOUSEHOLD PES[...]Losses on Sales Wann weather usually increases the
and a proper appreciatio[...]work of the housewife in controlling
who come in contact with the public. WELCOME the opportunity offered by the[...]nfiltrate the
About 80 per cent of the customers get the Governor to bring up co[...]esponsi- 2nd submit the following for discussion and Department of Agriculture has iS![...]ofTicers that, at a time sive manner with household insect
displeasing.[...]when thousands of pounds are being spent The c[...]way of increasing the number of
satisfied customers is by raising the stan- annually on welfare activities (which ,,ffect roaches, moths, carpet beetles, ants,
dard and status of tellers. mainly offi[...]assistance should be given to officers' hous- Application to the Department of[...]Some help is given by means of Offi::ers' will bring you a copy - post free. J[...]ed staff, no longer exists. Would it not However, many officers are faced with the in Melbo[...]rest not in decimals, but ferred and their house is sold. These officers that the staff general[...]th young families have been enterprising We are. however, quite unable to recon-
This would el[...]enough to buy houses because they are not
volume of errors which occur[...]il next.
one particu lar phase of the work must re- ditions.[...]Twenty-one officers and typistes are
duce error[...]ough it m,1y not mean If a staff survey were made of branches photographed as attendin[...]he great majority ference in Melbourne. Jt will cost a large
sent imposed, it should re ·[...]their own homes ,um of money, and much time will be taken
siderable saving of time. are living in sub-standard rented houses, or in transporting these officials to and[...]third or fourth grade boarding houses - Western Australia, which in our opinion i,
What is th[...]to various points to su;t the Bank's conveni- W.;:., a[...]interstate transfers are more frequent which we trust will be prevented, or else[...]ading banks. This the whole economy campaign will become a
A Business-Getting Course? I think s[...]h~ reasons mentioned under the
HILE we have C/[ books, Circulars remuneration. for we must lose many ad- Cloak and Dagger column in "Currency"
and C/Ms, there is little excuse for vantages, assistance, etc., by virtue of the we remain - 'TRULY ANONYMOUS".
the officer who does not know what distance separating us from our friends and --o---
!o o when business comes his way, unless relatives.[...]PROMOTION S
11 be something unusual; but one thing thes-~[...]airways companies, and various branches of PI lSHfNG the opportunity to indulge
how to attract the business which is the pipe[...]ech", I hasten to
dream of all conscientious Bank officers. the Public Service, provide housing at
r·[...]d sugg~st: a sound sustained record over a period of
ledge they na[...]ds, and by his very ex- 2. A quota of houses be bought for r~n-[...]apable
and personality required to attract business. I seriously suggest that any step in the of giving his[...]ed sufficient ability in above direction would make for a more con- married officer with family responsibilities
this direction, a security clerk will surely be tented staff, and, furthermor[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (150)[...]obviously attain classified status about the[...]later on. One thing is certain, A will ne~er
nevertheless, are there to weaken his con- PRIVATE STUDY[...]ersonal animosity or favour of reporting
not conclusive proof that he is not capable; K.I.M.'s[...]preciation of the is perfect, but ours-we arc told-compares
not be viewed with suspicion. The old re- subject.[...]officers' standards but this we are given[...]wasted on the recipient who obviously is WOULD like to say Congratulations[...]grimly true, and are a challenge to us al
to make the necessary political move 10
as Cadets appeare[...]the junior or young man who falls short .0
However, one could not help noticing[...]to its :idvent, we all strove for that e.xtr~
The writer,[...]job well done counted for something no[...]By this means we will all undoubtedly attain
managerial status by the time we reach 64 is a mighty driving force to most[...]years of age and we can look forward to Without it we are like water that does no
ascertain the extent[...]move - we become stagnant.[...]which to increase the Bank's business in Why should not the more sen10r[...]. is capable of holding down a job? If ~e
because there were no appointees last year, Those of us who have not left in the cannot muster the necessary capabilities, 1 e
either.[...]job will find him out. However, even then[...]r further enquiry. Is efficiency is rewarded, will avoid hopeless- it must not be left to one man to condemn
it perhaps because the branch carries no ness, misunderstan[...]office of this size, there has not by the time we reach middle age we will politics that Classification is lowering t _e
been found, over a period of two years,[...]treme hypothetical cases. One of lr-::
an usually heavy burden. But if, as they[...]obvious anomalies in his that A's appoint-
outwardly seem[...],ome system must be considerable, and is[...]romotion, not
normal, then there is either a serious Jack[...]ng C.B.O.A.! Let's into the fray to do a~aY
fault, a remedy should be found. and in[...]." (! didn't like that expression much)-must -M. O. R[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (151)[...]me that our promotions system
is open to the suspicion that the qualities[...]assumably the original difference was to pay
reviewed before the final selection is made for yea[...]sfer of a young ledgcr-
haps m an addendum to the weekly circular were made the ex S.S.B. officer is paying[...]frowned deeply and remarked: "Shh, it is
not only give those interested a ch[...]presumed that the Actuary's calcu-
show that they were, but would abo help lation was made[...]t whatever that figure be trusted with the more intricate dealings
cause of a feeling of shooting for the man was[...]2. They do not know the answer them-
appeals have been lodged against him and[...]ANGES Useful Voucher-Hold er
the State Savings Bank[...]ed A PREVIOUS suggestion of one[...]doubt there arc
the time of the amalgamation and were re Local Exchanges -"Question[...]could be of use to others in the Ser-
C.B.A. Superannuation Fund[...]dled varies at each branch applies equally
Let us examine the position in the light[...]useful for slipping prepared vouchers[...]It may also be used for filing[...]11 will; 1111<1 lf'hal is 1111/ worth thiH 1·(f1[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (152)[...]ness of answering the phone and demean-

BEGIN ER'S LUC[...]"I don't know that we can say much[...]me that we have just about covered the[...]from here we would be going on to staff

T[...]training. Perhaps we should settle for
HROGMORTON . his lunch cramming; also we must consider office what we have. Let's hear from scribe
finished,[...]old boy."
"I have been thinking over our previous " I agree with that, " said Throg[...]e career of the new "Do you think we should now tell him
junior," he said. ''The words[...]"At this stage I don't think we should
"Although the two phases proceed hand[...]out arrived at.
induction is where we wet our fingers in line the chain of[...]staff and
the new junior-an affable sort of cove will[...]ng in half an hour. "That gets us to his own branch. We
while a more reticent type might have to
be kidde[...]staff, :ind tell him broadly the types of busi-[...]Bank, and how we keep customers' '"·""''
that all this concerns us greatly in effect,[...]ounts.
but it might help in the final analysis.
However, on with the show ."[...]~tudy facilities available, bonuses for[...]"Staff welfare should be mentioned , the[...]• a fairly conscientious youth. The first night partments[...]broke down and wept in the middle of The[...]Government Business; and it was a good[...]r it. Savings Bank,
"I have just put down the heading[...]se • Facilities for study- bonuses and
pinpointed to a particular day. For in-[...]parts of C/ 1 1 that he should know. Make bursaries.
stance, senior officers sh[...]I." Classification.
will need to open an account and should be[...]elations:-
nee<l be spread over a number of days. We "Yes. For a start, he should be g[...]Over the counter,
want to avoid confusing him with too much instruction in the highly important busi- Use of telephone.[...]

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (153)[...]THE BANK AND Ef ,AFE
• Staff Welfare:-
Amenities at own branch,[...]lding his In November "Currency" we reported some of the remarks were candid and re-
gavel.[...]Bangkok as Australia's representative Many countries in the area arc now
or for worse we have inducted a new junior. at a meeting[...]tions for collecting sav-
Whether posterity will be the richer for our convened to discuss the raising of ings and for making[...]development. Most of them have co-
we ourselves at least have benefited from[...]erm credit.
"I do not delude myself that we have for your information, the follo[...]needs of development either of rural
gency; we have at best set down a few ECAFE[...]"good neighbour" policy, or secondary industries and they charge
rules for aiming at th[...]Hence some of tbe Commonwealth Bank's
started on the right footing for[...]departments were of special relevance to[...]r East, known as ECAFE. ticularly the Industrial Finance Depart-
"You know, if an army[...]the col-
should go madly into the pamphlet busi- measures for economic reconstruction[...]trengthening economic
cover fully the ideas we have been groping Our Australian institutions are well de-[...]countries in the area, both
for-would be a useful article around a[...]those of the more highly industrialised[...]chnical in nature it was an American who remarked that
hastily. "I am not proposing we should and, apart from the general sessions, speci- Australia could offer extremely useful
write it."[...]with the mu5e, the new elsewhere to discuss particular problems. cial institutions.[...]resting to meet the director
concluded. For us the toil. the sweat, the[...]cussed by bankers, economists, and civil land who told me that twenty years pre-
desks, gentlemen. On with the[...]viously he had visited Australia with some[...]--o- Australia has been a member of ECAFE monwealth Savings Bank. On his return,[...]has been making an exhaustive enquiry banks in most of the othe[...]experts gathered to study some
Bank after pushing this note into the tel- Australia from Thailand and other coun-[...]capital. Further aspects were considered
"I have a gun, and l'm not afraid to use not we are learning to know our northern[...]ended by ing keen interest to learn about us.
The teller said "grandma," about 50, an[...]represented Australia. Both on this occa-
like a .32 automa[...]n scarf. Bank were submitted with other agenda these c[...]the discussions.
-From the Sydney Daily Telegraph[...]overnment finance dollars of loan, a borrower may have a clause
in vanishing ink. He and the writing on th[...]vanished together, leaving nary a trace Discussions were held on an informal which the balance[...]basis, and as the Press were not present event of his death.[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (154)[...]b In concert with
Sfa ff Num ers: dustry generally, the[...]question with representatives of the industries con-
of staff numbers and its relation to co[...]tablishment of Branch Pro- of the various Departments of Agriculture
cedures Committees we have been ab le also rendered valuable[...], but the progress already prominence to a marked improvement in
m ade has enabled the Bank to function Australia's overseas trade position. Buoy-
with some[...]highest July-December total ever.
likely unless a marked upward trend in Imports, on the other hand, amounted to "Werdna's" plea for c enfe I
the volume of the Bank's business occurs. only £ 254 million, which is[...]"Our Common Cause".
Ch •td E d * *
t[...]n owmen : of the Depart- surplus should enable Australia to meet
ment of Social Services the Bank ha[...]authority system for the crediting of make some contribution to lbe depleted[...]. g we[...]Christmas: million exceeded that of the
cndowees have their endowments credited[...]previous year by £ 2-! million-itself a We, too, wholeheartedly suppor
to bank accounts in N[...]record. The Press hailed the Festive Season's
twelve weeks. Of this figure, about 195,000 spending a[...]===----=---==-===-=---~
The new system will be on somewhat Jssue between Christmas and New Year-
similar lines to the Defence Department earlier than usual- it could be that banks the man who work[...]that unit sales were, if anything, lower than[...]cs, but a
increasing food production in Aus-
tralia, the Bank recently appointed two[...]Committees to enquire into the wheat and
dairy industries. Their objectives were:
to discover why production in the dairying[...]For the convenience of
industry had not kept pace with increased quentl[...]wing, and to ascertain the modatioP because they do not handle their cided to issue t[...]Zealand currency. Arrangements are well
provements.[...]cted that the faci lity
The following officers were members of ceive income in a lump sum to prepare will be avai lab le in the very near future.
both tho[...]at funds are available The cheques, which will be issued in £5
together with Mr. A. C. McCarth[...]ipated annual expenditure, denomination only, will be negotiable at
spector's Department) on the former Com- and, if not, to weed out unessential itemr,. all banks in New Ze[...]ittee and Mr. A. C. Gultzow (Manager. However, reviews of loan accounts often leadi[...]ter:- disclose that borrowers fail to meet loan[...]What to look for in
W. Marsh (Industrial Finance Depart- because they overspend on capital items. Bulleti[...](Mortgage Bank Department Valuer). to make a success of farming. The pro- Special Accounts- over the past twelve
In the course of their enquiries the[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (155)[...]unreasonable delay does occur it i usually reluctant to return to the hand-postin[...]- earned on the shareholders' funds of Aus-[...]made, so that obviously misunderstanding however, cannot be answered by reference
between remitter and beneficiary must also to government statistics, since none[...]sustenance remittances may not be un- to b[...]reasonable, because agents in some countries balance sheets obta[...]However, where excessive delay is appar- resul[...]ts: rise-by about £ 19m. year in Australia were about 9 per cent.[...]olders' funds while roughly com-
j~C I' tr-rather make it an occasion for[...]ns in the United Kingdom
0 the common cause and the spirit[...]its assistance to and the United States showed profit ratios of
l[...]pear in the
n th e Branches and ourselves. We
110111 _· foncier housing loans also absorb a large "Statistical[...]l halves of the same circlc-
0~1•. 001 mon Cause".[...]Bank agreed to_ make the following amounts[...]s. Hand in glove with th's
were falling steeply, but some recovery[...]Credit Foncier Housing Loans 3.2 is the necessity to select and secure well
has been made.[...]uildings.
Central Banking Business, General Bank-[...]Departments of the Com-
monwealth Bank- how your Bank is[...]is there more stability than previously[...]ledger machines in use in the Bank, the *[...]available they are installed at branches were brought into force on 1st August,
elsewhere in these columns. where they will provide the greatest benefit. J 952, a few br[...]about overseas agents who arc presents a businesslike appearance to custo- ed to permit such a thing, which reads[...]boy howler", to happen
We would be surprised to learn of any not[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (156)[...]SUGGESTIONS
"TRUSTEE LOANS"- ln recent C/M's covering
loans by public authorities the following clause
I T is regretted that, because of the[...]not been possible to provide answers to of the lower portion of form CS· ·B· 14 - Transfer[...]of Whole Account. At present this form is usua Y
"Applications for Stock must not disclose
we would like, and we crave your covered with red ink notations when it leaves
a Trust or be in the name of an estate but[...]We should also be grateful if con• obviate this, but will present all information
executors, trustees, etc. without mention[...]manner. .
of the trust (limit of four names). No tenancy[...]ion to this, expenses w,·11 be cut, b ,n
clause is to be shown-all holders must
This will enable prompter replies to be that there will be no further use for the rub er
operate."[...]assbook held at ................ ' . Child
Will you please explain the reason for this?[...]se in the ordinary course pondence between branches regarding f[...]ANSWER- It is not desired that the size
sufficient to a[...]form C.S.B. 14 be increased, and there ar:
ANSWER-(a) In common with established Com-[...]I.H.M .: Verified Signatures.-As all obsolete
monwealth practice the relative Acts and regula-[...]. has merit
tions prohibit recognition of trusts-except insofar the form. However, the suggestion 56[...]and will be further considered when form C. · ·[...]c bl0
(b) Survivors operate so that tenancy clause tions more than twelve months old need not be the Saving[...]s the stock- to continuation passbooks, thus encouraging de- neath and so be more d[...]quired. It is felt that this will reduce incon-[...]s for different sections.
SAFE CUSTODY matter without any[...]from the
PEP.-Delivery of Bonds held for Safe Cus• ANSWER: As signatures are usually restored ANSWER- The saving in work arising t[...]have successfully used cellulose tape over[...]ith- --o--
ANSWER-Under B. & S. C/1 3 para. 58(6) at[...]h a,·,man tot
Certificates withdrawn from Safe Custody for in- instances at the branch. Enq[...]initial against the deletion of the clauses no
corporation in the Registry Instruction Book[...]ANSWER-Yes.[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (157)[...]and cast out those letters of no further use,
£125/2/8[...]ow should the transaction be handled? ANSWER :-The rule to which you refer, al-[...]handling and then destroyed.
ANSWER: In principle there is no obiection to . t[...]be common to all States in Australia. The rule
handling the transaction in the m[...]be enormous, because at least 60% of the[...]within the category for dest ruction.
cepted usage of the column. intestate father, to whom an advance has been ANSWER-Whilst adoption of the suggestion[...]just what does constitute "routine" correspon-
of the[...]estate he should take into
Could you clarify the use of the excess column. We have given consideration also to reducing[...]eady been given to
Is it intended as an aid to adiustmen t of ex-[...]apply in respect of a the miscellaneous nature of the correspondence
to be used also for cash deposits, e.g. building[...]mother dying intestate because when the rule involved, and the likel[...]r embarrassment arising to the Bank from the
ANSWER : The excess co!umn is used to record married woman to hold property[...]by cheque(s) in a deposit. that of her husband. relative t ransaction later be queried by a cus-
There is, however, no uniform method of record-[...]--o-- tomer, we prefer not to make any change in
ing exchange provided by cash in a[...]to cash is not a cheque. This is because the[...]P. sheets and a cheque payable to a ficti tious o r non-ex istent[...]Now, how do we, as the payi ng ba n k, get on
column on[...]be all right in payi ng; quiring reference usually entails considerable
however, if presented th rough another bank,[...]OLD RECORDS However, your guidance please.[...]ANSWER:-A summing-up of opinions of letter containing the manager's remarks and re-
years old, must be occupying a great dea l. of
va rious authorit ies indicates that the English co[...]to pay cheque forms drawn "Pay ANSWER :-The suggested procedure would
sugges t .10n th[...]ined at the branch in dealing with the rela-
ANSWER-The question of micro-filming old in Austr alia, and, unless the re are any u·n usual tive fi le wou Id often be lost in[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (158)[...]ence has shown that the system is fully justified.[...](2) New account forms (including lower por·
J.C.-A bank cheque is presented for pay[...]ll daily news-
returned to the presenting bank answered "Stale[...]s was to operate on salaries and wages paid
ANSWER-A bank cheque is not a "cheque"[...]deals with provides that the new scale will operate from
"stale cheques", is not applicable.[...]Department itself received the benefit
D.D 10 is used for a deceased estate consisting of th[...]ments be allowed to sign them, the manager
account, the amount may be paid to the -funeral ANSWER:-The Bank's salaries are paid on a[...]thus only signing letters composed by himself.
creditor~. However, when other assets are held four-weekly basis, and in large offices (especi-[...]the daily perusal of all outgoing correspon·
savings bank and an account at a trading bank, culating salaries well in advance of the first[...]de frequent enquiries during ANSWER:-Procedure varies according to th e
funeral expe[...]size of each branch , and any delegation is leH
we make before paying balance of the account of deductions, but these were not available to the discretion of[...]d have terms of Cl 1-2/ 18.
ANSWER-If the account has not been paid, n[...]work 1n ad1usting salaries for a matter of a very manage[...]would eventually be refunded view of customer contact, he should sign as[...]se . What is lost on the much mail to customers as is practicable.
the person paying the am[...]swings is gained on the roundabout, howeve r,
to receive the balance. No other enquiries a[...]fortnightly basis, allow the Bank to adjust the THREE "WHYS"[...]KIM- (l) The noting of the customer's occupa·
M.E.P.- ls it necessary to ent[...]purpose where hi,tory cards are in use. Why
(usually in series, all due on the same day of[...]twice, once under a date for remittance customer is tactfully asked his occupation, but[...]also under the date the proceeds are refuses to disclose it. What is the correct pro-[...]ANSWER:-Such instances are very rare and if it? If he were to put in a leaf (faked) hoW
the leaf H.P . 62B[...]the depositor were referred to the Superinten-
which at present se[...]ent, or Manager, it is felt the information
ANSWER-The Bills Diary has provision for[...]btained. ANSWERS:
recording details of long-dated bills required[...]e and initial pri~r . officer,
for inclusion. ser[...]ngs Bank Instruction 898 (School Because of the responsibility w. ic.
It would not be[...]necessary. The power to sign . ning
ANSWERS-(]) The obtaining of signatures of[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (159)[...]of or for collection only", and the stamp must be
"Currency" had the right idea about money- Commonweal·1h Loan -Although I cannot find the affi[...]ndorses, transfers, or in any manner uses,
(d & g) followed up nicely. But strangely enough allowed to pay up to any amount on demand negotiates . or pays, the cheque."
we don't seem to have saved much. We find for investment in the Commonwealth Loan. In However, neither the Commonwealth Govern-
that to comply with Instruction 1285 we still the case of a withdrawal receive[...]) is it the to the taxing laws of the various States; they
office schedule, and generally[...], not obliged to affix New South
mentioned. (We need the figures for the Yearly agency[...]by them with the Bank for collection.
previously (26th August) in which I wrote about ledger branch fo[...]se it would be rather hard if the the Commonwealth Bank Act 1945-51, it is
CBL 2 went to another branch or bank. If it exemp[...]10 be verified sta-np in these cases.
us just what is necessary in regard to the money-[...]check up. BOND COUPONS
ANSWER-It is not necessary to summate the
ANSWER-Instructions to postmasters issued M.[...]ce provide for with- encashment of Commonwealth Bond coupons is
General Ledger account b[...]ld be cleared immediately
The branch card, however, should be summated
wealth Loans.[...]-o-- ANSWER-Whiht ,t is acknowledged that at
Instructio[...]certain branches the number of Commonwealth[...]nted for encashment
R.C.B.-Please note answer to R.B. above. JOINT[...]notes to tl,e various Registries and over-all[...]of uniformity, therefore, that
R.B.-Coin-We roll our coin and spend a lot branch,[...]of
of time doing so. The other banks bag and weigh in the case of a lost passbook, inste[...]the relative
staff in less time. Also their customers agree balance?[...]ethod would be: danger of loss, as it must be remembered that
D tend to shy off the tedious rolling. Could we 1. The enquiry clerk could complete th[...]to ledger.
ANSWER-C/ 1-14/52 provides that "Bulk sup·[...]st for counter 3. The delay to the customer would be consider- D.B.:-Occasionally[...]ely. Could the same procedure apply to a trustee statements of operative accounts, can be[...]However, as the horizontal ruled lines do not[...]ctions do not preclude large lodg- ANSWER-There is no objection to the method does[...]--o-- may be used when desired.[...]ANSWER :-We consider that the raising of an
branches have facilities to accurately weigh it.[...]the purpose mentioned is
There would be, however, few instances where[...]E.R.R .:-Various Commonwealth Government With our progressive me[...]branch, refuse to place N.S.W. stamp duty on ing to the machine system, and thus using form
subsequent issue to customers.[...]he demand for
Generally the encouragement we give to our Is this correct, or should the teller request which will be gradually reduced.
customers to wrap coin expedites its acceptance them to place the necessary duty stamps on the We understand some of the other banks are
and[...]e as If they are necessary, is the onus on the rant conversion to the machine-pos[...]teller, or the customer, to see that the require- with a machine[...]for the offence? form C.B.151. We intend to give consideration
take up with Head Office the matter of any ANSWER:-Und er the New South Wales[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (160)[...]thod of
Cheques.-Quite recently a customer of a[...]have a B/ 1 530 states: "The posting will be checked
cheque book, two Victorian forms \altered) were[...]n- 1-The present rul ings of the Old Ba an d
used and 4d. in postage stamps was forwarded[...]627, I read: "The ledger posting will be checked on the opposite page have co[...]e ruling of the ledge varying methods are in use at branches, accounts re-opene d co[...]Summary of Wit
ANSWER:-As the cheques were drawn out- appears to be no consisten[...]State of New South Wales it was only ANSWER.-Child Endowment credits should be[...]The matter of adjusting the recor s O Id[...]e Bank that
dorses, tranders , or in any manner uses , ANSWER:-We thank vou for t e_ su orkable[...]-party mortgage
negotiates or pays the same, cause it to be[...]fuses to sign the mortgage?[...]as transmission has been advantages would outweigh any
B.L.:-ls it necessary for a cheque draw[...]ry, to have affixed the duty stamp of ANSWER:-Provided the advance account re-
the State in w[...]stered SMALL PINS
ANSWER:-The necessity to affix stamp duty propr[...]pitals. Yet e Me·
Stamps Acts of the various States in which mortgage.[...]re much too I b anch,
in all States. There are, however, certain ex-[...]t out in G.G.:-1 shall be pleased if you will advise ordinary requirements b the f[...]the following procedure adhered to by and thus waste appears to 8. flies take . •P[...]here . Also the larger ones in f just-double
--o--[...]ANSWER: The issue of small pins[...]ed Notes Forwarded lo Fitz• the credit plus the usual charge, and the to Capital Offices,[...]B.54 marked
cancelled by rubber stamp.[...]with a
ANSWER: -When a cancelling machine is used[...]similar answer, which are re ~presented[...]to cus·
warded uncancelled. Where a rubber stamp is[...]to another bank?
used, however, it is necessary to check to ensure[...]ANSWER:-There is no need for Form C.B.54 ANSWER:- The question of debiting f r
that t[...]to be signed by the customer, as the actual[...]crediting the customers account ·is a matterk"ng[...]ord purposes . the case of weak accounts ,[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (161)[...]EME TS what action should we have taken on nis be- p[...]is it necessary to oval-stamp Should we have demanded payment by the H.C[...]it payment of
to do so whilst the passbook was in use? It[...]ANSWER:-Only in exceptional circumstances
seems a waste[...]would a bank stop payment of one of its own
ANSWER:-The requirement that statements drafts. If such an event did occur we would not plete the letter of identificati[...]wish to enter into any dispute between the
be authenicated by the initials of the Ledger- holder and the drawee bank regarding non- (b) if the e[...]ANSWERS:-(a) Presumably the solicitor would
they repres[...]before the coat of lacquer will pre- Instruction 437 applies.[...]However, it is frequently impossible
fers issued on ov[...]ST QUE
the Capital Office for inclusion in one packet to read the label if it[...]to just leave a protective coating of[...](which is the usual length of time (bl if the executor is himself the solicitor
ANSWER :-The arrangement proposed re-[...]C.S.B. l 0d
the double handling involved would outweigh[...]vantages that might accrue.
With the increased use of the mail transfer ANSWERS.-(a) If the cheque is issued in the
facility, i[...]favour of the Executor personally.
USI G VELOP Is it unne[...]over £200 disclosed, or Queensland, which, we
Bank's envelopes are plain inside, others are[...]OSE E I S
capable of being used for rough calculations[...]AN SWER:-11 is not necessary to sight the[...]the general
and preparation of memorandums, and thus a[...]--o-
also that the using of blue coloured envelopes[...]discontinued, as these are unsuitable for
further use.[...]ng of stationery would also be effected, as
ANSWER :-Some of the Bank's envelopes are R.[...]at present many diaries must be only partially
patterned or coloured on the i[...]used each year.
none of the contents are visible thr[...]duty on C.B.69.
paper. Where the paper used in envelopes is 2-What advantage is this information to ANSWER:-A loose-leaf system would have
of thick quality[...]so, time will be saved by the typist and the this respect is relaxing with the wider use of
H.P.W.:-Jones, the customer of a country checking officer.[...]another bank, obtained a draft drawn AN SWER:-Whilst it is realised that showing fore[...]rves little pur- proposed for the present, however, as our en-
and then lost it. The draft was no[...]the draft paid it to Smith in considerable uso at Head Office. generally[...]ible Items Return, C.B.69 is the only return use.
Smith paid the draft into his a/c at our[...]would be raised
bank, it was returned with the answer "Pay- b Staff Department before transfers are to branches using a 50 or 100 page indexed
ment Stopped."[...]ing performed by the officers moranda. However, these books are more costly
W& were satisfied Smith had a good title to it,[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (162)[...]of the Bank in its deal-
to verify and sign for unused current-account[...]This record could be perused weekly by the which, when first viewed as 4 per cent to 5 per
to unused Savings Bank ledger leaves entered in[...]also? ANSWE R:-lnstructions provide for renewal[...]This high rate of interest is justified in dealings[...]the public, as provision has to be made to
ANSWER:-The rigid control of accountable[...]d. An entry in the perpetual diary or however, to see the necessity for such a pro-
to Savi[...]be. and usually are, made under authorities
charge for supp[...]held by the Bank.
the nominal custodian of the subsidiary sup-
plies, the leaves are available for use by all[...]instructions appears N. B.:-Re your answer to "N.M." in October
necessary.[...]--0-- still marked "Infant Account" be no longer an[...]ed sense of the term, and are ANSWER:-Yes. It is suggested that staff hire-purchase be
"handled" by customers, they "do not leave the[...]allowed on a reduced interest rate worked on
branch."[...]n irrevocable authority on
in view of the number used daily, exemption R.R.:-As the sco[...]ate basis with G.1.O. and then assigned to
ANSWER :-This subject received full considera- to[...]decided that all General Bank forms
handled by customers should be domiciled. are reprinted, the paragraph number be ANSWER :-lt would not be proper having in
Domicilin[...]nd Advances Hire-purchase facilities were made available
required only when an "Other Br[...]existence of the hire-purchase agreement must
ANSWER :-Thank you fo r your suggestion.
A.W.R.:-Ove rseas Transa ction s, C/ 1 BA/ 17-34:- We feel that the quickness with which the[...]s by knowing approximately where to look, we F.J.C.:- ln struction C/1. 17 / 29-S[...]sum·
(a) Lost travellers' cheques issued by us in For a similar reason we consider that the cost mary (Pop Book) to se[...]ellers' cheques ranted.
issued by us. --o-- . ANSWER :-Whilst advices in Circular No. 651
ANSWER :-Shou ld contingencies of the na•ure[...]ANSWER :-Yes. are shown on Weekly and Annual Statements.[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (163)[...]TIONERY SUSPENSE A/Cs. INSTR[...]eferring lo "SANDY":-C.I . 17 /26 (Susoense Account "CURRENCY" COMMITTEE, C.S.B. MELBOURNE-
C/ M 9152, this office makes use of the red ribbon Current Account Ledge[...]ager's diary notes, office authorised Suspense Accounts that may be kept current a[...]payable and !hat a fee is charged, together wilb
We find that we use the portion of our red "Names of the parties concerned in all Sus- the advantages of current accounts, a[...]simple facts about cheques generally, would be
thus prolonging the life of the ribbon . a separate index. . . . Reference must be made appreciated by our General Bank customers.
ANSWER:-Where it is found that the black to Suspense Accounts before d ishonouring ANSWER-A similar suggeslion was submitted
portion of the ribbon, used in terms of C/ M cheques ."[...]Conference of Capitai Office Re·
No. 9152, still wears out before the red, use (a) Does the term "all Suspense Accounts" presentatives and delega[...]atter colour as sug- include Suspense Account Small Common- a brochure be[...]. wealth Bond Sales Settlements, Suspense in the draft stage,[...]Account Dishonour Adjustments, Suspense --o--[...]Wallets, and Suspense Account Remit- B[...]the light of the present economy campaign,
for "Twenty-seven 14/ 8" in words and[...](b) As "Reference must be made to Suspense ANSWER-If this question had to be viewe
above answer. Fifteen similar cheques have[...]- against the cost of alternative travel were th e
Bankers (Ques. 158) and Russell's Banker and
ant must maintain close supervision over plane not available, then the answer would be
Customer (P .202), could not such cheques be[...]at the items are to be that the plane was not justified. However, th e
paid by the bank for reliable customers, even[...]soon as possible, and that a real value and usefulness of the aircraft to th e
without obtaining[...]Bank cannot be shown by such a comparison,
ANSWER:-Provided there is no ambiguity as ANSWER:-(1) The maintenance of an index An important factor which must be taken into
to the amount, a cheque drawn with the word for temporary funds held in Suspense or Sun- consideration is the s[...]been saved by their being able to use the plane[...]honoured because of the absence of an[...]the cheque may be held in a Suspense[...]degree which obviously would otherw ise n~t[...]have been practicable. Use of the plane in this[...]ual benefit of Branches
ledger leaves. Frequently we find that the
late to the first three Suspense Accounts men-
wrong amount is machined on ba[...]ld not serve either of the purposes real use, and the Bank is satisfied that its
takes occur[...]of the staff,
it appears that there is a definite weakness in referred to in (a) above .[...]rly clearance, and audit re· have been fully justified.
this regard.
quired in relation to Suspense and Sundry
ANSWER:-ln the latest print of these leaves A[...]of such an
pence are quite pronounced. Please let us[...]Society C/M Numbers- We suggest th~t the number out by the[...]circulars, which appear to have very little use
applies to society cheques?[...]ANSWER-It has been decided to adopt your ANSWER-The matter of cancelling old Circud
ANSWER:-At branches where Savings Bank suggestion, for which we thank you.[...]Branches will be advised of any change .
(Capital Offices, and[...]You no doubt are aware that the variouswed.[...]change of name to be variations between loans- particularly semi·
honoured should be returned on the day of re- altered on previous name entry in index? government iss[...]t is therefore not necessary to allow ANSWER:-No. The re-indexing of the account[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (164)[...]trustees for any money pay3ble to them under[...]T.T.O.B.'s any trust or power shall be sufficient discharge[...]STATEMENTS
W.G.N.C.-Suspense Account Transfers through
other Banks-C/1 11[...]with T.T.O.B.'s, subject to the being answerable for any loss or misapplication provid[...]thereof". The term trustees includes executors. ments are kept in[...]m. The remitter, who is a reliable cation of trust funds would not be available, to compile a fresh statement entries thereon are
current account customer, is a traveller for the however, in cases where the Bank was actually[...]privy or party to any breach of trust, and in 1. Assumably, no errors are t[...]2. If an error is made, the statement must be
back by us, thus clearing the credit entry in our Knowledge of the contents of the will of a remachined.
General Ledger. But the following day, a lottery deceased customer would not, of itself, be[...]esh statement be left to the discretion of the
We debited Suspense Account Branches (being of any partic[...]amount. 48 of the Trustee Act (New South Wales) set[...]passbooks certainly do not show the balance
Were we correct? Or should we have drawn out above.[...]Practice", referred to, says inter alia: ANSWER-We thank you for your suggestion,
· As it happened, our customer said he was "In order to hold a banker justified in refusing and advise that over the past few months Capital
grateful for the way we handled the problem. to pay a demand of his customer . . . there must Offices have been conducting a trial where[...]ions on statements are referred to a central
ANSWER-The proper course would be to draw
on the ledger branch of the other bank in the breach of trust, intended by the executor, and reference point to decide whether such state-
usual manner, and to send letter advice to the there must, in the second place, be proof that ment[...]the bankers are privy to the intent to make this
Bank giving full particulars of the cheque a[...]forwarded to the misapplication of the trust funds". An executor's[...]to machine-posting Branches, who will be suitably
remitter.[...]cheque should be despatched moneys in various ways, and through various[...]If, however, all that a banker has done is to[...]of business, and if the banker is not privy or
B.C.-Deceased Customers-(]} C/1 l 3/l 6(a) (v) party to any intended breach of trust, then there F.C.C.-(a) Repurchase of duty[...]uestions on Banking Practice" (The Institute wealth Savings Bank do not require provision for[...]the Continuation Pass•
of the conditions of the will. The Bank could[...]book Register, I suggest the inclusion of the
therefore be liable to the beneficiarie[...]this regard A.H.M.-What is there so precious about the
would be of help to all officers.[...]y Register that it has to be kept in ANSWERS- (a) The Commissioner of Stamp
(2) Regarding[...]Compartment of the cash safe, or Duties will not consider any claims for refund
almost a uni[...]ANSWER-Arrangements in relation to the
of the deposit.[...]forms have not been used. Present procedure[...]will be advised in due course of any changes[...]ss to a strongroom decided upon.
ANSWERS-(1) Section 48 of the Trustee Act of be gained.[...]"The receipt in writing of and branches will be advised shortly. esse[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (165)[...]through the branch will have to be traced
taken by the Branch Procedures[...]ahead of the
have experienced reorganisation and will[...]ctical knowledge of how cray; R. G. Ferguson, Accountant, Malvern; Of the many as[...]essentials, which, if applied thoroughly, wil;
On the other hand, there are, no doubt,[...]d like some George St., Brisbane; P. G. S. Limpus, Re- others, so the over-all picture must be kept
advance information of the methods adopt[...].
Test Branches Western Australia under the direction of The obj[...]nd movement to a minimum. Movement causes
indicated that the principles applied were[...]with a consequent loss of _con-
soundly based. However, to continue Ille[...]the opportunity of operating centration as well as unnecessary fatigue.
process of the Sub-Comm[...]h the New South Wales Sub-Committe e. However 'where movement is essential, _en-
the reorgan[...]and if it is surplus, advise Bank Premises[...]This broader approach to the problem In Western Australia, staff quotas have menta 1, plan,[...]1951. distance will require to be covered.
New South Wales, Queensla[...]0~

staff quota of 10 and over were completed. at present, and this outline of[...]officers usmg them and be of ca sy access,[...]s
been requested to undertake a review of well at the outset to indicate that there is t[...]t cut to success - a few quick after use. Be careful to avoid o~e sec~ith
stances existed[...]worthwhile results. another, otherwise confusion will result.
installation of machine posting was immi- It is necessary to make a complete review[...]ises Je nd layout;
deferred for the time being. However, these pieces, and, possibly, recast it.
b[...]in cramped or poor pr ders.
may rest assured that we have not forgotten First of all, firmly es[...]nation can work won the
them, and that their turn will come. that the fundamental principle[...]ds of a reasonable
and Queensland, sub-committees were standard of output. That requires c[...]layout usually reflects the degree[...]

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (166)[...]keenness of the executive officers.
Will have been planned. The next job is e[...]ng an efficient
allocate it in detail to the various positions. Supervising offi;;ers must be constantly on organisation. Various difficulties will be[...]kdown of the encountered, but all can usually be elimi-
The work allotted has to be assessed on system, or to make quick changes to meet nated by thou[...]umstances.
of the officer occupying each position will, The supervision has, in fact, been m[...]a reasonable output, easier than previously in that the branch As a final poi[...]emergencies ex-
positions required by the branch will have ruption to the flow of work. It therefore cepted, these will be adhered to, and if
been determined.[...]possible bettered. This latter possibility will
However, the organisation is not yet[...]of staff
ready for production, as all the numerous TELEVISION ENTERS members themselves plus the organiser's
and various operations to be performed[...]te likely that disruptions
to the flow of work caused by hold-ups
and bottle-necks will sabotage your plan .
A N Australian bank, the English,
Scottish and Australian Bank[...]Thus should be developed at all branches[...]officers for clients.
concerned they will arrange it so suit them-
selves rather than the[...]Staff Training for
and . co-ordination between positions would Mayfair. This, inci[...]hly cover the co-ordination there just on a century ago.
eld, commence from the 9 a.m[...]on of work (e.g. Agency and Trans- illustrate another use to which tele- ~igning after this s[...]n applied to banking in to be much lower than for tho~e in the
piece by piece, inserting[...]ut of London during the war, would make them better able to under-
bottle-necks, etc., s[...]in administration.
organisation running like a well-oiled Office notes the detail[...]reporting, a general course on the various[...]• shoulders of busy executives .[...]•• In conclusion, the degree of training to[...]• be provided for female staff must be re-[...]which they are to be entrusted. Under[...]and machinists, who will perform even the[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (167)[...]la nee Thr oug h Pro mot ion s
W ELL, here we are again, relegated,
as usual, to the back page of
ency" (Editor, pl[...]previous coalfields experience at Maitland .
[Sorry;[...]Keith came to us from the G.S.B. in 193 l
We feature a enior Manager this time at Gr[...]e Bank at Brisbane ment, 6th Division, and went through the
Office way back in 1920 after some[...]three years
Innisfail before transfer in 1932 to West at Taree branch prior to his transfer t[...].
Clerk, G.B. Sydney, followed by his eleva-
tion to the accountancy at Barrac[...]friends around Sydney Bob came to us from the G.S.B. and
Town anc! we trust his stay in that metropolis served in Sydney Office prior to enlistment
will be a happy one.[...]HEY tell me that the troops at Cowra
branch were on parade a week or so[...]By R. Tilley ( Nyngan J
ago to welcome as Accounta nt one Sar'/ On resumption from war service in 1946
Major Maxwell, K. W. (Keith) arrived fresh he had a sho[...]tollowed by several years at Auburn branch[...]ded his promotio n to Reg Avery and Don Wiley at Honiara earlY[...]for war ser- II. He took part in convoys to Russia on
lines of your paragrap h "Congrats, Girls"-[...]the land·
which gets front page space and would make our other paragrap hs, we are pleased to ing parties during the inva[...]gho ut as a and Italy before returning to Australia early
I appreciate the difficulty of mak[...]spection Staff and gained his cadetship in
We think you are doing a good job with ~taff followed, and in 195 l he came to
"Currenc y" and also ap[...]ydney for capital ofllce training. ment followed, and he rose to the positio
sideration shown by[...]town buying long woollen underwea r hav- ment prior to his present appointm[...]Don Wiley.[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (168)[...]2

BANK OFFICERS' EXAM[...]'Currency" Sub-committees to assist in cussion of mutual problems and considera-
* MELBOURNE[...]maximum
use to all concerned.[...]we hope, may help to make the Bank not
* C.S.B's NEW BRISBANE[...]organisation, however rich or powerful, can
AT CORONATION 5[...]This we may achieve by fusing stronger[...]the bond of unity between us with the fl ux
BOSS[...]NG 6 terest in the various ections of Melbourne
* FIRE![...]Common Cause.
This is real cooperation; and we have
8[...]That is "Currency's" aim. How far we
* OVER TO YOU receive[...]succeed in attaining it must depend in tho
SUGGESTIONS 14 thus completing the chain. If you join us in thinking it a worth-

*[...]hese sub-committees while ambition, you will help the suh•

ROSES AND RASPBERRI[...]for general discussion, their workaday In that way you will be playing your
A GLANCE THROUGH[...]know the answers may he lp by dis-
TRIBUTE TO BRISBANE[...]ely, on issues or contents, write in and tell us so. Be
* MELBOURNE'S TELETYPISTS 24[...]with us or "agin" us, but don ·t just sit on[...]Bank itself in the job it has Your views will be respected either way;
to do for Australia; and to and, indeed,[...]

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (169)[...]r Spowart, who is referred to in
C/M 6252.
They will probably be interested to hear
that Mr. Tom (T,W[...]1111 )111111,s, face on their previous bnef encoun
partment for the leading part he play[...]unobtrusively o b serving[...]uf the Bank of N .S. W. When he wewriting-
police in the execution of their duty.[...]co stand beside a customer ~t[...]besides. Thus armed, he passed a number to make the arrest.
~ccepted as the mark of a good citize[...]of bis
A good memory, the courage to make a[...]One day in April last year an officer of
hazardous snap decision and to act upon[...]suspicions and asking that th e_ dm off to[...]man to . be acting suspiciously, to Chie(
judgment and discretion, were the qualities[...]He hurriedly discussed the matter with
for some months, and had succe[...]T.W.C. should play the part of a customer
various customers for a total of £452 in[...]and keep the suspect under observation with
all, at Brisbane, Melb[...]of positive identification, while Cliff went But a few words[...]1110 sm 1 est whic h,
His method of working showed an Before a policeman could be b[...]that he had once worked as an - or rather suspect, as he was merely at suspect being led off with th
assessor in the Taxatio[...]at Auckland University. Tom followed him, hoping to sight a[...]he had the ng ing to
It also showed him to possess an amazing policeman who coul[...]custody for questioning. But the suspect
adept facility for copying signatures - a!' knowing he was being followed, turned felt[...]ptness, in faet, that exonerated of negli- up Rowe Street where no policeman was[...]ally Tom lost him
others officers of the Bank who were de-[...]cheques for payment. Australia. -[...]e O ,, rep,
His practice was to stand beside a custo.
mer at one of the writing-desks, and after-[...]s indicted upon ten ~arling•
wards from memory, make a copy of the lunchtime (hope beats eternal even in a
custo~er's signature onto an application[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (170)[...]a ins- Bru sher Pro blem
Sur ely Raised the Dus t
sent us the Brain -brusher Prob-
lem "Simple Arithmetic" publis[...]-although the superstitious natives of his
tribe may not believe us-is in the splitting-
for an explanation of why the system up of the multiplier into powers of two.
Worked, he started something.[...]e, the natives double 15
In the February issue we published an three times (equivalent to[...]Sydney, that seemed (in our to' get the answer, they also retain a line
ignorance) to give the[...]han multiplied by 22, or 2 X 2, or 4), as well
one approach to the problem and quite a[...]athematic al minds have been intrigued Thus the answer reached is the sum of
by it.[...]is 1 + + 4 8 = 13 times fifteen.
ed will deduce that the first has an "actuarial The[...]ives to F inally, here is the answer provided by
flavour". We are indebted for it to Mr. follow is a[...]ry's Department . which produce those powers of two which[...]1 128
and-let us-make-it-a n-early-day" style that saying it.
bran[...]re is Mr. Corlett's explanatio n:- of powers of 2. (Any number can be written[...]F. Robertson's request, an as the sum of powers of any other number.)
explanation is set out be[...]4- ..JO-. power of 2. Hence if a number is odd wh~n[...]60 it is written as the sum of powers of 2, m 3. Again, the same result[...]120 that sum there must occur l x 20. ed by ha[...]Since this is even a 1 must = 0. plus discarded fraction ½ x 64[...]Since this is odd a. must 1. = doubling the r[...]0 plus discarded fraction ½ x 128[...]=.._!__:= a 320 plus previous discard . . . . . . . . 32
,SJrry[...]1 X 23 As we require only an additional sum,
~limber on the le[...]his is exactly the discarded numbers plus the final right-
number on the right by 2.[...]nly ones needed; hence the deletion of
it is obvious that the product of that num- January's "Cu[...]llowing line, i.e. 6X30 = 3X60. sum of powers of 2.[...]Now, if someone will only explain the
Therefore 6 and 30 are crossed out and Thus explanations to us, all will be perfectly
replaced by 3 and 60.[...]5 0
the odd number is separated into 1 plus an 3 1 X 22 4 X 1[...]195
column to be added into the answer, whilst[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (171)[...]England, Mr. E. C. Cobbold, has No doubt they will also attend various
extended an invitation to the official functions arranged at the Hme.
Commonwealth Bank to send one of our Mr. Edgar, it will be remembered, had
officers and his wife to be p[...]ete and Pacific campaigns. While on
This gracious gesture on the part of the active service, he r[...]mobilisation, Mr. Edgar was
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar will travel to Eng- stationed for a time on the R[...],y-11, ......

land by air, where they will be the guests gers' Staff. He was appointed M[...]On behalf of the staff, we extend to[...]circles, we understand, when Newspaper
~•ew the Coronation[...]The Bank will occupy the ground floor

T[...]ders the events of 1066 and All
H E growth of business at the main and one of the basements[...]in connection with the Savings Bank busi-
n[...]were written up by Newspaper News as[...]--o-- featured in the Australian Press in those[...]Of the first, "Not Just Castles in the Air,[...]l Avi- "Bargain-sale fever was astutely used to[...]ded, and their technical ad- "This is a welcome change from the[...]the total attend- chilly formality that once marked a]I bank[...]ngs ment and air travel. Recommendations were solemnity with the finality of a strip-t[...]lingerie . . ."
Was transferred the Savings Bank busi-
ness previously transacted at the Chief As the delegates were in Conference As a third laurel fo[...]provided a full banking service from 9.30 were given creditable mention in a South
Street has[...]orge Square to a certain degree its ated. We are quite confident that the dele- enticing[...]gates will in future be numbered amongst[...]Courier-Mail" the many friends of the Commonwealth
buildmg situated on what is generally[...]

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (172)[...]sant and courteous, both to the public and[...]e from a New- cisions are fair and just. .[...]up she will to
South-Welshwoman officer, Here, for When dictating letters he dictates care- to make errors and take much longer h
contrast and comparison, are the views fully, having previously given some con- complete the job in hand. When she ~\
of one of our Western Australian staff, sideration to what he intends to say. Corres- nothing to do she will probably tell yo t.[...], . rnen
and of a South Australian staff mem, pon_dence !s dealt w[...].m. good job helps - We like to know w trY
The first is by Miss A. J[...]we have done well, in order that we rnaY
Middleton, of Commonwealth Savings Chivalry[...]something - an Ideal Boss? sometime~). It will probably turn up i~ Somewhere, hidden ca[...]t me see, something along these one of his drawers or files in due course G olden West, there are a t least oneStaff
lines would be ve[...]that the pencils, rubbers. two. I won't say just where, . orndated
Anywhere between 5' 9" and 6' will do etc. on the typist's table are there for he~ Department will probably be rn_u igbt
for a start. Weight doesn't matter very convenience, not[...]ould be plea- telligence and efficiency, and we like to be if there were countless girls after t e
sant and well modulated. Eyes - dark blue gi~en credit for what we are capable of job.
for preference, and f[...]ng dark doing - who doesn't? The Ideal Boss will
lashes. His hair should be a little wavy[...]"M'ss ,\de·
or curly, and his smile - we girls know consta?t supervision and inte[...]the views of I di's·
the kind of smile we like. Age? - very[...]]aide" (we have called her) who ec d bas
man 1s perpetually fussing around and
important of course - about . . . But just[...]lour 311b sbel
a moment. I'm sorry, I've been confusing[...]to hide her Iigb~ under a u
the Ideal Boss with - well, never mind.[...]- ---v----~
with personality, ability and action, well Bank's Name Shield
balanced and[...]ng situations which arise at times.
His judgment must be so und and he should[...]IVING me just long enough O .· us[...]bus!Il[...]tools of trade ready for the serious k in[...]of a day in the Commonwealth Ba\;erY
accurately.[...]his rooi~- all
certain degree of authority to a customer, announced m January issue of[...]ers for the day ar_e. given always
without undue fuss or bother, we see the[...]a "repeat" instruction) and th en 1 an
satisfied customer."[...]altered order as I secure the client
"Well Grounded" mises, has be[...]. of con·
He is, of course, well grounded in the[...]Such a boss gives me the feehng use
Bank's Instructions, and ready and willing It is not necessary to be an ex-[...]tiative. Having encour_age ie a
for knowledge. It makes a difference to a entry; a rough drawing will • •• .[...]taken too muc
garding a transaction that the boss will ta_nt th~ng, upon which entries[...]rnour,
heads unduly, and will always have their co- might ver~ w_ell be[...]spect. S~, don t Just think about it. some clue is given to[...]r, and send it in. not a length y discussion of. all 1~:nation,
for any length of time a f[...]quired save a lot of unnecessary waste monwealth Bank, Sydney. cough in the wee small hours", or _t morn-
of time and running ab[...]had to be rushed off to hospital th1 s[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (173)[...]usual" without any inconvenience to clients
peace is[...]gether with mail received late the previous
a "petty cash" allowance, so that she is not fire occurring in one's own town and m?re day, were incinerated. The task of recon-
always "dunning[...]her particularly at the spot in the town Just structing the previous day's General Bank
for stamps etc. This is almost[...]ated. cash sheet and Commonwealth Savings
!ng as a wife having to beg for housekeep- But the worst did happen and wi[...]th women. Branch and adjoining premises were burnt books had to be requisitioned immediately
A very ambitious man overworks his to the ground wi[...]By daylight the only obJect stand- vious to the fire. Obtaining duplicate
Promptly forget[...]where were two other safes.
loss of efficiency, which is[...]could be completed.
Not Fussy be m~de; office furniture ha_d to be bought Authorities were burnt, and replacing
This does not mean we like a "fussy" boss; if possible, or borrowed; signs had to be these caused much extra work in all three
most men know when typing is well set out painted; and stationery obtain[...]and Bonds & Stock. No correspondence of
ence between a good and mediocre typist. and during Easter all details were atten?ed any description was left, and[...]and _six set up. A fresh W /SIC Safe Custody
Work in which she is better trained than[...]and adding machine) were flown from Stores authorities, and ma[...]Secruity Register, had to be re-
interesting if household chores are allowed sorted, domiciled where necessary, and written.
to sap all her energy, so will a typist be- placed ready for use by Easter Monday.
come, unless she is allowed to have a Transportation of the[...]hich to catch up on shopping, a chance well done by a local garage man with truck[...]to the Statistical Register caused many a[...]headache. General Bank passbooks were[...]destroyed, and ledgerkeepers pushed pens[...]atural oils from title
man - ask his typist!! She will give you
a much more accurate picture than any[...]about one-tenth of their usual size and had
ter~d spinster type, strange to say it will be In the meantime, on the Tuesday morn[...]ing, the branch opened for "business as[...]A few book records were not badly dam-[...]Many and varied were our improvisa-[...]as well as ourselves.[...]IJrnnclr, re/<'rr<'d while, as previously completed returns were[...]Studios, · ,,lt/i('r• Every cloud, however, has a silver lin-[...]torr.) ing, and in one respect we now have the[...]of years, or turn up old vouchers, we can[...]truthfully reply that "We regret we cannot[...]do w because of destruction of records by[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (174)[...]attitude w1·11 beco~ e a.11 weir[...]suddenly, because she 1~e will turn_ inall
"Although the scheme has been in[...]pure nothingness _to her. basic bennY
a marked increase in efficiency, and the thus broadening knowledge and ex- falls out[...]self and she realises s e t the ben·
previously classed as poor, has been li tt le (c) Marr[...]cheme of ENCOUR-
that not only our large branches will heed AGEMENT, as Branch Procedures has[...]e Depart- created a sizeable reservoir of manpower.
ments which control the deshmes of the[...]"TAM"
Bank and its staff. Can we hope that the --o-
code word "ENCOURAGE" will be Tish-Tush To Hush-Hush e
adopted and appl ied for th[...]"secrecy with reg ard
There is a formula which makes for[...]EREST ftEAR Girls! Supposing we are capable[...]IANCE = SATISFACTION. than we do at present (and I do not doubt have the[...]it); supposing we do overcome centuries of ' 1
Although housing and accommodation prejudice (and it[...]r overseas serv nine' yea rs
are still serious obstacles to staff ?1ove- U.S.A., where many[...]nt idea bey~nd
the confines of Capital Offices, thus g1vmg of harsh ly-treated women). What then?[...]suggests our In an attempt to assum e ankaus who are[...]a. triumph will end in the tragedy of Nothing-[...]the only concluswn Ives far above
who felt they co[...]she rushes to mad lengths about votes o; these Officers conside: tbems\eJittle us bY
at the time. Their opportunity might be us, and are attemptmg to
deferred. welfare, or sports, or business: sh~ is
marvellous, out-manning the man. But their se[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (175)[...]AD-SC-2

More Tut-tut About Hush-hush[...]ecy", as he terms it,
to any one or more of the causes he sug- rency" echoes the feelings of[...]atter appointments, particularly,
gest~. He is, however, on firm ground and number of officers in the Service l am sure, have caused dismay and concern among
getting warm.[...]s criticism on the grounds branch men, as it must surely be fallacious,[...]in principle, lo ostensibly train
A crude mistrusting secrecy was mani-
fest in the Bank from the o[...]arding staff conditions and other minor is well sustained by another most impor- Administrati[...]branch men, who at least have proved their
cers will agree I think. That[...]ty who had "little minds", in several system makes itself felt with the passage Candid lunch-hour discussions have
c~ses men too small for their job[...]branches on this very issue.
is a complex, now well ingrained in the in the Bank (and any[...]"EX CROW-EATER" WELL and incentive in the Bank's ser- sam[...]promotion is stifled, officers will tend to classifications "A" and "B" (790) and must[...]ncy and stagnation. beyond Senior Clerk "A' will have to be
" Disagreeable Feature"
A[...]are approaching, or have just attained, the[...]cadets merely because, on reports only, 50
this institution, and one c[...]igible for cadetship, and, secondly, those viously decided on, is rather futile. Rather
the existe[...]Above all we must prevent cadetship[...]round
0 _[se~recy do little good, since free discus- being usurped by Cadets, who have not classification, because otherwise we will dry
sion 1s stifled and better teamwork is ham-[...]ecially classified grades who, amounting
~ng of power derived from the constant The orig[...]0 out of the total 7,352, form the
ignorance of lower pundits. of Cadets was to[...]f outstanding and exceptional quali- In conclusion, might I stress the point
secr~cy because of the fear of public dis- ties with the[...]or that the Cadet System seems to have ex-
cussion attracts at times more damage the[...]om critics' conjectures than would a con- However, if the Bank continues to appoint provi[...]onal officers to rise to the
T~e technique of rushing behind dark 50 per year, then the Bank must soon find highest executive positions. 1t[...]. range and increments to more than a few
Usual, was once perfected by the Bank of[...]not nece sarily
parts of the brief annual report were rather circulars last year notified appoin[...]senior official of that instit~- cadets to various newly created positions detriment of the S[...]"M.I.5" (Sydney) were made to positions of Branch Accoun-[...]

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (176)[...]the right answer and give~ it a reci-[...]Speech", the staff will be qw_ck ~~r/fs nn[...]answer or, if the Bank gives a P I t the[...]t'P your corres• "The powers that b e,, have at . anceeas and[...]hammering away unh.1 JUS · fIC e• preva1 •[...]Where there is discontent m I e fv us to
N the February issue of Currency, "P!od-[...]l analysis of the_ pro~le7ar a more
C.S.B. Sydney we feel that being on the[...]straightforward answer will d morale
N.S.W. Divisional Comm[...]Ioya It Y and improve .
0.A. and thus the mouth-piece for ~he[...]t e ques-
Staff on many occasions, we should give[...]ything Staff Department or
1. "Is it perhaps because C.S.B. Syd_ney "Efficiency[...]From time to time we see 1~ have been
age group?", "Plodder" asks[...]gestions from the st a k is not
we reply:- Pr[...]adopted. Obviously then th ~ Ban ocedure.[...]onsider he
Certainly not. Many are doing various could have patiently explained to readers[...]rse of study in their leisure time. the weakness in "P.O. Prune's" arguments,[...]reporting sySlem ,s es rnore
3. "Is there a serious lack of opportunities instead of dipping his pe[...]but ours - we are told - corn pa~, Which
for boys?"[...]than favourably w,t · h a ny Cother. rnonwea1t. h
Unfortunately, and for obvious reasons, ter, viz. "I don't think such effor[...]l'm a bit intrigued by that hwe told who,
difficulties could have been one of th[...]because nobody I have asked
transfers to branches durin[...]1 animosity
leads us to believe that at la t the serious[...]ighter young officers who have not rency', we read-[...]ge of ideas, the answer quite definitely - YesE.T LIVE"
carrie[...]ROM C/ M No. 1305 2 we the in·
From our own observation we have no instead, an attempt to get righte[...]er- advanced many times before by officers
viewed and told of any defects. Not oi:ily who are[...]is often the case howeve, · . ture not
In conclusion we express our _gratit~de[...]ide to th e P':ho have
to our Manager in granting us an rnterv1ew Staff confidence in the Bank[...]e u nd e I forfeited
STEWART FERGUSON. brought about, at least in[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (177)[...]re- that the progress of this institution will HANDLING REMITTANCES
mote country town, they must decide justify their training.[...]economy? Branches by C/M 12152A.
Just been considered worthy of promotion,[...]g Whilst it is conceded that an enormous
they are less highly regarded by the Bank together often disagree on modus operandi, volume of work is handled by Sydney Of-
than all the other officers of their status resulting in dissention and subsequent loss fice and that systems must be devised for
who were not asked to go. in man[...]he tradesman carries on his work point must eventually be reached when,
and calling for appl[...]Capital Office savings, we are "cutting off
Does not the foregoing justify the debate
whose transfers have been between Capitals,[...]the new system the remittance
. I_t is all very well inviting the staff to[...]s received from the
~ot know what vacancies there will be; but[...]AT PERTH CONFERENCE Let us analyse C/M 12152A and see
ing list a mile Jong f[...](a) C.B. 44 - Clearing House Items.[...]AGREE with "Truly Anonymous" in be sorted into three divisions[...]on that the Capital Accoun- bank or division will be segregated by[...]should be abandoned. Not only will the secured to the addendum, again[...]ings already held, how the ConfereP.ce will
justify itself from the fi ndings made.[...]bank must be segregated by means of a[...]f, particularly the Executive
~taff, the contentious question of appren- the officers concerned are sufficiently aware be a llowed where the items are few in
tices.[...]of the "atmosphere" of the previous meetings number.[...]s of branches) and
the acceptance of apprentices must surely branches that the Bank is to exer[...]dicta concerning profitable business and
Are those in control of such matters[...]it is found that the repercussions from this
employ apprcntioes. To overcome th[...]event will have "deflated" the high resolve
legal obstacle[...]and conscientious app lication now being
to be modified.[...]corded on C.B. 46A.
The Bank must realise it has now em- I would go f[...]aced tradesmen such as carpenters, cahi- mous" and say that the holding of certain many mis-sorts require adjusting in Sydney
net-makers, plumbers and electricians. Welfare "get-togethers" involving long and Of[...]trips by administrative and branch branches will need to requisition them by
not function. What a[...]od lads these trades, of Bank Notes) are just as questionable as Sydney going to do with[...]I am a keen supporter of Staff Welfare ture of golf balls?
Juniors are r[...]ks of the clerical staff, and every done by Welfare but I am afraid - and to introdu[...]staff also subscribe to this fear - the to make the system perfect.
trained officers in the banking field. true purpose of Welfare is being clouded by[...]ose supervision lads would never witness fluous if Bank officers already occupy, as
inferior work being performed. Just think they shou ld, their rightful plac[...]but unobtrusive interest of managers and the title "Pro[...]" ANONYMOUS
their place as tradesmen; for who can deny[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (178)[...]of fresh funds
out of touch with the customer across the which have been flowing i[...]er. of_ customers in_recent months. The major
To an already[...]ngs increased by
of which imply aloof remoteness, we have about £ 70 million in the final qu[...]1952.
recently noted "The Glass House", 'The
Crystal Palace", "The Ivory Towers" and This was mainly due to the excess, in
"The Grey Mausoleum" as branch-coined that quarter, of Australia's receipts from[...]easury Bills.
trol point, apparently remote from customer[...]next few weeks or so. J husban[...]The change is a welcome one to banks it back. R[...]year, A loan is a two-par
clusively with academic consideration of when releases of over £300 million were[...]ial Accounts, which as the borrower. fa
paper problems. On th[...]on it. Be will income an[...]ion in February, to a
That is the case for the dwellers in "The total of Just on £250 million.
Glass House". The defence rests, as they
say in legal circle[...]he issue of the cheque year's events showed) can be used to[...]ndsor Branch good purpose to cushion the effect of have of being inundated[...]0
cheques signed in fictitious names and total- f<_'rm the basis for their lending) will live but show the extent to which bers:-
li[...]esented. Our nse less sharply. Banks will have has been able to assist some n,[...]liquidity in banks' hands will leave less (£ 119); £ 126 (£98); £ 183[...]the whole fi~e sys·
the hands of persons using them to perpe- would be require[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (179)[...]are still studying under the auspices of the[...]for leases in perpetuity in respect of Commonwealth Recon~truction Training[...]As the new lenses will provide better in their spare time, som[...]security of tenure it is likely graziers will mising students have been granted time off[...]security will be avai lable. students whose results were particularly

~0NSIBILITY?[...]s. this could lead to the offhand conclusion[...]are a crop of 180 million bushels with an making rural loans. However, higher farm
e le nd er has responsibilities as well average yield per acre equal t[...]ey production has broken land values which will become vulnerable
all previous records this season with a crop if earnings[...]tone of more than 30 mi ll ion bushels. Production the existing high level of co[...]brokers' stores at a rate which has caused[...]selected with regard to the borrower's
1 cut times.[...]pay, after making due allow-
a nd ar cts must be high when things a larg[...]pite the severe drought in Northern Austra- Repayments automatically improves the[...]the be- debt/security ratio, and borrowers shoulc[...]mg surplus funds.[...]a new receipt. This, it is expected, will re- will shortly replace the letter advices now hav[...]two-thirds the time now de patched when customers wish arrange- received as General[...]gave such service.
Branches will be advised as soon as de- The form, in duplicate, will provide for They were also moved to express appre-[...]credit cards will be dispensed with, the ::.dopted when they went to another district
Filling t[...]passed recent- backs of the new forms being used for re- and took over one of our Saving[...]It is gratifying to hear praise which we
and now awaiting the Governor-[...]* * believe is well earned, and to receive oc-
?[...]by the applauding the service received. We do much
to increa e primary pr[...]in Faculties good both by satisfying our customers and
The legislation is[...]cemen they, too, become ambassadors of goodwill.[...]

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (180)[...]ng Num• T is regretted that, because of the where a differential[...]work not been possible to provide answers to
involved in keeping the above is not worth t[...]derived therefrom. I know that they we would like, and we crave your
are handy in the case of an agency aud[...]t is once in a blue moon, I would We should also be grateful if con-[...]T~is will enable prompter replies to b~ g[...]dditional Statistics (sue Id
are also useful for counting the number of prob[...]peration of the pnnc1pa. . 1 0f ANSWER: The form of the Monthly and Yearhly
a-year coun[...]at present under review, .
ANSWER: It has been our experience that each[...]- . However, certain · statistics dw, a
at 'Special Audit[...]he r final year at the
noted 'Special Audit'. The use of forms C.S.B. school a pamphlet setti[...]stablishing an account. branch will also be required at the end of t e
audit arran[...]year.
General's Department are observed.
However, the question of Agency Audit is adv[...]--o--
under review, and the suggestion will be borne ANSWER: We thank you for your interest,[...]STATISTICS
cedure. It will be appreciated that, if form Primary Schools: S.S.B. Instruction No. 10
C.S.B. 60A were to be discontinued at Capital for the gu[...]would As a trial this year, branches will be requeste~ formation that should b[...]tatistics. Where there are retrosp~c-
Branches will be advised regarding form Seconda[...]it is considered most unlikely that we would formation take up a lot of[...]s branches are concerned, the problem
in the various facilities of this Bank among[...]nder the fol- ers that schools are not to be used f or ad ver- vided a printed regist[...]--o- ANSWER : Consideration has been given from
lied to thes[...]y Sum·
branch with the next statement of school busi- Where a differential rate of set-o. ff[...]. app 1.e d mary of Business return and in accordance wi th[...]' e cus omer's
November each year to obtain the co-operat[...]he calculation of interest ful, because of changing conditions which make
of the teacher(s) in bringing this facility befor[...]exist in many super-primary and high ANSWER : The form of letter o f set-off in C/ 1[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (181)[...]upon
"S t atements are to be handed out only to cus- adopted by Administra •[...]contained.
Written authority. Care must be exercised to advise Staff Dep[...]ments and the advertising sign mentioned in
ANSWER- C/ 1 176 is und er review and as a
resu lt of your suggestion, for which we thank Business Yearly Return (C.B.36)?[...]ving in stationery, postage,
You, paragraph 8 (f) will be amended to conform 2. Is it nece[...]en eral Bank etc., would follow if it were assumed that all
With C/ 1 17/ 31.[...]-- Ledgerkeeper 's weekly balance of a Current need reouisi[...]ANSWERS- 1. The concessions listed in con- Ag[...]rm with Cir. 828 are general arrange- ANSWER:-lt is considered preferable to allow
F,C .[...]tne actual quoted on the Rates of Business Return. relation to items of[...]iderable time would be saved by nature will incorporate an instruction to note the[...], consolidated list mentioned above, which will
a nd especially when adding the products in term[...]time to time . SAFE CUSTODY
of C.M . 5552; and the customer and the Bank The concessions[...]S.E.C.J .:-W/ S/ C held for Safe Custody-It
Wou ld "break even" over a period . C/ M 10152 will be transferred to the consolidated is rec[...]showing the amount of face value
di st inguish between practically identical forms? or not he re[...]event he Re lative schedules should be adjusted as neces-
With the enumerated debits thereon could be must ensure that the provisions of C/ 1 17 / 28 (e)[...]Custody Register.
th e initiating branch for their re[...]This practice obviates the necessity for a
ANSWERS- (a) It is essential that interest[...]not "slicker".
sy st em this would not be so. We therefore prefer Yearly Statement. However, form C.B. 44 is now ANSWER :-Wi th the gradual falling off in
not to change[...]ngs Certificate holdings it is considered
(b) We thank you for you r suggestion, which un[...]te forms to be order appearing on Weekly Statement C.B. 43 . 6000 lodgments.
Printed, and Branches will be advised when they Could not these a[...]a lphabetical order, thus bringing the General
--0--[...]y Cards- C/ 1 13/ 2- Why Ledger Accounts will be opened in the order 2. Where a[...]to outlined in C/ 1 8A/ l 6 be followed?
Managers are in a better position to readily[...]l order and are difficult to locate ANSWERS :- The indemnity should be held by
obtain a lin[...]the Branch issuing the duplicate draft.
ANSWER- In terms of C.M. No. 1850 (now Is it intended that this Instruction be followeWER- It is evident from enquiries made
cu st0 mer's[...]t an alphabetical to mean that authorities must be handwritten.
EXCHANG E[...]t present to simplify the design a- ANSWER :- Authorities must always be hand-
Circular 828, and any adv[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (182)[...]AD-SC-2

SURPLUS NOTES staple in the p[...]• Under c/M
V.F.D .:-C/1 14/41, Surplus Issuable Notes[...]Experience has shown that new account custo-
us as to what extent country branches are[...]is less than one wee k old, instead[...]unt) in their books, and consequently would
Are we to accept notes irrespective of rhe[...]read the inset. If only 50 % of these customers previous alphabetical lists. nt refer·
amou[...]suggested that, to avo1 tellers main·
ANSWER: Our arrangements with other banks S[...]a separ
are that we shall accept surplus notes from them books already issued, say tw[...]ANSWER: As card form C.S.B. 197 (Deposits being used for eac mon A separate
we have suitable safe accommodation available. - Your Help Will Improve our Service, etc.) is current month being placed on. topi°I eous stops
We would expect the lodgments of large s[...]branches, it is considered card could also be used for m,sce an
amounts to be arranged to suit the branch con- that the use of slips as suggested is not such a[...]various accounts concerned are forwa[...]Negotiated: The present These are numerous, a nd t e . c onnection[...]ab,e manner so that ready reference
necessary to make these forms accountable. It is sugg[...]imilar to C.B.27 (sample submitted) ANSWER:-Whilst the procedure tages, we[...]nt met ho d a
suggested that a separate system be used for Where payment of cash is involv[...]advices contained in d d as
printer "Not over twenty pounds English cur- ANSWER:-Covering charge notes in respect[...]9252 these of course must[...]count or Foreign Bills Negotiated Account.
ANSWER: It is intended that only unused There would be no real advantage[...]EXAMINING bus
mail transfer forms be kept as accountable in[...]K.D.:-C/ M 10252 states: ill peruse[...]d would also need to in- ness day each week t e x ious wee[...]erence as may be necessary.
With the increased use of the mail transfer the bill concerned. business, the vouc hers b ei·ng selectef urprise will[...]use t e ·n
is also being provided for conv[...]to
sustenance remittances. The present mail trans-[...]ulars takes con- Voucher Clerk, the perusal having nnecessarY
fer forms will not be reprinted and in the cir-[...]ding and checking at all on the first business day causes u
cumstances printing of another series to cove[...]ANSWER: This matter receive. and for[...]or three years, instead of being reviewed . conside[...]first business day eac h we h check,[...]an incentive for better public relations, ANSWER: - The suggestion is not practicable, Ge[...]were prepared, printed, checked and circulated[...]they would be obsolete.
You will assist the Teller to give you[...]pletely rewritten and the numerous other new KD B/1 1058: What con[...]s are endorsed and Passbook No. advices will be considerably reduced. and su[...]ANSWER: Deletions do not inc here trans•

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (183)[...]to Head Office for record purposes
ANSWER : Provided claim form is satisfactorily
comple!e[...]f account and
10 refer outstanding cheques:- Various methods
~f recording, filing and cancelling this authority
Y !he transferor branch are in use by branches.[...]ntt11, "( llrt<llc)•', l"'f.'' 2'1, .
. ANSWER :- Arrangements are being made to[...]thority lo transfer accounts Also why do we have to wasle lime index- AN SWER : It would be useful to have the
between branches.[...]signature of every depositor on file wilh the
In those cases where a separate authority[...], but, in certain instances,
must be taken, !he method of filing will be[...]or do something
covered in !he lnslructions which will be issued[...]es when the new forms become ANSWER: A list of current Savings Bank[...]procedure will be advised lo branches shortly.[...]This aspect will be specially appreciated by
st alionery, I would[...]forms C.B. - October issue contains an answer to question[...]records during the last war.
use of office entries. This should save a con·
centage of these forms are used for periodical signalure to Bandywallop A[...]A TIN - POT IDEA
ANSWER: Enquiries made from Stores De-[...]copy of this letter? As the ledger leaf will be
Par!ment reveal !hat !he adoption of your sug[...]xplanalion lies in the fact !hat it is ANSWER: There are very few requests by[...]y im- ware to old cuslomers introducing new
of form rather !han smaller[...]dale, as has been found in connection wilh 3,250,000 doll[...]abandoned.
R,C.B.:-C.S.B. Circulars: Why do we keep a even years later.[...]An executive confesses "it had one weakness
great binder {current) and several books {o[...]-o-- we were never able to overcome"-sta ff
le!e) of Savings[...]members were embarrassed by the display of
of !he informalio[...]"Eventually !heir sufferings outweighed the
good s!yle)? answer to a question asked by K.M.B. in January tangible advantage to the bank of using these
Also the indices, they are a disgrace[...]ccounts . prizes; so we yielded lo !heir social sensibilities
decent-minded circular book after going for The answer stales "it is important that new[...]aff and the public
the courage to do, and brought us up to date this important point has not been followed out. a small[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (184)[...]AD-SC-2

SAFE CUSTODY[...]. xpoun e
of the "Paid"' ftle it will assist the custodian Revolutionary New Pen[...]fellow Circularphobian.
ANSWER: - At one time "Paid" ftles were[...]a numbering system 1
no obiection is raised, but we will not adopt[...]353 2GB 2 SB d 10 as
BUSINESS RETURN[...]A circular would thus be re~:~:ral sank
N.B.:-Why are general transa[...]B" in reference to a
cluded in Yearly Summary of Business Return?[...]Promotion Circulars would be
ANSWER:-As transactions on customers'[...]spec111C
they are used as the principal index for . the United States' market an a printed panel be included[...]d uni o .
in effect are "weighted". . Called[...]ured. A furth~r su_ 99 :11 cases
features in the business of some branches,[...]ge in procedure to b e im fusion 1
larger ones. This is due to several factors[...]mented? It would eliminate much conwere the
and of these, general ledger entries are of[...]anches of printed page
For this reason, and because of the difficulty
use, and a? empty ink-barrel can be for insertion in C/ 1 or B/ 1 books, "f ustratin9[...]The confusion referred to is_ aragraph . ·[...]. c·,rcu Ia r factory ·th us,
subsidiary records, it was decided to exclude[...]olors, is claimed to produce a a marked decrease 1n[...]an~. to be particularly useful fo; to matter which ,s to b[...]ting on documents during sorting. We wish to file C/M's as soon as n them![...]f Berkeley and then forget that we had ever see
TELLERS' AID[...], are the manufacturers. ' ANSWER-Several similar suggeS t lO d revieW•
E.R.S.[...]. w un er ·JI
useful for tellers if they were issued with a[...]We thank you for your subm1ss 10 ~
to quickly mend t[...]tears)-Possibly the heading "Circulars and
ANSWER:- As a general rule the numbtir Circ[...]. extensior1 o
hardly iustify the expense. However, at the[...]olumns of "Currency" (Editor .
that the use of cellulose tape would prove bene-
willing).[...]. c heq ues?· If so c Adius t•
ficial, we would have no obiec_tion to a supply[...]b e held in "Suspense A/ c Dishonour[...]· nt fun s
Manager. Australit1n notes mended in this mann0i- principle[...]n. frustrating "dog-chasing-tail" excursions in se[...]

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (185)[...]mittance, has the customer a right to pro-
sufficient standing in terms[...]days, where the holidays fall or is it just a benefit extended to the
forms, ledger binder[...]an officer's annual furlough. customer to await the close of business
no specific mention was made in C/ M 10452,
ANSWER: Officers on furlough are given credit[...]for example, day has now been allowed under the
a/ c loose-leaf-l edger leaves (C.S.B.[...]olidays, viz., Good Friday, Easter Sat- ANSWERS:- 1. A cheque presented over the
leaves (n[...]counter for a special answer must be ~nswered
ferred to forms C.S.B. 90 at the next balance.[...]ediately . As there is no likelihood of re-
ANSWERS: (a) Deferred posting of society[...]answer would be "Refer to drawer".
fices and Barrack Street, Sydney, only, the[...]R.S. (Q):-Housi ng Loans: C.B.H.1 and C.B.- 3. The posit[...]4 of the attachment to Circular No. 552.
"Suspense Account Dishonour Adjustment s 11 at
th ese offices is not considered war[...]d be returned on the day of volume of housing loan business is consider-
receipt.[...]lar C.S.B. No. 2852) but not to locality. Thus five site plans in all are drawn , consolidate[...]). ANSWER: A consolidate d list of the above
"EX-N.X.":- When ex-servicem en were ad- When security is taken over real property items has been compiled and will be distributed
mitted to the staff after the 193[...]ketches are required on to branches shortly. We appreciate your interest.
Were granted seniority dating from their enlist-[...]s. All these ex-servicem en Are all the Housing Loans sketches really[...]necessary? The Bank is examining ways to
allowed. Some of these officers came from other stre[...]ience. abolition of at least two of these Housing Loan[...]t bank at the age of 16 with the Leaving ANSWER: Thank you for the suggestion, which[...]widow, to ascertain her late husband's name
Certificate, enlisted at 18, and whose seniority will be borne in mind for adoption when Hous-[...]r of ing Loans Instructions are being reviewed in
th e same age who joined the Commonwe alth[...]Requests for this information very often cause[...]case of the recent death of the husband), and
Proaching "Classificati on age". As pro[...]change charged on when this information is used by the Bank is
category seniority from the date[...]ANSWER: Exchange should be charged on the dispe[...]n is required at a later date, the informa-
ANSWER: Seniority is defined in the Regula-[...]ion could then be obtained.
tions under the Commonwe alth Bank Act 1945·
1951 , which provide that se[...]Exchange Schedule. ANSWER: The provisions of C/ 1 17/ 6 will be[...]nded as suggested. Thank you for your
bank is allowed for seniority purposes only in[...]officer was in the service
of the Bank on 20th August, 1945. The Regula-[...]respect, is presented for a special answer during
a business day. There are insufficient funds F.B.: -Would it not prove advantageo us to have
CLEARANCES available in the customer's account to meet the a special section[...]ootball Club", etc.,
area are now four times each week. Cheques ceipt of funds in the near fu[...]1. Would correct answer be "Refer to which are often numerous, could be grouped
on these points would not take[...]n say cheques on Broome, W.A. drawer" or "Present again at 3 p.m ."? together.[...]ANSWER: As suggested, a specia I section of
ANSWER : Cheques drawn on banks in the 2.[...]the index would generally be useful. This pro-
Territory of Papua-New Guinea shou[...]or wrongful
treated similarly to cheques drawn on Aus- dishonour if the customer made a deposit cedure may be ado[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (186)[...]S/C RECEIPTS
J.McC.:-Why not endorse customer's address[...]printed for this purpose? 1:h,s Makes Control Easier issued rela[...]Certificates t at ave are unusable, . I[...]ibility of errors . being made HOSE who were interested to read, It is sugg[...]was first obtained and into this were .[...]screwed 206 ¾ in. cup-hooks, separated[...]ers in the register relative to ANSWER: You are to b e commen.1 e ConSI•dera·
ANSWER: Unless the signature slip was ap- keys, were then inscribed onto the board[...]tion will be given °[...]. Also, A number of ¾ in. brass discs were pur-
the suggestion is impracticable at branche[...]e flied separately from the numbers. These were attached to the keys
TRUST A/CS Where possible[...]bank in an un·
quires trust accounts to be indexe un[...]anges place a paying
the name of the cestui que trust as we as hook.[...]I al
under the name of the trustee where surnames The board fits exac[...]nges an d no t , say' ere , e ly the tra , n
It will be seen that any key required at two[...]ANSWER· The reasons f or stamping d exchan ges
keeper[...]conveY w·th
on the weekly balance day?[...]and cleared on rem,·11a nces were b (p. l 9) · 'he
2 C a ledgerkeeper w[...]anker is not a crossing wit in t should on o
ANSWERS: The General Bank ledgerkeeper[...]f direct overtime for work performed be refused when a cheque IS acts as ag
the work may be per[...]e total hours worked for
ledgers on the following Wednesday (C/ 1-17 l . the week are 43, an officer goes to tea from 5
to 6 will be entitled to 3¼ hours overtime,[...]while an officer who , has tea from 6 to 7 will[...]stamped bank c heque for any will be ne9°
March S.B. balance, it might cause a lot of
F J K ·-Savings Bank Teller's Sheet[...]ANSWER: It is not desired to lay down any ated locally? . ,, ,, will you Pleaseerson[...]If your answer IS Y~s ' b the same P
teller's sheets, or will one signature on hard and fast rule[...]o the executive vise if a similar transaction y week,[...]would be perm,tte wer to the[...]so that no officer receives more favourable
ANSWER: Each teller should sign his own treatment than another as far as overtime is ANSWER· Please refer t O the ,[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (187)[...]D.G.S.:-Transit Insurance - Mutilated Notes:
Will you please give a direction through "Cur•[...]1849. This is true of the 2/- piece but taneously impressing their designs on either
~resent cert[...]r be the amount is the correct term to use or is 'graining' the "rubbing" or "clipping" of coins, these
claimed by the customer, on which the Bank[...]correct?
Will pay a premium, or should the item be[...]ease tell me also if either lettering, both incuse as well as in relief,
treated through the uninsured sec[...]less standardised but is still used to dif-
regard to mint marks:
It is realised that customer could claim the "The dot after the word Australia on ferentiate coins of the same design[...]ion of the notes may pay "The dot between the letters KG on varying the number of r[...]The dot after the word AUSTRALIA on
claim. Premiums therefore, would be needlessly The following answers to the questions pence and half-pence of 1[...]aid. were supplied by Mr. 0. C. Fleming of fact that the working dies are the product
ANSWER: The remittances should be insured Industrial Finance Department, Sydney, of Perth[...]e set out in the who is the President of the Australian The master dies are prepared in[...]1952 Melbourne Mint con-
Circular Instructions will shortly be amended The term "milling" stri[...]the trolled the making and issue of working
to make this matter clear. actual[...]a coin which, these dies and the mint marks were mainly signi-[...]mark, a dot or bead, after AUSTRALIA.[...]in opposite directions.
We have been forwarded only FIVE We were interested to read in the recent The dot between the K and the G also
copies of "Currency", with[...]We made a point of bringing this before
We trust you realise the anguish and[...]some of our junior officers, as an example
frustration caused to one member of the of devotion to duty; but we were rather
st aff at this otherwise contented offic[...]r spending two years in Wash-
and, in that event, will no doubt change in terms of C.O.I.![...]nt opinion of the Editor and his Seriously though, we do regard Mr. sistant to Mr. L. G. Melvi[...]s of the In-
b P/S: A mass transfer to Oodnadatta will B. J. McSHARRY.[...]Development.
Hawthorn prickles. We are pulling strings lt is 11ot the lwr[...]artment; he is now with Economic
five. Dang it. However, six it is.-Ed.J Woma11![...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (188)[...]Halvorson, Miss V. H., West Perth,[...]L~e. E. J., Sydney, Spit Junction. well-
Treffry, J. C., Rig. Mgr., N.S.W., Mgr.,[...]· ., g. Staff1 N S W R" h Lushey, R. A .. Wangaratta, Ararat.[...]r, J. G., Melbourne, Admin.,
Hammer, M. E., Camberwell, Mgr., Wil- Byrth, K. T., Boulder, Kalgoorlie ..[...]. Picone, Miss C. G., Malvern, Melbourn ·
Wilson, M. R., Marrickville, Strathfield. Castley[...]. W. A., Sydney, Admin. ot
Ferguson, G. M., Charters Towers, Forti- Caswel l, Miss J. P. Perth Ad ·.[...]titude Valley, Brisbane. Clarke, Jack. Port Augusta' R . k ville. ' S d.
Cusack, N. H. M., Toowoomba, Rock- Clissol[...]hampton.
Thomson, A. E., Southport, Charters
Towers.[...]cAloney, J. W., Adelaide, C.S.B., Bris- Cresswell, H. R. Unley' Ad I ._,d ns ane.[...]Skinner, B. R., Haymarket, Stanmore ..
Burchill, R. A., Ararat, Colac. Dixo n, G eorge, p erth, West , Perth. os or . Sla?e, S. A., George[...]Smith, I. L., Melbourne, Malvern.
Williams. E. J., Admin., Bris., Brisbane. DDover,[...], Rig. Staff, N.S.W-, Lane
Redman, J. R., Concord West, Parramatta. a ~e, W. H., Chatswood, Qui[...]B., Broadway, Five Dock Thrussell, R. J., Caringbah, Cronulla.
Archibald, C. R.[...]Tondut, J. E. P., C.S.B., Perth, Geelong.
Austin, R. B., Kogarah, Sydney. Gard~, J. H., Nundah, B;isb~~e." us ane. Townsend, B. R., Hurstville, West WyaVlo~:·
Bailley, N. B., Perth, Rig. Staff, W[...]runswick, Bourke St., Mel- Gell, M. D., Perth, William , ogarah.[...]n, P. D., Perth, Maylands.
Barnard, T. W., Glebe, Weston. Gogler. R. J., Renmark[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (189)[...]. McMah on, B. J ., C.S.B., Brisbane.
Wilhams, D. F., Rig. Staff, Vic., Caulfield[...]Powell , Miss J. M., Brisbane.[...]ss C. J., Note Issue Branch. Russell, J. G. G., C.S.B., Bris., son.[...]Willcox, Keith, Admin.[...]Williams, Miss D. H., C.S.B., Brisbane .[...]Bower, G. J ., Perth, daughte r.
M[...]We are happy to welcome from Indo-
RES IGN ATI ONS[...], son. nesia, Mr. Agus Sahab, Mr. R. Soenggo no,[...], Barrack St., Syd., daughte r. ten weeks with us, surveyin g our pro-
UR good wishes for a[...]n general commer cial banking ;
prospero us future to:-
~11, P. A., Newcast le.[...]e r. Pena. who has begun four weeks uf re-
:,~hop, J. C., Mount Isa.[...]nesian Ministry of Finance ; Mr. Agus
Cuh~rows.[...]Soenggo no, head of the Industria l Credit
Crowe, Miss N . M., Grafton .[...], C.S.B., Brisbane . Martin, D. L. S., William St., Perth, son. the Advertis ing Departm ent of the Naciona l
Grant, D. J., Camber well. Matthew , L. P., Campsie[...]cedures, methods of use in the develop ment
Holmes, Miss M. A., Admin.[...]We wish them a pleasant , as well as
Kl , M'1ss L . M ., CSB[...]instructive, stay in Australi a.
e_nner, Miss I. D., Adelaid e.
fni[...]To make used carbon paper re-usable,
Munney, B. J., South Brisbane .[...]when the carbon will liquify and run over[...]the used spots.
Miss M. P., Sydney.[...]The Swe11d H11gl,•
oymhan ,[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (190)[...]-2

A Glanee Through Promotions
A S we go to press, Toowoomba
Branch is in the process of saying
farewell to their retiring Manager,[...]Officer at Perth, has certainly
Mr. L. C. D. Blackwell, who leaves on the[...]ince he joined the Bank at
5th of this month, and welcoming their new Midland Junction back in 1[...]Re-
Macqueen has served in all States bar South
Australia, and he brings to Toowoomba a liev[...]Ron had the unusual experience of being[...]e with the 1st A.I.F. he joined the 1947 Cadets were selected, and he was
forces with Sydney office[...]given Cadet status of equal ranking in view
the Savings Bank Departm[...]th the Bank.
years in Inspectors' Department followed,
and he was then appointed, in succession,[...]connection between this and his being a
West-Australian; but we have it on the best Rodham, T. M., Warwick; Ja~e(itchfield,
His many friends in the service will join[...]Footscray; ~achar, R. W., Pert, c., Ma~Y·
us in wishing him all the best and a happy[...]ving-snit, lugger an_d Good Deed by Commonwealth Bexley; Murdoch, R. B.,[...]R. V., Hobart; Humphries, R. C., n R. f.,
dustry at that point (We can't for the life HE Brisbane "Currenc[...]Cameron, R. E., Brisbane; Bachma7t;. wor-
of us remember what else goes on at[...]s,· H"ll• M·• R-,
enable him to survive the usual two-year Minding Centre, the members o[...]Bevan, N. T., Sydney; Anderwn, ·
Norm came to us from the G.S.B. of dren's pony rides.[...]e B. & S. Department, Sydney, The boys were complimented on the way[...]gor, J. R., ~ithgow,M Katan-
Cessnock branch followed, and in 1946 following letter of appr[...]am at our recent ruary to 1st April inclusive.[...]PULAR Mr. T. M. (Tom) Hogan, enthusiasm the fete was more successful Here are the girls who make th mg service:[...]Congratulations girls. We underS t an tant
In fact as told to us, the only time he has[...]C.S.B. Sydney, moved on to Drummoyne.
In 1945 he went "bush" to Nyngan as
Accountant-Teller and retur[...]

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (191)[...]3 U sually we have Notes of the
Month on this page; but we feel[...]Caloundra beach residents described
GIRL MAKES AWFUL NOISE He's a surfing t[...]ing. At yesterday as the most courageous they
* ONLY In "P11ff" Department 7
U.S. BANK RUN BY WOMEN weekends he hitch-hikes the 140 miles (yes,[...]7 with the Surf Club there; and that, we wading to the beach when a strong
UNUSUAL 5.8. AGENCY- would hazard, must be some kind of a undertow swept her seawards.[...]We understand he has his own system of
*[...]clubhouse, and dashed to King's Beach.

B[...]and water clotted with seaweed to[...]necessary however, for the 25th was not
* Uncle Qul[...]OVER TO YOU a weeke~d but a Wednesday, and in the Helpers ran[...]ld have been on started artificial resuscitation on the

* You[...]Miss Marjorie Peacock, ~f Bnsba~e, owed To spare "The Von's" blushes, we shall
* WHEEL OF FORTUNE[...]swept out to sea that morning.

SOUnt AUSTRALIAN NOTES For our part, we hope that his next[...]ity) it was a pretty the surf that he so obviously loves.
heroic business. The sea was rough, and[...]littered with dangerous seaweed. Bruce had PS.- "The Von's" photo[...]

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (192)[...]nd that was the view Police Commissioner between the Commonweal th Investigation
Delaney took in congratulating[...]ness with which Our experts are now busily studying the
the matter had been reported and[...]g Manager Aarons' emcient and details will be published m Currency .
handling of the matter would hav.:: as ured The result? Well, maybe it wasn't an
them a very warm reception and certain idle boast we made to Inspector Farrell of
capture; and to him W.! extend our con- the C.I.B. that the bank staff were well
trained in the use of firearms and able to
-0-- acquit themselves well in any competition.
We hope to prove it.
London Officer[...], Island iri the Indian
Makes B-B Problem[...]where the Savings Bani.
O end (we hope) the controversy about[...]agency: Above. the
Brusher Problem, W .! publish the following[...]mpire Airways.
Bank\ London Branch which should (we
hope) make everything' perfectly clear:[...]e attached might be of interest in
Your "Brains-Brush er" column of ''Cur-
Heroi c "Pert h" were Saved[...]N 28th February, 1942, H.M.A.S leaving Australia, and asked if they were
algebraic solution. This should prevent a[...]a battle against worth keeping.
too violent brushing of brains. I assured him they were valuable, and[...]Yours sincerely, Sunda Strait between Java and Sumatra. that if he were fortunate enough to get[...]them back to Australia the Bank would be[...]tenant. Commander Lowe, the Savings
Department at London Office- but we don't
work them out this way! Bank'~ agent aboard the vessel, enclosed the We decided to make two copies of the[...]icial cylinder that is floated free when monwealth Bank manner, one copy being
Write down a su[...]e £ 's, thm:- but Lieutenant-Co mmander Lowe carried a All this happened in April,[...]y of the Bank records in a waterproof between then and June, 1945, my copy
Reverse the figures 4 9 1I packet in his "Mae West" life-jacket when travelled to Singapor[...]he went overboard, and subsequently buried in Bu[...]After talking it over with Comdr. Lowe,
It will be found that within the scope zealously guarded by Paymaster Lowe is[...]is original statements at
of figures given the answer is always the here told by an officer of t[...]the previous camp, and with his assistant,[...]owing to the many searches, we decided le
Let the three variable figure, be x.[...]However, luck was still with us, as the[...]38 11 Com. Lowe of H.M.A.S. Perth. Lowe was able to go back and recover hi\
11[...]originals and return them to the C.S.B. in
It will be seen that the variable Commonwealt h Bank of Australia, he pro- Melbourne, where I believ[...]nt re- duced all the Agency Statements of Busi- rewarded.
mains, says Mr. Gibbo[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (193)[...]To Percy's astonishment, the usherette[...]Macdonald nn d lower door marked 'Exit' ".[...]Nevertheless, his days of liberty were[...]surely numbered; for the police we~e able[...]were able to give them. .[...]lo the other incident which followed 11[...]Clements doing the Bow- twnmg, he showed himself to b e possessed · week later, a very neat ' "catch" was ma de[...]ab a runaway presenter tended to remove suspicion from h' Paying Teller Charlie O'Brien.
of dud cheques? Well our noted thief-taker A d[...]her at a MU b y
This time, a would-be doer-of-us-wrong h[...]the name of "Stead" with a small deposit
and bewildered in the middle of a dark was being used to cash phoney cheques for
Still suspicious, though the fellow ap.
and crowded pictureshow. B[...]k of the cheque d
thing stronger than suspicion that he was[...]four quick strides to the suspect's elbow:
for his escape.[...]ue to Acting Chief Examiner Lloyd
Bank and others were saved from loss, and[...]. Howe~er, he still did not have enou h
the police were given so exact a description mformat1on to[...]would be back in a minute
of the rogue that they were able to identify h I t h' ..[...]floor," said Jack;
to be only a matter of time as we went a~s1gne essenger Clements to[...]is appearance at Sydney Office with a susp1c1ons by 1!1aking a run for it. eye, that, so an observer told us, the fellow[...]went as yellowey-pale as one of our cafe•
cheque for £ 1 drawn[...]musket if he made a break for it; and he
Manly before[...]. responsible for what will happen to you,
wanting the £ 1 to get a job at[...]Well, that was telling him all right. An~[...]aid he was to so the fellow stayed well and truly glue
But his unprepossessing appe[...]have_ met his mother he said he could see
Wal suspicious (perhaps he doesn't lik11[...]d lost them h
count there in the drawer's name, but that wasn 't a ble to watch s[...]y an is suspect next wandered sistant Accountant C[...]Wynyard Station, and finally to
Moreover, a dubious cheque from it had[...]the light of an usherette's torch. s y tioning soon h[...]fellow.
Wal's suspicions strengthened, but the Percy, fol[...]e fellow had remained in the the le!ter, went in with him, but had difli- pending tr[...]and there was head of an aisle while an usherette led th: the Argall, the M[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (194)[...]lift that chromcally re uses[...]elevates, is a grievous harassme?: 0 -f II[...]who ha,·e cause to struggle up 0[...]Dreamboat back. Can you tell me if I owe the money B1tt I say "No",

T HE follo[...]anches. Unfortunately it must be added that the He tella me then
To w[...]Dear Madam, Miss, Mr. or Mrs:. answer! B.W.C. (Admin.)
Would it b[...]find her. . cently, we heard the story of the far-[...]alert clerk asked were the bush fires any- And she smile and she say,
wonderful dancer, marvellous company where about.
and very modest.)[...]·•y ott must walk to the top-[...]opefully and smcerely, mitted that the flames were only 100 yards[...].) So I pull ttp my pants,
P.S. I cant make head or tails of the[...]Staff Inspector Wilcock tells a couplt! of But no wings she come;
We do hopp he had his book returned in[...]time to find his dreamboat and secure the amusing stories against himself of little Then[...]trip overseas And down I go flop.
Now we wonder what . Ah , well; that made him think that perhaps we Aus-
never mind[...]soda he was nonplussed when his whisky For I feel very col[...]ing a letter to a Without any jerks;
HE customer approached the enquiry friend, he used the phrase "not in the race"'. For it[...]

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (195)[...]ND

Girl • (!!!puff'' Dept. Makes a n[...]-SS COl?hEL.I~ E. SOM',

~ MEMBER that story we had in Imagine the racket f[...]blast when the resultant screech finds its
Well, here is an even more horrible wa[...]A
We shudder to tell it, but it has to be ba[...]Jill Carlsen of Advertising drones usually do). little while ago, we were intrigued to
eparhnent PLAYS THE BAGPIPES!![...]a pretty little morsel of Jill told us that the bag is often made graph relating to[...]oken- of kangaroo skin, which seems to us . to States staffed entirely by women. This[...]rdinary institution is the St. Peters-
w_ould be justified in judging to be a very the R.S.P[...]rson to know. That is, when he We had often wondered why pipers get ation, o[...]istrict par-
When we heard a lemon.[...]its lemons.
r::-- -,,.., ~,,.....- _._ about it, we felt it It seems they season the bag to keep 1t Anticipating your interest, we wrote for
our Christ[...]nd some details for publication. In reply, we
to descend into the[...]Department (at no ness is apt to make the player temporarily ecutive Vice-President[...]serve dS
her, as it were, from room or having to make long hikes i~to Officers, Jr. Officers, T[...]kkeepers,
the barbarous Scots, the bush on "bagpipe picnics" to practice stenograph[...]1 as Flora McDonald hadn't curbed her enthusiasm for the pipes, (housed in our own building) are open from
saved Bonnie Prince Jill told us. 9. a.m. to 2 p.[...]nyway" she said, "the pipes are good done between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. A ten[...]h, by for girls; they develop the legs and bust." minute rest period and our snack bar on
urging her to give We said they couldn't bust often enough the mezzanine floor, keep our g[...]up the infernal in- so far as we were concerned. happy.[...]"It's fun, too," she added. "Once, we
Alas, we fo und it draped ourselves in sheets at a danc[...]had infected her Now, just wait till the Ku-Klux-Klan remain on any[...]ey show the
for them we could - -o - -[...]it of U.S. Experts planning. This week we are planning our
glowed' in her green On Health Schemes Christmas program. We always have the[...]T
eyes as she told us tallest tree in town because we have a
of the[...]irls are
dances, weddings, and Mr. E. A. van Steenwyk, are visitin[...]scout rallies, and Australia in April at the invitation of the music while they work. Each girl is ve!:Y
processions she play- Commonwealth Government, and have proud of he[...]n at Head Office, not having enough to do, as we are very,
Sydney Pipe Band. where they will meet executive officers in very busy, all the time.
There were eight charge of the Bank's health scheme,[...]pipers, four side- discuss with them various aspects of health esting information, but you[...]., they arc empl..:iyees carry on the same as we do.
one base-drummer[...]wishes I remain
told us, and they Sydney.[...]ost sincerely yours,
were playing to pay •[...]So there you are. It just goes to show[...]

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (196)[...]An Unusual Savings[...]Australia of many odd places to[...]vices is the town of Lakewood, Western[...]ding-house,[...]es,
Australia, situated-at present-eight miles fettl[...]We say "situated at present" advisedly.[...]tures most
0.-"Bush Terrace", Main Camp.[...]in 1938. The 90 houses, company offices, with whitewashed canv~[...]of growing gardens, plus all the other comes: "Up town! All_ abo[...]800 people, took twelve months to shift. The loading, transp[...]the only town in Australia (or perhaps[...]What makes it more odd is that it is the are several sm[...]The reason for this curious wholesale[...]Co. Pty. Ltd. that for over communication betwee~ th e cl this, too,[...]t~ic Power Corporation of Kalgoorlie, which,[...]own railway track, ser- a machine shop, as well_ as t .;ely-spread[...]cutting-camps in the bush, from which it Our c.s.n. Lakewood Age[...]there, but most of the business is for roof[...]"suburbs," and as the useful timber is and a pile of logs, a box,[...]habit them load everything aboard The business is done 1:am 01npany's[...]Lakewood, is the bush centre of operations.
ladies with local sc[...]Here are located the bush locomotive centre,[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (197)[...]rs. Hawker have now
With his right hand as it were he dis- wife, are at present in Austr~lia on a good-
will mission. Mr. Hawker 1s well known returned to Sydney, and l[...]London, and we are very pleased to have the U.K.[...]ts. him and hi~ wife with us. Holmes, and' will spend Easter with Mr.
business is conducted iu They spent some time[...]in without the and Ceylon before arriving in Australia at his property "Tarewinnaba[...]April, they will be entertained in Sydney
enJoys the luxury of a[...]Officer, Victoria. Mr. Hawker will meet
assistant, Mr. F. Scott, accompanied by an[...]bankers and members of our industrial
escort, take out the pays for the cutting-[...]second floor. Modern lighting, acoustic
ou~ Agency men are usually still trans-
a_cting business long after dark, by the[...]cember, 1952 issue of "Currency", we
rain under the shelter of a flapping co[...]ceiling beam, which had previously ment Fund grants for the current fin[...]rea have also been of £675 to the Australian Council of
If you really want to put a[...]chnique learned at the Ki ng's Cross An acoustic ceiling has been provided the fares to the United States of a Vic-
Telling School, go West, my boy, go West- with a coved cornice to allow of full in-[...]direct fluorescent lighting being used, and participate in the Internationa[...]d, by reduc- Nineteen applicants were interviewed by
ing the previous high panelling to window- a committee[...]ur Melbourne Office, and

R ESEARCH workers in Sweden who
have recently been studying the typi[...]tapestry stretched over bookbinder's mus-
lin laid on 2in. thick acoustic insolwood
material set between battens.[...]toria, was the unanimous choice. The quali-[...]carpet completes the acoustic treatment. alertness, capacity for self-expression and
t~pist usustralia[...]South Wales and Western Australia.[...]

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (198)[...]. . B k is to
Bushed and Baffl ed[...]. of over £1,000 who will be 111terv,ewe
simple transaction of yesterday is fast d[...]been
being rendered difficult and tortuous by Next on the list appears C/1 25/16[...]could be earned by placing surplus . un
to refer constantly to h is Rule Book[...]a period of eight weeks. •ated
at the next inspec[...]e Our depositors have greatly apprec~, we[...]made very many useful contacts WI _
find, after a frantic s-e arch while a cust0- If you resigned ly decide at th.[...]you will never be ab le to . ,ks pomt that[...]pie a winner cases surplus funds have been trn~s de-
ese circumstances, and will a lw
In C/M 9052, we are advised that "to be obliged to refer[...]fact that ove~I:a;t, tak_<c We feel that the Bank's prestige ,s h gf el[...]pli- d . · we e
of C.B.22 have been reviewed and fresh[...]e 2 showing detai ls now . Anyway, why not use the Bank's t hat suc[...]M L/D author- wou ld make C.S.B. depositors poten lar
Anxious to become fami liar with the secL1 11··[...]' u as a measur enormous figures. "PRESTIG -
Book.[...]s the list. Here the Rule of branches, do let us have ,fous ':"or_kmg[...]Jars. A ll ow us a breathing ewer circ1i-[...]sit over:- a e an practise what we are al d .[...]B EING an enthusiastic reader, I have[...]OVING PRESTIGE frustrated to a large extent by the arc a
According[...]systems still in use in the Bank Library. ht
appear in future as:- Customers' Interests[...]shelves and shelves of books covered . 1 5
You will observe that the second portion[...]. pro-
in the C/M, and will hasti ly conclude (you to the staff generally we consr1_doer interest age and handling but as time has 1
are busy, of course) that in future the I[[...]to obtain the goodw'll f
seemingly superfluous words "by appli- Ja •[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (199)[...]officers to discuss current affairs with a[...]M IGRA NT BUSINESS
The faults which could te most easily[...]ally that a custome r wishes to discours e at length OES the Bank want the custom and
move off the shelf.[...]goodwi ll of the New Austral ian?
(b) No classific ation of the fiction[...]their re- telling the new arrivals to make use of the[...]TED". lar to encoura ge these New Austral ians to
A formida ble list of faults is it not; but[...]open account s with this Bank, and to use[...]the Commo nwealth Bank for their oversea s
in the followi ng m[...]L MALE ATTIRE business .
(a) A large proport ion[...]When the intendin g new custom er (parti-
should be immedi ately weeded out[...]mall sum, say 6d. or
l /-, which will
books to be purchas ed .[...]a draft is refused . He is informe d that to[...]remit funds oversea s he must do it by the[...]a large measur e Welfare 's motto, '·Makin
be divided into[...]nk - certainl y not a good first
Humor ous, Western and Genera l[...]impress ion of the Commo nwealth Bank.[...]tropical areas be permitt ed to wear shorts,
separat e sections rather th[...]neck, without ties. and future busines s, surely some endeav our
(c) Natural ly[...]l. The Commo nwealth Bank is the onlv is prepa[...]he funds by Air-Ma il
new books which will be purchas ed,[...]t permitt ed to upon, cannot we do at least as well as the
plastic materia l with the dust cover wear shorts. They do, howeve r. wear trnding banks and agree to[...]compan ies and large mercha nt hnuse, -[...]staffs to wear shorts, and shirts[...]2 feet above their heads, and will[...]pearing , though it must be confess ed (Compl ete[...]are d there . ensure pressur e will not be applied for[...]obvious .)
book[...]soaked limp collar. is obvious ly by favour, not by efficien cy.
p[...]I do not argue that the wearer of the The Promot ions Appeal Board, we are told.
books home to[...]the staff have no faith in its operati ons. We[...]his tie-wea ring all know of the threat of a[...], in my opinion , are all well[...]or to look at
worth the effort involve d. Many will say 5. A good number of officers feel that We invite
that for the nomina l annual subs[...]move than to don shorts, claimin g the
If we are going to have a library. let it be[...]stated that the officers appoint ed were the[...]us. its officers, to be first with the ope[...]to weaken their prestige with the staff. It[...]of the Bank will not[...]It Want ed? wearing of shorts, or from the absence[...]few flowery words on odd occasio ns.[...]It would be well for the Bank for the[...]dent in Sydney Office for so
a nd through the wireless in various ways, to[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (200)[...]ntend to relegate themselves to Do Well in University Exam~ation\
they must be sure of fair treatment, and-[...]something that has been denied 50, or will the policy conveniently change would assu[...]th at vital stage? in Western Australia had attai~e · d sue the
We all remember the unfair advance-[...]who successfully completed the r~q~rts
we can expect these men to be given[...](University of W.A.) at the examma
A just resentment engenders hostility, tentions[...]certain words marked by dashes in the As such, they a[...]. published text. We would point out that
We believe our Governor is sincere in[...]were not complete" hardly app hes b!"shed[...]resent policy seems to ?C t~ limit are an abuse of "Free Speech" detrimental[...]instance since the results were pu 1
promotion in the general class1ficat10n to[...]privilege others value of being able As we here in Western Australia ern·
males under 40, and to male[...]honestly frankly and
all classified grades. This will result in fairly here.[...]bers of the staff as well as of th ose : that
The particulars deleted will be supplied
their work, and consequent loss of[...]" intended they should henceforth merit will be recognised reg
and business. be suppl[...]Just as a point of interest, and by wff,.[...]tration concerned with the matter raised,
May we ask if the Governor, the D epu ty upon reque[...]in Australia?[...]"WESTERNER"
"SECRECY A[...][We published the W.J\.. exa as we
It Makes One Cry[...]lt makes me want to cry, too.[...]however, was not ours. Th e answers[...]Mr. Milton, don't cry. universities in Australia. 70 were. ·ng 65
situation in which this Journal itself now Perhaps we were wrong in accepting the of Bank bursa[...]at~~dents,
stands as a result of the desire for "hush- doctrine that man and woman joined to- were studying either as C.R.T,S. :olarshiP
hush." gether in holy matrimony "are as one." Commonwealth Government Sc N'ne of
The January editorial warns us that But please do not grieve so. Ther[...]he staff only" and yet, in the of a banker weeping. Life is full of dis- on bursaries c[...]illusion. But, bear up, old man, do. Dear,[...]dear . . . . Ed.]
staff were welcomed as contributors to the were evening students, but eight ble them
journal! P[...]--o-- were granted part-time leave to ena
of policy, and u[...]n of the word a very happy impression amongst us all I According to an official surve[...]in t e
unfortunately inhabit the same dwelling as created a very favourable impressi[...]s) could be devised for these mterested because of his distinguished war service' thing[...]groups. well merits the honour. · heat and light, household necessities,[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (201)[...]it replaced.
at "The Glass House" Item's can be machined[...]the writer of it intended. In fact, as we[...]item in the bundle. Don't, however, be too impair his loyalty and effici[...]tration is out of touch with the customer literal by placing bands around one or[...]l band~ confidence in himself. He is thus unable to
t across the counter.[...]do himself justice, and his capabilities are
May I quote the following paragraph are re-used.
\rf[...]ted that all officers over the
ii! exclusively with academic consideration of[...]interviewed by a sympathetic and qualified
co[...]direct dealings with HEALTH SOCIETY SURPLUS[...]mentioned and that's not hay. This surely must cover[...]mer, solicitor, store- epidemics over the next twenty ye_ars. In
keeper, small factor[...]e reserves the ma;or pro-
are our customers at the majority of portion of refunds must have come from
branches; anct who[...]economy eampaign, it
"The Glass House Dwellers" aren't as start providing more r[...]der present schedules, rebates are fixed used for the "Slicka" feature could also[...]There
1:he final paragraph, if we may quote dentists. Must we run from doctor to are doubtless v[...]dentist to dentist, to find the better use and the saving of stationery and
'That is the case for the dwellers in "The cheap;st? That's what we are being allied articles. There springs into mind
Glass House." The defence rests, as they economically[...]r J 5/- a pop, and of the blotting paper lo use, the use of
. It is a pity the defence did[...]will be but a shadow of her former self, and be used followed by the caption "A Thought[...]when the coffers are over-full will a bonus from the Man Who Keeps Stationary".[...]the surplus funds?[...]--o-- tionery will send in their thoughts on the
pos[...]subject we shall gladly publish them.-Ed.][...]ION
to clear cheques deposited by customers.[...]F_or an efficient banking service, which we The answer to Question 5(a) of the Quiz
aim[...]that system Fowler's Modern Engli 'h Usage says that
Note is necessary for[...]there is nothing wrong with the use of the
balancing of these items. Also, it is prefer- However, our present system has now word[...]sorti ng this number of items at branches, well as defects are now inevitably being[...]tempt the shown up. The question is not that we [Fowler and the O.E.D. say "to"[...]t system and go wrong, but "from" now usual.-Ed.]
bank" cheques received up to 9.30 a.m. back to what we had before, but that we
must be machined, balanced, and at the shoul[...]particularly in respect of Re Brains-Brusher Problem: The ~olu-
Clearing House by 11.30 a.m. possible defect[...]by
machined in any case, it is as well to do benefits in a system based on senio[...]ns to
it to a system which is most useful to the which have been overlooked[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (202)[...]ur winds. A s far as our
department is concerned, we' ve just moved
again . We have really lost count of how
many times this has[...]"We decided to
past, but our visitors have now had to resort move by the
to the use of bloodhounds to track us down. numeral
Not that we mind moving around; on the system .[...]•
contrary, we would quite enjoy it if it
were not for all the nice people who poke
their heads in while we are in the middle
of packing a nd rem a rk : "Wha[...]ws ge ts around
when you a re moving. Even before we had
time to tell our best friends , we had all
sorts of people from all sorts of depart- A s the time drew nigh we began 1 .[...]o 01gan- We're only half way through the pin boW '
ments pegg[...]the bright boys replied.
va rious rooms.[...]~t
These were followed in turn by others.[...]We decided to move by the Num e.ral
who wi shed to d[...]ever heard of The night before we moved , bo th
they were going to put the aspidi stra and[...]11 we will . 1 explain. You put a nu m bo~r on
the inkwell they won in the egg-and-spoon th e art1[...]1 it; but we went to bed at peace w. h[...]At crack of da wn ~n irate voice asked us
the other mea sured. lt went something around until he comes to s pot[...]num ereJ
like thi s: "Size of room ?" "Twenty-one feet 211 ,793 . He puts down the grand[...]. We
Jong by . .. eh ... fourteen feet wide. " "Con-[...]something el se. • • , we wanted him to put t 11mgs.
te nts? " "One typi st[...]a p,an 1 tried to explain , but he told us to come
flap .. . ch . . . One typiste's chair 15[...]a lot more fun the th A s we wa I ked in the door o f the neWt
ankle 9L calf-[...]o er building, a wan , weary figure tottered ou ·
At this critical sta[...]I've spent ' the whole bla~e
th a t, you chaps, we 're not coming here For weeks before the great day we spent[...]o,1 thmgs. We gave the two juniors one floor" !
The premises we moved to had to be
practically pulled down and re[...]th1~g. T~'nD _dmmutes later they were back
a rchitect called to get our views on what[...]ag_am; ,, , you say to number every-
we wanted . Needless to say we decided[...]y asked. " Every single thing "
to ask for wh a t we thought we would like, we said , firmly and sternly . '[...]or a List of Duties
taking into consideration how we might ex-[...]They disappeared, and we looked a t one
pand.[...]o us[...]u sed to b~ when we were young. " "No.
will find the tra velling excessive?"[...]new method of classification of fernale
We stared at him; so he went on:[...]for a thou sand more tickets. After a week
where you could get enough land for all we began to wonder.[...]"Haven't you finished th a t room yet ," we[...]e in the safes, and then turn key ,n
After that we left it to him , and strange asked finally. "You've alre ady used
to say we found he knew even more about 444,444 t[...]origin of hard-pressed tellers· ·
building than we did . "Finished it, why we' ve hardly started.[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (203)[...]Personal and Missing
Friends ' column, we have plca-[...]t
Yes, Slicka has received a letter from we find the greatest number of mbtakcs.
London, and we reproduce the text here- ln writing to[...]articles in the May, "Sliclw's" dubious rPlative.
August and September issues of "Cur-
or centuries and[...]However, if there is a special place to
Guild of First[...]Office of the Commonw ealth Bank which we consign officers responsibl e for
The letter i[...]varied errors and such omissions, what will we do with those
e/o Dr. H . C. Coombs. Australia" , and omissions in transaction s initiated by Aus- officers who allow their branch to r[...]sue the drafts
\ am P.O. Quicka-Sli cka, and you must be my boy, not good enough![...]t enough for
Slicka, of whom J last heard when he went[...]ily not in any way accur:ife so far as the customer is concerned . that speak it aloud les[...]any number of properly- branches in Australia have sent an advice
Shorttes - a daughter o[...]hardly great proportion of remittance s from Aus- Australian amount.
face my fellow First-Popp ers![...]agent bank on the Continent, whereas the
However, he quickly realised the dis- tances each year from Australia and if all
grace he had brought to our name[...]ndon. As you know, many
Profession . and fled to Australia with you can be eradicated it will be to the advantage
- your mother having abandon[...]imbursed by London on receipt of advice
cause you insisted upon having your food Bank's customers. After all , it is the custo-
Weighed.[...]rrect agent on the advice form pro-
l know it will be a shock to you. my[...]t in my first letter to you
l say, on balance) it will be a comfort to around drafts, and it has b[...]but l know your instruction al soul
served the cause of accuracy. In fact, dear[...]Lon- so you can pass them on in your famous
Slicka - who went to Venice to act as
an assessor when Shylock so[...]what dangerous weapons to let loose on Lf I make a suggestion ,there are two
cunces of flesh (or was it twelve?).[...]s l would like to see you in till into
So you will realise how pleased L am to your followers :-
dbcovcr that you have made your profes- that there will a lways be cases in which it[...]Ensure that particulars shown on
wea lth Bank of Australia - A fine bank, You will no doubt want me to describe[...]ts and advices are
the. Commonw ealth Bank; very well thought identical (it is much the best to make
of_ 111 The City, my boy, very well thought l speak. One of the most frequent, a[...]l am sure there must be a special corn~r bility that the two documents will[...]- you can With these remarks. my boy, l must[...]have ho.,oured a draft issued in Australia But please keep them out o[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (204)[...]banking legislation. and l 952 by Australian Savings Banks
Policy decisions on method of trans- were as follows:
forming the General Banking Divisio[...]1932 1952
the ComJ11onwealth Trading Bank will be C.S.B. 58.57°/c 63[...]9 '/c 25.15 %
advice coming forward from various com- S.B. of S.A. 9.82'/o 9[...]held by us was as follows:
* * *[...]S I wnte
Pasture Improvement: Usually the bor- S. Australia J% 9% 22% . fore
1 ower approaches the lender for a loan, so Tasma[...]the Bank-the settm~ u~ to be
scheme to assist customers to finance rng signs that Oversea[...]improvement programmes. ships for young industrialists and Trade General Bank[...]vances Union leaders sponsored by l.F.D. will
totalling about £15,000 have been approved benefit Australian industry. also for the appointme?t 0 ~:nk in
for selected customers in the New England[...]Leading industrialists have gathered in
district. The funds are to be used for a[...]nt Secretary of the It will be our aun °[...]and minimum of inconvenience 0will
Agriculture, and repayment is to be depen-[...]at least create ad d1 10~ f n env1s
improvement justifies itself by increased findings on overs[...]ental and although it is hoped later of th e Australian Boot Trade Employees'
to widen its scope w[...]Bank will remain[...]pletion of
production, at this stage further borrowers his overseas research also acclaimed the[...]. responsibility upon us. nc by wh•[...]and 111 the conclusions drawn from his[...]we will abide by it honoura u 'notes[...]We will be sending yo of the
Officers' Homes: In "Free S[...]dies. help customers or me mbers
whether, if an officer were transferred and
the sale price of his home fina[...]Above all remember , welfare
the Officers' Homes Advances Scheme was[...]nd· semi- concern for the customers
sufficient only to clear the advance, the[...]number of semi-government public •al
will be appreciated that it would not be various bodies were able to raise in total per year was Jess t[...]128m. set for this year 20 such flotations were made anb en
policy for a matter such as this; a[...]reated an even more this year to date the market has
furthermore, it would be in the interests[...]other commit- 28 loans for many of which we have e
as an individual one, and considered[...]avings Bank has been doing the issuing house.
specially in the light of all circumstan[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (205)[...]ments will supplement the course at Kirri- economic[...]i School designed for all prospective of business confidence. Such a meeting[...]_These mee tings arc useful in maintaining[...]ral Bank, the General Bank and the tion between our economists and their[...]by the Commonwealth from time to time. Balance of Payments and Banking were[...]Fund has also been charged with manage- useful to learn what ideas the banks'[...]the Commonwealth Treasurer (Chairman), forecasts of[...]Justice of the High Court, the Governor of
the Commonwealth Bank, the Solicitor-[...]The Commission uses the available funds out and getting it back was just about as[...]ment securities in Australia, London and However, modern trends, decentralisation[...]from Commonwealth and State contribu- Proof copies will hortly be submitted[...]The contributions due by the Common- We gather that amendments will follow
wealth Government to the Fund are reduced t[...]Thus our connection with the Fund i~ there[...]* at least twice weekly. Supporters of this[...]Hire-Purchase is "Big Business": So far thought that no-one in A[...]two previous years. ably reveals[...]the first nine weeks of 1953 we approved cases co-operation not only between
.._ GOV BRNO R.[...]ly Administrative Departments but between[...]n has, in this short final effort, there will always be someone
a short while in each ad[...]of essential industrial and agricultural
By meeting and discussing with officers ln other words, we can never win, unless[...]when you receive your next bi-weekly
management, especially from the adminis-
tr?tive angle, we feel that the managers *[...]he unfortunates who, as likely as not, have
will be much better equipped to undertake Co-opera[...]into adminstrative require- pnvate banks, to discuss banking, current Circular.[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (206)[...]st that is regretted that, because of the ney, was a more or less iso[...]not been possible to provide answers to bution to the several States w[...]and the total stock was brought to SydneY,
ANSWER:-This matter has been con-
we would like, and we crave your some of which eve[...]d from time to time, and was the sub-
ject of discussion at the Savings Bank Con- patience.[...]e last year, when a recommendation We should also be grateful if con-[...]able to decentralise distribution to re-
fine the use of the form to amounts in T~1s will enable prompter replies to be
excess of £ 100 and branches will be ad-[...]to practical questions dealing wit'., however, this decentralisation has not been
vised in t[...]dinary course considered warranted because of the rel~-[...]other States. However, the matter will be
B.I. 1622[...]MELBOURNE:- We have been m~de fuil . Pert[...]Of s ta t JOnery b . e use pnces plus freight. _However, a proport106_
hand-posted ledger accounts, in terms of ecause of mcreasin cost<
so were amazed to_ find the nam: of a-,~~i of_ Western Australian requiremen_ts is .0
B.I.1622 (c), 1 sugges[...]s aS10nery freight) less than the Western Austrahan
tinctive ink immediately below the balance[...]iod of the authorisation. We think that the printing and ·
D[...]C.S.B. 243
the face of the ledger sheet as well as in have been supplied from stor · Mo[...]re. Y form CSB 243 is not used in this office,
ANSWER:-Your suggestion is a good
one and will be adopted. . How? is[...]ght! - Department advises that it does not use _or
--o-- lowe1 than a W.A. printing firm would th y require it. We suggest that it would provi?e[...]an 10m "Th e _above twenty amounts[...]ANS~ER:- We are endeavouring t.::i author[...]then be signe
February issue of "Currency" an answer was
given that it is necessary for the chairman make this econonmy campaign "f . d"[...]·1 . f air 111- ANSWER:-We thank you for the sug-
to initial against the deletion of clauses not 1m , . an I is or this reason that we
required in paragraph l of authority form[...]ies or suggestions gestion, which will be incorporated in th e
C.B.20 (Letter authorising signatures - which will contribute to the success of th fo[...]ngly large ran e
authorities without initials, as we have not of stores and stationery at the b t[...]_g VARIOUS
considered this to be an alteration. 1 can !11 . us! ,d·a '~:band to arrange the most econ-
see that where the clause "There are no om1ca 1stll ut1on of eve[...]posted, I would like to make a few sugges-
likely. Could not this requirement[...]tion:--- the. lowest quote (consistent with
quality) being accept_ed. It is a well known Could not the duplicates of letters ad-
ANSWER:- In cases where there are no[...]dressed to customers be initialled by th e
rules it would genera[...]of such letters and t~e
ever, where this would cause inconvenience, ther~fore 1f . s_upplies were obtained ''In[...]letters be entered in the postage book 111
we are prepared to leave the matter to the[...]gards postage cash an examiner or senioi
We agree that in the other cases initials[...]ith the number of letters to be
R.J.L.:-See answer to G .P. above. 1 eferred to,[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (207)[...]SPECIAL CROSSING
as numerous other dutic.; to perform. effect, f[...]D.G.:-We show hereunder a facsimile
Domiciling: As Gene[...]well known city hrm on cheques lodged to
pressed upo[...]their credit-
customers, need they be domiciled with the[...]rticular Yorston and t"Ortesc uz s Australian Mer-
ANSWERS:- Postage Regist2r - This[...]ted prior to the provided they are in the usual_ cour ·e or DA VJD JONES LTD.
d_espatch of Circular No. 1552, and we con- business. Jt aiso states that · If 1t has been
sider that any saving would be out-weighed agreed between the partners that any re-[...]be pe:·- strictions be placed upon the power of any Martin Place, Sydney[...]--aw and. Pr,n- acceptable in lieu of the usual bank stamp.
tion of selection of any particula[...]s-page 97-states: Any l1m1tat1on ANSWER:-C apital Offices arrange for
not a subject whic[...]uthority of_ the pa~tners certain selected customers who deposit large
factorily in the limited sr:,ace available in must be made known to third parties if numb[...]ions. The special stamps, however, must con-
ACCOUNTABLE FORMS[...]f managership Bank it would appear that we would be the banks.
Occurs, is it nece[...]of the arrangements
manager, when he is not the custodian of authorities signed in accordan[...]which has already been authorised by all
111 Australian currency held in the treasury partne[...]signature on On a number of occasions we have been
the special cash count sheet sufficient[...]ll_ parties
Similarly, when the accountant is cus- signing periodical payment authorities[...]PRESENTING
todian of accountable forms and joint cus- other banks do not. J should be pleased[...]us with the answer "Pre ent Again", they
in words and figures in the Accountable ANSWER:- The test of a partner's are somet[...]as the other banks often repeat
ant occurs, for Australian travellers' the same answer each day. Should a fee[...]eques? business in the usual way. The Bank would as per Instruction Cl 1 6122 be charged
ANSWERS:- !. Th'.! officers exercising not nor[...]ond the first re-
control of the Treawry are the custodians position of having to decide in a[...]se whether a practice is in accordance We usually do not hear from our cus-
any change of Treasury key-holders, the in- with the usual course of business, and tomer for some time after sen[...]of requiring all dishonour notice, and so we would not have
travellers' cheques and sign for t[...]the cheque. Anyway, if he were aware of
gister.[...]xt, they arc misleading when read ANSWER:- When a cheque is returned
able, it is preferre[...]tify a limitation of authority arises only answer "Present Again", our customer
given on any change of custodians. when it would otherwise a[...]o be produced for continue until final answer is obtaioed,
R.L.D .:-Authoritie s Periodical Payments perusal where authority C.B.18 is not signed the customer's instructions hould indicate
-C/I 131 41 (b[...]ied out MIGRANTS
Other banh will accept periodical pay- by the Bank shou[...]e.g., in a firm In the circumstances we do not propose should they be requested to[...]strict observance is likely to cause friction ANSWER:-Y cs.
on the account; other banks will accept the[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (208)[...]duty, but not Vic- out of stock.
ANSWER:-The forms to which you torian stamp duty. What action, if any,
refer were a batch of deposit slips inadver- should hav[...]ANSWER:-The cheque complied with V.B.:[...]Bonds and Savings Certificates we\
I suggest that all accounts of th_e same[...]fa st as an officer who is a specia is
ANSWER:-Although we have discon- EXCHANGE ON H.P[...]:-Should the charge of half rates ANSWER:-This suggestion has es and
and on cash sheets,[...]s are drawn on country bran~hes of
In any case we do not thmk there 1s any other banks where we are not represented? -[...]ent practice. ANSWER:-ln retail hire-purchase trans-[...]notes are payable at a point where we are C .S.0.- 0ld recor d s s~.a t e "Gove[...]not represented, so that we are not out of be kept 1O years, B[...]S.O. is "Branch , Gover-
R.C.B.:-Safe Custody Packets-We seal banks from the proceeds of the promissory now makes decisions more than ~bel o-years
with wax and the customer g?es t~rough notes concerned.[...]nor, should he not be raised to t e
the usual rigmarole of scratching his v.:ay[...]ANSWER:-"Governor. .a nd nature and
ls it all right for[...]STATIONERY tions will be amended to clarify t e
It appears just as effective, and the cus- R.J.:-At this branch it has been the[...]-o--
tomers would be just as happy. . .
ANSWER:-There is no obJect1on to tionery Requisitions, to show either a
gummed signature slips being us~d to seal number or a dash against every item. Whilst ACCOUNTABLE FORMS
Safe Custody lodgments_, prov_1ded such this may b[...]lved, to say nothing of the At change of Custodian? ential to
-[...]of typewriter ribbons. ANSWER:-Whilst it is not e;s tock on[...]ANSWER:-The practice of showing hand aft[...]t half-yearly venficat1on an . g down
J p •-Suspense A/c. Interest on Com-
mo~~~alth Loan Bonds-i[...]of custodian it is necess~r~ to_ bn~oloured[...]the check or the incommg cus 0
each bondholder. Total of these B. & S.[...]ere any benefit to be derived fr~ed to the
. ANSWER:-B . & S. C/1 No. ara The general procedure at branches has the clause "This form to be forw~r attached"
121 reads:-"If[...]the headmg of For
Withheld interest o/a Safe Custo_dy bond and duplicate, and this does not app[...]ecessary. Confusion to Agents and delay
holdings at Registries and[...]hes in addition to bemg credited to ANSWER:-lt is essential that Stores of stores are sometimes caused. plied bY
"Suspens~ Account Interest on Commoi:i- Depar[...]equired, as this is their only means ANSWER:-There has not despatch
Any bran[...]ry to Agencies f_rom on c.s.B-
quisitioned in the usual manner. etc.[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (209)[...]However, in the near future, it is in-
C T.B.C.: -Circul ar Instruction Books- - ANSWE R:-The method of conduct ing tended[...]or immedi- under review and branche s will be advised warded direct to another bran[...]ding any change of procedu re. form will enable the remittan ce advice and
e erred unti[...]Under the new procedu re we feel that
Print-sa me job done twice.[...]no time would be saved it your suggestion
ANSWE R:-Whe n the new Rule Book W.D.:-G encral Bank Statements C.B. were adopted . Moreove r, the crediting of
was issue[...]uc tion of General Bank the items to Suspense Account Branches
to be forward ed with each[...]for the Manage r
In the majority of cases, however, this Howeve r, a branch in Western Australi a or Accoun tant al that point to auth[...]sted to an ac- Under the circumst ances we consider
improve ments immediately, so t[...]ledger sheet. present system, which is well known and
(b) Quite often when a new syste[...]pages to be re-printed twice. (d) Custome r's waiting time is reduced[...]ANSWE R:-Tha nk you for your in-
N.M.:- As no excha[...]opinion a great deal of time is wasted in
between banks for clearanc e of cheques, d[...]o- count , and that he signs the N.J.D. 11
we are not represen ted and lodged by[...]put forward at the Capital Office Con-
ANSWE R:-Yes. Althoug h paymen t of
exchange to other[...]was decided
tinued by branche s, a periodical adjustm ent[...]ounting at Capital Offices notes ot
between banks is made (C/M 3452, para[...]C. B. 11 shows space for custome r's signa-
s~o~ld absolve parties concern e[...]P/ M WARRANTS each week?[...]re to be protecto graphed ? both the custome r and the account ant are ally admitted to be confusing. The adop-
Is the postmas ter classed as one of the to sign debits to the custome rs' accounts tion of a system of num[...]ge. that in use for C.S.B., but perhaps using
l suggest that the protecto graphing of such[...]debit when it is not signed by the custome r sideration.
ANSW ER:-It is not[...]t difficulty has been stated to
the limiting clause referred to in C/I 11 /3[...]such a desirable procedu re were adopted.[...]hievem ents. The odd oured (C/ I 16/ J 2) were dealt with in a
Agent who commits an offence is usually[...]nou rs to other banks with reprinted pages using new numbers
detected in some other manner,[...]to owning branch, and credited to Suspense being quickly made. Officers could[...]ount Branches awaiting C/N through make further alter:itions as time permitte d.
T[...]Office. ANSWE R:-Jt is apprecia ted that the
to ledger searching, method of despatch ANSWE R:-Tha nk you for your sugges- prese[...]unclaim ed correspo ndence tion, which we have carefully considered. unsatisfact[...]pply. We agree that it is desirabl e to have[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (210)[...]AD-SC-2

question will not be pursue~, howe_ver, until be supplied, could not bulk A4's b[...]the amendments and notations, . a,·effiwe tois
the full implications of the 1mpendmg bank-[...]ANSWER:-The Exchange Control has[...]for some time been seized with the need
perusal of the existing approved advance of al[...]ubject from the staff training college at sustenance remittances. However, it should to other books in the office.[...]reciated that, quite apart from the ANSWER:-Provided a responsi AgencY
notes are well compiled, and should give Exchange Con[...]gn Exchange) Regulations in
the subject, and also make the requirements Australia, this country, as a member of shou[...]he number of instruction boo urate
ANSWER:-Consideration has been to its fellow constituent countries, as well tained by branches should be comrentooks[...]only with requirements, and surp us
given in the past to the_ preparation of[...]We have decided reservatwns . to
but thi[...]under continuous review, but in the case whether Circular lnstruct1?ns the re·
because of the special requll'ements m van-[...]Securities would satisfactorily meet S curitY
ous States (particularly as regards secur!ty
document[...]ocedure in the Officers; but, in any case, we wouf Branch
volved in the maintenance of yet anot[...]book would be very limited. . . to it, we were asked to continue with exist-
One of the pri[...]ning College is to supplement_ the A serious objection to the use of ACKNOWLEDGING BILLS[...]the actions at the time of approval in Australia, A.J.H.:-Acknowleclgment Of "Usanc~[...]1 5 are
staff generally will be widened. by pract1c~l whereas the require[...]n actual payments are made Although a "usance bill" is one .0 ~d e.g.,
primarily on practic[...]ma1_nly tion that composite forms C.B. 59 were is loosely applied to any bill ot ~is[...]separately they are where the volume of sustenance remittance~ be the reason why some b[...]ve only limited valu_e, _and warranted their use. These forms permit questing acknowledg[...]s A. I and A.4 in one opera- in lieu _of "usance", as the non-reii~t with
held by members of t[...]nch of a 10 the
course of time this number will_ mcrease --o- a fixed due date, could cause loss
to the extent where all _those mt~rested[...]C.B. 23A ANSWER:-Although your _definiti~ment[...]·. 11 0

peruse the notes held by their fellow officers, J.C.:-Scheclulcs of Bills-Is it necessary a "usance bill" is not entll'ely 111 agreh in·
wro, we nre sure, will be only too pleased for Schedules of Bill[...]with reference books peruse d , it ..•s t know·[...]e
to make them available. branch[...]point); or are they on the same basis as we agree that the Circular Instruction
SUSTENANCE REMITTANCES Credit[...]re neither? . Howev_er, as bill work at mos! ttwhere
For sustenance and similar purpose rem~t- ANSWER:-Schedule of Bills (C.B. 23A) 15 neghg1[...]it~ls mu_st be flooded with_ branch stamp. However, evidence of check, .[...]the checking officer's initials. would the term we do not propose to amen
much use to them, parllcularly the c_om- be expe[...]e. kept under
posite A I's, which cannot be used by C:1p:- routine.[...]Your suggestion will be next reprint
tals to check whether Branches_[...]ADVERTISING
London Office must be in a worse pos1~ checked by a second[...]. • g space
tion in respect to the tremendous flood ot 3212 makes no mention of this. J.E.F.:-[...]facilities,
England. If A4's or somethmg similar must only one officer as being responsible for By using this medium, cheque could[...]housing loans, traveller's cheques. etc.,[...]

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (211)[...]L.C.H.:-As the Bank has installed
. ANSWER:-Than k you for the sugges- machine p[...]ave in mind an enclosure built partly
tion, which will be considered when the branches, why no[...]Quite a number of country people will[...]done by male officers who, because of a if they do so, are most uncomfort[...]f interest in a position with _no fu_ture ANSWER:-ln the larger and more im-
vides inter alia:-"D[...]xperience, are 111effic1ent. portant branches we have not only pro-
balance totals of each stateme[...]be in agreement with those of the is seriously impeded. but for ot[...]Furthermore, since the Bank has b~en as well. This is being done in conjunction
Quite fr[...]h alterations and additions as they take
sheet is used when posting one division- recent month[...]t and final balance totals for each in- ANSWER:-The Bank is anxious to ducted in the Manager's office[...]tion (in this case Private are in ~peration we are appointing female However, should there be any branch at
Accounts A-L)?[...]be advised, when the requirements can be
ANSWER:-At branches where the work shoul[...]ir normal duties.
ha~ proved that it is advantageous to[...]age person the Central Bank is a n_,ys!ery. us, but the signature in the margin is
are not made immediately, and valu- Even well educated business men 111d1cate "Smith Jones & Brown,[...]stions tha_t they know little of (i) Are we completely protected by
day.[...]ANSWERS: (i) No-we are not pro-[...]the street, so that
Which is recognised as strenuous and a[...]tained. (ii) Yes-provided the above veri-
ANSWER:-Whc re machine work is con-[...]fication is carried out.
!inuous throughout the whole day, which reads in[...], the staff work in broken periods, ANSWER:-Artic les published in past
two hours on and tw[...]ssues or "Currency" have described in a
duties. However, in ledger-posting work. general way t[...]machining is only 11ndert:iken by the Commonwealth Bank, it is unnecessary to file re[...]ance of the day. Every endeavour is discuss the subject and to answer such This would frequently overcom[...]Nevertheless, we agree that there might covered by the inde[...]Y" COMMITTEE, C.S.B. suggestion will be given further considera-
MELBOUR E:-Form C.S.[...]ANSWER:-ln the current revision of[...]provide that it will not be necessary to
print. We suggest that the form should[...]ed
provide such a space when next reprinted.
ANSWER:-The quoting of the final A.C.:[...]eprinted accountant in a branch, so that customers receipts are obtained from o[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (212)[...]CHEQUES C'WEALTH LOANS way, and what[...]st errors occurring in cheques are to Commonwealth Loans, may I suggest rency".
due to carelessness, or sometimes ignorance, that the customary letter forwarded to staff ANSWER:-The procedure set out in In-
it would be advantageous if we issued a on leave in connection with the[...]17 has now been amended
pro-forma cheque showing just how we cease.[...]out. I sub- Publicity given to all Commonwealth and both methods are correct. The[...]scribing could write for any particulars be used for authentication of passbook
would be:-[...]entries. These items will be passed through
1. A general standardisation of cheques. ANSWER:-We thank you for your sug- Working Acco[...]the machinist's part. 1n future, branches will be asked to[...]and who it is known usually subscribe to
3. Less returned cheques.[...]ngs Bank)
placed in with cheques returned to our cus-[...]mation-I agree with passing withdrawals must see that signature
Also, these loose forms could be issued the answer to "E.S.Y." ("Currency", Febru- slips and authorities are accepted by the
to customers opening new accounts who ary, page 19), in that the practice of for- Manager.
obviously do not fully understand current warding[...]s, resignation&, and
banking practices-e.g., New Australians. view would not be altogether sat[...]re authentic.
pro-forma cheques be issued to new cus-[...]rs with the passbook. However, the duplication of work en- of preserving indefinitely at each branch a
ANSWER:-The question of educating tailed in[...]ion record of the names and specimen signa-
customers to draw their cheques neatly and cont[...]ration by merely recording the interview thus: ANSWER:-There is merit in the sug-
the Bank for some ti[...]It has now been decided to issue new viewed in terms of letter to C.S.O. (etc.) of record is warranted. Where an officer is in
customers with a booklet which will out- even date". Any other information i[...]the Manager, and consideration and However the matter will be the subject[...]A.G.:-Re C/I 10/3-1 maintain that ANSWER:-Thank you for your letter.
diarising the date o[...]"CURRENCY" COMMITTEE, C.S.B,
credit is superfluous, as all outstanding to do so, there is no[...]can be readily determined gestion being followed. printed, we suggest the central portion of
from the register[...]the form be omitted, as in specimen at-
ANSWER:-Existing instructions do not[...]tion is not used.
to be specially diarised. However, where R & P SHEETS ANSWERi-The suggestion has merit,
it may suit the offic[...]and will be adopted when the form is re-[...]to General Bank for various purposes; the "MR." OR INITIALS?[...]leave his plate in position during business[...]ial the draft requisition, fixed-deposit Customers occasionally wish to refer t?
dates would b[...]a specific teller for various reasons, and it[...]were able to glance at his box and ascer-
ANSWERi-Existing requirements in re- dence tha[...]y reason I have been given f~r
advices, for which we thank you, will be passed to General Bank teller[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (213)[...]t ed on an accoun t which
trate on handlin g his custom ers. able amoun t of unpro[...]As these transac tions are quite numero us.
h After observ ing other banks and business by the receiving branch .[...]and some branch es overlo ok the instruc tion
thouscs who adopt this princip al, I believe[...]custom er, as the case may be, that clear-[...]tions have been previously submit ted by
t' ANSW ER:-T hank you for your[...]icers and arc at presen t under con- ance will be delayed, would it not be pre-
ion. The view is held howev er, that the Signatu[...]...... ...... .. Branch
te~l n1;cessary for custom ers to ascerta in the[...]eque (hereu nder
wo~ld be very infrequ ent. The use of the[...]form when withdr awing from We forwar d you this notice in order[...]officers
bates that unclaim ed corresp ondenc e will[...]relax C/ I 17 /36 which
sponde nce filed, what useful purpos e is "NICK ":-Tel epho[...]in those
served by record ing in the Registe r? We Parker of Staff Depart ment for an answer to cases when a cheque is present ed fo[...]e ''TAYLOR SQUA RE":-P lease let us In the near future branch es will be
1' entered in the Letters Receiv ed Registe[...]f the unclaim ed corresp ondenc e is makes it unsuita ble for publica tion.[...]were to be verified by the examin er to the[...]Tel!er Sheet, and butts were to be initialled time at branch es in pr[...]rary Signing Office rs-It is ('/J 11 / l makes no referen ce to this check. and Sub-Tr ea[...]d in terms plied. This form could also be used for
A_ vast quantit y of forms CB 140 arc[...]duplica te machin e lists for the various banks
llsea. by tempor ary signing officers, an[...]which provid es that the officer A 'SWER :-Simi lar suggestions have
15 invo_lved[...]presen t system. signing the draft must ensure that the credit been received fro[...]held must the clause shown in C/1 12/2b
_Small wax signatu re s[...]"SCIE NCE" -Woul d you plea,.e let us[...]funds have your name and addres s so that we
In most cases there would be ample time[...]author ity is held, the relative clause need
genera lly known well in advanc e when a not be signed[...]question.
tempor ary signing officer will be require d.[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (214)[...]the principle of g:ving the ANSWER:-It was considered that offict[...]of the First Schedule (i.e. the trading
banks in Australia) shall not, except with
V devil his due, we would to have the assurance that the f[...]e Common- the background to the answer
wealth Bank, purchase or subscribe to:-[...]More often th'.J°
(a) securities of the Commonwealth or[...]Questions and E"ugges- not authorise us to disclose their 1dendt_iffity'.
of a State or of any authority of the tions.
Commonwealth or of a State;[...]securities of any local governing body
in Australia; or[...]tary Ernest which the suggestion is answered 1s all th a
in Australia. Eyer's men went to consider
Penalty: One thousand pounds."[...]every aspect at this end
2. What was the previous procedure?[...]of what he proposed, "See's" wrote
ANSWERS: When banks subscribe to a off a[...]lifying period of 21 days. When
securities on the market, the transactions viting its submissio[...]ly without The chaps in London then went day's Special Leave on the Saturday[...]annual leave of 21 days,
ing system. This is because most of the wrote back a well-considered reply does the relieving of[...]n of credit' similar to now gets his answer. counted?
that which resul[...]case, this is not untypical of the ANSWER:-As the officer has perfor~ed
2. Section 28 c[...]ural aspects of
obtain permission from the Commonwealth a singl·e question. Some depart[...]nt ad- C.S.B.H. 12 (Remitting Warrant, Housing
nature "marked" by the child in the pres-[...]Loans), the headings in the lower part of[...]to the remitting branch.
ANSWER: If the child cannot write, the Would[...](It is now usually ignored by initiating[...]ity? ?ranches,. and this does not appear to cause
--o--[...]ANSWER: In most cases, cancellation counts are[...]ceipt form C.B. 100, the butt of form
only partly used could be taken further, in his favour t[...]B. 7b, or the repayment book, and p~r-
and red be used for branch correspondence ;laim either d[...]ticulars of deposits at agencies being copied
as well as black, and, black only for other assign[...]s. from the vouchers.
correspondence, thus equalising _use of t~e
red and black, with resultant mcrease 111[...]e present practice
the life of the ribbons.
ANSWER:-We presume your s~gges-[...]numbering the forms and binding t~ell1
tion is to use the red portion of the nbbon[...]ACCEPTED SUGGESTION cause of needless expense which should be.
for inter-branch correspondence. . .
We would prefer, however, where_ 1t 1s B.A.A.:,- Referring to[...]1953, when suggestions are adopted by ANSWER:-It has been decided to adopt
used in terms of C/M. No. 9152 still wears Administration, why is not the name of your suggestions, for which we thank you.
out before the red, that the latter co[...]icer responsible submitted to Staff Branches will be advised of the new pro-
used for internal office memos, Manager s[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (215)[...]tion to requesting depositors who present
he use of promissory notes for hire-pur-[...]ney-boxes to open 1 uture ont:s them-
ase .. busines_s,_ when other finance hous~~ (ii) In many cases, although the favoure[...]in fact required to be paid to an
ANSWER: -Tbe procedure adopted by[...]he whole of the opened box is
finance houses of taking authorities to (iii) London Office makes no charge for surrendered ?
e it bank[...]applied many tellers. an annoyance to other cus-
17f ~romissory note system presents the[...]kept the name
e procedure of other finance houses:- of the bank before benefi[...]bas resulted in new business from and a possible temptation to so[...]r the reason that when a There woufd, however, be compensating
init[...]s in having direct mail transfer presented were the genuine savings of
hiring is[...]and the thrifty, there would be
which will fall due over the hiring facilities with[...]We appreciate the interest that has formed[...]. However, a big percentage of boxes con-
aut[...]s for electricity, gas and tele-
cedure were fo11owed it would be[...]onth, with W.N.R.H.: -1 refer to the answer to If only a few depositors compli[...]to prepare a voucher for remittance will be rather lonely when intersorted next sui[...]June. Is this Instruction to be amended? well known slogan "Help us to help you."
alls due.[...]855)? ANSWER: Depositors are likely to resent
(c) Upon dishonour of an instalment, the ANSWER: -Yes. We mention that being asked to open[...]le the coin satisfactorily for
hnance houses' system, it is necessary[...]lodgment.
to constantly peruse accounts to as- --o--[...]to ensure that other customers arc not[...]INTEREST S/C BONDS
ages far outweigh the disadvant~ges. signing officer. S.E.C.J.~-Suspense A/c Interest on Com-[...]Could not the Rural Bank be approached monwealth Loan Bonds: lf subsidiary[...]orised signing officer?" above account, it will simplify the monthly[...]verification of outstanding items. It will
STERLING M/T's.[...]ts. Items on U.K. and lre- of the custodian of accountable forms when special binder in alphabetical order and
t~nd, however, are still to be forwarded uniss[...]method of remitting appears ANSWER:- lnstruction No. 64 will be a/ c); last recorded address (if a[...]B. 208 direct (on points other than Used books of Forms A.H.D. 15 arc to clea[...]nder control for convenient reference ANSWER: ·B. & S. C/1 No. 1 Para. 121
cases of this nat[...]reads: "If entries are numerous, Branches
could contact beneficiary more easily.[...]o-- inte1:est_ o/a Safe Cus_tody bond holdings at
to i_ssue C.B. 208, could n[...]Account Interest on Commonwe alth Loan
Work at capital and London would be[...]ur clients would have a more of many Australian coins appear the letters Interest Hel[...]if entries warrant it may adopt the system,
A SWER:-Af ter reference to London[...]as been decided not to proceed ANSWER: See "A Further Note on[...]Coins" in March issue. usual manner.
with the establishme nt of dire[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (216)[...]" "URING March we were privileg_e? to the Governor in the cour[...]..,- welcome to the Bank four vmtors tour to make contact with his great bank's[...]who came to us from Egypt with a United Foreign Exchange Markets in several coun-[...]etary and credit policies of the cen_tral He will spend about eight weeks on the[...]lnnd, 6 to 8 weeks in Canada and the[...]ry page 1) Before coming to Australia he spent a[...]ersity Results Last month we mentioned that, at the Development in Wash[...]twelve months.[...]1952 Training Programme, and for nine
and we heartily congratulate the following Edg[...]e, who qualified for the Mr. E. C. Fussell, selected Mr. Gilbert Bank to the Tenn[...]ree of Bachelor of Commerce. Mr. Wilson, the Deputy Chief Cashier of the Knoxvi[...]en by him last year. Mr. Wilson, accompanied by his wife, York.
Anot[...]ort penod visited Eastern Canada, and industrial and
Artarmon branch. Mr. Clissold was study- between flights to compare notes with out agricultural areas in mid-western U.S.A.
ing in the Faculty of Economics at th[...]reign exchange and exchange control.
Mr. P. C. Wilson, of Barrack Street
Sydney branch is another of[...]at Melbourne Office
Economics. Mr. Wilson was studying under
0 ne of the Bank's bursarie[...]Australia in 1951 for the gathermg of[...]United Kingdom into rural and rndustnal In order that he may maintain a c[...]. liaison with the various fields of commer-
sometimes lasts forever.
At the conclusion of the term of his cial practice, it[...]ates happiness in the home, fost<>r
9oodw,II ;,. business, and is the countersign of bursary, Mr. Walls will work for his bank Donovan shall spend a p[...]overseas. He will return home by way of months attached to each of various com-[...]mercial institutions.
It brings re$! to the weary, cheer to the dis • North America early next[...]studied the operations of our own Indus- to arrange for the Professor to spend[...]to-day business.
C.11 .0[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (217)[...]prosperous future to:-
Sutton, D. R., Redfern; Summer Hill.[...]Carswell, Miss H. M., Merredin.
Tower, J. A., Belmore; Alexandria.
Twartz, J. A., C.S.[...]C
Veale, P. M., Perth; William St., Perth.[...]AI Ian R. B. D., Metropolitan Markets, Evans, N. C., Manly.
Walmsley, R. J.[...]e, son. Gwynne, J. H., Sydney.
Westmore, G. J., Bendigo; Kyabram. Ca[...]Keen, N. J., Relieving Staff, N.S.W.
Black well, L. C. ri., Manager, Toowoomba. Earnshaw[...]Lehane, F. M., Hurstville, son.
Westcott, Charles, Sydney, 18/ 4/ 53.[...]m, D. S. B.. Georg.:: St., Bris. son. Van Leeuwen, Miss J. B.. Note Issue

IT[...]Moffatt, W. J ., Newtown, daughter. Wells, Miss S. V., Administrative.
Is our sad du[...]Mulholland, Jack, Haymarket. daughter. Wilson, Miss Ann, Brisbane.
the following colleague[...]Northcott, J. C. G., Haymarket, daughter.[...]t, D. E., Lockhart, <on.
Her reply was to send us a cheque drawn on Turk, G. C., Sydney. daught[...]sbane, son.
applied 10 paying off the amount she owed. Wilkins, N. A., Adelaide, daughter.[...], W. W., Rcckhampton, daught.:r. ""
We returned her cheque with a letter pointing Wynn, L. B., Hobart, daughter.
out as clearly and simply as we could how it
Would not serve to clear her indebte[...]th four head.< and eight
Her reply was to send us a money-order for[...]a swelled head.
the amount, accompanied by a note sayin[...]"Yes. Whatever will they do with him?"
she had cashed the cheque wit[...]"Oh, Mr. Mumps says he'll make just the[...]type of officer the Commonwealth Bank i.~
$he hoped her account would n[...]

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (218)[...]Corps in the FRUSTRATION
Mr. Steele joined the G.S.B. 111 1912 a~[...]ers ment 1s Mr. R. N. (Ron) Harrison, from
will tell you that the appointment is well Exc?ange Control Department, whose pro-
me[...]is a topical
subject, so without comment we
s[...]G!-Jinea and Borneo, and he returned to us
w[...]111 turn, and there- gained first place in Australasia in both By r1 . Tilley I[...]ville, Bendigo, Geelong and Lismo~e. Aft~r plus a first in N.S.W. in Advanced Account:[...]titute of Secretaries. THE WINE INDUS~RY: approxi-
Devonport and Mudgee[...]Australia's output of wme f wahich nearly
going to Mo[...]* mately 27 million gallons, 0 wsouth Aus-
An active supporter of c1v1c !nterests[...]M OST of us have heard of the famous[...]ems o_f the man P.O.W. camp in the last war. Well,[...]omotees, Mr. R. F. The bulk of South Austra 13 s e 40
man on the land. No doubt M[...]handle grapes and partly mat1 districts
we feel sure the change is welcome to both[...]n experienced eye. You see, Ron had as well as locally-grown grapes_. hich the[...]earlier effort at escape at The wine industry is a field m w d prac-

* *[...]Bank in South Australia has pla~~e good[...]g but enjoyed only 17 minutes of free- the custom of one of. 01;1r sma er omen to
signed on a[...]m before being rounded up! and we hope that this 1s goodf rn this
many of whom had not _had ~ny previous our attracting more busmess ro
Ron joined us at C.S.B. Sydney in 1936, important South Australian industry.
banking experience. Despite this lack ~hey
have settled down well with us, and 1t 1s
pleasing to feature the performance of[...]ing raid over Berlin in August, '41 He[...]you in a previous issue of th_e ace~ Rural
returned to us with the rank of F!ight- the Australian Barley Board !n ou
who broke out of the ge[...]The fol- Credits Department in Adelaide. r ts we
Clerk "B" at Footscray.[...]tary oats pools. These pools were row-[...]Ron is an Associate of the Bankers' marketing of wheat and barley. 1 d about
civvie life he[...]d of the Chartered Institute of
the Bank, joining us at Melbourne m 1946,[...]ries. He gained the latter qualifica- 780.~00 bushels, and it is_ expbecte aJrnost
and the followin[...]rece1vals for 1952/ 53 will e[...]by the Red Cross. 2,000,000 bushels.[...]

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (219)[...]You ng C.S .B. Officer Per form s

TOWN - FAST IUILDING[...]keen to get new customer s for the Bank
IANK OfflCliR'S HOBBY OF[...]from which he was subsequently able to
AUSTRALIAN HISTORY 1 that they even go ri[...]became entangled in st!aweed. The surf
* INTliRsTATI CONffRliNCI Last month we were proud to present[...]was full of it, and great clusters fouled
* fttORE MONIY THAN EV[...]This month, we are equally proud of type with a quick-[...]the wearer to take it off in such circum-[...]from the weight of weed, plus the pull on
1t SLIQCM UN[...]southerly gales that lash the surf to awe-
FLOATING[...]within ear-shot of its thundero us roar, He managed to stand as his feet[...]QuQ TO great mountain ous waves crashing against North Cronulla[...]10 to 15 foot "dumpers" were pounding recovered from immersio n a[...]being too dangerous for surfing.[...]move under his own power.
We understand that the supervisor of[...]was rapidly swept out 200 yards, and ment of the
*'" TR might very wel l have been "a goner" had[...]

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (220)[...]NEW BRANCH, WILLIAMSTOWN,[...]HE recently opened branch at Wil-[...]parture from the Bank's usual construction[...]to open the branch for business at the[...]just under twelve weeks from the com-[...]simultaneously obtained.[...]The strongroom and voucher-room were[...]o the facade. Thi.s enabled a sav-
BRAINS - BRUSHER DETECTS THREE[...]same time, will readi ly allow of future
PROBLEM No. 3[...]ve played a part in detecting
OST tellers will have encountered the the 189 forgeries of £[...]one was Headmaster Whackem, It is, we believe, the first time three
chief pain in the n[...]A. D. M. Catto, and reported to us by
constituted humour was his approach one
busy morning to Paying-teller Dickie Totter Acting Ac[...]The forgeries were interspersed amongst
with a cheque drawn payabl[...]made dur- Jolin Rennie, and Mrs. Rennie (We in-
Behind him trailed his wife and three ing a busy period. cluded Mr[...]). "W 011der/ul people,
queued a line of waiting customers. Without the forgeries, John brought[...]The depositor, an elderly woman, was
"We're going to Sydney for the day to then d[...]cer's Hobby of
see the Show," he said with a pompous[...]g, and a detective was called Australian History
smile; " and this cheque is our s[...]FFICERS who are interested in Aus-
money. How much should I fill it in for[...], later, tralian history-and some, we know,
to give me the smaJiest sum in single note[...]id that 1t repre- are mem bers of the Royal Australian
that I may divide between us as follows sented the pro~eeds of a win[...]h of the whole; my Mother and son were able to establish Midland Bank Ltd's Lon[...]e the same Mr. Spence has just completed, after ten
mainder; Cecil, one-half[...]the incident: that in John Rennie the Bank Australia between the years 1610 and 1880.
Teller Totter's f[...]bibliography, which makes a special fea-
with ink. But, on the instant, the answer Saving from Waste[...]that Old Whackem was visibly shaken, and used at branches and administrative depart- and[...]ments reveals a considerable amount _of
the customers were inspired to give vent wasted paper capable_ of re-use as scnb- about to publish at his own expense in a
to a wild furore of applause. bling paper. If all typ1~ts[...]d edition of 525 copies.
(a) What was the answer; and (b) How it a daily habit of settmg aside such paper His interest in Australian history was
was Dickie Totter able to provide it so for general use, consumption of scribbl in g aroused when he was a young merchant
quickly without[...], and has continued ever si nce.
(Answers on page 14)[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (221)[...]but distinctive of our own institution, bas
Well, of course, we never really thought been awarded to Mr. H.[...]Mr. Holz' very creditable effort is illus-
First (assuming it is your lunchtime) get[...]it to five natural color upon a golden Australia,
inches Jong.[...]consolation prize of £ 1/1 /- is being
Unless we have slipped in our calcula- awarded Mr. B. R. Lewers, of Relieving
tions, you will find they extend for a Ji ·- Staff, for his interesting entry, illustrated
tance of 7 miles, 7 furlongs, 1 chain, 1 ro[...]ole, or perch), 1 yard-with an odd bit We are sincerely grateful for the interest Abovc.-[...]l.eft.-Entry submitted lw .\1r. 13. R. I ewers, of
Perhaps we have slipped somewhere, after[...]~mnca was aw:i.rdcJ
However, to continue . . .
Next, arm yourself with[...]tions of the
pin in the end, think of a number between[...]recent Banking Legislation and of discussing
I and 100,000, and, blindfolded, walk[...]The first three days were set aside for
did the other day, when he struck[...]joined in these discussions.
College at the time he purchased the ticket[...]was smaller than at previous Conferences.
bill i--which only goes to prove tha[...]consideration of these items, delegates were
at the College. they have plenty o( good uses for the win.[...]"Currency" we will be able to give a short
Last Throw[...]g throw before returning home. Earlier, We have a few good ideas for using it,[...],000 lotterie without striking a prize, to make profitable use of them. So, we More Money Than Ever
and this time decided to let his head go wi 11 just say: HE public in Australia now possess more
and plunge on a 10/ - tick[...]tickets; and, so, he had the P.S. -Can we interest you in a nice line that the volume of money in Australia last[...]alance of payments deficit for 1951/52
newspapers were quickly onto him for boys whatever[...]st £ 1,000. reserves. By December, however, the up-
another he got himself into such a di[...]T
When we spoke to him over the phone
from Sydney an hour o[...]h April. retail prices in Australia than abroad as
money. As a matter of fact, l just can't It was originally intended to h[...]the of reviewing the work done by the various has not been followed by the same move-
Sl!nse of it. I just dashed home and told Committees th[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (222)[...]C. Oh well, perhaps I'd better leave it.[...]I'll just pay this cheque into my account[...]Client: I am anxious lo expand my pro-[...]duction, and would like to discuss further
C. Um; well look, I'll just dictate my pro-[...]E of our country branch managers away for a week or so at a Managers'[...]his return.
went to inspect improvements to the Conference. J. Yes sir. We could do that normally,
property of a progressive[...]C. Heavens above, I must tell my friends
they were joined by a neighbouring farmer C. Is there[...]d the age-old methods how- like to discuss the matter. age to carry on?
ever inefficient. J. Yes sir. We have a relieving accountant,[...]it really sir.
He was coaxed into touching the wire; but he is attending a meeting to pres~[...]We have just had a visit from the
but as he was wearing loose, sloppy gum- for Saturday clo[...]all, our senior clerk "B" will be back
shock, he remarked scathingly: "Arr, she C. Oh, I'm sorry; but[...]from leave in a week or so to straighten
wouldn't stop them cows of[...]things out.
The owner remarked that the electri.: there someone I coul[...]C. Well my boy, you have been very help-
fence was much[...]J. Just drop us a line sir, and I will make
wire with their mouths. ing[...]ch Procedures Committee
on his hands and knees, thus destroying similar returns.[...]Good morning sir.
forward, and touched the wire with his see me.[...]tongue. ln the same instant, he performed J. Well sir, we have a cadet here, but to a close perusal of "Currency".
an excellent back-somersault, th[...]t he arrived there even be- rabbits.
fore we did who jumped in the car to C. By Jove,[...]J. Excuse me sir, we are very busy. ls A DVICE issued to officers of th[...]ng shows a general's attention more,
HOUS ING LOANS (Brisbane)[...]larly such as it is difficult to make with any[...]"MANY A TRUE WORD . . " a welfare meeting to seek more amen- convey, tha[...]URING the 7 years since the birth of
the Industrial f'inance Department,[...]them, the chief use of them being to keep the[...]w
and existing, and covering varying phases
of industrial life, have received monetary
assistance. To[...]A Sto"
While it is believed we have improved Without
the state of health of a large number of Words.
businesses, we were not fully aware just
how we were regarded outside our Bank
and by other banks.
But now we at least know how one of

the trading banks regards us by its addres-
sing of an envelope to-
"The Manager,
Commonwealth Bank of Australia,
Industrial First Aid Service,
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (223)[...]1951, we were given an all-round increase
Do They Haunt L[...]ination of future annual bonuses, on
"CURRENCY" Committee, se[...]the score that if our services were worth
appointed guardian of banking[...]?" a certain annual payment we should receive
morals in the Savings Bank Melbour[...]by way of an ostensibly gratuitious, and
the staff.[...]distribution,-Ed.J
city. It is feared that a well-organised following nature:
underground will extract vital information I. Why don't[...]tructure, with resultant galloping Commonwealth-wide interests.
inflation, or something, brin[...]te clients to THE BANK'S FLATS
Australian economy. criticise the various services, or dis-
It is seriously considered making "Cur- services, r[...]magazine with "Currency"; or ney for the use of transferred officers, as
-[...]4. Why don't they give the staff a bonus.
-0--[...]L. P. MATTHEWS. However, as all I have heard since then[...]of a type and in a way that would not be us:-
within the Bank, may we look possible were it distributable on a wider (a) How ma[...]he flats available to all officers
Circulars? Let us mark Coronation Year ance of advertising, The suggestion will be transferred, or only to those abov[...]atiofl of at least two hundred considered, however, as regards "Bank certain sal[...]staff. the minimum salary an officer must
Even-money-the-field that we shall see 2, This is a matter for Admi[...]more procedures which are not uni- which will, no doubt, consider its implica- (c) How[...]he job, and "Bank (e) The salary of the lowest-paid officer
"HOBARTIAN[...]ircular as contributions from the staff make it. occupants and the period of the[...]hts of pleasureable anticipation. 4. We are with you there, Brother, all six weeks.
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (224)[...]irement developmen t of industrial undertaking s,
RING almost twenty years' service particularly small und[...]h tales depict-
W. H. Spooner "that the Commonwe alth[...]ur Super-
Bank's view was that it would be dangerous conduct, of industrial undertaking s in
to alter the name of the Ce[...]will be retiring-con tributions must be Undertaking s financed need not[...]edged banking risks, but must have good
dangers.[...]I trust our actuarial experts are satisfied prospects (see Sections 94 and 100 of our
Many of us consider that the name has[...]Act).
been built up in Australia by the activities with the present b[...]raised or contribution s reduced. Why? We may concede that hire-purchas e
Word "central" or[...]designate The old cry mentioned above just won't could be one good way of doing[...]tire tomorrow on £1,000 the material we have collected so far pro-
with world practice.[...]still too little to finance, assist, etc. industry in
silence in the face of adverse and erroneous 67.5 years as quoted at the Ex-Servicemen'[...]to say the least, proved School 1946, we could pay that £1,000 Turning to[...]staff, and the fund would the Annual Reports, we find a strong sense
before it is too late let us hope our policy be stabilised in three yea[...]d of the spirit of the charter in the words used
of aloof silence is changed to one of[...]ed and active counter-prop aganda, ing we shall benefit by increased interest J 947;[...]e has been almost
which, if it does nothing else, will at least rates, this reduction could be expected to nothing that I can use to 1how my inquisi-
help to raise the morale of[...]retiring con- to its job and financing small businesses
K. H. PROCTER[...]e of the Department 's funds are being used to[...]rvice Tax which has been paid to finance business cars and trucks on hirc-
SUPERANNUATIO[...]live long enough to recoup do the job if we gradually moved out of the
INVESTMENTS[...]f pension field, I am hard put to it to answer them.
Policy Too Restrictiv e?[...]So, Mr. Editor, I would like to use your[...]to ask I.F.0.:-
ULES made under the Commonwe alth[...]ture and nature of the business of the
Fund in equity shares or in real est[...](2) Can the Annual Reports (from which
in Commonwe alth Governmen t securities. we may quote to our friends) also do more
!his appe[...]inst the long-term Too Much H.P. Business.?[...]nds as a Com- (3) Isn't it true that we are writing a lrl
It is a fact that there is[...]monwealth Bank man, I come under 0f hire-purchas e business which could h ~
towards inflation, and it s[...]dually shifted to private firms?
that this trend will continue, especially in ,houldn't we do so?
Australia. Quite apart from the possibility ti[...]discussion is the Industrial Finance Depart-[...]Hire-Purchase Transacti ons
economy will exert inflationary pressure in hire-purch[...]nd the Bank's pub- application allowed to branches for the
Australia, and it seems rather unlikely that
governments will always be willing to take lished material useful in framing an answer; last financial year was £4/5/- plus 10/- per
the unpopular measures necessary to com[...]nnation. we can find out about I.F.D . from pub- of[...]~at1ons! plus the tJ~e involved in periodical
ities means that[...]volved in chasing up
sequently pension payments must become like this:- defaulters, the return to a branch at the[...]Advances We would be interested to hear the views
the rules o[...]24 loss in handling I.F.D. business.[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (225)[...]books were classified and segregated into
"Heterogeneous Mass"
I[...]lly from the room, and if this suggestion were
wonderful value for their four shillings[...]f shelf space at or
Reader" that our library, as well as every- Choosing books in these circu[...]ing table could be compensated by leaving
to make it. gardless[...]little contribution aimed of time involved must be enormous in general reading in the ninth-floor[...]brary more attractive in total , and is frustrating to the individual. "FRUSTRATE D"
appearance and easier of reference, whic[...]same time, may provide some saving
that could be used lo better purpose in[...]of covering books as soon as E were touched to receive the fol-
received with the[...]ing verse, which aroused such And what about the fi11gers worn,[...]hem all in the one drab mixed emotions in us that we are not quite The haggard face, the look fo[...]mply glue to them their certain whether we should laugh, or join Of Pretty Sal, the banker's wife,
colorful dust jackets and paint these over Mr. Milton an[...]erence number? Should you use this somewhat sour B1tt, 1t11like a ch[...]to Tell (my Four bob an hour for he,· weeks of sweat.
cutting and fixing and marking with title name). Long ago, my husband said he That forty quid re[Jlaceme[...]s more a joke with every day.
material, as most dust jackets carry these we're freezing to death in Melbourne, C1trtai11s wear Olli, floor covers tear
particulars.[...]hen moved about from here and there.
And the dust jackel.s thus attached move, back to Sydney. But you said And say you move from where it's hot
usually, also, carry a "blurb" giving some y[...]ery- For Dad and M1tm and all the kids .
husband nagged into picking books for one just to tear it up - it's too much The woolly[...]like the truth. Well, now I've finished rill my knocks,
Moreover[...]f the Yours,
dust jackets would give a brighter appear-[...].) Melbourne. (Exce{Jt to say I meant it thus.
ance to the library shelves.[...]' s "Spoke": And that's why I'm anonymous)
Another thing: the fact that the books
cover[...]way might not be quite so STAFF HOUSING If good ideas can w[...]Bad ones, perha[Js, could cause demotion?
(Or, The Wife in the Dog-House) And I don't feel that families[...]k authorities.
this could be made the occasion of weeding It is a very dreary life.
out the dea[...]So "Nil Sine Labore", with you
This deadwood will inevitably tend to And never have a frie[...]a child ; They, too, scrub, and sweep, a11d swish
Finally, really good books of continuing In boardi11g-ho11.~es they r1111 wild, From town to town, and grade to g/'lu/,•,
demand, when their dust-jacketted cov~rs From school to school[...]ats they {Jine away; Searcl, for a house Lo b1ty and sell-
material (preferably of a diff[...]Dane, All this, and do their jobs as well ! !
for different categories-his tory, biograph[...]archer that Most bankers' wives "re nervous wrecks, The Guv'11or wants bright me11; bttt then
they were really outstanding works in their That is, I mea11 the curious sort Does he want them to be supernH''ll
class, well worth reading. Who have[...]HE remarks of "A READER" in your Because the Bank has "[)assed the buck,"' I think[...]Library and is con- Y OIL sell agai11, the market's shy.
fronted by a heterogeneous mass of litera-[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (226)[...]DANGERS SEEN
In "Free Speech" Unanswered FIXED DEP[...]rictive lending policy of work and interviews were conducted by the
columns are not effectively answered by the General Ba[...]about by a shortage of credit funds is caus- paid senior officers under their dir[...]ee ing both the Bank and its customers quite and that, in the main. the fu[...]and effort spent in the
Whether the criticism is justified or not. interest-beari[...]to and interviewing customers, writing out[...]tribution in April "Currency," however,
general public in regard to banking policy[...]advising customers at maturity, etc.[...]raises a very interesting point. He tells us
and accordingly makes no attempt to that i[...]lt is puzzling to a layman to know that
answer such criticism. However, 1 fail to induced Savin[...]deposits, and this, I think we will all agree, insisting on paying interest on f[...]To take the matter a step further we ment. Strangely, too, advance proposals[...]find that should 50 other branches meet
~buse of "Free Speech" facilities; but here[...]ss to ·'Prestige," interest- deposits, are brushed aside as insignificant
15 an officer who imagi[...]which is a very sub- Moreover, let us not gloat too soon over
benefit if the Administration were to[...]our increased deposits. Those managers
answer criticism such as this through the[...]This, no doubt, would be just what the who attempted to secure them ab[...]red so far as the G.B.D. is years ago will remember the disappointing
. I~ the same issue we find a perfectly[...]ut what are the views of the results. However, the bond market subse-
Justified criticism of "Currency's" policy[...]conditions particularly prop1t1ous for a
of the position being clarified for[...]second approach to Savings Bank customers,
E 1~ officer and the staff generally, the[...]and this time quite a few were persuaded
ditor has inserted a footnote which[...]xed depo it. But once
only be described as frivolous and does The Savings Bank itself is a large opera- we focus attention on the idle Savings
nhothing to enlight[...]tor in the lending field, and we are told
t e reader.[...]Bank funds, we make the depositors[...]embrace assistance to investment-conscious, so that at maturity
"[...]al bodies, of their fixed deposits, few will be willing
[We thought our footnote made it clear[...]to renew when there are plenty of gilt we regarded an officer's wife as one and also support for the loan market. A II edged securities available offering almost
With her husband' so far as "Currency" is[...]profitable, are also very necessary from a
We do commend your obviously sincere national viewpoi[...]Savings Bank funds, and some customer,
suggest. The Deputy Governor Wmself[...]go so far as to suspect sinister intent b;[...]It is not disputed that the G.B.D. needs
answers "Do Unto Others" in this issue[...]ng banks as is required by the All this must weaken the Savings Bank

ROC .VD the u-orl<l i11[...]tion that can use them to far better advan- housing loans, building societies, etc.
T That[...]porters, the position mentioned above business, current account or fixed deposit.
llb/,, /o[...]So _let us h~ar of some of the new deposit
laJJ1111,[...]bus111ess being obtained by Capital Offices.[...]"A.R.A.C." only advance business taken from other[...]banks. We at branches cannot lend, so[...]comequently we cannot take any accounts;[...]nor can we even keep the ones we have.
•:Auel lw11• i., your /111.,baml <'11joyi11g hi., Weakening Saving s Banks[...]

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (227)[...]to eliminate any unreS t
ency" is essential and must be continued. it not therefore reasonable[...]e Promotions Appeal Board, which is desirous of obtaining the benefits of a and to ta[...]hould be required inter alia, to the future. We can best do so by adopt!ng
of the staff, must of necessity base its study, and pass a[...]tion? will ensure better qualified Executive
principle applies to the Commonwealth All future appointees to the st[...]licants first essential to such promotion will be
for appointment as Executive Cadets. to pass the aforesaid examination. We will
Whilst in no way reflecting on the de- ~hen find junior officers assiduously apply-
cisions of the above Board and Committee[...]ew cases, officers have-due to bad and we will have a more highly trained G.T. in[...]ly expressed the opmIOn
Cadets when they did not justify such At the present time the nu[...]lly capable officers and do not about which we cannot be proud. the policy of making appointments to
begrudge them well-earned promotion, but It might be men[...]a good one, but I have grav_:
unfair promotions cause much dissatisfac- secure appointment to t[...]at January of this year, 233 officers were
as Executive Cadets and improving the[...]period 1950/ 52 inclusive.
positions in the Bank and will only be[...]ere is a period of 4 to 5 years before the by us, but is used as a reason why our[...]Australian Bankers' Institute or its equiva- are[...]dets-if such
ination of The Bankers' Institute of Aus-[...]ly has not one of the fundamental gain by fewer appointments would be the appointed, we shall have 733 officers avai ·
qualifications n[...]ntment should be reduced to leave a surplus of 303 or the equivalent 0
I want to make it perfectly clear that[...]the equivalent of only Senior Clerk "B"
just because an officer can pass such an[...]· an ofric-~r
examination does not by itself justify his[...]be supported. It must be remembered that[...]time he is 29 years of age will have k[...]to appeal in the usual manner. Will this lead to an attitude of just d~IO e
of no avail.[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (228)[...]AD-SC-2

not cadets, because there is no room for not always be known[...]tion, but see that promotion went by efficiency.
Service in 10 years' time. How m[...]e same thoroughness It will be noted that particular stress has
aggravated will be the position when he in selecting th[...]for 10 or I 2 years. Whether we have a cadet scheme or not,[...]d the most Whilst I am well aware that the passing
fied positions can be cl[...]elf is not sufficient
executive positions?" This must surely be motion, then the potential Executive Cadets to make an efficient officer, might I suggest
the major f[...]ve to wait Institute of Australasia or its equivalent.[...]d be prepared to pass these
Number or Status and they would, of course[...]Clerk "B" and "A". they were a "must" before he could be
HREE main objections[...]red to attempt or be
(b) So many appointments will in the would not consider the Bank's ser[...]y best interests of the staff, both
"A" will be filled by Executive detriment. This is[...]s should be in the status of Executive Cadets or in
should be redu[...]nior Clerk "B". Reducing the status from "A" to '·B" such a[...]qualifications for a Cadetship.
?re, or will be, detrimental to the staff's in the two previous paragraphs.[...]cadets are appointed each eulogised the previous unsatisfactory set-up, senior branch managements must have
year,[...]tees, or approximately 200, for others, surely must have had little men man[...]experience has been followed by dismay
annum.[...]ent of things to come.
As regards (1) the Bank will save in its Those were the times when there was a[...]ry bill, whereas under (2) the sense of frustration and ill-feeling amongst[...]•
Bank will have an increased salary bill[...]older, will they be superseded by others
homes and providing[...]All these are current topics of discussion,
officer reaches, say, 30 years of age. Where[...]C'rchi,•f; Doi!s it not appear that we are wasting
most capable officers could receive a[...]transferring
appointment from the age of 22 on. Thususiness
Under (2) there is an earlier incentive to[...]tained and the figures
the capable officers which will not exist Ju Jl/j(/ " ,·lrer/111'[...]branches where our business is disappoint-
Whether we have iE,xecutive Cadet 11,•µotwted[...]alents to the full, and by the acquisition
staff must insist on the most capable or Ir i[...]of new, good quality business, they could
the most "efficient" offi[...]

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (229)[...]Unfortunately this would be very similar will be served up to them on a plate. Why
to the form[...]monwealth Savings Bank. The tendency[...]discovery of Australia, not his college The quite rece[...]gures, not the one who scored and interviewed with the object of having
system of selecting yo[...]in his Intermediate Certificate. So surplus funds transferred to interest-bear-
ised training[...]pointing ~hem
to an established branch where the busmess "OLDSTER."[...]Is this the manager's fault, and is the[...]e credit, and per-
in "Currency" April issue, because of their ogy at his own expense, and then i[...]increasing interest-bearing de- still anxious to bring about staff elevation , worked just as hard or perhaps even harder
posits.[...]BEFORE THIS HONOUR" through no fault of his own? .
ator of the idea of[...]publishing photographs
thinking, insulting "When will your photo-[...]the results achieved will be the reverse
The managers featured did thei[...]of what is evidently expected by such
just as thousands of other members of the photogra[...]examples of "Wh 1t many branch managers will agree with me manager who considered th[...]work like with the mention thereon "When will your as good." Whilst I do not agree entirely
men inspired just to get their photograph photograph appear[...]could have done just as good. In practica
that he thinks that they will not do their their photograph published th[...]less they have this those that have, and will have no doubt of the branch that count[...]. taining of worthwhile business and m-
It might have been all right to fe[...]who have their photos published will re- If the Bank really thinks otherwi[...]ion for pro- considers it is the manager's fault th at
increased, but once the words "When will motion over those managers who are not
your photograph appear" were added, then[...]successful in regard thereto? 1 sincerely business of the branch is not what it shou ,
these managers' efforts were cheapened hope not. be, well all I can sav is that in the Banks
and other ma[...]ft the manager.
If t!:Jis sort of thing is allowed to con- usually successful on their merits, under
tinue we'll soon reach the stage of getting[...]rice to the first ten members of the very marked effect, in fact the predomin-
staff who carry ou[...]cal difficulties the withholding 0
fixed deposit business and who, conse-[...]whereas a branch serving a wealthy area increasing toll of staff moral[...]manager's fault or good fortune that he of over £3,000,0[...]in N.S.W., Queensland and
can't get I.B.D.'s, or will omission of a[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (230)[...]If only our senior officers would make[...]By One Who Has Seen the Light make-up, his rights and duties as a human

T[...]and we may not have "The Forgotten[...]l feeling of discontent
creases m fixed deposit! We think they number of occasions I have f[...]incentive schemes and would -but not just lately. Events in the last It is a scie[...]ear or two have made me realise I have man uses his brain the more it develops.
were. not been a bank manager at all, although What a pity we are not allowed to use
Are all offices included? If so, our[...]branches. ours in the interests of the work we have
manager's photo should have been there.[...]made chosen. The Bank would then be for us
But we think they are in poor taste-and ends meet a[...]ttee have CLASS IFICATION
We read a paragraph headed "Compara-
tively Speakin[...]C
centages were neatly stated, firstly on an Maybe "Do Unto Others" should take
Australia-wide basis to show us in a a look at himself as I have done[...]Prune" and "M. 0. Ruin" for their
showed the true positions in States where not th[...]articles on the above. How true it is that
we have competition. l h[...]lies of classification tend
The point is that we arc still competing after what prizes are going. At the same to lower one's mora le and breed the
and must never let this fact out of our time, I[...]y should I
minds; and our service to the public must about, and not only from other managers. bust myself-I get nowhere when I do."
be maintained[...]"Do Unto Others'" letter, the One of the weaknesses of the Appeal
standard.[...]a- Board would seem to be that they do not
We are not happy to see our customers rat came back-[...]tution "O wad some Pow'r the giftie gie us a classification.
because we will not allow them to have To see oursels as others see us." I know one case where an officer w[...]officer appealing had on his side, seniority,
We trust Administration always remem-[...]rience, and was of equal
bers that in some States we do still compete![...]ability. Yet when the appeal was lodged,
We arc pleased with the amount of[...]of the contributions are getting
111 them, which we believe is all to the
good. Perhaps a small happening we know[...]This seems absurd to me; as what man,
of will illustrate our view. Unto Others[...]took some time to have the career between J 920 and 1930 with the cfficers in the same branch or department
cause removed, but even then complaints G .[...]are concerned in a situation such as the
Were still received until the bole was fully g[...]east, shou ld
''entilated and all knew that the cause and a "B" or rarely an "A". These men were be interviewed by the Committee. Other-
its effects were removed. taken over in 193 I or 1932 by a bank with wise it makes a farce of lodging an appeal.
You cannot shu[...]Insofar as "Efficiency's remarks about
bad; it must be removed, and its effect a rough ca[...]h little or no banking two of the e cases were concerned with
C.S.B., Melb[...]officers who refused to bow the knee and

•[...]We who held very busy counters during[...]admit that because their senior officers[...]WERE their seniors they must of course[...]brainless and just tolerated a, such. must never be questioned.
back block, dPbtor: -[...]of the Bank's schools; we had to learn by
I got yore 110/P but cr,11t[...]was a very bard road
Ille WPats i11. I hop vou will lFL'I' me on which we travelled.
more time. I tell you fair di11k11111 if Thi, unjust altitude of certain senior
)'Oil teas ,w more[...]officers, and the cadet system as it is now
Maker tha11 I am to m~at yore bill )'Oil develo[...]ake away ambition and hope and
Trusti11g you wil do this we have an old man. Give hope in the
Yores Fat/llll) future and we have a young man. Age[...]

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (231)[...]of accuracy, is what we want.

Awarded Bank Officer[...]because executives in every line of com• which , in that ca use, he has extended
merce and industry are growing more to hi[...]i·t than to have it mushroom without been omitted.[...]expeditious service to customers.[...]screed operation in the cause of accuracy.[...]P. D. Quicka.-Slicka Esq., that we wer~ vertible, P. D. Quicka-Slicka.
HE Australian Officers Efficiency privileged t[...]cka, The Teller's Mate As we went to press Slicka was still try-
Love of Overseas[...]ty of The Man
recognition of his services in the Australian source, which we reproduce below. Appar- With[...]snuffles in the sniffer caused by a heavy
with the Cameron Highlanders, saw se[...]lative has cold, and the modest elusiveness of th e
vice with the A.l.F. in the Middle East, somethmg mce to say about a mysterious mysterious character.
Darwin and New Guinea. He also spent[...]een doing quite a ment Sydney will be kind enough to tell
B.C.O.F. where he was Deputy Assistant bit of good m an unobtrusive way, for which us who he is before next issue, so that
Director of the Australian Army Amenities o_ur London staff regard him with con- we may justly acclaim him by name.
Service which administere[...]P. D. Quicka-Slicka's letter:- ANSWERS TO BRAINS-BRUSHER
amenities.[...]Co-operation in the caus~ of accur- (a) Six pounds. (b) Dickie bad heard the
a very active interest in the Australian acy, my boy, co-operation in the cause
Army and topped his career when appointed[...]problem answered before.[...]l
O.C. 1st Australian Interpreter Unit. Un-
fortunately, Army ag[...]uable member of the
Overseas Department, where he makes our
New Australian clients at home with bis
cheery personalit[...]outskirts of Bergen,
to provide facilities for housewives and
traders who find it difficult to journey to
the centre of the town.
Owing to the housing shortage, Bergen's
Skillingsbank has been unab[...]s in the rapidly expanding suburbs;
so the "bank bus", equipped with counter,
cupboards and safe. now drives to its
The bus has telephone communication[...]

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (232)[...]All cash handlers must observe these

W HERE have: you been? l[...]tem of cash that
"Been on holidays," answered[...]counting error. There, that will do for a start. Now for
"Do any good for you[...]"Ow!" yelled Slicka. "What's the big
and answered loftily: 1. Accur[...]not sufficient without the other. "Give us a look at it," he growled, rub-
"I mean-thh.[...]never saw anything like it." she will not balance her cash at the end "Well?" I asked.
"No. I never," I "greed drily.[...]"Seems O.K." he answered, one eye on
"One day I had just t:1rown in my 1111c Again, recording the[...]"Elementary stuff of course, but as it is
Must of been a good six-pounder." the c[...]r each sale intended for new tellers it just about fills
"A six-pounder, eh? Got away, I[...]I hooked up at the Lakes . . . ?"
busy, so just pipe down for a while."[...]Report of Debates on
but paused. Better not. After all, you New Commonwealth Bank Ac:t[...]D
never know-there might just be some obtains an amount of cash e[...]cash transaction, and to obtain cash exactly wireless to the debate but naturally were
playing a prawn. Where was l? Cash[...]the cash. find its total and see if 1953 will be posted to any address in
The amount of the sa[...]his agrees with the amount on the slip. Australia provided 6/- is first forwarded to
a tape i[...]d should be noted on the back Officers will find an investment of 6/ -
cash in the till and[...]e one as the only
total shown on the tape. all is well. What paid. These are records of the actual cash way to be well informed is to read all
if it doesn't? W[...]

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (233)[...]a lengthy undertaking,
in the cloakroom, and meet us as, say, Dr. but members will be given more specific
Livingstone met Stanley?[...]details in the near future.
After all. we only set out to refute the[...]* *
theory that we are not in touch with the
customer across the table. *
You were quick to detect the limitations New Coina[...]but, as many suburban 2nd June next, new Australian florins bear-[...]PROMOTI
managers will confirm, we see the butchers ing the effigy of Her Majesty will be intro-
as well as the barons, the tailors as well duced during Coronation Wee]~.- ·
as the tycoons. The new coinage will carry the un-[...]I
As you do, we regard them all as the crowned head of[...].
best form of goodwill and advertising, and inscription "ELIZABE[...]N the April issue Of "Currency b t
we meet their reasonable requirements if REGINA," but no change will be made the[...]road policy. to the design now used on the reverse of[...]obtained the names of the d I
An amusing little incident that shows[...]The same head design will be used on looked into the promotions I d t obi
we are not entirely divorced from the[...]olonial territories, There must be occaSt0ns . Bran
of the company's clients.[...]such as Fiji, Jamaica and Kenya, will bear an Adnumsu•a 1ve[...]rm conviction 15 th Jodge
scientious young man telephoned for his[...]· makes when appe als are[...]the Governor
was not immediately available, "Very well' '[...]Towards an Australian Australia has
Money Market: lacked a money its[...]markewent to officers over so years JI told there.
Certainly, one big account went elsewhere Through such a market, governments arc Already i[...]rm otherwise not avail- Obviously, promotion mus I in abil
There are all sorts of rea~ons for t[...]. because all officers are not e~ua is defini
transfers-p[...]A market of this kind can only develop However, the Bank's pohcy but to
changes, or perhaps it does not suit a bank
to meet its customer's demands for sub- gradually, and[...]habits of individuals, firms, institutions,
Jf we are both talking about the same[...]governments. It cannot simply
case, quite frankly we were not prepared be brought into being by a central bank's
to meet the demands made upon us. efforts alone, even should that[...]en signs that a
Health Society: The Commonwealth money market of some kind may be[...]Government expects developing in Australia. Pointers to this Motors Acceptance Co[...]large hire-purchase-finance houses, I.A .C.
Societies will commence on 1st July next. and G.M.A.C .[...]d term.
rebates payable by a society must at least firms to raise funds by acceptin[...]d would, of course, f the
society are well in excess of this require-
ment.[...]Australian Money Mar- Issues of registered unsecure no tes firstJose
made of the various other requirements of ket," the recent successful issue by General appeared on the market towards tfhe \ing[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (234)[...]G.M .A.C.'s issue. however, is in line Ru ra l Credits: To assist[...]ice of overseas finance com- marketing of Australia's[...]ing on the open market. rather than upon ment is called upon to[...]bank overdraft. And the company's issue marketing boards and co-operative societies[...]otes is the first in that operate on the export market as well
Australia to offer for such short terms. as the home market.
ranging from three to twelve months. All
other issues had previously been for periods This year, due particula[...]will have helped to finance exports from[...]control of the Capital Issues Board. were: butter, cheese, eggs. meat, copra,
orr[...]rs," criticises
for promotion, and invites us to look
,D -rs wh· h[...].., *
e ' •c were not published and have
e each one wa[...]ts going to officers think of Us? foreign visitors take away "Exchange Cont r o I"
,r liofgree ' .ho wever, tiiat any particular[...]Lindahl, who spent six months with us as drafts to migrants (particularly Italia[...]mic consultant to the Bank, writes overseas sustenance remittances. Firstly,
niost e11·1c1e[...]that in a recent lecture to Sweustralia as "a very insistence on effecting sustenance remit-[...]enquiries much," and the Commonwealth Bank as remitting to other countr[...]ises in the world." Sustenance remittances to Italy have

.iJ "'aeke?1s t[...]lllg thi
s statement he obviously does
rd of all managerial appoi[...]lining necessary to enable busy offices to[...]C/ I 25, was to ensure that immediate
nweatth Bank Act. benefit would be obtained from the decision We learnt that remittance by mail or[...]for sustenance remittances to Italy from[...]"Plodder's .. points arc well taken. how-[...]the expeditious handling of a large volume[...]with other refinements. were made to the[...]of such business.[...]We feel you will agree in these circum-
cheap f[...]say, six to Although full wording may be used in stances that remittance by mail tran[...]ted to Italian condition .
borrowers, particularly becall',e of the out the C[...]breviations. the bulk of migrant sustenance remittances
against prof[...]from Australia, which has been a national[...]s not unmindful of service, by undertaking business which has
With the r,rcs[...]isation of procedures; The r,rescnt system has justified itself by
very attractive to borrowers committed to and through our paragraphs[...]ot ber and April issues of "Over to You," we it has made available to remitters.[...]

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (235)[...]I T is regretted that, because of the[...]not been possible to provide answers to cer against the signature of the pe:~[...]instruction, as nearly all government we would like, and we crave your (or stamping) "Identific[...]in this manner? We should also be grateful if con- ANSWER:-Thcre would be no obiection
(b) Would not th[...]This will enable prompter replies to be ance of identification, however, is desITable.
be requested to merely q[...]ordinary course --o-
ANSWERS: (a) Yes. (b) The observance of Ban[...]C/1 14/20, numbers, how- cise references were made in the ledger multiples of, say,[...]. Expiry date ANSWERS:-Annual Stationery Req11;1s 1•
obtained cheques. ANSWER:-At branches where entries tions-We presume that this . ~~gg~stwn
ANSWER~-The recording of the cheque are not m[...]any event we consider that little savmg 10
ing following encas[...]t apply to the branch, it
the name only is inconclusive. The require- H.J.M.:-Marksmen--:-Shou[...]marksman? has already been decided to make up t~ese_
ANSWER:--:--No, pro".ided that a foreign- forms in books of 50 in future. We cons1de 1[...]carded with the red sides only partly used
fice in the above cases.[...]could be taken further, and red be used for duplicate (which is really the credit entry}.
ANSWER. It is no longer necessary to
complete the certificate "Credited as Dir- branch correspondence as well as black and, (2) When a draft issued[...]black only for other correspondence,' thus branches or another bank is credited to an[...]mended by C/M. 553). equalising use of the red and black, with account at a[...]it Bills Payable A/ c." on draft re- ANSWER:-We presume your suggestion is to change be cha[...]quisition C.B. 5 should provide for the use the red portion of the ribbon for inter- t ween the receiving branch and the paymg
signatures o[...]ficers in authorisation of the credit to the We would prefer, however, where i1 is found Incidentally, our ch[...]draft within the State appears ridiculous
1hat the black portion of the ribbon used in
The form is under consideration for re-[...]lerms of C/ M. No. 9152 still wears out before by the Post Office for a money-[...]by two the red, that the latter colour be used for the same amount.
officers, one of who[...]l office memos, Manager's Diary notes, ANSWER:-See reply to 'H.J .A.' in this
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (236)[...]be placed arrangements.
ANSWER:-Yes. pending completion of
the revision of proc[...]draw back_ on the ledger Cash Sheet as well as compare the
TRANSFERS[...]nd totals with the Statement Cash
H.J.A.:-(1) Suspense A/c. Transfers and hold the draft[...]ANSWER:-Undcr the machine-posting[...]original and duplicate, or only the duplicate maker.
(the credit to the G/L A/c.)? (b) Is ex-
change[...]457, Evidence of Death-I suggest that this
however, C/I 14/20 seems to indicate that Frequ[...]rk at branches. This "The following will be required as
credit by the teller.[...]ce not over £ 1. Acceptable evi-
form CB4 is for use intrastate. Why is it[...]either the nearest large (i) Consents will be required from
in favour of one of the private[...]nformation is held, if at any must be produced.
Private banks use a warrant attracting no time they had cause to do so. (ii) If dece[...]ents are deceased, a full Death Cer-
ANSWER:-It is not essential for the a conside[...]in man-hours could tificate will a !so be required of one
teller to initial, or f[...]C.B. 54. customers.[...]e whole system of transfer of funds ANSWER:-It is appreciated that amend- by the Justice of the Peace as an
to other banks is under re[...]re to the Declaration."
present time and branches will be advised involve regular attention at b[...]written amendments arc thus confined required when the balance of[...]A.W.:-lf an "on demand" draft, drawn numerous than usual recently because of the these times, have risen alarmingly in cost.
by a customer of good standing upon a re-organi[...]It is nevertheless very much doubted
reliable and well known firm at another[...]icate serves as
point and accepted for credit of customer's this account are nearing completion.[...]ovision of the complete book to all c~nclusi~e proof of the existence or other-
current a/c.,[...]wise of 1ss!-1e of the deceased, because, from
the branch concerned, and payment of the[...]he information contained
draft is subsequently refused by the drawee[...]particular tran action can be effected AN~WER:-Wc appreciate that the in-
the initiating branc[...]forward the draft ber of migrant sustenance remittances the cla1ma~t. Howev?r. there is a penalty
to the branch concerned as[...]ormation. A death
lection? Upon payment by the drawee, found necessary to authoris[...]transfers, in order to relieve pressure . We will not, however, insist upon produc-
Collection A/ c.[...]tion of a full death certificate where the
A SWER:-If, in the special ~ircum- s[...]number of our expenses. The Instructions will be amended.[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (237)[...]customers to call, and on interview and is[...]lationship between the Bank and its custo-[...]- taining signed acknowledgments from custod
present. The following (~ased on the ad-
vices[...]advised the customer of the action taken. 25/62.
The following circular advices were All others were requested to call for
despatched during January[...]to 453 (incl.) 253A reduction, the customer is written to, ad-
(Vic.).[...]ash-count day than
reasonable to expect a continuous check in limit, customer is required to sign Clearing Office[...]ked quite ~on- £ will be made on the limit two or three months).[...]on (date of each year) i.e. 1st August and little use unless totals are checked wi th
served for Circu[...]item is checked at irregular interva s
are filed were instituted, this would surely No further correspondence need then be once a week. This should be sufficient. .
comprise[...]that al~ had entered into unless customer does not re- 5. Postages. It do[...]ere several follow-up letters period between major cash counts. W d
ing, and even in the ~as[...]53 have always to be written when customers 6. Sundry Branches. Checked ea[...]objection to the prc:iposed change, customer on file serves as a permanent re- subsidiary register is perused daily by
which is submitted for cons1derat1on.[...]n fully explained to, and under- 7. Suspense Account Transfers to cd
in connect[...]rificat10n of receipt stood by, the customer. Banks. Perused daily and also balan~e t
of Circulars, etc., vi[...]every Wednesday. It appears to me t
sider simply ticking e[...]ut m- Adoption of this system, however, would[...]fluous. d
and ce[...]of an absentminded customer who has 8. Money-boxes. Another small item, an
ANSWER:-As a result of you~, sug,~[...]thly at irregu· tar m-of
gestion, for which we thank you . N.B. drawn a cheque o[...]limit. It would also be an anomaly to refuse tervals. Why should the verification
and[...]reduced officer whose classification must be at eas
issued each month are confirmed to limit, t~us placing the provident custom\!r that of a Senior Clerk "A"? This seem[...]to allow the branch to make the limit ANSWER. The embracing of . certa~[...]ess of· the check o f t_he mam·ect
H. R. FERGUSON (MARRICKVILLE): system as outlined above, could well be
-What is considered to be the best system
to[...]item, namely, branch cash; because rncon if[...]unts of the type held m g~eat ANSWER. Your suggestion has merit,
numbers' at most of[...]n branches? procedure to be followed in the review of Whilst it is appreci[...]rtant duty to Managers' dis- pletely conclusive stage, prese~t req~irek
smoothly, no new balan[...]analysis and mvestigat10n_ as suit all customers. when intelli[...]r restriction of items v~n n~t
and no general discussions are needed as to[...]more flexible system in use at present is
J have been a security clerk at[...]effected the individual asset accounts will be borne
branch had a different system.[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (238)[...]by a tick or register. In other cases, we feel that no dif-
STATIONERY some other notation, some of the work will ficulty should be experienced in having[...]dating stamps In the case of Commonwealth Loan in- on the security register s[...]e discharge against the
refills for branches to make the necessary posted the amount. It also en[...]no objection to this practice being fol-
ANSWER:-We are advised by Stores reached when he resumes the posting. lowed.
Department that the construction of the[...]In the circumstances we prefer not to
stamps would preclude branches fr[...]-0-
Provide for 8/9 years' use, following which drawals on Tellers' Sheets[...]were not made necessary for Tellers' Sheets.[...]for six months or less, and a position ANSWER:-As the account numbers are this ph[...]ate Key Box. It is noted that
be Promoted if he were "on the job," is that and when the Tellers'[...]As is ou! practice to make a parcel
~Could the reasons be explained throug[...]pnvate banks makes for saving of a con-
ANS~ER:-Officers on Jo[...]members of their family? change-Australian currency amount in that[...]ing Office Account is shown on the ANSWER:--S.B. Instruction 1581 is in- Issued.-It is considered that these advices
ranc~ Weekly Statement, for what pur- tended to ap[...]forms direct to the Agents concerned
S ANSWER:-Entries in the Clearing[...]ANSWERS:-1. The method of auditing
is required for tha[...]er-It is sug- under review, and branches will be ad-
--o-[...]headed, "Particulars of Disposal-Custo- 2.-Duplicate Key Box. The Jocks t[...]derable, and obviate the recording of numerous receipts of you~ suggestion. We prefer, therefore,
e ~ventual waste of paper[...]C.B. 3c-Overseas
. If a date goes past, surely we know the With careful re-spacing of pres[...]ANSWER:-Your suggestion was con- to suit the conyenience of London Office,
ffYou may say it is useful in the ticking- sidered whim the security sheet was re- and no confusion should be experienced
0 when an amount cannot be found· but drafted,, bi1t was omitted as we were at branches.
, suggest that the time to find one of those desirous of alloting the maximum space 4.-C[...]ceived consideration, but it was decided
ANSWER:-Posting of Commonwealth of any particular entry would be confined that the double handling would outweigh
Loan interest credits already creates[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (239)[...]second dishonour notice (with or without
of various movements. lddrP.<s[...]certificate of posting) or will a C.S.B. 30
The list would, of course, relat[...]marked with the usual second request clause
those bodies where the accounts are State-[...]ANSWER:-Form C.S.B. 30, suitably
churches, unions, rifl[...]amended and marked with the usual second
cation Department requirements, etc. Th[...]request clause, is sufficient.
list, of course, in certain instances would
indicate that various bodies were not would be few, and the account n[...]ndex, and
It is felt that if the requirements were subsequently the Stop number from the[...]--o-- ANSWER:-Yes. Unless this Instruction
Any amendments[...]himself that the work is in order and all
ANSWER:-The question of compiling[...]purchasers be waived, as some agents suspect
societies banking with us, and the many that the Bank is acting o[...]In addi- supply such information, and goodwill is D.A.G.:- 1 wgge,t[...]of Form C.B. 60 (request to issue T/ T ,
tween States and it would mean constant ANSWER:-Although not essential, the[...]is being arranged, and it make provision for insertion of the date[...]ncerned. ANSWER:-We thank you for your su-
SIGNING VOUCH RS When our customers attend personally[...]--o--
volve passing of cash. They must be signed approach to the vendor's agent[...]y the manager, who has to rely on the will usually elicit the information.[...]ls of a checking officer unless he However, when it is not considered[...]Register
cursory inspection, but not these. Why must the discretion of the manager.[...]duplication.
ANSWER:-The manager must sign[...]cord, and the informa-
total of the Savings Bank business for the REMITTANC[...]notation on an ANSWER:-Although the notation on
its inclusion at the same time in a simple outward D[...]reminder that care
ceased and Stop No., would be well worth- economy drive as regards statio[...]in a special Register is more than justified
The work involved in compiling this[...]enfaced with the Bank We do not propose to make any altera-
ANSWER:-Register of Deceased De- stamp.[...]sent procedure, but ):our
positors, form D.D. 13, used at larger ANSWER:-Any suitable form of ack-[...]ex nowledgment as an alternative to the use Sheet will be kept in mind when the form
Where this register is not used, enquiries of Debit Note C.B. 35[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (240)[...]premises, and £60 per cal knowledge is usually not expected of
TELLERS' SURPLUSES annum is considered wide enou[...]ed more likely to achieve economy.
any small surpluses, say under 5/- if their using their discretion and employing re-
cash is "ov[...]or the Chief State Office for con-
Small surpluses are usually located in ex- firmation; but full use should be made of
change and eventually credited[...]in that classification for 4 weeks and is
Also, searches for errors demand use o{ It does not neces arily follow that[...]paid h_ighcr-~uty for I week. Shortly after,[...]what rate?
ANSWER:-We do not favour the sug- ANSWE R:-The officer is entitled to
gestion that surpluses up to, say 5/- in tel- TYPING WI[...]surface between 28 and 30 inches from K.~.E.:- Wh[...]urns- (a) 1 hcrc an:: several seat is between 16 and 18 inches. or method of operation will change, e.g.,
returns for which a letter advice is re- In this position, the proper use of in a_ husba1:d-and-wife A/ c, why not place
quired, (e.g.[...]of more tiring arm movement ; accuracy
Custody Accounts). I suggest that for the[...]is assisted, because the fingers are more tion could be shown o[...]keys; and a
addressing a letter etc. Miscellaneous Re-[...]these cases, the authority would be
~urn ~orm be used in all cases where a healthier a[...]etc.
save printing costs, Miscellaneous If this method were adopted, signatures
R (b) To[...]re than at present
eturn Form C.B. 7 could be used for all
"Nil Returns" . Some return forms suc[...]d a considera ble amount of time would
C.B. 54 must be expensive to print, and[...]ANSWE R:-At the last conferenc e of
ANSWE R:-We would have no objection[...]ided that present signature cards at
Miscellaneous Return Forms C.B. 7 and[...]f Pl [ R l f
is clearly stated thereon. However , we do
not favour use of these forms for returns[...]Where adjustmen ts to the height of
and C.S.B. 263/264 are[...]the typing-tab le or chair are not posted, will be considered in due course.
more suitable for[...]EP IS
A.F.K.: In view of the Bank\ various panying sketch.[...]ad ance of Bills Receivable Account each week
gested that minor alteration s and additiom[...]ually be considerable. Would it not
the manager using local artisan~. bolted to[...]me; and a be more satisfacto ry if they were filed each
This suggestion is tendered on the basis drawer to hold cleaning tools and materi-[...]week with the vouchers, from where they
of the wri[...]rubber, spare ribbons, and other A SWER:- Ex1stmg requirem ents in
branches,[...]and Checks''
tain limitations, in writing its business neath.[...]the sides of the frame advices, for which we thank you, will be[...]borne in mind in consideri ng the general
ANSWE R:-'A.F. K.' is asked what it m[...]o the height of the typist may require. answer was attached in error to a question
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (241)[...]-Worn Silver Coin-Control- Interest Makes Interest, R.M.J. & R.H.T.:[...]The usual practice is to enter notices of
be held by the[...]in_ th~ Letters Received Register, although
ANSWER-It has been decided to adopt[...]ically provided for in
your suggestion, for which we thank you, 1n h,s 10b more tha[...]Some of industry's foremost leaders ANSWER:-No. Forms C.S.B. 19 and
owe the superiority of their achievements 23 7 ne[...]technically more ceived Register, but they must be date
FINDINGS NOT KEEPINGS[...]ted men to the flair for leadership
C.A.:,-Surplus Cash-Any money found that proper ap[...]in the public banking chamber
is credited to Surplus Cash in terms of Growing appre[...]large extent the growth OVERSEAS BUSINESS
If unclaimed, is this money returned to[...]if so, after what length of liaison, staff welfare, and other stimu- S.E.G.B.:-Adjusted Profit and Loss Re•
ANSWER:-No, because the money was But the interes[...]g111 @ i of 1 % of Aust. equivalent of total I C1
directed must be real, and supported by[...]mutual trust and mutual respect, to be (incl. notes an[...]ly to exceed a given
following question and reply were pub-[...]£50.)
"R.B.-Why is the custom continued of AUTHORITIE[...]from weekly "Balance of Payments
sible senior officer!) t[...]to be noted "See ceptions.
ANSWER-This matter has received con- Authority." May I, as a typist, suggest . -~NSWER:-Only overseas transactio_ns
sideration in the past and was again investi- this is superfluous, since it is well estab- m1tiated by the branch itself shoul[...]of Circular No. lished that authorities must be referred to cluded in this adjustment. For example,
1552, but at the time it was d[...]ry the procedure. ANSWER:-Thank you for bringing the accounts[...]ered, and it has been decided that in 964 will be amended as suggested. but Lon[...]--o-- The adjustment was fixed at a minimum
registered mail."
We are now advised by Administration[...]y on the part
that difficulties have arisen which make it STAMPING CHEQUES[...]pressed expenence that thell" overseas business will
be legislated for.[...]ce of Payments
EESEE:-C/I 11/17, Para 6, tells us cheques, the cheque could be dishonour[...]r possible R/Ws from branches with that answer. altogether too c[...]ital Offices should be made out in ln just what way is it desired that the identify t[...]rried out in order that the omitted for Adjustment Profit and Loss
manager, and that this parti[...]k transfers and Sundry with?
Accounts well known to the branch. ANSWER: - Under the terms of --o--
Accordingly, R/Ws for weekly transfer C/I-14/24, cheques received[...]exceeding £ 1, I suggest that details of
ANSWER:- Where the name of the 85(i) of[...]is to be applied payment should only be refused when a teller, together with the amo[...]g branch, it should be indicated in the We prefer the stamp to be placed on the In[...]cheque, and in such a manner to the numerous cash transactions handled
This includes tr[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (242)[...]AD-SC-2

ing them is therefore usually a complete BL-Records on Cards[...]ank ledger sheet, or the present cards).
penod must in those cases be the basis Passboo[...]loose-leaf record for very many years.
unusually large numbers of tran actions are Mo[...]CSB96; Agency B2.-Loosc-leaf sheets will be printed
handled, they can be seen by him wi[...]Forms CSB245; PMG Items not attracting
ANSWER:-The number of transactions CSB60[...]ards Commission; and consideration will be given
and the amount of cash handled by tel[...]ontinue to be furnished. It is obvious that a transfer binder for all only to suit l[...]eck sheets (hand-ruled); Record of Memo
ANSWER:-Yes. Forms CS[...]what besides relegating balancing purposes were recorded in the
,\ hst of_ deletions for the period covered by all bits of paper, numerous half-used pass- Summary along the lines of the enclo[...]be required for this purpose, since only
ANSWERS:-(!) The fot of deletions ment or[...]drawers and cupboards looking for some
0 ~ 2 ) ~hen in[...]ANSWER:-Thank you for the sugges-
. •-•~cer-m-Char[...]the staff has omitted lo return to its cus- The compilation of the General Summary[...]as the index for GB Current Ale and Book, will be varied, and that, in future
& S.:-To eli[...]these records will be prepared in one opera~
0 •
pcrating cos[...]A SWERS:-A 1.-Over recent months Branches will be advised by Circular
~tafT, it is suggested that the subject of print- we have re-examined the practicability of
bng a comb[...]e follow- introduce the record, branches will be suit-[...]ed.
Uty Stamps; Cheque Books and Note
~olders Suspense Ale; Charges on Current
A2.-We do not think that the provision V.E.A.:-[...].B. 26?"
d· '."t least two of these accounts are used offers any advantages from the time-sa[...]ANSWER:- II-9114 is correct in stal-
!1me 111 writing o[...]- warding proceeds of BIC\ to another
obvious. The reverse of the present credits pre[...]branches will be suitably advised.[...]is not clear on this point, and it will be[...]ical Register. consideration will be given to the most undertaken.[...]

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (243)[...]D
A large percentage of our customers sign
this voucher in the panel "Specimen si[...]and is published as a useful guide that should be especially
in future pri[...]lpful to less experienced valuing officers.
ANSWER:-As a result of your sugges-
tion, for which we thank you, it has been[...]26a at next reprint, by
inserting "Signature of Customer" beneath MUNICIPALITY .........[...]considered that this amendment STREET:
will encourage customers to sign the form[...]y, Arterial or Access Road. Outhouses-Garage, etc ...[...]Approach
ordinary course of business.
One might well ask: What is the use of a TRANSPORT:[...]Tram -
The answer lies in the fact that the float - 'Bus LOCA[...]Gas, Water, Electricity, Sewer[...]Free from Flooding .
trend of the company's business. Library Well Drained ..
This involves a close study of t[...]table Foundations . . . ....
rower's periodic balance sheets and trading R[...]................. .
accounts, and a sharp watch must be kept BUILDING:
on the movement in su[...].............. Adequate/ Tips, Quarry, Noxious Trade, Swamp,
whatever action may be nece[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (244)[...]accompanying illustration is a[...]facsimile of a rather curious[...]of H.M.A.S. "Perth" as told by " Kilo 100. " weeks. Almost to a man they stated:[...]e the story by re- "The Paymaster told us that we would of interest, less tax, is ac[...]n I was informed th at a gentleman at We are still in contact with the Navy Konversionsk ssr fur deubcbe Auslandss,:hulden
t e counter wished to see me.[...]eavour ing to establish next-of-
He was ushered in, and introduced him-
self as Lieut-Com mander Lowe. His in-[...]One Pe1111y
ments of the business transaction s for the his returns th[...]ate and 1
th ree weeks after we left Fremantle , where being rewarded!
1. had posted my previous returns until the[...]reath, and, I hope,
my poise. I immedi ately rushed him into[...]AT KIRRI BILLI
He told us about the originals being Relieving Ma[...]his other Navy Gavin, R. F., Cygnet; Crowe, W. F., Mel-
~eco~ds. In explaining about the[...]oowoom ba; Wicks,
h oat1~g free when the ship went down, F. V. E ., Moe; Ruff, E. H.[...]on in whose favour
·ebru a ry, 1942. there were not many son, R . W. R., N .S.W. Re[...]Admin. ; Wilson, R. A., Sydney; Liddell, thing h[...]have been a newspaper, or an
Ag~ncy work who will agree with his[...]Town Hall, Perth; Welbourn, R. E., Ade- out by the amou[...]ecting costs, and the time
The statements were in remarkabl y good laide; Barlow, W. E[...]W., Double Bay; send the coupon to us as an item of
The business was finalised through our[...]est for "Currency". Thank you
records, and a week or two later Lieut.- Kiely, V. A., No[...]Mr. IIardingham.
ommander Lowe called again and went Kingsgrov e.[...]readers other banking
through the items with us. His comments oddities to report. We should be glad
were more than a little distressing and 1[...]e W much you and your fellow Aus-
Water, but I don't know if he got thr[...]ts in retail trade there _has b~en a continuous downward
.. ·and in reference to another dep[...]1 I saw him buried."
He also informed us that during cap-[...]orati on with trade associa- augury for busmess, the 1mphcatto n when
tivity. he h[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (245)[...]nvariably
With plates, paper and ink provided we be seen in a bank note.[...]es are printing the surface of each plate must be The same processes are applied in[...]tacts with police and' fire
Ultimate totals must correspond with plates in swift but eff[...]its own modern headquarters, and well armed and trained
the output, and so provide[...]always kept locked when calico for re-use. Approximate[...]120 million
The printing methods used are intaglio For the final printin[...]Letters 13 million
taking twenty-four impressions of £ I-notes At eac[...]tints. thoroughly peruse each sheet, back and Accounting s[...]ily distinguished. These tinting product must be thoroughly dried. Specially MANY NOVELTIES IN NEW
P;ocesses are used to help defeat the de- constructed venti[...]he aim being to issue fitted with locks are used.
an inimitable not/[...]a mighty of Rabaul Branch are now well under
as the ideal security print, is next used in guillotining machine which severs not[...]ed port states that they have been remarked
Printing, and when superimposed on the in twelve neat bundles of 1000 notes upo[...]under close supervision of checking unusual '"H" shape, the idea being to
and they produce[...]ter which they are labelled and Adjustable louvres of glass above sill
through the pres[...]opens onto a spacious verandah, with an[...]the Bank makes its bachelors' quarters,[...]the natives will still refer to the place a,[...]'House-belonga-Master-e-no-got-M ary!'"[...]tainment that the new quarters provide will[...]
Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (246)[...]l Credits
Officer at Melbourne.
Dudley came to us from the G.S.B. at
Ballina in '31, and served als[...]('o!'IMO\IWEALT>!
The Army really took a "shine" to him,[...]that it was not until 1948 that o< I\UST!l"-1-'A
he could be prised loose from their
clut[...]bit really dates back to 1942, when
the Japs had us on the run and Dudley
found himself mixed up with[...]escape
from the island, his knowledge was put
to use with the Allied Geographical Sec-
tion whose job it was to supply the
Intelligence sections of the various com-
mands with the "good oil" on intended
areas[...](',(\ \:_:?, l".112· __ · '-.-J "~-
turned to us with the rank of Major and[...]11 wh ere they clump it."
Which, you may say, just goes to prove[...]son i11 "The .51111", Sy<l11ey,
that absence does make the heart grow previ.ous O.C., Mr. A. R. Girle, resigned
fonder![...]nota too bad-picked it up, we understand of Arts and an Associate of[...]Commonwealth Institute of Accountants[...]record-Flight/Lieutenant plus D.F.<?--[...]pre-war days, and early in hostilities went
Ipswich and Manly in turn over the past[...]modest bloke. We wish him a very happy[...]er his first sight of the captured in the famous "Benghazi Derby,"
peak-hour rush in Barrack Street banking when Rommel's A[...]r disciple from the old G.S.B. of Joining us at Sydney in 1927, Ron also
N.S.W., Gordon served at Kyogle, Bris- served at George Street West (now Broad- Student Officer from
bane Clayfield and George Street, Bris- way), West Ryde, and Sydney again before
bane' before comm[...]I
run at Mackay in 1941. We understand ever since, too, graduating[...]er, Senior Assistant G.B. N March issue we were able to report
to Sydney but has now been switc[...]arrival of three Indonesian bank
to lawn-mowing just like the rest of us. about time he had a move![...]Incidentally, Ron has just completed upon courses of study with[...]e specially designed In April issue we welcomed the arrival
Spare a kindly thought for _[...]enior Clerk "B". Good sports-
man and popular, he will, we. feel su_re, This month we take pleasure in welcom-
manage to knock out a good time during
his s[...]A recent deportee from the peaceful
He joined us at Wellington in 1939, and banks of the Swan Rive[...]Ceylon to undertake a three or four months'
followed, and after a spell a_t Maroubra in I.F.D[...]d, especially, in method~ an f
last heard of was busy house-painting for
Mr. Ball Senior as well as his vaccinations[...]t he has, credit to agriculture and industry for def[...]this stage I can see our "Free We wish him a very pleasant as well as
appointed Manager at Babinda where our[...]en and ink to instructive visit to Australia.[...]

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - "Currency" - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (01/06/1952 to 31/05/1953). Reserve Bank of Australia Unreserved, accessed 12/12/2024,,

Advertising Department - Staff Magazines - &quot;Currency&quot; - June 1952 - May 1953 (monthly) - 1951 - 1959 (2025)
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Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Author information

Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

Phone: +5938540192553

Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.